How to show images in other domains / Chrome Packaged Apps - google-chrome-app

I have a JSON which returns a list of URLs of images to access the JSON that is already placed in a field in this domain whitelist manifest.json, however when I try to view the pictures it complains that it can not access the images.
1 - How to Perm can display images that are not within the package App
2 - How can I download the images to download the APP and then display
to this second question I used the RAL, a lib trial google and it worked, however I could not make a test using this publication lib he claims an error, follow the link to the image lib and complaining about the error:

You can request external images using XMLHttpRequest and transform them into ObjectURLs. Then set the src attribute in the <img> tag to each ObjectURL and it should work.
Since this is a very common use case, we created a library to simplify it. Just drop the apps-resource-loader ral.min.js to your project and then:
var remoteImage,
container = document.querySelector('.imageContainer'),
toLoad = { 'images': [
'' ] }; // list of image URLs
toLoad.images.forEach(function(imageToLoad) {
remoteImage = new RAL.RemoteImage(imageToLoad);
Remember that you need permission in the manifest.json to all domains you will be XHR'ing to. If you don't know beforehand where those images will be hosted, you can ask permission for any url:
permissions: ['<all_urls>'],
For other usages and to get the full library, please see the project page:
and a simple demo at:

Google has added a browser tag that allows you to include images, but so far I haven't been able to get it to work.
Here is what they show as an example
<browser src="">


How to use the keyword "location" in the URL parameter in AWS Amplify

I am currently working on a 1 page HTML app that uses URL parameters to do an API call. the URL parameters are set and used in QR codes so its necessary that they are able to change dynamically. A example URL would be something like
I currently have this app deployed in AWS Amplify, but I cant get other keywords to chain together. I have the following redirects in place:
These redirects make sure that every URL parameter I pass in the link works EXCEPT some keywords like the "location" keyword, next to some others. Using this keyword as a URL param gives a 502 server error, or if the redirects are not used an access denied error.
does anyone know how to get the location keyword to work? Thanks in advance!
You should be able to use a single rule that will forward everything to index.html EXCEPT urls with a "file extension" from the list below. That lets all your links work, but assets like images, fonts, code will pass through.
Doc for: Using Redirects - Single Page Apps

How to remove query string from Firebase Storage download URL

I need to be able to remove all link decoration from the download URL that is generated for images in Firebase Storage.
However, when all link decoration is stripped away, the resulting link currently would return a JSON document of the image's metadata.
The flow goes as follows:
An image is uploaded to Firebase from an iOS app. Once that is done the download URL is then sent in a POST request to an external server.
The server that the URL is being sent to doesn't accept link decoration when submitting image URLs.
Alter the Firebase Storage download URL such as it is stripped of all link decoration like so:[FOLDER_NAME]%[IMAGE_NAME].jpg
The problem is twofold really, first the link needs to be manipulated to remove all the link decoration. Then the behavior of the link needs to changed, since in order to return an image, you need ?alt=media following the file extension, in this case .jpg. Currently, without link decoration, using the link with my desired structure would return a JSON document of the metadata.
The current link structure is as follows:[FOLDER_NAME]%[IMAGE_NAME].jpg?alt=media&token=[TOKEN]
Desired link structure:[FOLDER_NAME]%[IMAGE_NAME].jpg
The token is necessary for accessing the image depending security rules in place, but can be ignored with the proper read permissions. I can adjust the rules as needed, but I still need to be able to remove the ?alt=media and still return an image.
Building up on Frank's answer, if you access to your associated Google Cloud Platform project, find the bucket in the Storage tab and make this bucket public, you will be able to get the image from here with the format you wish. That is, you will not be accessing through Firebase[FOLDER_NAME]%[IMAGE_NAME].jpg
but through Google Cloud Storage, with a link like[bucket_name]/[path_to_image]
Once in your GCP project Console, access the Storage bucket with the same name as the one you have in your Firebase project. They are the same bucket. Then make the bucket public by following these steps. After that, you will be able to construct your links as mentioned above and they will be accessible with no token and no alt=media param. If you do not want to make the public to everyone, you will be able to play around with the permissions there as you wish.
You could split the url string into two halves by using String.componentsSeparatedByString(_ separator:) { (url, error) in
let urlString = url.absoluteString
let urlStringWithoutQueryString = urlString.componentsSeparatedByString("?").first!
Calling .downloadURL on a StorageReference will return you that URL, but this method can be used to remove the query string from any URL. String.componentsSeparatedByString(_ separator:) breaks a String into an array of Strings, splitting the string by any occurrence of a given separator, in this case ?.
NOTE this method assumes that ? occurs only once within the url string, which I believe is the case for all Firebase Storage urls.
You should treat the download URL that you get back from Firebase as an opaque string. There's no way to strip the parameters from a download URL without breaking that download URL.
If you want to allow public access to the files in your bucket with simpler URLs, consider making the object in your (or even your entire) bucket public.

C# Dropbox Api retrieve files of public shared folder

i would like to ask, if there's any way to retrieve files links of folder which is publicly shared. Like someone create random public folder(everyone can view it) and put some random files into it. So i need to get all files links from that folder. All i know is link to that folder in format:[code]/[code].
Can i do that by using dropbox api, or the only option is to scrape dropbox page directly?
Here is a copy paste example:
using Dropbox.Api;
using Dropbox.Api.Files;
// AccessToken - get it from app console
// FolderToDownload -{unicorn_string}?dl=0
using (var dbx = new DropboxClient(_dropboxSettings.AccessToken))
var sharedLink = new SharedLink(_dropboxSettings.FolderToDownload);
var sharedFiles = await dbx.Files.ListFolderAsync(path: "", sharedLink: sharedLink);
foreach (var file in sharedFiles.Entries)
The documentation wasn't clear about setting path to an empty string when using it with publicly shared folders.
The official way to get information about a particular shared link is to use the Dropbox API's /2/sharing/get_shared_link_metadata endpoint:
In the official Dropbox .NET SDK that's the GetSharedLinkMetadataAsync method:
This unfortunately doesn't offer the list of files though. We'll consider that a feature request.
Note that scraping the site would be error prone and likely to break without warning. (It's also against the terms anyway.)
Dropbox API v2 now supports listing the contents of a shared link for a folder. This can be accomplished using the same interface as listing a folder in a connected user's account, via the list_folder functionality. To list the contents of a shared link for a folder, you instead provide the shared link URL in the shared_link parameter to /2/files/list_folder:
If you're using an official SDK, there will also be a corresponding method for this endpoint. In the .NET SDK that's available as ListFolderAsync:

Programmatically downloading image from CQ5

I am trying to programmatically download a image from CQ5.I have made a link which when clicked should download a image.To do this I have made a ajax call to a servlet ,for whenever user clicks on the image,we should get a pop of open and save dialog.
This is the code I have written in servlet to download the image.
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=icon" + ".png");
URL url = new URL("http://somehost:portnmuber/content/dam/image.jpg");
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream();**
I am continuously getting 401 error.
Is there some another way that I can do this.
Thanks,in advance.
Firstly, have a look at the download component in the foundation libs:
Secondly, if you don't have a session open with CQ5, it will by default give you a 401 error. I am assuming you are in a generated container for CQ5, or are you just randomly accessing from another domain?
Note that even for anonymous access, CQ will still establish an anonymous session, and give you a login token. Anonymous is effectively still authenticated, just without the requirement of a username and password.
You are gettin 401 error because anonymous user permissions for the DAM are not set.
At first, you should grant access permissions for 'anonymous' users for node '/content/dam'.
You can do it from the page: "http://somehost:portnuber/useradmin" . Doble click on user 'anonymous' and go to the tab 'permissions' (on the window right). Check read permissions for 'dam' node.
Secondly, go to the system console, components tab (http://somehost:portnmuber/system/console/components) and find component. Click to 'configure' button. In the component configuration check 'Allow Anonymous Access' and press 'Save'.
Should work.
CQ5 uses sessions so downloading from a path requires a username/password on the author instance, for example curl -u username:password -o localpath/ would download a package based on someone who had permissions to read it. For images you need the image path something like to get the image, but you would need to add /jcr:content/renditions/original to get the original e.g. You can also change the image path to get a specific rendition of the image, for example gets a 140x100 version of the image.
I had a similar issue trying to download images from AEM to iOS devices. It turns out AEM (at least the instance I'm hitting) requires a referer header; if absent the request is rejected. The problem did not surface with the simulator, just with real devices. This did the trick:
[request setValue: #"" forHTTPHeaderField: #"Referer"];

Fetching Contact image from SugarCRM

I'm trying to integrate my rails app with SugarCRM. Is it possible to fetch the Contact picture from SugarCRM using REST API? Please let me know.
To get the profile image for a user do the following:
Call the login method through REST
Call the get_entry_list method through REST, with the following parameters:
Module: Users
Query: users.user_name = 'xxxx'
Select_fields: picture
The response contains the filename for the profile image, which is stored in /uploads.
However, it is not possible to view the image in that folder due to .htaccess restrictions for security reasons, but other options exist:
Extend the REST API with a method to serve profile images (similar to get_document_revision)
Login on the server from your rails app and get the image
Create a simple entrypoint+module in SugarCRM, which can show the picture
Remove the .htaccess restiction for images (if it doesn't create a security risk in your setup)
In such scenario, I faced a problem where the upload folder stores file with name of the record id, i.e the GUID without file extension.
So to cop up with this I did write a function to copy the file at same hierarchy but with its extension.
A png extension file at upload folder with name say, '32sdft-tg35f-Tuhis-675rtyf-77666-46dgc' will end up as, '32sdft-tg35f-Tuhis-675rtyf-77666-46dgc.png'
Now only the path will be require to render the image.
Rest all things as applicable as suggested by our friend, Kare !!