How to search for a string in my entire project in Eclipse IDE? - eclipse

I need to find a string, but it is too time-consuming to Ctrl+F every class. Is there a faster way to search the entire project?

Select the String and Control+Alt+G in Eclipse (Windows).
Use the Search Window, to open it Control+H in Eclipse(Windows).

Much better than Control+H that may takes ages in Eclipse is to install a full text search plugin like Quick Search from Spring Tools or instaSearch. It will increase your productivity immensely.
Check out this blog post:

You can search for specific string using ctrl + H, choose 'File search' tab.
But if you want search any string, try use a regular expression at 'Containing text' ".+".
If you're trying search string in java code, regular expression above will match strings used at annotations. To avoid this try this one ^\s*?[^#]\w*?".+".*$


How to search a keyword in Eclipse type search

How can I do a keyword search in Eclipse Types.
When doing a search using the eclipse, the system is doing the search in all the java files I have in my workspace but does not do a search in the classes I have in the JARs I have in my workspace.
Following is the search term:
Cannot initialize the modules because I can't guess which module to mount
to '/' at
I tried doing this, but of no use. For better understanding attaching the images:
I can't figure out from which jar file type, this string is coming. As we can do a global search on the .java files. Is there a way, we can do keywood search for the jar types(jar file content .class) as well in Eclipse.
Or that is not even possible as suggested by #nitind.
It's not clear what you mean by "a keyword search in Eclipse Types". If I had to guess, I think you mean that you're looking for a type that has a particular word in the name.
You can do this by first doing the "Open Type" operation from the menu bar or from a keyboard shortcut. For example, if you want to find all of the types that have "Basket" in the name of the type, then enter "Basket" in the search field in the "Open Type" dialog.
Currently there is no Eclipse plugin/configuration/setup that can perform this operation.
Although it is possible to search a jar by writing a simple utility like this:
URL url = FindResourceMain.class.getResource("/" + filePath);
We can also use, utility tools like Total Commander to perform a global search in jar/zip.

In Eclipse, how can you search within a search result?

"Long live the Unix Pipes".
Since I am working with Eclipse IDE, I would like to perform search within search results. Is that possible? How can I do that?
Search for references of User (class).
> Search for validation in this result.
> Finally, search for specific pattern.
This is possible in Eclipse, well as far as the version I am using which is Eclipse Juno 4.2.2; I've used this extensively for impact analysis.
For example:
Search using "File Search" with criteria "employee"
The results will appear in the Tab "Search", assuming you are in the tree view (by default), click the root folder
Again, use the "File Search" this time using the 2nd criteria, for example "default" and making sure to click the Selected resources radio button
Effectively, this searches the keyword "default" from the previous search results produced by searching "employee".
Is it really required?. If you are searching any key in the search results then why don't you use it as search key in previous search itself?.
Eclipse search supports regular expression so you can use multiple search words likes key1 or key2 or key1 and key2 etc to narrow the search results.
Refer this Eclipse File Search Dialog - Regular Expression for Group Unions and Negation
You can search in search results with the help of some plugins check here. Take a look at Insta search and glance(Suites for your need) plugin.
Search result can also be exported with the help of this plugin
You cannot. And I am 99% sure of this.
But, just for your info, you can do reference search by pressing Cntrl + G on class name, or method name.

Search all classes in Eclipse?

Is there a search function to search for a particular string across all classes in a project in Eclipse IDE?
Ctrl Shift G
CTRL+SHIFT+G goes perfect for searching similar string in project

Eclipse : search for only a particular word under Eclipse IDE

Is it possible to search for only a particular word under Eclipse IDE .
For example i need to search for a word "sub" .
But the problem is that , when i did ctr l + H and typed the word "sub" , it producing all matching results such as
submit ----etc , but i want the exact word "sub" in my Search .
Please let me know if its possible ??
Thanks in advance .
Try using regular expressions in the File Search Dialogue (Ctrl + H). You can use the word boundaries modifier \b like so :
\bsub\b asks eclipse to search for all matches in which sub is both followed and preceded by a word boundary. Read more about word boundaries here.
Here is a sample snapshot of the Search Results using the above:
If you want to restrict the search to the current project then try selecting 'Enclosing Projects' radio option. This option will be disabled if you don't already have a file from the Project opened. To get past this annoyance, I would recommend creating a Working Set with just the project(s) of interest and then restricting the search on that Working Set.
You can do it from Find/Replace menu (CTRL+F) and flagging the Whole word option :
Otherwise from the standard Search menu(CTRL+H) you can achieve the same result using an appropriate regular expression, in your case you just need to append a space after(or/and before) the sub text and you will get only the whole word.
Select the word and then press Ctrl+Alt+letter(G) it will search the word where it is used.

How to replace a string in eclipse?

I have 500+ program files in a project. I would like to replace a string "vector" to "std::vector" in all the files. How can I do this in Eclipse? I am using Eclipse CDT Helios.
(One option is to use Search->Search and enter the string to be replaced and press "Replace" button. But the problem here is that, it will replace "vectorOfPoints" and "pointsVector" also.)
I guess you could just search for ' vector ' and replace it with ' std::vector ' as you described yourself. Instead make sure there is a space leading and ending your search, so you take only the single word vector.
Maybe you'll only need a space in the end, if vector occurs at the start of a new line. Also make sure your search is case sensitive.
By using Search -> File... from the menu you can search for strings in any files. As Containing text you should use a regular expression so that vectorOfPoints will not match. Then click on Replace... and Eclipse will look up all occurrences. Here you can even have a preview before executing the replace operation.
You can use Edit->Find/Replace and from options select whole world so it will not replace vectorOfPoints