Query Hunt Groups with TAPI and Avaya IP Office - telephony

I am using TAPI 2.X to develop a solution for Avaya IP Office 500 v2 PBX as 3th party application to control it. Right know I can make calls, hangup, intrude, open lines and so on. I need to query witch lines are acting as a queue because I have the default queue (200, Main in IPO are called Hunt Group) but in TAPI is shown as another line with a single device connected to it. Can anyone give some hint or show me some kind of option to do it?
Thank you.

Not sure if Avaya TSP does that, but the standard way is to set LINEADDRCAPFLAGS_QUEUE bit in the dwAddrCapFlags field of the LINEADDRESSCAPS structure:
If you're using our AddTapi dll you can check TapiAddress.IsQueue and TapiAddress.IsRoutePoint properties.


Directly connecting two Arduino Yun boards to each other

I am trying to connect two Arduino Yun boards to each other via WIFI (make one board control a pin on the other board an vice versa) and I am having trouble making it work the way I want to.
This is where I've gotten so far:
I have two Arduino Yun boards with a simple sketch installed on each, which works fine as long as I keep the "connecting-each-other"-part out of it. It uses a potentiometer on the analog port, reads its value, maps it to the range of 0-255 an fades a LED up or down on one of the digital pins (brighter / darker) depending on the given value. Now I want to use the potentionmeter of one board to control the LED on the OTHER board.
To do that, I tried to use the REST API. I combined my sketch with the code from the "Bridge" Example Sketch, which sets up a http-client/server on the Arduino Yun (on the Linux part) allowing it to receive requests to control and read patricular pins via http.
When using the specific URL for the REST API in a browser, it works fine. For example: when I type "http://myarduino.local/arduino/digital/3/1" it sets the value of digital pin 3 to 1 (i.e. LED is switched on) --> so that's all fine
I am not sure how to continue at this point, since I dont want to control the board from a browser or app but make one Arduino Yun control another Arduino Yun directly. If I put a http request in my sketch like mentioned above via client.get and client.read (as in the example sketch) it does not work. See example code below. It doesnt have any effect nor does anything appear in the serial monitor (with the original URL "http://arduino.cc/asciilogo.txt" like in the example, the ascii code appears in the serial monitor)
HttpClient webclient;
while (webclient.available()) {
char c = webclient.read();
I am a beginner with Arduino Yun boards and maybe I am missing something?
Thanks for any help or pointing me in the right direction. Or if you need more information to help me with this problem, please let me know.
I found another way to connect two Arduino Yun boards directly, or as close to "directly" as it probably gets. The REST API was not the right way to go. So this is for anyone who might encounter the same "problem":
After some research I came across "Spacebrew". It's based on "websockets" and requires a server to connect the boards to each other, but it is very flexible. It's also fairly easy to setup a spacebrew server locally. It allows every client (like a Arduino Yun board) connected to the server to publish different types of data (boolean, range, value) and/or to subscribe to the published data from other devices using a simple webinterface. The good thing is, that the connection is fast and there's no waiting for the connection to be reestablished when there is data to be sent.
I used the Arduino Example Sketch "spacebrewRange" and it worked fine for me.
It also requires a few other things before it can work, but its explained on the website and in a tutorial:
Trying to do the same, it seems, and for me it works (this bit at least :-|
I let one arduino request the URL "http://router.domain:port/arduino/key/value", using a Process which runs cURL. The receiving arduino interprets this request to set the key to the value, using a YunClient.
From the URLs in your question, it seems that you are missing the mandatory "/arduino/" component in the path name. As far as I know, this is needed to direct any requests directed at the OpenWRT stack to the arduino/Leonardo part.

How do I connect this chat program to two computers?

So I have been modifying the chat program found here: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/259777-a-simple-chat-program-with-clientserver-gui-optional/ and I am at the point where I am ready to use it between twp pc's.
The problem is, I do not know enough about server-client relationships to set it up. Is there anything missing in the code for this to work? I just want to link two laptops to chat with one another. Is there any server softare I need to run or something?
I tried openfire but couldn't figure out how to link it, every port number I tried (listed in the admin page) didn't work. This is my first attempt at anything like this and probably beyond my current level of understanding which is why I would greatly appreciate a straightforward solution.
I chose this becaue I needed to do a lot of customization to the code so please use the ones on the page above as a reference. I would post the code here but there are 5 classes and they are neatly displayed on that page already with a explanation of each.
Thanks in advance!
Before you start trying to incorporate external libraries or functions, understand the code. Play around with it a little. See what does what and if you change this setting or that what will happen. Bare in mind that the code is separated into 2 applications:
Client - [ClientUI + Client + ChatMessage]
Server - [ServerUI + Server + ChatMessage]
Check that the application works on a single machine. So keep the server class the same and simply edit the client class so that it points to the current machine.
Run both the server and the client (from the example) on the same machine and when the client asks for the server location input then put the port number you gave for the ServerSocket in Server. This should point to your machine and if this works but not when using 2 separate machines check your firewall settings.

GWT event servise browsers synchronization problem

I have implemented pretty simple application, using gwt and gwt event service 1.1.1, it sends some information to the server and waits for particular event to come back.
When application is opened in one browser window, it works fine.
When it is opened in two browser windows (the same browser and the same address: localhost:port/app or ip:port/app) on one machine, only one instance of my application receives event (UI reflects changes only in one window).
When it is opened in two different browsers, but with the same addresses (for instance, both are localhost:port/app), then both browsers receive events.
When it is opened in two windows of the same browser, but with different addresses (one is localhost:port/app, second is ip:port/app), then it also receives events.
So, could somebody provide any explanation to such behavior? And if is there some kind of workaround for this problem.
Thanks in advance,
You are using gwt event service on the server, right?
They claim to have "Only one open connection for event listening". So they actively check that one client has only one connection for sending events. They probably use web sessions to achieve this.
Since you open the same URL in the same browses in two tabs, this two tabs share the same session. There is no way around it. There are a lot of questions about this: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=browser+tabs+session
It seems that gwt-event-service can be configured to support multiple sessions: use SessionExtendedConnectionIdGenerator
Update 2:
Use a config file like this: http://code.google.com/p/gwteventservice/source/browse/trunk/conf/eventservice.properties?r=265

FileMaker: Is there any native way to get the client's computer name?

Is there a FileMaker (11 Advanced) native way to obtain the client's computer name in a script? The computer name shown in FileMaker server when displaying clients connected to a database would do nicely.
Purpose: I'm looking to have filemaker recall and set window position based on user and computer. (The same user could have a different window position and size preference for their laptop than for their desktop -- think of byHost user preferences.)
Alternate: I'm aware that a the client computer name could be grabbed using an external script, but would prefer a native way, if available.
I am still unable to answer the question as asked. However, for the purpose stated, I just found the command
Get ( SystemNICAddress )
It will provide a unique identifier for each computer that will change infrequently. This is all that is required for my purpose and will likely work better than the value I originally requested.
This new function was introduced in FileMaker Pro 12.0:
Get ( PersistentID )
From the FileMaker documentation at http://www.filemaker.com/help/12/fmp/html/func_ref2.32.54.html:
"Returns a unique, unchanging identifier for the computer on which FileMaker Pro is running or the device on which FileMaker Go is running, in the form of a 32-digit hexadecimal string."
If you're using FMP 12+, this would be a better choice than relying on Get(SystemNICAddress), which can change.
I know this is an old post, but we've worked with the same thing for other reasons and maybe this will help someone.
Since it doesn't seem that FM natively has this function built-in, even for version 17, I just made a table with the NIC address records created when the file opens (if it doesn't exist already) and then the DNS name was manually added later. Then the DNS name could be referenced after using GET to find the NIC address. Some computers do have multiple NICs so those are broken up into separate records (it's just returned as a list) but the same DNS name is applied to them all. Except in the case of a VPN NIC which sometimes reports at 00:00:00:00:00:00; those are just ignored. Otherwise you may have multiple computers with the same null NIC - and that isn't helpful. We use the DNS name for reporting of our employees sales in relation to their call volume. And trying to remember the NICs of a hundred computers is not as simple as a DNS name to know where the person was sitting at the time.
There is a native way to do it.
Get ( HostName )
But you can't use this with a hosted filed, file needs to be opened on the client machine locally.
There can be other advantages to using local FileMaker files that communicate with hosted files
- Better performance for graphics heavy layouts
- Providing an offline cache
Another approach is to use a system shell script.
For completeness sake, a non-native approach, there are a few Filemaker plugins that can provide this functionality. www.360works.com/scriptmaster/
To identify client with FileMaker 11, I simply use:
Maybe it could help...

Can Microsoft Windows Workflow route to specific workstations?

I want to write a workflow application that routes a link to a document. The routing is based upon machines not users because I don't know who will ever be at a given post. For example, I have a form. It is initially filled out in location A. I now want it to go to location B and have them fill out the rest. Finally, it goes to location C where a supervisor will approve it.
None of these locations has a known user. That is I don't know who it will be. I only know that whomever it is is authorized (they are assigned to the workstation and are approved to be there.)
Will Microsoft Windows Workflow do this or do I need to build my own workflow based on SQL Server, IP Addresses, and so forth?
Also, How would the user at a workstation be notified a document had been sent to their machine?
Thanks for any help.
I think if I was approaching this problem workflow would work to do it. It is a state machine you want that has three states:
A Start
B Completing
C Approving
However workflow needs to work in one central place (trust me on this, you only want to have one workflow run time running at once, otherwise the same bit of work can be done multiple times see our questions on MSDN forum). So a central server running the workflow is the answer.
How you present this to the users can be done in multiple ways. Dave suggested using an ASP.NET site to identify the machines that are doing the work, which is probably how I would do it. However you could also write a windows forms client that would do the same thing. This would require using something like SOAP / WCF to facilitate communication between client form applications and the central workflow service. This would have the advantage that you could use a system try icon to alert the user.
You might also want to look at human workflow engines, as they are designed to do things such as this (and more), I'm most familiar with PNMsoft's Sequence
You can design a generic "routing" workflow that will cause data to go to a workstation. The easiest way to do this would be to embed the workflow in an ASP.NET application. Each workstation should visit the application with a workstation ID in the querystring:
When the form is filled out at workstation A, the workflow running in the web app can enter it into the "work bin" of the next workstation. Anyone sitting at the computer for which the form is destined will see it appear in their list of forms to review. You can use AJAX to make it slick and auto-updating.