notepad++ for ASP auto complete - plugins

Do somebody know that I want to get a plugin just like "auto complete" on Notepad++ for ASP,
I tried to add a asp.xml file in ./APIs and it's working, but how can I use it just like when I type "re" than I can choose "response", then I type ".", it will show some keywords just like "write" that I don't need to type "wr"?
as I know I can use it on Dreamweaver but I cannot found the same plugin on notepad++

Try WebEdit plugin and add custom shortcuts in the config file, like:
See more here


Autocompletion for CakePHP finders in VSCode?

is there a way in VScode to have autocompletion for custom finders when using $this->Table->find('finderName') ? Each time I have to check in the Table file to see which finder exists.
I tried using PHP doc when defining the finder function
Thanks !
According to should work fine as long as you have Intelephense Extension.

Dynamically add VSCode snippets from an extension

I was asking myself recently if it is possible to add snippets to either one of the workspace, language-specific or global json snippet files through a VSCode extension.
// something like
"prefix": "my_snippt",
.... etc.
Reading through the API documentation I did not find anything. If there is no way, how would you go about creating kind of a snippet manager?
You can use SnippetString and a CompletionItemProvider to dynamically suggest snippets.
Here is an example.

How to I call the "Read value from XML file" action from custom code?

The title says it all - I need to refactor multiple mini-actions into a single coherent piece of custom code, and to keep the refactoring under control, I want to stick with Install4J Actions as far as possible.
I checked the type hierarchy below com.install4j.api.actions.Action but found nothing XML-related.
BTW eventually the installer will have to call the "Replace text in XML files" action as well.
I.e. I'll appreciate any hints for a general strategy to find any action, given the name shown in the "Select an installation Action" dialog or in the "Screens & Actions" section of the Install4J GUI.
The class name of the action can be seen in the .install4j project file. For example, for the "Read value from XML file", the class name is
You can instantiate it in custom code and execute it via

Enable searching //TODO tags in *.module extension file

I wanted to use // TODO tags in drupal file "*.module".
I've activate the searching for task tag(content types are:
The *.module extension is associate with the drupal module extension.
I've check the "configure contents" of the search filtering from "Task view".
Tags for php comments are; Fixme, #todo, TODO(Default).
There's something missing??
You can use Drupal plug-in for Eclipse IDE by XTND.US. Update site:
With this plugin installed and working, you should see TODO highlighted in your code and *.module files should be opened as php. All todo should appear in Tasks Eclipse view.

Intellij Idea plugin - possibility to click on an link of class/file to open it

Could you please suggest how is it possible to implement the next thing : when the user clicks on the file name/line number, the editor is switched to that file.
P.S. The source code is available there.
Check the following classes/methods:
Usage example:
See also Output Filters Dialog help section.