Update in MicrosoftAjax.js is not reflect in my local Visual Studio 2005 - ajaxcontroltoolkit

I got java script error:
SCRIPT5022: Sys.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value must be an integer.
Parameter name: y Actual value was 326.739990234375.
When I testing application in IE 10 browser. I did googling and found this solution from Microsoft Support.
I have modified MicrosoftAjax.js and MicrosoftAjax.debug.js files as per above article.
But After modified the javascriptfiles, when I run the application using Visual Studio 2005, I did not get the updated MicrosoftAjax.js and MicrosoftAjax.debug.js files.
So my question is: How can I get the updated versions of these two javascripts files.

Instead of hacking JS files try upgrading your project to a newer .NET framework:


How to fix "The type or namespace name could not be found"?

Visual studio wont recognize certain packages (Entities, and TMPro, to name a few) and it gives the error: The type or namespace name could not be found; but everything compiles fine. I know there are already many questions and answers related to this problem, but so far none of them have worked for me.
So the way I downloaded these packages was by using the Unity Package Manager, so this makes things even more confusing because I installed other packages the same way, and they are recognized no problem.
So far I have tried:
Checking the target framework of the packages and the project (all are .NET Framework 4.6)
Deleting the Library folder
Checking my Unity version (2019.2.0a11)
Some extra notes:
I've had this issue for a long time now (with TMPro to be specific; for about a year) ever since downloading it from the Package Manager in one of the 2018.X versions
In other Unity projects, which are using various versions, give the same result. This leads me to believe it is something to do with my visual studio.
The Entities package shows up on the side, see picture below
I uninstalled Visual Studio 2017 installed Visual Studio 2019 and it fixed my problem. I suspect re-installing like others suggested may have worked too.

Connecting DevExpress XtraReports with PostgreSQL in Visual Studio

I have DevExpress XtraReports v18.1.6 version and PostgreSQL 4 v3.3. Visual studio 2017 v15.3.3 and Windows 7.
Here is scenario: In my project, I have some reports writen in devexpress v17.2. I could not run those reports, because I could not download exactly that version 17.2, I install new 18.1.6. Then in Visual studio main menu "DevExpress" I click on "Project converter to 18.1.." and that action replace my old dlls v17.2 with new 18.1. After that I could run reports (see it in designer).
But problem is with databse connection. I created connection string with "XpoProvider=Postgres".
Every time when I want to get data in report, or rebuild result shema, or manage queries I get error:
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=,...
I have that reference, exactly that version. Also I tried with new versions of threading.tasks but unsuccessfully.
My version of Npgsql.dll was 2.2.7, I tried with 3.2.5 (read from some devexpres documentations). Also tried with new 4.0.3.
Did anyone have a similar problem?
we had the same issue when using the DevExpress (18.1) Report Designer with Visual Studio 2017.
I know this might not be an ideal or the best solution but at least it worked for us:
I used ProcMon to determine where it was looking for that specific File, for me it turned out to be C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\hhfnlhs1.kna
I downloaded the NuGet Package for System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions from NuGet (https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions/)
I unzipped the Package and stored the DLL at that path from step 1
I had to active "loadFromRemoteSources" in my machine-config (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dotnet/netframework-4.0/dd409252(v=vs.100))
I had to put another DLL from NuGet (https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe/4.5.2) into that folder from step 1
That's it - now I can access the DB again.

Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting

I am using Roslyn for application scripting via Nuget Package Manager. Setup should be rather simple. Create new project and, in Nuget manager, add Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Sripting package. After couple of confirmations you are ready to go.
Next step should be checking for installed packages update. Currently, there are 5 updates that are shown after initial installation. Again, it is pretty straightforward to do this.
However, immediately after the update, two of those packages show yellow triangle in Reference node of the project.
I have tried to resolve this following SO and other hints but nothing helped me so far.
At the end, I have installed new VM with Windows 10 Pro (with all updates) and VS2017 Community Edition. After that new Windows Forms project (.net 4.6.1. based for x64) was created and scripting package is added. Unfortunately, yellow triangles are still there (after update).
Problematic packages are System.ValueTuple and System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates.
Also, after cleaning and rebuilding the solution, a number of warnings (MSB3836) - explicit binding redirect on "System..." conflicts with autogenerated binding redirect.
Solution to this problem might shed a light on problem with more complex solution that I stumbled upon after migration to VS 2017.
So, what is the reason for such behavior? Remember, this happens on new installation of OS and VS with simplest project possible.
Visual Studio 2017 Communnity Incorrectly Updates Roslyn Scripting
I got the same result with you steps. This issue only occurred on the Visual Studio 2017 not Visual Studio 2015. That should have some issue with package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
To resolve this issue, I would like provide you a workaround:
Update packages "System.ValueTuple" and "System.Security.Cryptography. X509Certificates" first, then update other packages.
It works fine on my side, you can check if it works for you.
In order to track this issue, I have create a new issue on GitHub:
If you have additional information to add, you can add comments below that issue. And you can check the feedback from this link.

Error using MongoDB.Web: MongoDB.Driver.SafeModeResult MongoDB.Driver.MongoCollection.Insert(!!0)

I am getting the following error using the MongoDB.Web membership provider:
Method not found: 'MongoDB.Driver.SafeModeResult MongoDB.Driver.MongoCollection.Insert(!!0)'.
I have the simplest of implementations:
Visual Studio Express 2012
Empty Website project (VB.NET) with a standard index.aspx added
Nuget packages: MongoDB.Web 1.2, mongocsharpdriver 1.7
MongoDB db version 2.2.3
Windows 7 64-bit
(All Mongo elements downloaded fresh today.)
I copied and pasted the Membership provider web.config details from the FreshLogic site, and modified only the database and collection attributes to reference my desired collection.
I have one line of code in the Page.Load event of my index.aspx:
Membership.CreateUser("fred124243", "Passw0rd$123")
I get the aforementioned error when I run the solution. I can see that my collection gets created, so the solution is communicating with MongoDB.
Any help greatly appreciated!
Answering my own question... I had to download MongoDB.Web source from Git and recompile.

A constructible type deriving from DbContext could not be found in the selected file (EF Power Tools Beta 2 + VS 2012))

I'm using VS 2012 (Ultimate) together with Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 2 and entity framework 5.0 (using nuget).
I've created a DbContext class. When I right-click on the corresponding file in the solution explorer and select "Entity Framework / View Entity Data Model (Read-only)", I get the error "A constructible type deriving from DbContext could not be found in the selected file." error in VS 2012.
I tried the workaround described at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2012/04/09/ef-power-tools-beta-2-available.aspx, but my registry does not contain the key "{BFC24BF4-B994-4757-BCDC-1D5D2768BF29}" in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0_Config\BindingPaths\".
After restarting visual studio and following the same steps, a dialog pops up indicating "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation".
BTW. I'm able to execute my test application that creates the database from my DbContext and O can insert/delete/etc data in this database.
Any help/hints would be very appreciated.
Kind regards,
Uninstalling VSCommands for Visual Studio 2012 should get things working again. Unfortunately, this extension does not play nicely with the EF Power Tools. It loads it's own version of EntityFramework.dll into the main VS process which prevents the DbContext discovery logic from working properly.
As mentioned by Brice, this may be caused by compatibility issue with Visual Studio Extensions.
Latest version of VSCommands fixes this problem. You can get if from Visual Studio Gallery.
Many thanks to Brice and EF Team for their help in diagnosing the problem!
Having seen this error intermittently even without the extensions listed in the other answers, I found deleting the solution's local .suo file worked - although this was very much a when-all-else-fails answer!
I had a similar issue with a different Visual Studio Extension. In my case it was Visual Studio Tools for Git (Version
I just disabled the extension, restarted VS2012 and I was able to use generate the model from a code first EF project.