Is it possible to customize UITabBarItem Badge? - iphone

The question below is similar as mine.
How to use a custom UIImage as an UITabBarItem Badge?
Is it possible to use a background image instead of drawing it myself?
I think it's fine since my app will only use a 1-digit badgeValue.
If it is not really possible, I want to know if we can change the badge color instead.
The answers in the question below are not really helping.
Is it possible to change UITabBarItem badge color

This is your best bet. Add this extension at the file scope and you can customise the badges however you like. Just call self.tabBarController!.setBadges([1,0,2]) in any of your root view controllers.
To be clear that is for a tab bar with three items, with the badge values going from left to right.
If you want to add images instead just change the addBadge method
extension UITabBarController {
func setBadges(badgeValues: [Int]) {
var labelExistsForIndex = [Bool]()
for _ in badgeValues {
for view in self.tabBar.subviews where view is PGTabBadge {
let badgeView = view as! PGTabBadge
let index = badgeView.tag
if badgeValues[index] == 0 {
labelExistsForIndex[index] = true
badgeView.text = String(badgeValues[index])
for i in 0...(labelExistsForIndex.count - 1) where !labelExistsForIndex[i] && (badgeValues[i] > 0) {
addBadge(index: i, value: badgeValues[i], color: .red, font: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Light", size: 11)!)
func addBadge(index: Int, value: Int, color: UIColor, font: UIFont) {
let itemPosition = CGFloat(index + 1)
let itemWidth: CGFloat = tabBar.frame.width / CGFloat(tabBar.items!.count)
let bgColor = color
let xOffset: CGFloat = 5
let yOffset: CGFloat = -12
let badgeView = PGTabBadge()
badgeView.frame.size = CGSize(width: 12, height: 12) = CGPoint(x: (itemWidth * itemPosition) - (itemWidth / 2) + xOffset, y: 20 + yOffset)
badgeView.layer.cornerRadius = badgeView.bounds.width/2
badgeView.clipsToBounds = true
badgeView.textColor = UIColor.white
badgeView.textAlignment = .center
badgeView.font = font
badgeView.text = String(value)
badgeView.backgroundColor = bgColor
badgeView.tag = index
class PGTabBadge: UILabel { }

Here is another solution based on TimWhiting's answer:
extension UITabBar {
func setBadge(value: String?, at index: Int, withConfiguration configuration: TabBarBadgeConfiguration = TabBarBadgeConfiguration()) {
let existingBadge = subviews.first { ($0 as? TabBarBadge)?.hasIdentifier(for: index) == true }
guard let tabBarItems = items,
let value = value else { return }
let itemPosition = CGFloat(index + 1)
let itemWidth = frame.width / CGFloat(tabBarItems.count)
let itemHeight = frame.height
let badge = TabBarBadge(for: index)
badge.frame.size = configuration.size = CGPoint(x: (itemWidth * itemPosition) - (0.5 * itemWidth) + configuration.centerOffset.x,
y: (0.5 * itemHeight) + configuration.centerOffset.y)
badge.layer.cornerRadius = 0.5 * configuration.size.height
badge.clipsToBounds = true
badge.textAlignment = .center
badge.backgroundColor = configuration.backgroundColor
badge.font = configuration.font
badge.textColor = configuration.textColor
badge.text = value
class TabBarBadge: UILabel {
var identifier: String = String(describing: TabBarBadge.self)
private func identifier(for index: Int) -> String {
return "\(String(describing: TabBarBadge.self))-\(index)"
convenience init(for index: Int) {
identifier = identifier(for: index)
func hasIdentifier(for index: Int) -> Bool {
let has = identifier == identifier(for: index)
return has
class TabBarBadgeConfiguration {
var backgroundColor: UIColor = .red
var centerOffset: CGPoint = .init(x: 12, y: -9)
var size: CGSize = .init(width: 17, height: 17)
var textColor: UIColor = .white
var font: UIFont! = .systemFont(ofSize: 11) {
didSet { font = font ?? .systemFont(ofSize: 11) }
static func construct(_ block: (TabBarBadgeConfiguration) -> Void) -> TabBarBadgeConfiguration {
let new = TabBarBadgeConfiguration()
return new

You can use a more robust solution #UITabbarItem-CustomBadge.
Simple two line of code can get you going
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
//supplying the animation parameter
[UITabBarItem setDefaultAnimationProvider:[[DefaultTabbarBadgeAnimation alloc] init]];
[UITabBarItem setDefaultConfigurationProvider:[[DefaultSystemLikeBadgeConfiguration alloc] init]];
//rest of your code goes following...
return YES;

well... changing the background of the built-in badge does not seem possible to me. But what IS possible instead, is the following:
Subclass the TabBarController, build a custom view laid out in a NIB, add it to the view hierarchy at the location in the tab bar, where you want it to be.
In the custom view you can set up an image as background and a label on top of that background, that will display the number value you can then change by code.
Then you need to figure out the horizontal and vertical location of your custom view where you want to place your view inside of the tab bar.
Hope this helps a little bit.

TimWhiting's answer updated to Swift 4 with the removal of some force unwrapping.
extension UITabBarController {
func setBadges(badgeValues: [Int]) {
var labelExistsForIndex = [Bool]()
for _ in badgeValues {
for view in tabBar.subviews {
if let badgeView = view as? PGTabBadge {
let index = badgeView.tag
if badgeValues[index] == 0 {
labelExistsForIndex[index] = true
badgeView.text = String(badgeValues[index])
for i in 0 ... labelExistsForIndex.count - 1 where !labelExistsForIndex[i] && badgeValues[i] > 0 {
index: i,
value: badgeValues[i],
color: UIColor(red: 4 / 255, green: 110 / 255, blue: 188 / 255, alpha: 1),
font: UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Light", size: 11)!
func addBadge(index: Int, value: Int, color: UIColor, font: UIFont) {
guard let tabBarItems = tabBar.items else { return }
let itemPosition = CGFloat(index + 1)
let itemWidth: CGFloat = tabBar.frame.width / CGFloat(tabBarItems.count)
let bgColor = color
let xOffset: CGFloat = 12
let yOffset: CGFloat = -9
let badgeView = PGTabBadge()
badgeView.frame.size = CGSize(width: 17, height: 17) = CGPoint(x: (itemWidth * itemPosition) - (itemWidth / 2) + xOffset, y: 20 + yOffset)
badgeView.layer.cornerRadius = badgeView.bounds.width / 2
badgeView.clipsToBounds = true
badgeView.textColor = UIColor.white
badgeView.textAlignment = .center
badgeView.font = font
badgeView.text = String(value)
badgeView.backgroundColor = bgColor
badgeView.tag = index
class PGTabBadge: UILabel {}
Sample Image


Not deleting label subview in view (swift)

I am dynamically adding labels to the screen. I add outline text to this label.
When I create 2 labels, when I zoom in the first label, the outline text is not deleted and regenerated. I give different tags to each label and outline text. Outline text is tag => label tags + 1
Why isn't this outline text deleted even though there are different tags?
Outline text extension
extension UILabel {
func addTextOutline(usingColor outlineColor: UIColor, outlineWidth: CGFloat, tagX: Int) {
let textOutline = OutlinedText()
let outlineTag = tagX + 1
print("label_tag_outline: \(outlineTag) ")
print("label_tag_outline_self: \(tag) ")
// label tag :955182
if let prevTextOutline = viewWithTag(outlineTag) {
print("label_tag_outline: \(outlineTag) delete **************")
textOutline.outlineColor = outlineColor
textOutline.outlineWidth = outlineWidth
textOutline.textColor = textColor
textOutline.font = font
textOutline.text = text
textOutline.tag = outlineTag
textOutline.frame = CGRect(x: -(outlineWidth / 2), y: -(outlineWidth / 2),
width: bounds.width + outlineWidth,
height: bounds.height + outlineWidth)
// MARK: - - OutlinedText CLASSS
class OutlinedText: UILabel {
var outlineWidth: CGFloat = 0
var outlineColor: UIColor = .clear
override public func drawText(in rect: CGRect) {
let shadowOffset = self.shadowOffset
let textColor = self.textColor
let c = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
textAlignment = .center
self.textColor = outlineColor
super.drawText(in: rect)
self.textColor = textColor
self.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0)
super.drawText(in: rect)
self.shadowOffset = shadowOffset
#objc func pinchRecoginze(_ pinchGesture: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
guard pinchGesture.view != nil else { return }
let view = pinchGesture.view!
if pinchGesture.view is UILabel {
let textLabel = view as! UILabel
if pinchGesture.state == .began {
let font = textLabel.font
pointSize = font!.pointSize
pinchGesture.scale = textLabel.font!.pointSize * 0.1
if 1 <= pinchGesture.scale && pinchGesture.scale <= 10 {
textLabel.font = UIFont(name: textLabel.font!.fontName, size: pinchGesture.scale * 10)
print("label_tag_PINCH: \(textLabel.tag) ")
resizeLabelToText(textLabel: textLabel, tag: textLabel.tag)
func resizeLabelToText(textLabel: UILabel, tag: Int) {
let labelSize = textLabel.intrinsicContentSize
textLabel.bounds.size = labelSize
label.addTextOutline(usingColor: .red, outlineWidth: 10, tagX: tag)
label.addTextOutline(usingColor: .red, outlineWidth: 10, tagX: label.tag)
enter image description here

Cannot find 'view' in scope swift 5

I understand that this is newbie question but I can not find answer on stackoverflow or google.
I created swift file with a function which access/call in every controller.
func showActivityIndicator(show: Bool) {
var activityIndicator : NVActivityIndicatorView!
let xAxis = // or use (view.frame.size.width / 2) //error
let yAxis = // or use (view.frame.size.height / 2)//error
let size = CGRect(x: (xAxis - 50), y: (yAxis - 50), width: 45, height: 45)
activityIndicator = NVActivityIndicatorView(frame: size)
activityIndicator.type = .ballSpinFadeLoader // add your type
activityIndicator.color = // add your color
if show {
} else {
but it gives me Cannot find 'view' in scope error.Thank you in advance!
You could create an extension. You can do that like this:
extension UIViewController {
func showActivityIndicator(show: Bool) {
var activityIndicator : NVActivityIndicatorView!
let xAxis = // or use (view.frame.size.width / 2) //error
let yAxis = // or use (view.frame.size.height / 2)//error
let size = CGRect(x: (xAxis - 50), y: (yAxis - 50), width: 45, height: 45)
activityIndicator = NVActivityIndicatorView(frame: size)
activityIndicator.type = .ballSpinFadeLoader // add your type
activityIndicator.color = // add your color
if show {
} else {
It works if you place your function in a class derived from UIViewController or as suggested you add extension to the class. I tested your function on my application and there were no problems with "".

Custom UIButton Causes Storyboard Agent Crash Swift

I created a custom UIButton class and it causing the storyboard agent to fail.
I'm Including my extensions cause I really don't know what the problem is.
I tried to debug this view from the storyboard but it sends me straight to assembly code.
I tried to make it a without #IBDesignable, but it still cause a crash.
Also if you tips for improving how I'm writing my class I'll be glad to hear them.
I'll be glad if you can help me
This is my class:
#IBDesignable class customButton: UIButton{
private let imagesPadding: CGFloat = 2
private var ArrowSymbleImageView: UIImageView!
#IBInspectable var iconImageInspectable: UIImage = UIImage(systemName: "globe")!{
willSet {
if (ArrowSymbleImageView != nil) {
ArrowSymbleImageView.image = newValue
#IBInspectable var BackgroundColorInspectable: UIColor = .white {
willSet {
self.backgroundColor = newValue
if (ArrowSymbleImageView != nil) {
if (self.BackgroundColorInspectable.isDarkColor) {
ArrowSymbleImageView.tintColor = .white
ArrowSymbleImageView.tintColor = .black
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
private func generalDeinit() {
private func generalInit() {
self.backgroundColor = self.BackgroundColorInspectable
self.roundCorners(corners: [.bottomLeft], radius: self.width() / 2 * 0.7)
let sizePartFromView: CGFloat = 4
ArrowSymbleImageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: self.width() / 2 - (self.width() / sizePartFromView / 2),
y: self.height() / 2 - (self.height() / sizePartFromView / 2),
width: self.width() / sizePartFromView,
height: self.height() / sizePartFromView))
ArrowSymbleImageView.image = self.iconImageInspectable
if (self.BackgroundColorInspectable.isDarkColor) {
ArrowSymbleImageView.tintColor = .white
ArrowSymbleImageView.tintColor = .black
ArrowSymbleImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
internal extension UIView {
func roundCorners(corners: UIRectCorner, radius: CGFloat) {
let path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: bounds, byRoundingCorners: corners, cornerRadii: CGSize(width: radius, height: radius))
let mask = CAShapeLayer()
mask.path = path.cgPath
layer.mask = mask
internal extension UIView {
func dropShadow(scale: Bool = true, size: CGSize = CGSize(width: -2, height: 2)) {
layer.masksToBounds = false
layer.shadowColor =
layer.shadowOpacity = 0.5
layer.shadowOffset = size
layer.shadowRadius = 1
layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: bounds).cgPath
layer.shouldRasterize = true
layer.rasterizationScale = scale ? UIScreen.main.scale : 1
func dropShadow(color: UIColor, opacity: Float = 0.5, offSet: CGSize, radius: CGFloat = 1, scale: Bool = true) {
layer.masksToBounds = false
layer.shadowColor = color.cgColor
layer.shadowOpacity = opacity
layer.shadowOffset = offSet
layer.shadowRadius = radius
layer.shadowPath = UIBezierPath(rect: self.bounds).cgPath
layer.shouldRasterize = true
layer.rasterizationScale = scale ? UIScreen.main.scale : 1
internal extension UIColor
var isDarkColor: Bool {
var r, g, b, a: CGFloat
(r, g, b, a) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
self.getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)
let lum = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b
return lum < 0.50 ? true : false
I noticed this:
UIImage(systemName: "globe")!
Is there a reason why you instantiate a custom image this way? Is "globe" an apple provided default image?
You should be really using, if this isn't a default image.
Dont use Force unwrapping when you do not have confirmation about data always use optional binding and do change following line in code from this UIImage(systemName: "globe")! to UIImage(named:"globe")! .

Swift extension example

I was originally wanting to know how to make something like this
so that I could define my own colors and use them throughout my app.
I had studied extensions before and I thought that I could probably use them to solve my problem, but I couldn't remember exactly how to set extensions up. Searching on Google at the time of this writing for "Swift extension" resulted in the documentation, several long tutorials, and a rather unhelpful Stack Overflow question.
So the answers are out there, but it takes some digging through the docs and tutorials. I decided to write this question and the following answer to add some better search keywords to Stack Overflow and to provide a quick refresher on how extensions are set up.
Specifically I wanted to know:
Where do the extensions reside (file and naming convention)?
What is the extension syntax?
What are a few simple common use examples?
Creating an extension
Add a new swift file with File > New > File... > iOS > Source > Swift File. You can call it what you want.
The general naming convention is to call it TypeName+NewFunctionality.swift.
Example 1 - Double
import Swift // or Foundation
extension Double {
func celsiusToFahrenheit() -> Double {
return self * 9 / 5 + 32
func fahrenheitToCelsius() -> Double {
return (self - 32) * 5 / 9
let boilingPointCelsius = 100.0
let boilingPointFarenheit = boilingPointCelsius.celsiusToFahrenheit()
print(boilingPointFarenheit) // 212.0
Example 2 - String
import Swift // or Foundation
extension String {
func replace(target: String, withString: String) -> String {
return self.replacingOccurrences(of: target, with: withString)
let newString = "the old bike".replace(target: "old", withString: "new")
print(newString) // "the new bike"
Here are some more common String extensions.
Example 3 - UIColor
import UIKit
extension UIColor {
class var customGreen: UIColor {
let darkGreen = 0x008110
return UIColor.rgb(fromHex: darkGreen)
class func rgb(fromHex: Int) -> UIColor {
let red = CGFloat((fromHex & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 0xFF
let green = CGFloat((fromHex & 0x00FF00) >> 8) / 0xFF
let blue = CGFloat(fromHex & 0x0000FF) / 0xFF
let alpha = CGFloat(1.0)
return UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha)
See here also.
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.customGreen
Once you define an extension it can be used anywhere in your app just like the built in class functions.
If you are not sure of exactly what the function or property syntax should look like, you can Option+click a similar built in method. For example, when I Option+clicked UIColor.greenColor I see the declaration is class func greenColor() -> UIColor. That gives me a good clue for how to set up my custom method.
Apple Documentation for Extensions
In Objective-C extensions are known as categories.
Try this some new extension methods:
extension UIColor{
//get new color from rgb value
class func RGB(_ red:CGFloat , andGreenColor green:CGFloat, andBlueColor blue:CGFloat, withAlpha alpha:CGFloat) -> UIColor
let color = UIColor(red: red/255.0, green: green/255.0, blue: blue/255.0, alpha: alpha)
return color
//return color from comma separated string of RGB paramater
convenience init(rgbString :String, alpha:CGFloat = 1.0){
let arrColor = rgbString.components(separatedBy: ",")
let red:CGFloat = CGFloat(NumberFormatter().number(from: arrColor[0])!)
let green:CGFloat = CGFloat(NumberFormatter().number(from: arrColor[1])!)
let blue:CGFloat = CGFloat(NumberFormatter().number(from: arrColor[2])!)
self.init(red: red/255.0, green: green/255.0, blue: blue/255.0, alpha: alpha)
//return color from hexadecimal value
//let color2 = UIColor(rgbHexaValue: 0xFFFFFFFF)
convenience init(rgbHexaValue: Int, alpha: CGFloat = 1.0) {
self.init(red: CGFloat((rgbHexaValue >> 16) & 0xFF), green: CGFloat((rgbHexaValue >> 8) & 0xFF), blue: CGFloat(rgbHexaValue & 0xFF), alpha: alpha)
extension UITextField{
//set cornerRadius
func cornerRadius(){
self.layer.cornerRadius = self.frame.height / 2
self.clipsToBounds = true
//set bordercolor
func borderColor(){
self.layer.borderColor = TEXTFIELD_BORDER_COLOR.cgColor
self.layer.borderWidth = 1.0
//set borderWidth
func borderWidth(size:CGFloat){
self.layer.borderWidth = size
//check textfield is blank
func blank() -> Bool{
let strTrimmed = self.text!.trim()//get trimmed string
if(strTrimmed.characters.count == 0)//check textfield is nil or not ,if nil then return false
return true
return false
//set begginning space - left space
func setLeftPadding(paddingValue:CGFloat) {
let paddingView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: paddingValue, height: self.frame.size.height))
self.leftViewMode = .always
self.leftView = paddingView
//set end of space
func setRightPadding(paddingValue:CGFloat){
let paddingView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: (self.frame.size.width - paddingValue), y: 0, width: paddingValue, height: self.frame.size.height))
self.rightViewMode = .always
self.rightView = paddingView
extension UIFont{
// Returns a scaled version of UIFont
func scaled(scaleFactor: CGFloat) -> UIFont {
let newDescriptor = fontDescriptor.withSize(fontDescriptor.pointSize * scaleFactor)
return UIFont(descriptor: newDescriptor, size: 0)
public enum ImageFormat {
case PNG
case JPEG(CGFloat)
extension UIImage {
//convert image to base64 string
func toBase64() -> String {
var imageData: NSData
switch format {
case .PNG: imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(self)! as NSData
case .JPEG(let compression): imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(self, compression)! as NSData
return imageData.base64EncodedString(options: .lineLength64Characters)
//convert string to image
class func base64ToImage(toImage strEncodeData: String) -> UIImage {
let dataDecoded = NSData(base64Encoded: strEncodeData, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions.ignoreUnknownCharacters)!
let image = UIImage(data: dataDecoded as Data)
return image!
//Function for store file/Image into local directory. If image is already on the directory then first remove it and replace new image/File on that location
func storedFileIntoLocal(strImageName:String) -> String{
var strPath = ""
let documentDirectory1 = NSString.init(string: String.documentDirectory())
let imageName:String = strImageName + ".png"
let imagePath = documentDirectory1.appendingPathComponent(imageName)
strPath = imagePath
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let isExist = fileManager.fileExists(atPath: String.init(imagePath))
if(isExist == true)
do {
try fileManager.removeItem(atPath: imagePath as String)//removing file if exist
// print("Remove success")
} catch {
let imageData:Data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(self, 0.5)!
do {
try imageData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: imagePath as String), options: .atomic)
} catch {
strPath = "Failed to cache image data to disk"
return strPath
return strPath
//function for resize image
func resizeImage(targetSize: CGSize) -> UIImage {
let size = self.size
let widthRatio = targetSize.width / self.size.width
let heightRatio = targetSize.height / self.size.height
// Figure out what our orientation is, and use that to form the rectangle
var newSize: CGSize
if(widthRatio > heightRatio) {
newSize = CGSize(width: size.width * heightRatio, height: size.height * heightRatio)
} else {
// newSize = size
newSize = CGSize(width: size.width * widthRatio, height: size.height * widthRatio)
// This is the rect that we've calculated out and this is what is actually used below
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: newSize.width, height: newSize.height)
// Actually do the resizing to the rect using the ImageContext stuff
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(newSize, false, 1.0)
self.draw(in: rect)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return newImage!
let YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_zzzz = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss +zzzz"
let YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
let DD_MM_YYYY = "dd-MM-yyyy"
let MM_DD_YYYY = "MM-dd-yyyy"
let YYYY_DD_MM = "yyyy-dd-MM"
let YYYY_MM_DD_T_HH_MM_SS = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"
extension Date{
//convert string to date
static func convertStringToDate(strDate:String, dateFormate strFormate:String) -> Date{
let dateFormate = DateFormatter()
dateFormate.dateFormat = strFormate
dateFormate.timeZone = TimeZone.init(abbreviation: "UTC")
let dateResult:Date = strDate)!
return dateResult
//Function for old date format to new format from UTC to local
static func convertDateUTCToLocal(strDate:String, oldFormate strOldFormate:String, newFormate strNewFormate:String) -> String{
let dateFormatterUTC:DateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatterUTC.timeZone = NSTimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC") as TimeZone!//set UTC timeZone
dateFormatterUTC.dateFormat = strOldFormate //set old Format
if let oldDate:Date = strDate) as Date?//convert date from input string
dateFormatterUTC.timeZone = NSTimeZone.local//set localtimeZone
dateFormatterUTC.dateFormat = strNewFormate //make new dateformatter for output format
if let strNewDate:String = dateFormatterUTC.string(from: oldDate as Date) as String?//convert dateInUTC into string and set into output
return strNewDate
return strDate
return strDate
//Convert without UTC to local
static func convertDateToLocal(strDate:String, oldFormate strOldFormate:String, newFormate strNewFormate:String) -> String{
let dateFormatterUTC:DateFormatter = DateFormatter()
//set local timeZone
dateFormatterUTC.dateFormat = strOldFormate //set old Format
if let oldDate:Date = strDate) as Date?//convert date from input string
dateFormatterUTC.timeZone = NSTimeZone.local
dateFormatterUTC.dateFormat = strNewFormate //make new dateformatter for output format
if let strNewDate = dateFormatterUTC.string(from: oldDate as Date) as String?//convert dateInUTC into string and set into output
return strNewDate
return strDate
return strDate
//Convert Date to String
func convertDateToString(strDateFormate:String) -> String{
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = strDateFormate
let strDate = dateFormatter.string(from: self)
// dateFormatter = nil
return strDate
//Convert local to utc
static func convertLocalToUTC(strDate:String, oldFormate strOldFormate:String, newFormate strNewFormate:String) -> String{
let dateFormatterUTC:DateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatterUTC.timeZone = NSTimeZone.local as TimeZone!//set UTC timeZone
dateFormatterUTC.dateFormat = strOldFormate //set old Format
if let oldDate:Date = strDate) as Date?//convert date from input string
dateFormatterUTC.timeZone = NSTimeZone.init(abbreviation: "UTC")! as TimeZone//set localtimeZone
dateFormatterUTC.dateFormat = strNewFormate //make new dateformatter for output format
if let strNewDate:String = dateFormatterUTC.string(from: oldDate as Date) as String?//convert dateInUTC into string and set into output
return strNewDate
return strDate
return strDate
//Comparison two date
static func compare(date:Date, compareDate:Date) -> String{
var strDateMessage:String = ""
let result:ComparisonResult =
switch result {
case .orderedAscending:
strDateMessage = "Future Date"
case .orderedDescending:
strDateMessage = "Past Date"
case .orderedSame:
strDateMessage = "Same Date"
strDateMessage = "Error Date"
return strDateMessage
Calling this functions:
let color1 = UIColor.RGB(100.0, andGreenColor: 200.0, andBlueColor: 300.0, withAlpha: 1.0)
let color2 = UIColor.init(rgbHexaValue: 800000, alpha: 1.0)
let color3 = UIColor.init(rgbString: ("100.0,200.0,300.0", alpha: 1.0)
self.txtOutlet.setLeftPadding(paddingValue: 20.0)
self.txtOutlet.setRightPadding(paddingValue: 20.0)
let yourScaledFont = self.dependentView.font.scaled(scaleFactor: n as! CGFloat)
let base64String = (image?.toBase64(format: ImageFormat.PNG))!
let resultImage = UIImage.base64ToImage(toImage: base64String)
let path = yourImage.storedFileIntoLocal(strImageName: "imagename")
Swift 3.0 example:
extension UITextField
func useUnderline() {
let border = CALayer()
let borderWidth = CGFloat(1.0)
border.borderColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor
border.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0,y :self.frame.size.height - borderWidth), size: CGSize(width: self.frame.size.width, height: self.frame.size.height))
border.borderWidth = borderWidth
self.layer.masksToBounds = true
Underline text in UITextField
Used in function ViewDidLoad()
extension UITextField {
func underlined(_ size:Double){
let border = CALayer()
let width = CGFloat(size)
border.borderColor =
border.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: self.frame.size.height - width,
width: self.frame.size.width, height: self.frame.size.height)
border.borderWidth = width
self.layer.masksToBounds = true }
import UIKit
extension UIColor{
class func getCustomBlueColor() -> UIColor
return UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00)
func getNameofColour() ->String
return "myOrange"
Usage :
let color=UIColor(red:0.043, green:0.576 ,blue:0.588 , alpha:1.00);
I hope you see that what is difference . One of Function starting with class func another one starting only func . you can use which you like.
One of the best example of extension and convenience initializer :
extension UIActivityIndicatorView {
convenience init(activityIndicatorStyle: UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle, color: UIColor, placeInTheCenterOf parentView: UIView) {
self.init(activityIndicatorStyle: activityIndicatorStyle)
center =
self.color = color
You can use it in following ways :
Initialize activityIndicator
let activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(activityIndicatorStyle: .whiteLarge, color: .gray, placeInTheCenterOf: view)
Start animating activity indicator
Stop animating activity indicator
If you like to use a colour with a given tint like used in brand manuals:
Swift 4.2 + xcode 9.4.1.
extension UIColor {
func withTint(tint: CGFloat)->UIColor {
var tint = max(tint, 0)
tint = min(tint, 1)
/* Collect values of sender */
var r : CGFloat = 0
var g : CGFloat = 0
var b : CGFloat = 0
var a : CGFloat = 0
self.getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)
/* Calculate the tint */
r = r+(1-r)*(1-tint)
g = g+(1-g)*(1-tint)
b = b+(1-b)*(1-tint)
a = 1
return UIColor.init(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a)
In your code
let redWithTint = 0.4)
Here is an extension example of an eye catching animation effect that works with cells from UITableView. Each cell grows from a point source to normal size as you scroll a UITableView. Adjust the animation timing as desired.
Since each cell shows up with a little time stagger while scrolling, the effect ripples nicely! See this 15 second clip that showcases the effect :
extension UITableViewCell {
func growCellDuringPresentation(thisCell : UITableViewCell) {
thisCell.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 0.01, y: 0.01)
UIView.animate(withDuration: TimeInterval(0.35), delay: 0.0, options: UIView.AnimationOptions.allowUserInteraction, animations: {
thisCell.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: 1)
}, completion: nil)
To use the extension you make a call to it just before the cell is returned in cellForRowAt, like shown below :
cell.growCellDuringPresentation(thisCell: cell)
return cell
Note this same method works when returning cells for a collection view.
Here is an extension that works exactly the same, except that it rotates the cells during presentation :
extension UITableViewCell {
func rotateCellDuringPresentation(thisCell : UITableViewCell) {
thisCell.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: .pi)
UIView.animate(withDuration: TimeInterval(0.35), delay: 0.0, options: UIView.AnimationOptions.allowUserInteraction, animations: {
thisCell.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: 0)
}, completion: nil)
It's called similarly :
cell.rotateCellDuringPresentation(thisCell: cell)
return cell
Here is an extension along the same lines that translates the cells in the X direction
extension UITableViewCell {
func translateCellDuringPresentation(thisCell : UITableViewCell) {
thisCell.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(-300, 0, 0)
UIView.animate(withDuration: TimeInterval(0.5), delay: 0.0, options: UIView.AnimationOptions.allowUserInteraction, animations: {
thisCell.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(0, 0, 0)
}, completion: nil)
It's called similarly :
cell.translateCellDuringPresentation(thisCell: cell)
return cell

Swift add badge to navigation barButtonItem and UIButton

I am trying to display badge on my notification button, in app as displayed on AppIcon.
So far whatever i have researched is related to Obj. C, but nothing that specifically discussed way to implement that solution into Swift,
Please help to find a solution to add a custom class / code to achieve Badge on UiBarbutton and UiButton.
Researched so far:
along with MKBadge class etc.
There is a more elegant solution with an extension for UIButtonItem
extension CAShapeLayer {
func drawCircleAtLocation(location: CGPoint, withRadius radius: CGFloat, andColor color: UIColor, filled: Bool) {
fillColor = filled ? color.cgColor : UIColor.white.cgColor
strokeColor = color.cgColor
let origin = CGPoint(x: location.x - radius, y: location.y - radius)
path = UIBezierPath(ovalIn: CGRect(origin: origin, size: CGSize(width: radius * 2, height: radius * 2))).cgPath
private var handle: UInt8 = 0
extension UIBarButtonItem {
private var badgeLayer: CAShapeLayer? {
if let b: AnyObject = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &handle) as AnyObject? {
return b as? CAShapeLayer
} else {
return nil
func addBadge(number: Int, withOffset offset: CGPoint =, andColor color: UIColor =, andFilled filled: Bool = true) {
guard let view = self.value(forKey: "view") as? UIView else { return }
// Initialize Badge
let badge = CAShapeLayer()
let radius = CGFloat(7)
let location = CGPoint(x: view.frame.width - (radius + offset.x), y: (radius + offset.y))
badge.drawCircleAtLocation(location: location, withRadius: radius, andColor: color, filled: filled)
// Initialiaze Badge's label
let label = CATextLayer()
label.string = "\(number)"
label.alignmentMode =
label.fontSize = 11
label.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: location.x - 4, y: offset.y), size: CGSize(width: 8, height: 16))
label.foregroundColor = filled ? UIColor.white.cgColor : color.cgColor
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
label.contentsScale = UIScreen.main.scale
// Save Badge as UIBarButtonItem property
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &handle, badge, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
func updateBadge(number: Int) {
if let text = badgeLayer?.sublayers?.filter({ $0 is CATextLayer }).first as? CATextLayer {
text.string = "\(number)"
func removeBadge() {
This great code was created by Stefano Vettor and you can find all the details at:
Working Solution :
Step 1:
Firstly create new swift file which is a subclass to UIButton as follows:
import UIKit
class BadgeButton: UIButton {
var badgeLabel = UILabel()
var badge: String? {
didSet {
addbadgetobutton(badge: badge)
public var badgeBackgroundColor = {
didSet {
badgeLabel.backgroundColor = badgeBackgroundColor
public var badgeTextColor = UIColor.white {
didSet {
badgeLabel.textColor = badgeTextColor
public var badgeFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12.0) {
didSet {
badgeLabel.font = badgeFont
public var badgeEdgeInsets: UIEdgeInsets? {
didSet {
addbadgetobutton(badge: badge)
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
addbadgetobutton(badge: nil)
func addbadgetobutton(badge: String?) {
badgeLabel.text = badge
badgeLabel.textColor = badgeTextColor
badgeLabel.backgroundColor = badgeBackgroundColor
badgeLabel.font = badgeFont
badgeLabel.textAlignment = .center
let badgeSize = badgeLabel.frame.size
let height = max(18, Double(badgeSize.height) + 5.0)
let width = max(height, Double(badgeSize.width) + 10.0)
var vertical: Double?, horizontal: Double?
if let badgeInset = self.badgeEdgeInsets {
vertical = Double( - Double(badgeInset.bottom)
horizontal = Double(badgeInset.left) - Double(badgeInset.right)
let x = (Double(bounds.size.width) - 10 + horizontal!)
let y = -(Double(badgeSize.height) / 2) - 10 + vertical!
badgeLabel.frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
} else {
let x = self.frame.width - CGFloat((width / 2.0))
let y = CGFloat(-(height / 2.0))
badgeLabel.frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: CGFloat(width), height: CGFloat(height))
badgeLabel.layer.cornerRadius = badgeLabel.frame.height/2
badgeLabel.layer.masksToBounds = true
badgeLabel.isHidden = badge != nil ? false : true
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
self.addbadgetobutton(badge: nil)
fatalError("init(coder:) is not implemented")
Step 2:
Create a function in your base file which u can use in each View Controller :
func addBadge(itemvalue: String) {
let bagButton = BadgeButton()
bagButton.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 44)
bagButton.tintColor = UIColor.darkGray
bagButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "ShoppingBag")?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: .normal)
bagButton.badgeEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 20, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 15)
bagButton.badge = itemvalue
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: bagButton)
Step 3 :
Use above function from any View Controller in this way :
self.addBadge(itemvalue: localStorage.string(forKey: "total_products_in_cart") ?? "0")
First create label, then right bar button. On right bar button add subview which will be badge count. Finally add navigation right bar button.
let badgeCount = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 22, y: -05, width: 20, height: 20))
badgeCount.layer.borderColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
badgeCount.layer.borderWidth = 2
badgeCount.layer.cornerRadius = badgeCount.bounds.size.height / 2
badgeCount.textAlignment = .center
badgeCount.layer.masksToBounds = true
badgeCount.textColor = .white
badgeCount.font = badgeCount.font.withSize(12)
badgeCount.backgroundColor = .red
badgeCount.text = "4"
let rightBarButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 35, height: 35))
rightBarButton.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "NotificationBell"), for: .normal)
rightBarButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.onBtnNotification), for: .touchUpInside)
let rightBarButtomItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: rightBarButton)
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightBarButtomItem
I had the same task. I didn't want to use third-party libraries. Firstly, I tried Stefano's solution and it's great however I decided to implement my own way to solve it.
In my humble opinion, there are simple steps described below briefly:
Create UIView instance within .xib file and put necessary items like UILabel or UIImageView instance depending on your design requirements.
The final action I did in this step is putting invisible button in the top of view's hierarchy.
Create YourCustomView.swift and link all #IBOutlets from xib to current file inside your custom view class implementation.
Next, implement class function in YourCustomView class which will load custom view from xib and return it as YourCustomView instance.
Finally, add your custom badge to your custom view controller instance!
My result is..
P.S. If you need to implement #IBActions I recommend to link your custom view and custom view controller through the delegate pattern.
using M13BadgeView.. use this code
(im using fontawesome.swift for buttons ::
let rightButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x:0,y:0,width:30,height:30))
rightButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont.fontAwesome(ofSize: 22)
rightButton.setTitle(String.fontAwesomeIcon(name: .shoppingBasket), for: .normal)
let rightButtonItem : UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: rightButton)
let badgeView = M13BadgeView()
badgeView.text = "1"
badgeView.textColor = UIColor.white
badgeView.badgeBackgroundColor =
badgeView.borderWidth = 1.0
badgeView.borderColor = UIColor.white
badgeView.horizontalAlignment = M13BadgeViewHorizontalAlignmentLeft
badgeView.verticalAlignment = M13BadgeViewVerticalAlignmentTop
badgeView.hidesWhenZero = true
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = rightButtonItem
Good answer #Julio Bailon (!
Here is the author's site with full explanation:
It seems not to be working on iOS 11, maybe because the script try to access the "view" property of the UIBarButtonItem. I made it work:
By creating a UIButton and then creating the UIBarButtonItem using the UIButton as a customView:
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem.init(
customView: shoppingCartButton)
By replacing the line in the UIBarButtonItem extension:
guard let view = self.value(forKey: "view") as? UIView else { return }
with the following:
guard let view = self.customView else { return }
Seems elegant to me and, best of all, it worked!
You can set below constraints to UILabel with respect to UIButton
align UILabel's top and trailing to UIButton
And when you need to show badge set text to UILabel and when you don't want to show badge then set empty string to UILabel
Download This
For BarButtonItem : Drag and Drop UIBarButtonItem+Badge.h and UIBarButtonItem+Badge.m class in project.
Write this code for set Badges:
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.badgeValue = "2"
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.badgeBGColor =
For UIButtton : Drag and Drop UIButton+Badge.h and UIButton+Badge.m class in project.
self.notificationBtn.badgeValue = "2"
self.notificationBtn.badgeBGColor =
Answer with extension from Julio will not work.
Starting from iOS 11 this code will not work cause line of code below will not cast UIView. Also it's counting as private API and seems to be will not pass AppStore review.
guard let view = self.value(forKey: "view") as? UIView else { return }
Thread on Apple Developer Forum
Second thing that this snippet always draws circle, so it can't fit numbers bigger than 9.
Here the simplified version by using custom view
Easy and clear solution if you are looking for only adding the red dot without the number;
private var handle: UInt8 = 0;
extension UIBarButtonItem {
private var badgeLayer: CAShapeLayer? {
if let b: AnyObject = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &handle) as AnyObject? {
return b as? CAShapeLayer
} else {
return nil
func setBadge(offset: CGPoint = .zero, color: UIColor = .red, filled: Bool = true, fontSize: CGFloat = 11) {
guard let view = self.value(forKey: "view") as? UIView else {
var font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: fontSize)
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
font = UIFont.monospacedDigitSystemFont(ofSize: fontSize, weight: .regular)
//Size of the dot
let badgeSize = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 22, y: -05, width: 10, height: 10))
// initialize Badge
let badge = CAShapeLayer()
let height = badgeSize.height
let width = badgeSize.width
// x position is offset from right-hand side
let x = view.frame.width + offset.x - 17
let y = view.frame.height + offset.y - 34
let badgeFrame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), size: CGSize(width: width, height: height))
badge.drawRoundedRect(rect: badgeFrame, andColor: color, filled: filled)
// initialiaze Badge's label
let label = CATextLayer()
label.alignmentMode = .center
label.font = font
label.fontSize = font.pointSize
label.frame = badgeFrame
label.foregroundColor = filled ? UIColor.white.cgColor : color.cgColor
label.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
label.contentsScale = UIScreen.main.scale
// save Badge as UIBarButtonItem property
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &handle, badge, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
// bring layer to front
badge.zPosition = 1_000
private func removeBadge() {
// MARK: - Utilities
extension CAShapeLayer {
func drawRoundedRect(rect: CGRect, andColor color: UIColor, filled: Bool) {
fillColor = filled ? color.cgColor : UIColor.white.cgColor
strokeColor = color.cgColor
path = UIBezierPath(roundedRect: rect, cornerRadius: 7).cgPath
The source of the code:
I only made a few changes to eliminate the number.
The MIBadgeButton-Swift is working also on UIBarButtonItems.
Here is my code after the navigation bar is created:
let rightBarButtons = self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItems
let alarmsBarButton = rightBarButtons?.last
let alarmsButton = alarmsBarButton.customView as! MIBadgeButton?
alarmsButton.badgeString = "10"
You can do it programmatically with
self.tabBarItem.badgeColor = .red
or use the storyboard. See: