How do I get substring to work in matlab? - matlab

I apologize if this is a newb question, but I have read the documentation here and it says nothing about having to input any command before using substring.
However, when I try to call it as follows:
substring('hello world', 2)
It gives me the error
??? Undefined function or method 'substring' for input arguments of type 'char'.
What is the correct way to invoke this substring?

Not to detract from the OP's answer, which actually more directly adresses the question you ask, but assuming all you want to do is extract a certain number of characters from a string, MATLAB's indexing is all you need:
myString = 'Hello, world!';
mySubstring = myString(3:end)
mySubstring =
llo, world!

substring is not a MATLAB function at all, at least in MATLAB proper. There IS a substring JAVA function, but I have no idea if that is what you are asking.
>> which substring
substring is a Java method % java.lang.String method
The above also tells you what you will need to do. Look here. (Google is your friend. Of course, you could as easily have done exactly what I just did, and gotten this answer far more quickly.)
You may also be talking about some custom code, written by some colleague of yours. In that case, talk to your friend. Very often I hear about tools that were written by someone, then left around as legacy code, unsupported. Eventually, it just disappears due to path issues when new versions of MATLAB are installed.

You might actually want strsplit. This will parse char data by a given or default delimiter and return a cell array of the pieces.


MatLab - dicm2nii - Custom output filenames (.json, .gz)

converting dicm to nii works great with the help of this script from xiangruili :
BUT I need to modify the output filenames and add a string to it. The function save_json of the script (dicm2nii.m) was promising, but I am new to matlab and have the feeling that there is a simple solution to this problem.
Cant somebody help me, please!
As #Wolfie correctly mentioned, this is not something easily addressed for people unfamiliar with the particular program. But I took a very quick look since I currently use other tools for DICOM to NiFTI conversion and was curious about this one. Here are some general comments that hopefully will help.
The "json" file is just for metadata, and you probably care more about the .nii image file (or both). It looks like nii_tool('save', nii, filename, force_3D) handles the latter.
The nii_tool and save_json calls are just passed a variable containing the output filename, which you could create/modify using any of the standard MATLAB methods (e.g., sprintf or strcat). There are already some examples of this within the code in the calls to nii_tool('save', ...).
Since you say that you are new to MATLAB, it is probably easiest for you (and likely everyone) to write a script to rename the files after exportation. That way, you don't have to worry about catching all of the cases/ instances within the 3000 lines of code that someone else wrote and just fix it with a simple program at the other end. Becomes a much more tractable problem that way.
As an aside, I currently use dcm2niix ( available from GitHub or NITRC) for this conversion outside of MATLAB.

When is the eval function necessary?

I just read the following article from MathWorks which describes why it is important to avoid the eval function and lists alternatives to many of eval's common uses.
After reading the article, I have the impression that the eval function is neither useful nor necessary. So, my question is this: When is the eval function necessary?
I have found only one useful case for eval, and then the evalc variety: when calling a function with built-in command line call back (e.g. lines without ; or with disp calls), which you cannot modify. For instance when you got some obfuscated function that dumps heaps of stuff to your command window. In that case it's best to try and obtain the source code to modify that to your needs, as using evalc will mess up your performance. Otherwise, I have not found a case where eval is the best solution.
I wrote an extensive answer detailing why you should try to avoid eval as much as possible here: How to put these images together?
I have already used eval when trying to create multiple arrays with different names. This is not really recommended, but it worked for my specific application. For example, if I wanted to have N matrices with the specific names "matrix1" "matrix2" .. "matrixN" , one solution would be to manually type these in as "matrix1 = something" ... "matrixN = somethingelse". If N is really large, this is not ideal. Using eval , you could set up a for loop that would change the name of the matrix on every loop, and calculate some value based on that same N value.
Of course, ideally saving them in to a cell would be better, but I needed the arrays in the format I described.

Subscript multiple characters in Julia variable name?

I can write:
x\_m<TAB> = 5
to get x subscript m as a variable name in Julia. What if I want to subscript a word instead of a single character? This
x\_max<TAB> = 5
doesn't work. However,
x\_m<TAB>\_a<TAB>\_x<TAB> = 5
does work, it's just very uncomfortable. Is there a better way?
As I noted in my comment, not all ASCII characters exist as unicode super- or sub-scripts. In addition, another difficulty in generalizing this tab completion will be determining what \_phi<TAB> should mean: is it ₚₕᵢ or ᵩ? Finally, I'll note that since these characters are cobbled together from different ranges for different uses they look pretty terrible when used together.
A simple hack to support common words you use would be to add them piecemeal to the Base.REPLCompletions.latex_symbols dictionary:
Base.REPLCompletions.latex_symbols["\\_max"] = "ₘₐₓ"
Base.REPLCompletions.latex_symbols["\\_min"] = "ₘᵢₙ"
You can put these additions in your .juliarc.jl file to load them every time on startup. While it may be possible to get a comprehensive solution, it'll take much more work.
Since Julia 1.6 this works for subscripts (\_) and superscripts(\^) in the Julia REPL.
x\_maxTAB will print out like this: xₘₐₓ.
x\^maxTAB will print out like this: xᵐᵃˣ.

Get old-style help in Matlab's command window

Short version of question
In recent versions of Matlab (I have seen it in R2014b and R2015a on Windows), when you type help foo you get a brief description of the function and its signatures. For example, typing help bsxfun produces something like this (only with better format):
This MATLAB function applies the element-by-element binary operation specified by the function handle fun to arrays A and B, with singleton expansion enabled.
C = bsxfun(fun,A,B)
Reference page for bsxfun
See also arrayfun, repmat
Other uses of bsxfun
This is of course only a summary of the actual documentation. To get the full documentation you need to type doc foo. This opens the HTML help browser, which takes quite some time (at least on some computers).
Is there a way to get the full help in the command window (thus avoiding the help browser), as it used to be in older Matlab versions?
Long version of question
To look into this in more detail, I'll define "old" Matlab versions as those that don't have HTML help, and "new" versions as those that do. I also need to give each type of help a name, in order to refer to them:
FP (Full, Plain): full help in the form of plain text, shown in Matlab command window (old style).
SH (Summarized, HTML): summarized help in the form of HTML, shown in Matlab command window.
FH (Full, HTML): full help in the form of HTML, shown in the help browser.
As is well known, the text for FP help is contained in the first comment lines in the file defining the function. In new Matlab versions, functions may also have an associated HTML file. This file contains SH help in an HTML tag, and FH help in HTML code.
Possible behaviour is:
In old Matlab versions, help foo produced FP help.
In new Matlab versions, help foo produces SH help if foo has an associated HTML help file, and FP help if it doesn't.
In new Matlab versions, doc foo produces FH help if foo has an associated HTML help file. If it doesn't, FP help is shown in the help browser (without format).
So the problem is more properly phrased as: how to show FP help in new Matlab versions when foo has an associated HTML help file. The question is meaningful because
Most Matlab functions do have an associated HTML help file.
Most Matlab functions, even built-in functions (that have no m-code), have and m-file containing FP help.
An additional motivation is that in some cases the FP documentation contains features that don't appear in the FH documentation (see for example here).
Original answer (Matlab versions R2014b, R2015a)
Although the documentation doesn't tell, the help function in these Matlab versions supports zero, one or two output arguments. You can check this typing open help and looking at the function signature:
function [out, docTopic] = help(varargin)
In essence, help works internally as follows:
It creates an object called process, of class helpUtils.helpProcess, by calling the class constructor as:
process = helpUtils.helpProcess(nargout, nargin, varargin);
where nargout, argin and varargin are those with which help was called.
It runs the method process.getHelpText, which calls the undocumented, built-in function helpfunc, and as a result sets the property process.helpStr. This property contains the help string which is shown in the command window.
As it turns out, at least on Windows, depending on the value of nargout (which gets passed to the constructor helpUtils.helpProcess) the resulting help string will be FP or SH. Namely, it will be FP if nargout>0, and SH if nargout==0. You can check this by typing the following code (adapted from help.m) directly in the command window:
process = helpUtils.helpProcess(1, 1, {'bsxfun'});
This will produce FP help. On the other hand, changing the first 1 (which corresponds to nargout in the actual call) into a 0,
process = helpUtils.helpProcess(0, 1, {'bsxfun'});
will produce SH help.
I don't know why this is so, that is, how it works on a deeper level than this. All I know is that the getHelp method calls the undocumented helpfunc, which is at least involved in producing FP help.
So, to get FP help you need to call help with one or two output arguments. For example,
str = help('foo')
assigns the FP help text to variable str and displays it. Or you can use
which also has the effect of calling help with an (implicit) output argument.
To have this behaviour from the standard command help foo, you could define a help function to override Matlab's help, and place it in your Matlab document folder. This folder normally appears first in the path (or you can make sure it does by editing startup.m), and thus has precedence. The new function will essentially call Matlab's help with one output argument, and then display the resulting (FP) help text. In order to call the overriden function it is necessary to temporarily change to its folder:
function help(varargin)
if isempty(varargin)
varargin = {'help'}; %// `help` should be equivalent to `help help`
d = pwd; %// take note of current folder
cd(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'matlab', 'helptools')) %// folder where the
%// standard `help` function is
cd(d) %// restore folder
So now, finally, help foo produces the old-style (FP) help.
Edit for Matlab version R2015b
In Matlab R2015b the behaviour seems to have changed for the better. Typing help foo no longer produces SH help. It's not exactly FP either. In fact it's better than that: it produces FH help but in the command Window, not in the browser. Or, equivalently, it produces FP help but with links and better formattting.
So no need to tweak anymore!
Edit for Matlab version R2018a
Matlab R2018a again gives SH help. The solution provided in this answer works (that is, produces FP help).
So back to tweaking!
A better way is to include the full path to the function when using the help command, then old style full help is displayed and the links also work, e.g. try:
help surf
help(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'matlab', 'graph3d', 'surf.m'))
I’ve just submitted an override help function based on this to MATLAB FEX:Full Command Line Help

File reading in matlab

I'm having troubles with my code in Matlab. I want to get the mean value of all the elements in the second column in a file, but for some reason the code does not include the last line.
My file looks like this:
And my code looks like this:
As you might already understand, my code gets the mean value of all numbers except the last one for Italy.
Any suggestions on how to proceed would be highly appreciated.
It's actually suggested by Mathworks to not use feof with fgetl loops, but to instead check whether the output is with ischar. Simply replace ~feof(fid) with ischar(line).
A side note: line is also a MATLAB function, by using it as a variable name you are shadowing the function. While it is not critical here, you should try to avoid doing this. If you try to use line the function or another function which calls line while you have a variable line in the workspace, you'll likely get an error. This is why you'll see the examples in the help use things like tline as variable names instead.
You should put
to the top in the while loop.