what is the similar of linear layout in ios - iphone

I have many components in my view controller, and I want to combine them in a single object to scroll them together, what is the procedure to do it (like linearlayout in android) but I need it in IOS.

iOS9 introduced something similar to LinearLayout: UiStackView
See this video from WWDC 2015: https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2015/?id=218

Apple not provide linear container
but you can use XHFLinearView at github
Usage Example:
XHFLinearView *linearView=[[XHFLinearView alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:linearView];
//init linear view content views
[linearView.itemSource addObject:XHFLinearViewUnitMake(someView, XHFMarginMake(0, 0, 0, 0))];
//force layout linear view
[linearView needLayout];
//insert a view with animation
[linearView insertItem:someView margin:XHFMarginMake(0, 0, 0, 0) atIndex:0 withAnimation:XHFLinearItemAnimationFade];
//replace a view with animation
[linearView replaceItem:someView withNewItem:newView withAnimation:XHFLinearItemAnimationFade];
//resize a view with animation
[linearView needLayoutForItem:someView];
//remove a view with animation
[linearView removeItemByIndex:0 withAnimation:XHFLinearItemAnimationFade];

First of all, what you're looking for is a declarative API for layouts. I guess a lot of people that comming from other languages/platforms miss that. iOS just has some other approaches like layout constraints or autoresizing. However this does not fit all the use cases.
Layout libraries
I would suggest to take a look into some libraries existing at CocoaPods. Its easy to install and kick off with it.
I'd like to mention CSLinearLayoutView which is quite easy. Even I am maintainer of a smaller project MKLayoutLibrary which is available via CocoaPods as well. Thats a more compressive one which also provides a linear-, stack- and a simple flow-layout.
Clean solution
However, if you really want to go very deeply into the topic of layouts I recommend playing with UICollectionView and its layout customisation possibilities.
Consider that declarative solutions does not work for a huge amount of items or endless scrolling layouts. If you want to do so, take a further look into UICollectionView custom layouts.

I just wrote a widget called AutoLinearLayoutView which can be checked out from Github.
It's totally based on Auto-layout and supporting iOS 7+. According to your requirement, the example project perfectly demonstrates a dozen of widgets being wrapped by linear layout view, and the linear layout view being placed in UIScrollView.

Linear Layout in Android = Stack View in iOS
orientation: Horizontal, Vertical
Horizontal Stack View, Vertical Stack View in iOS
Recycler View in Android = Table View in iOS

There is no such layout available in iOS. Each component you add on the view will be displayed based on it's frame (not in sequential manner).
For doing this stuff you can use UIScrollView.
Check this tutorial How to use UIScrollView

You'll likely have to do something a bit more manual with iOS. You can add all your views to a UIScrollView, however you'll have to set the contentSize of the UIScrollView appropriately. Essentially, for N items, the scroll view width will be:
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(N * itemWidth + (N - 1) * itemPadding, itemHeight);
Then, you'll need to set the frame of each UIView so that its x-coordinate is appropriate, and add it to the UIScrollView:
for (int i = 0; i < views.count; i++) {
UIView *view = [views objectAtIndex:i];
view.frame = CGRectMake(i * itemWidth + i * itemPadding,
[scrollView addSubview:view];
If you want something more complicated than a simple linear layout, have a look at UICollectionView.

Every component as uiview in ios. so you can put every components into UIView like
[containerView addSubView:YourComponent1];
[containerView addSubView:YourComponent2];
[containerView addSubView:YourComponent3];
then you can add this into your UIScrollView


Page Control Question

I am trying to figure out how to add a page control to my view correctly. I have a keypad currently on the view along with a picker, but I want to separate the keypad and picker.
So I want to swipe to page two, and load a different view which essentially just has a picker. Page one will just have a keypad.
I can't find an example of a page control that switches to two separate views. I looked at the apple example PageControl, but that did not solve my issues.
Any help, suggestions are much appreciated.
You're not going to be able to do this with the native keypad - it doesn't belong to any one view, and so cannot be "paged" in the manner you describe.
As for a couple of hints as far as implementing paging: what you'll want to do is make a UIScrollView, set it's contentSize to be two pages wide (or more if you prefer), and set pagingEnabled to YES. Then add your pages as subviews. Note that the UIPageControl does not itself implement paging - it is an indicator only.
Some basic sample code (untested) assuming horizontal paging:
- (void) initPagesForScrollview:(UIScrollView*) scrollView
CGRect pageFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, scrollView.bounds.size.width,
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(pageFrame.size.width * 2,
scrollView.pagingEnabled = YES;
UIView* page1 = ...
page1.frame = pageFrame;
[scrollView addSubview:page1];
UIView* page2 = ...
pageFrame.origin.x += pageFrame.size.width;
page2.frame = pageFrame;
[scrollView addSubview:page2];
Note the origin of page 2 shifted to the right to make it begin off screen.
You can also do most of this through interface builder, but that's a little more difficult to demonstrate here... Feel free to ask if there's something specific you need.

How to load a view that is larger than a specific area in Xcode 4?

I"m relatively new to iOS development, as you can likely tell, and would like to display about 600 pixels worth of content (in height) on the screen. Just to give you a bit of context, I'm building a tab bar application, so what I'm assuming would be a UIScrollView cannot be defined in the App Delegate. Primarily, what I'm confused about is changing the size of the view and then defining the behaviour of the UIScrollView. I've looked everywhere, but they are all tutorials for < Xcode 4, plus none of them use the View Controller to define a scroll view. Is there a specific IBAction that would only allow the view to scroll up and down, not left and right. Any help would be appreciated.
Once you define the contentSize and assign a subview to the UIScrollView you should be able to scroll automatically.
To make sure you have vertical and horizontal scrolling you could do this -
[scrollview setBounces:YES];
[scrollview setShowsVerticalScrollIndicator:YES];
[scrollview setShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator:YES];
[scrollview setScrollEnabled:YES];
[scrollview setUserInteractionEnabled:YES];
If you want to add double-tap to zoom etc. you could do that too in similar way...

How to reuse/recycle custom element like uitableviewcell does?

When using UITableView, we can reuse its cells using [[ UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle: reuseIdentifier:] and [uiTableViewInstance dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:] methods. This helps keep memory in check for huge tables as only a few cells are there in the view at a given instant.
I want to create a UIScrollView that has many subviews. Inserting all the subviews takes up a lot of memory and initial time that I want to avoid. Does Apple API provides ways to reuse such custom components (a UIView or a subclass of it here) just like cell views using a identifier?
I will create one if there is no API, but have some doubts regarding this. For example, for every new subview, I am setting its frame position, after the previos views. How should I go about updating the frame for each subview while recycling? Should I delete and reload the content of every subview as it gets recycled? Should I do all these calculations in another thread to avoid jerky scrolling? In all, I would like to have a smooth scrolling experience like in UITableView with all the reusing stuff.
Here is a sample of code that I have written so far:
int numberOfPages = 0;
int pageWidth = 100;
int pageHeight = 100
UIScrollView *myScrollView = //allocate and initialize a scrollview
//set its size to 100 by 100 (width equal to pageWidth)
//set paging enabled for myScrollView
Adding subviews to it from a method, that is called multiple times
- (void) appendSubViewToScrollView {
UIView *view = //allocate and initialize a view and dump data in it.
CGRect rect = view.frame;
rect.size.height = pageHeight;
rect.size.width = pageWidth;
rect.origin = CGPointMake(pageHeight * numberOfPages, 0);
view.frame = rect;
[myScrollView addSubview:view];
[scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(pageHeight * numberOfPages, pageWidth)];
[view release];
Some insight into how tableview and its cells achieve this behind the scenes would be useful.
Yes, you should restore each subview content each time, exactly as in the table view. The advantage of recycling subviews is in memory saving for view storage, and time saving for view allocation, but of course content data management is up to you.
So the standard recycling approach requires you to use a number of cells which is equal to the number of views visible at the same time on screen + the number of extra cells you may get when starting scrolling.
Let's say for example you're showing 5 full views at a time (scroll view stable) and then while scrolling you will need one extra view which is partially shown, so at the end you need 5+1=6 views. This is in theory, it is recommended to use 2 more views.
So you need to write two pools: one called "visibleViews" which is made of all views added as subviews to the scrollview, and another one called "availableViews" which is made of all views available for re-use.
Then you create all these views and add them to the scroll view (yes: you need to adjust their frame according to their position in the scrollview, and yes, you need to setup the content again).
Finally you need to track the scroll view movement by setting a delegate. The purpose of this tracking is to calculate which of the visible views is no more visible, then remove it from the visible pool and move to the usable pool. Besides the delegate must understand when a new cell is going to appear but it is still not visible, then getting it from the available pool (or alloc/init it if the pool is empty) and adding to both the visible pool and as subview of the scrollview.
Of course if you want to increase performance you can place more subviews in the scroll view in order to avoid to move cells exactly when they start appearing on screen, that's why I recommended to use a couple of extra views at the sides of the scroll view.
There is a great video from WWDC 2010 (you can access it if you're a registered developer) about usage of scroll views in iOS: it explains this technique.
The Apple's PhotoScroller example code in the XCode documentation does essentially what is stated in the WWDC video and explains this technique.

iPhone Horizontal Scrolling

I am trying to create an app with horizontal scrolling, so that one would be able to scroll horizontally through a series of images. I watched the WWDC Session 104 video on this, and while they made an interesting app, they flew through the basics of it very quickly.
I understand using the UIScrollView, and that I have to enable paging. After that they say that I should add more views as subviews of the scrollview, but I am not clear on how to do that. I am also not clear on how I add my images to those views.
As you can probably tell I am pretty new at this so any help would be appreciated.
You want to look into UIImageView. It's a view specifically for holding images.
When you add your images, you want to set their rects (probably using initWithFrame: for each UIImageView) so that:
the first image is at 0,0
the second image is at 320,0
third is at 640,0 (etc)
I.e. each image is 320 pixels right of the previous.
The final step is to set the contentSize for your UIScrollView -- this is a CGSize which describes the total size of the scroll view.
If you have 3 images, you would then set it to (320*3) * 480 using e.g.
myScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320*3, 480);
A lot of people, when they initialize the scroll view, have a for loop or similar which steps through the images they want to display. These for loops tend to look something like this:
CGFloat scrollWidth = 0.f;
for (UIImage *someImage in someNSArrayWithImages) {
UIImageView *theView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:
CGRectMake(scrollWidth, 0, 320.f, 480.f)];
theView.image = someImage;
[myScrollView addSubview:theView];
[theView release];
scrollWidth += 320.f;
myScrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollWidth, 480.f);
This way you'll get things lined up and you'll get the content size for you at the same time.
If you want to make it so that the scroll view "intelligently" scrolls to each image and stops when people slide left/right, you can do myScrollView.pagingEnabled = YES.
Hope that helps get you going.
Assuming you have "infinite" images, putting them all there at or before launch time in a huge UIScrollView will not be an option. (there is a limit to the size of a UIView)
The way I solved it: Make a UIScrollView covering the whole screen. It's content should be a UIView of 3*320 width and 480 height, extending 320px left and 320px right.
Put 3 UIImageView's in it, left, middle and right. Set paging=YES, so the uiscrollview clips to the 3 "pages" you've created.
Make sure your class is the delegate of the uiscrollview, and listen for
-(void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView*)sv willDecelerate:(BOOL)notFinished
and make the appropriate transitions on hitting paging boundaries; shift images and set ContentOffset so you're looking at the center image again.
I suggest you make this first, and only then read on...
Then you will hit on a bug, documented here UIScrollView - (bounces = NO) seems to override (pagingEnabled = YES) and here http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/935-paging-uiscrollview.html, which makes that you cannot disable bouncing and have paging enabled at the same time. So enable bouncing, and subclass UIScrollView, overruling setContentOffset in there to prevent bouncing. (having bouncing really enabled will make for a rather unusual user experience)
Have a look at Apple's PageControl sample code. It's fairly short and easy to follow so you'll get the gist of setting up a project where multiple view controllers are loaded as you swipe horizontally.
Once you have this setup then it's the view controller's responsibility to load its own content (in your case, an image). You should make sure you understand how to load images first (using threads, etc) before you tackle paging, etc.
Think of it as two independent tasks. The view control is responsible for loading and displaying an image. The scroll view with paging just tells the appropriate view controller when to load itself (it doesn't care what the view controller does once its loaded)
Good luck!

iPhone Horizontal Scrolling Table

I need to create a view on the iPhone that scrolls horizontally through a gallery of images. The issue is that this gallery has the potential to have 100s to 1000s of images that needs to be presented, so I would like to avoid loading them all into a single UIScrollView at once and destroying performance. I need to create a view that recycles the view objects (like UITableView) to increase performance and reduce memory overhead, but it needs to scroll in a horizontal fashion.
Any ideas? Is it possible to make UITableView operation horizontally?
You could use a large scrollview, and monitor for the scroll position to change. You can add images as subviews as they are coming into the actual viewable area, and remove them as they are scrolled away.
This way, you only have to have a small number of image views present at any given time, but you give the appearance of them all being "there".
You could even recycle the image views by changing their image and location so you are not creating and destroying complex objects. This is what UITableView does with cells.
It is as simple as appyling a Transform.
Here is the code. Write this in the your tableViewController init:
self.view.frame = CGRectMake(100,-5,250,350); //any Frame of your choice
CGAffineTransform trans = self.view.transform; // get current transform (i.e. portrait)
trans = CGAffineTransformRotate(trans, (M_PI / -2.0)); // rotate 90 degrees to go landscape
self.view.transform = trans; // set current transform (landscape)
But now what you need to realize is that your axis are also swapped. Any changes you make to the height will change the width (and vice versa) and any changes made to the origin.x changes the origin.y (and vice versa)
I agree with mbmcavoy, you can also take a look iPhone/iPad – AppStore like UIScrollView with paging and preview this article explains what you need about UIScrollView as well as provides a good example and source code.
Is it possible to add a UITableView horizontally? In a different orientation than the screen. Then you can use regular UITableView semantics where each row is an image that scrolls horizontally instead of vertically.
Posting an answer to this old thread because the validated answer is not correct. You may use a UITableViewController and its dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier built-in features.
The trick is to make your tableview rotate and then make your cell rotate in the opposite direction.
in viewDidLoad you will add:
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI_2);
And then in cellForRowAtIndexPath you would use:
cell.containerView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI_2);
Make sure that every content of your cell is added to a container view (in this example containerView) so that you only have to rotate the container and not every cell subview.
Also please note that it will work better with cells having square dimensions, cause otherwise you may struggle with height/width computation.
I think I have the answer for you About scrolling an UITableView Horizontally:
create an UIScrollView (and disable
the vertical scroll)
put an UITableView inside the scroll
change the table view width as you
wish and update the
UIScrollView.contentSize as the
tableView width