How to use trim function when declearing primary key in db2 - db2

I would like to know how to use trim function when declaring primary key in db2.
For example, in table Employee(name,id) how to restrict the usage of these two insert statements:
insert into Employee(name,id) values (jay,1);
insert into Employee(name,id) values (jay,1);
In the above statements both name and id are primary keys.

maybe you mean unique? if so, well you can easily solve this problem, all you have to do, is to create a primary key on bouth fields ;-)
something like this:
alter table Employee add constraint Employee_pk primary key (name, id)


Generate column value automatically from other columns values and be used as PRIMARY KEY

I have a table with a column named "source" and "id". This table is populated from open data DB.
"id" can't be UNIQUE, since my data came from other db with their own id system. There is a real risk to have same id but really different data.
I want to create another column which combine source and id into a single value.
"openDataA" + 123456789 -> "openDataA123456789"
"openDataB" + 123456789 -> "openDataB123456789"
I have seen example that use || and function to concatenate value. This is good, but I want to make this third column my PRIMARY KEY, to avoid duplicate, and create a really unique id that I can query without much computation and that I can use as a foreign key constraint for other table.
I think Composite Types is what I'm looking for, but instead of setting the value manually each time, I want to grab them automatically by setting only "source" and "id"
I'm fairly new to postgresql, so any help is welcome.
Thank you.
You could just have a composite key in your table:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
source VARCHAR(10),
id VARCHAR(10),
PRIMARY KEY (source, id)
If you really want a joined column, you could create a view to display it:
SELECT *, source || id AS primary_key
FROM mytable;

computed hashybtes column used as primary key

I have long gene sequence which could be the natural primary key, but I'm looking for a way to find a more succinct alternative representation of the natural key. Do not want to use a surrogate key. Not worried about performance, since there will not be a lot of joins to worry about where the efficiency of the PK is an issue.
Is this possible?
create table foo(
myvalue varchar(2000) not null,
md5 as hashbytes('MD5',myvalue) PERSISTED PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL -- bad syntax
If so, what's the correct syntax? The above is not correct.
Also can I create a child table and set up an FK relationship? I do not find the Limitations section in the documentation clear about this:
create table fooChild(
id int primary key not null,
md5 varbinary(16)
alter table fooChild add constraint FK_FOOCHILD_FOO
foreign key(md5) references FOO(md5)
Here is the answer.
Basically you have to ensure a function cannot return null so wrap hashbytes in isnull or coalesce.

T-SQL create table with primary keys

Hello I wan to create a new table based on another one and create primary keys as well.
Currently this is how I'm doing it. Table B has no primary keys defined. But I would like to create them in table A. Is there a way using this select top 0 statement to do that? Or do I need to do an ALTER TABLE after I created tableA?
select TOP 0 *
INTO [tableA]
FROM [tableB]
SELECT INTO does not support copying any of the indexes, constraints, triggers or even computed columns and other table properties, aside from the IDENTITY property (as long as you don't apply an expression to the IDENTITY column.
So, you will have to add the constraints after the table has been created and populated.
The short answer is NO. SELECT INTO will always create a HEAP table and, according to Books Online:
Indexes, constraints, and triggers defined in the source table are not
transferred to the new table, nor can they be specified in the
SELECT...INTO statement. If these objects are required, you must
create them after executing the SELECT...INTO statement.
So, after executing SELECT INTO you need to execute an ALTER TABLE or CREATE UNIQUE INDEX in order to add a primary key.
Also, if dbo.TableB does not already have an IDENTITY column (or if it does and you want to leave it out for some reason), and you need to create an artificial primary key column (rather than use an existing column in dbo.TableB to serve as the new primary key), you could use the IDENTITY function to create a candidate key column. But you still have to add the constraint to TableA after the fact to make it a primary key, since just the IDENTITY function/property alone does not make it so.
-- This statement will create a HEAP table
SELECT Col1, Col2, IDENTITY(INT,1,1) Col3
INTO dbo.MyTable
FROM dbo.AnotherTable;
-- This statement will create a clustered PK


I've got two tables - one is Product and one is ProductSearchResult.
Whenever someone tries to Insert a SearchResult with a product that is not listed in the Product table the foreign key constrain is violattet, hence i get an error.
I would like to know how i could get my database to automatically create that missing Product in the Product Table (Just the ProductID, all other attributes can be left blank)
Is there such thing as CASCADE ON INSERT? If there is, i was not able not get it working.
Rules are getting executed after the Insert, so because we get an Error beforehand there are useless if you USE an "DO ALSO". If you use "DO INSTEAD" and add the INSERT Command at the End you end up with endless recursion.
I reckon a Trigger is the way to go - but all my attempts to write one failed.
Any recommendations?
The Table Structure:
ID char(10) PRIMARY KEY,
Title varchar(150),
Manufacturer varchar(80),
Category smallint,
CREATE TABLE ProductSearchResult (
SearchTermID smallint NOT NULL,
ProductID char(10) NOT NULL,
DateFirstListed date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,
DateLastListed date NOT NULL DEFAULT current_date,
PRIMARY KEY (SearchTermID,ProductID),
Yes, triggers are the way to go. But before you can start to use triggers in plpgsql, you
have to enable the language. As user postgres, run the command createlang with the proper parameters.
Once you've done that, you have to
Write function in plpgsql
create a trigger to invoke that function
See example 39-3 for a basic example.
Note that a function body in Postgres is a string, with a special quoting mechanism: 2 dollar signs with an optional word in between them, as the quotes. (The word allows you to quote other similar quotes.)
Also note that you can reuse a trigger procedure for multiple tables, as long as they have the columns your procedure uses.
So the function has to
check if the value of NEW.ProductID exists in the ProductSearchResult table, with a select statement (you ought to be able to use SELECT count(*) ... INTO someint, or SELECT EXISTS(...) INTO somebool)
if not, insert a new row in that table
If you still get stuck, come back here.
In any case (rules OR triggers) the insert needs to create a new key (and new values for the attributes) in the products table. In most cases, this implies that a (serial,sequence) surrogate primary key should be used in the products table, and that the "real world" product_id ("product number") should default to NULL, and be degraded to a candidate key.
BTW: a rule can be used, rules just are tricky to implement correctly for N:1 relations (they need the same kind of EXISTS-logic as in Bart's answer above).
Maybe cascading on INSERT is not such a good idea after all. What do you want to happen if someone inserts a ProductSearchResult record for a not-existing product? [IMO a FK is always a domain; you cannot just extend a domain just by referring to a not-existant value for it; that would make the FK constraint meaningless]

How to prevent primary serial primary key from being updated with number not in sequence?

CREATE TABLE u_account (
Jid serial primary key,
score int4
The primary key works fine (updates itself) ok when I update it like this;
INSERT INTO u_account ('score') VALUES ('122233344');
However when I insert a value like this;
INSERT INTO u_account VALUES ('122233344');
This updates the primary key;
I don't want the primary key to accept anything other than the number that is supposed to be coming next.
Someone had set it up for me before so that if I put in this code;
INSERT INTO u_account VALUES ('122233344');
it would ignore the primary key and just update score.
Please help.
It looks like you should just reverse the order of the two fields in your table. Then if you INSERT a single column value, it will overwrite the "score" field and use the primary key serial sequence to generate a value for the other column. This example does what I think you want:
CREATE TABLE u_account (
score int4,
Jid serial primary key
INSERT INTO u_account VALUES ('122233344');
You can use "DEFAULT" to put the correct value in the primary key field, eg:
INSERT INTO u_account VALUES (DEFAULT, '122233344');
You could write a trigger that substitutes the next sequence value for the jid column on every insert.