Handling freeform GET URL parameters in Play 2 routing - scala

Let's say I have an action that optionally accepts two parameters:
def foo(name: String, age: Integer) = Action {
// name & age can both be null if not passed
How do I setup my route file to work with any of the following call syntaxes:
/foo?authCode=bar&name=john&age=18 // The controller may have other implicit parameters
What is the correct syntax for this?

Something like this should work:
GET /foo controllers.MyController.foo(name: String ?= "", age: Int ?= 0)
Since your parameters can be left off you need to provide default values for them (and handle those values in the controller function).
You should be able to access other optional parameters in the controller if you pass in an implicit request and access the getQueryString parameter (added in Play 2.1.0 I think):
def foo(name: String, age: Integer) = Action { implicit request =>
val authCode: Option[String] = request.getQueryString("authCode")
A nicer way to do it might just be to take your optional name and age out of the controller parameters and extract everything from the queryString:
def foo = Action { implicit request =>
val nameOpt: Option[String] = request.getQueryString("name")
val ageOpt: Option[String] = request.getQueryString("age")
Update: The current docs for 2.1.1 are a bit off about this (since fixed with issue #776) but this is another (and the best, IMHO) option:
GET /foo controllers.MyController.foo(name: Option[String], age: Option[Int])
def foo(name: Option[String], age: Option[Int]) = Action { implicit request =>
Ok(s"Name is: $name, age is $age")


Scala test verify expectation internal attributes in a class

I am writing unit test to verify the expectation that whether custom region is passed correctly.
def methodToTest(bucket: String, key: Path, customRegion) {
S3.download(bucket, key, None, None, None)
.withAttributes(S3Attributes.settings.getCustomSettings(s3Settings, customRegion))
The #getCustomSettings is a private method which takes region as parameter and returns S3Settings as follows:
private def getCustomSettings(s3Settings: S3Settings, customRegion: String): S3Settings = {
settings.withS3RegionProvider(new AWSRegionProvider {
override def getRegion: Region = Region.of(customRegion)
I tried separately testing the private method but I want to test the verification of expectation to check what custom region is passed to it using scalatest? Thanks
EDIT: S3Settings is a final class which cannot be mocked like mock[S3Settings]
If getCustomSettings is private, you cannot be calling it like that from outside of the S3Attributes.settings instance, so I am going to assume you are mistaken about that.
Now, to answer your question, you need to mock the settings instance, used by the method getting tested. Something like this for example (assuming the type of S3Attributes.settings is S:
def methodToTest(
bucket: String,
key: Path,
customRegion: String,
settings: S = S3Attributes.settings
) = {
S3.download(bucket, key, None, None, None)
.withAttributes(settings.getCustomSettings(s3Settings, customRegion))
Then in your test:
val settings = mock[S]
when(settings.getCustomSettings(any, any)).thenAnswer {
(s: S3Settings, _: String) => s
methodToTest("foo", "bar", "baz", settings)
verify(settings).getCustomSettings(any, eq("baz"))

Encoder for update endpoint of a Rest API

I'm implementing a client for the Keystone API of Openstack. For the Users I have the following classes:
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import io.circe.derivation.{deriveDecoder, deriveEncoder, renaming}
import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder}
object User {
object Update {
implicit val encoder: Encoder[Update] = deriveEncoder(renaming.snakeCase)
case class Update(
name: Option[String] = None,
password: Option[String] = None,
defaultProjectId: Option[String] = None,
enabled: Option[Boolean] = None,
implicit val decoder: Decoder[User] = deriveDecoder(renaming.snakeCase)
final case class User(
id: String,
name: String,
domainId: String,
defaultProjectId: Option[String] = None,
passwordExpiresAt: Option[OffsetDateTime] = None,
enabled: Boolean = true,
Where User.Update contains the possible fields to update a user. Updates are done using PATCH, or in other words they are partial. The encoders are being used in a class which has the methods to create, update, delete, get, and list the users. This service class uses the encoders in a http4s EntityEncoder with:
import io.circe.{Encoder, Printer}
import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, circe}
val jsonPrinter: Printer = Printer.noSpaces.copy(dropNullValues = true)
implicit def jsonEncoder[A: Encoder]: EntityEncoder[F, A] = circe.jsonEncoderWithPrinterOf(jsonPrinter)
My problem is how to implement the update for defaultProjectId. In the final json sent to the server the following cases are possible:
Keep the current value of defaultProjectId (the json object does not contain the field default_project_id:
Change the defaultProjectId to an-id:
"default_project_id: "an-id",
Unset the defaultProjectId:
"default_project_id: null,
The current implementation: defaultProjectId: Option[String] = None + dropNullValues in the printer, models correctly the cases 1 and 2, but prevents case 3.
Ideally I would have an ADT like:
sealed trait Updatable[+T]
case object KeepExistingValue extends Updatable[Nothing]
case object Unset extends Updatable[Nothing]
case class ChangeTo[T](value: T) extends Updatable[T]
Usage example (probably in the future all fields would be Updatables):
case class Update(
name: Option[String] = None,
password: Option[String] = None,
defaultProjectId: Updatable[String] = KeepExistingValue,
enabled: Option[Boolean] = None,
But I can't find a clean way to encode this ADT. Attempted solutions and their problems (they all require not using the printer with dropNullValues in the update method):
Unset is special:
// The generic implementation of Updatable
implicit def updatableEncoder[T](implicit valueEncoder: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Updatable[T]] = {
case KeepExistingValue => Json.Null
case Unset => Json.fromString(Unset.getClass.getName) // Or another arbitrary value
case ChangeTo(value) => valueEncoder(value)
// In the service class
def nullifyUnsets(obj: JsonObject): JsonObject = obj.mapValues {
case json if json.asString.contains(Unset.getClass.getName) => Json.Null
case json => json
def update(id: String, update: Update): F[Model] = {
// updateEncoder is of type Encoder[Update]
Using the dropNullValues nicely handles the KeepExistingValue case.
If the user invokes dropNullValues to derive the encoder the code still works.
Because of dropNullValues the Unset case is meh.
We iterate twice on the Json Object field/values, once for dropNullValues another for mapObject.
Json.fromString(Unset.getClass.getName) is arbitrary and can collide with a legit value for T, although very unlikely.
KeepExistingValue is special:
// The generic implementation of Updatable
implicit def updatableEncoder[T](implicit valueEncoder: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Updatable[T]] = {
case KeepExistingValue => Json.fromString(Unset.getClass.getName) // Or another arbitrary value
case Unset => Json.Null
case ChangeTo(value) => valueEncoder(value)
// In the service class
def dropKeepExistingValues(obj: JsonObject): JsonObject = obj.filter{
case (_, json) => !json.asString.contains(Unset.getClass.getName)
def update(id: String, update: Update): F[Model] = {
// updateEncoder is of type Encoder[Update]
Simpler implementation, updatableEncoder implementation maps more directly to the needed Json.
Just one pass over the Json Object field/values.
If the programmer invokes dropNullValues to derive the encoder then the code stops working.
Json.fromString(Unset.getClass.getName) is arbitrary and can collide with a legit value for T, although very unlikely.
I'm sure I'm not the first one to hit this problem, but I can't search for it, the best I got is this comment.

GET request parameters to case class in Play & Scala

I have inherited 2 controller methods (for GET requests) that accept the same 10 request parameters like so:
class Application #Inject() (cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {
def func1(param1: String,
param2: String,
param3: String
param10: String
) = Action {
def func2(param1: String,
param2: String,
param3: String
param10: String
) = Action {
These are mapped like so:
GET /f1 blah.blah.Application.func1(p1: String, p2: String...p10: String)
GET /f2 blah.blah.Application.func2(p1: String, p2: String...p10: String)
I like to avoid the repetition. I am wondering if it is possible to define a case class with 10 fields named after the request parameters, have the controller methods accept one parameter of the case-class-type and have Play match request parameter names to field names and bind the value?
This can be easily achieved if the same values were submitted in a POST request body. But this is not an option as this end-point has been exposed to clients.
Query string binders are used for that. Basically, you tell Play how to parse the parameters, group them to a class and reverse (turn them back to String representation). Let's say you want a Page abstraction:
case class Page(from: Int, to: Int)
implicit def pageQSB(implicit intBinder: QueryStringBindable[Int]) = new QueryStringBindable[Page] {
override def bind(key: String, params: Map[String, Seq[String]]): Option[Either[String, Page]] = {
for {
from <- intBinder.bind("from", params)
to <- intBinder.bind("to", params)
} yield {
(from, to) match {
case (Right(from), Right(to)) => Right(Page(from, to))
case _ => Left("Unable to bind a Page")
override def unbind(key: String, page: Page): String = {
intBinder.unbind("from", page.from) + "&" + intBinder.unbind("to", page.to)
Note that you have to import these implicits to routes scope (in your build.sbt), e.g.
routesImport += "utils.MyBinders._"

Play2 - validation of dynamic part of route(s)

I'm building an API, that takes in a variable path parameter, or dynamic part of the route, as the play documentation would specify it.
I would like to validate this as to give the client a proper response.
I have the following route setup
GET /:dynamic/all controller.method(dynamic: String)
The dynamic param for the method is used across the API, for multiple methods, so i would like to get some kind of global validation/whitelist of acceptable strings. (eg: "hello"/"hi" would be accepted, and "noooway" would not be accepted, and i would return a 404 not found as response.
I would preferably like my controller method to not contain any validation so that this would be true:
def method(dynamic: String): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { _ =>
//I already know "dynamic" is valid here.
Future.successful(Ok(Json.toJson(Map("status" -> "OK"))))
Instead of: (excuse my javaisc-psuedo-code)
def method(dynamic: String): Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { _ =>
val valid = Helper.validate(dynamic)
if (!valid) return some result/response else
Future.successful(Ok(Json.toJson(Map("status" -> "OK"))))
Play allows you to do this by different ways.
1. PathBindable
You can implement a PathBindable[T] for any type T, so that your value extracted from the path of the request is not a simple String but a T.
If you are ready to change the type of dynamic (which would make sense, since it is not supposed to be just any string but a valid one), you could do the following:
case class Validated(str: String) {
object Validated {
implicit val pathBindable = new PathBindable[Validated] {
val string = implicitly[PathBindable[String]]
override def bind(key: String, value: String): Either[String, Validated] =
string.bind(key, value). // bind as if it were a string
right.filter(Helper.validate).getOrElse(Left("Invalid input")). // filter using your validation function, and give error message
right.map(Validated(_)) // encapsulate in your new type
override def unbind(key: String, value: Validated): String =
string.unbind(key, value.str) //unbind as if it were a string
Note that you need to implement unbind for reverse routing (get a path for a given action call).
Now, you just need to replace String in your router and in your controller by your.package.Validated.
GET /:dynamic/all controller.method(dynamic: your.package.Validated)
NB: if you want to use the simple name of your class, you need to import it in your build.sbt:
(project in file(".").
settings(routesImport += "your.package.Validated")
2. Action Composition
You can also implement an action filter to be used whenever your input needs to be validated:
case class ValidatedAction(input: String) extends ActionFilter[Request] {
override protected def filter[A](request: Request[A]): Future[Option[Result]] = Future.successful{
if (Helper.validate(input)) None else Some(BadRequest("Invalid input"))
def method(dynamic: String) = (Action andThen ValidatedAction(dynamic)).async {
The code inside the async block will be executed only if the filter method returns None, otherwise, it will return the specified Result (here, BadRequest("Invalid input").

How to avoid using null?

Suppose, I have my domain object named "Office":
case class Office(
id: Long,
name: String,
phone: String,
address: String
) {
def this(name: String, phone: String, address: String) = this(
null.asInstanceOf[Long], name, phone, address
When I create new Office:
new Office("officeName","00000000000", "officeAddress")
I don't specify id field becouse I don't know it. When I save office (by Anorm) I now id and do that:
office.id = officeId
So. I know that using null is non-Scala way. How to avoid using null in my case?
Using Option.
Suppose, something like this:
case class Office(
id: Option[Long],
name: String,
phone: String,
address: String
) {
def this(name: String, phone: String, address: String) = this(
None, name, phone, address
And, after saving:
office.id = Option(officeId)
But what if I need to find something by office id?
Does it clear? office.id.get looks not so good)
Everyone thanks! I've got new ideas from your answers! Greate thanks!
Why not declare the id field as a Option? You should really avoid using null in Scala. Option is preferable since it is type-safe and plays nice with other constructs in the functional paradigm.
Something like (I haven't tested this code):
case class Office(
id: Option[Long],
name: String,
phone: String,
address: String
) {
def this(name: String, phone: String, address: String) = this(
None, name, phone, address
Just make the id field an Option[Long]; once you have that, you can use it like this:
This will do what you want and return Option[Something]. If office.id is None, map() won't even invoke the finder method and will immediately return None, which is what you want typically.
And if findSomethingByOfficeId returns Option[Something] (which it should) instead of just Something or null/exception, use:
This way, if office.id is None, it will, again, immediately return None; however, if it's Some(123), it will pass that 123 into findSomethingByOfficeId; now if the finder returns a Some(something) it will return Some(something), if however the finder returns None, it will again return None.
if findSomethingByOfficeId can return null and you can't change its source code, wrap any calls to it with Option(...)—that will convert nulls to None and wrap any other values in Some(...); if it can throw an exception when it can't find the something, wrap calls to it with Try(...).toOption to get the same effect (although this will also convert any unrelated exceptions to None, which is probably undesirable, but which you can fix with recoverWith).
The general guideline is always avoid null and exceptions in Scala code (as you stated); always prefer Option[T] with either map or flatMap chaining, or using the monadic for syntactic sugar hiding the use of map and flatMap.
Runnable example:
object OptionDemo extends App {
case class Something(name: String)
case class Office(id: Option[Long])
def findSomethingByOfficeId(officeId: Long) = {
if (officeId == 123) Some(Something("London")) else None
val office1 = Office(id = None)
val office2 = Office(id = Some(456))
val office3 = Office(id = Some(123))
For a great introduction to Scala's rather useful Option[T] type, see http://danielwestheide.com/blog/2012/12/19/the-neophytes-guide-to-scala-part-5-the-option-type.html.
When using id: Option[Long] , extract the option value for instance with
if (office.id.isDefined) {
val Some(id) = office.id
or perhaps for instance
office.id match {
case None => Array()
case Some(id) => SomeService.findSomethingByOfficeId(id)
Also you can define case classes and objects as follows,
trait OId
case object NoId extends OId
case class Id(value: Long) extends OId
case class Office (
id: OId = NoId,
name: String,
phone: String,
address: String
Note that by defaulting id for example to NoId , there is no need to declare a call to this. Then
val office = Office (Id(123), "name","phone","addr")
val officeNoId = Office (name = "name",phone="phone",address="addr")
If the id member is defined last, then there is no need to name the member names,
val office = Office ("name","phone","addr")
office: Office = Office(name,phone,addr,NoId)
As of invoking (neatly) a method,
office.id match {
case NoId => Array()
case Id(value) => SomeService.findSomethingByOfficeId(value)
I prefer more strong restriction for object Id property:
trait Id[+T] {
class ObjectHasNoIdExcepthion extends Throwable
def id : T = throw new ObjectHasNoIdExcepthion
case class Office(
name: String,
phone: String,
address: String
) extends Id[Long]
object Office {
def apply(_id : Long, name: String, phone: String, address: String) =
new Office(name, phone, address) {
override def id : Long = _id
And if I try to get Id for object what is not stored in DB, I get exception and this mean that something wrong in program behavior.
val officeWithoutId =
Office("officeName","00000000000", "officeAddress")
officeWithoutId.id // Throw exception
// for-comprehension and Try monad can be used
// update office:
for {
id <- Try { officeWithoutId.id }
newOffice = officeWithoutId.copy(name = "newOffice")
} yield OfficeDAL.update(id, newOffice)
// find office by id:
for {
id <- Try { officeWithoutId.id }
} yield OfficeDAL.findById(id)
val officeWithId =
Office(1000L, "officeName","00000000000", "officeAddress")
officeWithId.id // Ok
1) method apply with id parameter can be incapsulated in DAL logic
private[dal] def apply (_id : Long, name: String, ...
2) copy method always create new object with empty id (safty if you change data)
3) update method is safety (object not be overridden by default, id always need to be specified)
1) Special serealization/deserealization logic needed for store id property (json for webservices, etc)
this approach is good if you have immutable object (ADT) and store it to DB with id + object version instead object replace.