Configure Alfresco.util.PopupManagers YUI Dialog - modal-dialog

I'm trying to configure the width for Alfresco.util.PopupManager.displayPrompt() but I don't see how to do it.
YUI Dialog has a width property, but the only config that I've managed to see, defaultDisplayPromptConfig object, doesn't seem to pay much attention to my messing with it.
Specifically, I tried setting Alfresco.util.PopupManager.defaultDisplayPromptConfig.width but it didn't work :)
I'm also trying to style up the panel I'm loading (create-site style injected panel), but it does not work for now.
Is there a way to configure the PopupManager Prompt object?

If you look at the source for Alfresco.util.PopupManager.displayPrompt() contained in alfresco.js then you'll see that the method creates an instance of YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog, which does support a width property.
The problem is that displayPrompt() takes only specific configuration options which it passes through to the SimpleDialog, so adding an additional width parameter to your config will not have any effect, as you can see.
// Create the SimpleDialog that will display the text
var prompt = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("prompt",
close: c.close,
constraintoviewport: c.constraintoviewport,
draggable: c.draggable,
effect: c.effect,
modal: c.modal,
visible: c.visible,
zIndex: this.zIndex++
// Show the title if it exists
if (c.title)
// Show the prompt text
prompt.setBody(c.noEscape ? c.text : $html(c.text));
// Show the icon if it exists
if (c.icon)
prompt.cfg.setProperty("icon", c.icon);
// Add the buttons to the dialog
if (c.buttons)
prompt.cfg.queueProperty("buttons", c.buttons);
// Add the dialog to the dom, center it and show it.
I like the idea of enhancing the function to support a width property and possibly others, but in the meantime you are best off using SimpleDialog directly in your own code, modifying the above to add a width parameter.


Material-UI Sizing Confusion

In the sizing documentation, it says "Easily make an element as wide or as tall (relative to its parent) with the width and height utilities.".
What I realize is that almost all the examples in system section of documentation, examples mostly related to Box component. I tried some of the tricks from there on Button element. And expectedly nothing changed.
Well for those who is new on material (actually UI) this is a bit tricky. first, they use Box because as per box documentation they said box generated using material styled (not the styled-components) "The Box component packages all the style functions that are exposed in #material-ui/system. It's created using the styled() function of #material-ui/core/styles."
So, I went to the github and material core repository to understand how to do that.
export const styleFunction = css(
css and compose are also exported from #material-ui/system
then at the end of the file;
const Box = styled(BoxRoot, { shouldForwardProp }, { muiName: 'MuiBox' })(styleFunction);
export default Box;
The styled used here is from an experimentalStyled package (an internal package) but that does not matter. Cuz, Material guys exporting a styled function/hook for our use.
import { styled } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
I tried this styled function for Button component.
const CustomButton = styled(Button)(sizing);
adn yes it worked. I am now able to apply magical styling skills defined in the system section of material UI.
For those who wants to use this instead of other methods. I pushed an npm package too.

Unity editor - How to stop field from turning blue when its edited

I am making a tool in Unity to build your project for muliple platforms when you press a button.
I started with the preferences window for the tool, and came up with an anoying thing. Whenever I change the enum value of the EnumPopup field, the field turns blue in the editor window. Is there a way to disable this?
See how in the 2nd picture the field is not blue, and in the 3rd picture the field has changed to blue? How do I prevent this from happening?
Thanks in advance!
Difficult to help without having the rest of your code.
This is Unity built-in behaviour. I tried a lot of stuff see here to disable / overwrite the built-in coloring of prefix labels but had no luck so far.
A workarround however might be to instead use an independent EditorGUI.LabelField which will not be affected by the EnumPopup together with the EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth:
var LabelRect = new Rect(
// use the current label width
var EnumRect = new Rect(
FILEMANAGEMENT_ENUMFIELD_RECT.width - EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth,
EditorGUI.LabelField(LabelRect, "File relative to");
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(EnumRect, QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);
As you can see the label is not turned blue while the width keeps being flexible
Instead of setting values via edito scripts directly like
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = you should always try and use the proper SerializedProperty. It handles things like Undo/Redo and also marks the according objects and scenes as dirty.
Is there also a special reason why you use EditorGUI instead of EditorGUILayout? In the latter you don't need to setup Rects.
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("File relative to", GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth));
QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation = (QuickBuilder.Settings.PathRelation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(QuickBuilder.Settings.Relation);

Multi-page form: Bring invalid field into focus

I have a multipage form with more than 40 fields spread over multiple tabs, and grouped in collapsible fieldsets.
Now I have the case that upon form submission, a field is detected as invalid, and I want to find the field for the user, bring it into the visible area and focus it. So I have to switch to the right tab, open the fieldset if applicable, scroll the field into the visible area and focus it.
I would guess ExtJS has a function for this, but I don't find one. My code:
// Get first invalid field. C&P from Ext.form.Basic.isValid function
var invalidField = me.getForm().getFields().findBy(function(f) {return !f.isValid();});
if(invalidField) {
// TODO: Bring the field to front.
// Now focus the field:
Is there a builtin function available?
Ext JS does not provide a built-in method for doing this specifically, but it does provide all of the necessary utility methods and supports animations. At a minimum, ensuring the form is configured as scrollable, setting the active tab, and focusing on the invalid field is enough to scroll to correct position. I created a fiddle example demonstrating a solution.
Sencha Fiddle: An Example of Scrolling to an Invalid Field in a Tab
tabPanel.items.each(function(tab) {
var formPanel = tab.down('form');
formPanel.getForm().getFields().each(function(field, index, length) {
if (!field.isValid()) {
// Focusing an element will set the correct scroll position.
// However, an animation can help the user follow along.
formPanel.setScrollY(field.getPosition()[1], true);
return false;
return true;

React-dnd - change styling of dropTargets on dragStart

I got a app that shows multiple pages, which are dragable. As the content of those can get very long I want to show only the page-name and limit the height of the page to about 50px on beginDrag() and reset the height to auto on endDrag(). Unfortunately this doesnt work, the styles get just ignored. I think this happends because react-dnd needs to keep the proportion of the elements so it can handle the drop-targets and knows which component is at which position. Is there any other way to accomplish this?
If you use a dragPreview then it will use that instead of the screenshot-ed component, similar to what he does in the tutorial (
componentDidMount: function () {
var connectDragPreview = this.props.connectDragPreview;
var myPlaceholder = <Placeholder /> // A fake component with the height you want
myPlaceholder.onload = function() {
(Note that you'll have to inject the connectDragPreview through the collector like he did as well)
I'm not quite sure I understand the problem but may be connectDragPreview can help you?
Some useful info here

Create window at bottom of screen

I am able to create a new window with my app, but I was wondering if there was a way for this window to open at the bottom of the screen. The preferred behavior would be, given a height, fill in a window from the left to right side of the screen and be all the way at the bottom of that screen. Like a bottom-docked panel.
Is there some attribute I can add to the create to make this happen? All I can think is to set left to 0, but that only solves one thing."window.html", {
alwaysOnTop: true,
id: "info_view",
bounds: {width:600, height:400},
The app window create reference is here:
First, It looks like bounds is deprecated; you should use innerBounds or outerBounds instead.
Second, all of the bounds take a BoundsSpecification which has arguments for left and top. You can get the screen display bounds using chrome.system.display.getInfo(function callback) which returns a workArea (and a bounds, depending on your intent).
Then, probably you want to pass to window.create something like
outerBounds: {
top: screenInfo.workArea.height - window_height,
height: window_height
(Note: I haven't tried it, yet)