term / eshell -- how to display `bzr` output in the buffer? - emacs

Is there any way to have Emacs display everything that is happening when running term / eshell?
For example, when I try to build Emacs in the tmp directory, there should be a downloading message in the terminal window that tells me the status. However, nothing is displayed. I believe it might be silently doing the job, but I want to see what the normal terminal window application usually displays when running?
M-x eshell
$ cd /tmp
$ bzr branch --stacked bzr://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/emacs/trunk emacs-trunk
I'm not seeing the usual message: 6167kB 243kB/s | Finding revisions

This issue was resolved by #Stefan in a related thread: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23388276/2112489
(defun lawlist-eshell ()
(let ((process-environment (cons "TERM=xterm" process-environment)))


Emacs -- `start-process` for `bzr` does not output status to buffer

When running bzr in the native OSX Terminal.app, I see the status as follows:
32376kB 2kB/s / Build phase:Adding file contents 1282/3629
When running start-process, however, I see no status being output to the buffer. The process is functioning properly, just with no visible output until the end -- two (2) lines only:
Created new stacked branch referring to bzr://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/emacs/trunk/.
Process bzr-process finished
Is there another listening function that Emacs offers that will capture the above-mentioned status output by bzr so that I can see the progress?
Maybe you can get bzr to give you the on-the-fly status output by running the process in a tty rather than through a pipe. For that, just let-bind process-connection-type as in:
(let ((process-connection-type t))
(start-process ...))
But IIRC this value already defaults to t, so maybe the problem is elsewhere. Maybe bzr checks the $TERM to see if it can correctly update the output. So maybe you can try
(let ((process-environment (cons "TERM=xterm" process-environment)))
(start-process ...))

ansi-term won't find file under current directory? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I have term.el (ansi-term) track directories if using anyhting other than bash
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
It's a very strange problem. I think it must caused my incorrect configuration of ansi-term, but i still can't find out where it is.
The issue is: when i in ansi-term and press M-x find-file, the prompt isn't current directory but the path i entered in my previous find file action. So when i change directory, it still display the same directory. So i have to enter the current directory every time. But it works very well in M-x shell and M-x eshell
Does the same thing happen when you start Emacs without your init file, i.e., emacs -Q? If so, that's the designed behavior or (especially if you use a development snapshot) perhaps an Emacs bug.
If not, then bisect your init file recursively to find out which part of it causes this behavior. To do that, use, e.g., command comment-region (see prefix arg in doc) to comment and uncomment a block of text. Comment out 1/2 of your init file, then 3/4, then 7/8,...,
each time testing whether the uncommented portion causes or removes the problematic behavior. You will very quickly identify what causes the behavior.
Because the path of emacs is different from that of term, it can only be changed by use the emacs command "cd".
So to solve this problem, I add the following code to my emacs configure file. The method is
find the pid of current term
find current working directory(cwd) of this pid.
I use multi-term, I think the method will be similar on ansi-term.
(defadvice term-send-input (after update-cwd)
(let* ((pid (process-id (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
(cwd (shell-command-to-string
(format "lsof -p %d -Fn | awk 'NR==2{print}' | sed \"s/n\\//\\//\" | tr -d '\n'" pid))))
(cd cwd)
(message (concat "change emacs path to: " cwd))))
(ad-activate 'term-send-input)
Then you can bound the key of term-send-input to <enter>. When you press <enter> in term, the emacs will change to the same path with the current path of term.
BTW, I use Mac Os. If you are on Linux, you can use the following code to find cwd.
(cwd (file-truename (format "/proc/%d/cwd" pid)))

I want to run the cygwin bash shell from native windows emacs app

I have followed instructions from How can I run Cygwin Bash Shell from within Emacs? this question and I have gone further and added the (setq explicit-bash-args '("--login" "-i")) command, however emacs continues to only display the dos prompt when I type M-x shell. In summery my .emacs file looks like this:
(defun cygwin-shell ()
"Run cygwin bash in shell mode."
(let ((explicit-shell-file-name "C:/cygwin/bin/bash"))
(call-interactively 'shell)))
(setq explicit-bash-args '("--login" "-i"))`
Please be gentle with the answers as I am right at the bottom of the famous vertical emacs learning curve!
If you implemented the answer from that question, note that you have to do M-x cygwin-shell to start bash. If you want to use it for every M-x shell you need to call
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "C:/cygwin/bin/bash")
Since you stated that you are learning, here's a few tips when trying this out.
type C-x C-f ~/.emacs to open your .emacs file in your user path.
Enter your function above at the end
M-x load-file [RET] .emacs: loads the buffer (no need to restart emacs)
C-h a: If you are interested in some specific action, you can look it up
C-h v [RET] variable: can inspect the variable, check the value of explicit-bash-args for instance
And, btw, I'm not sure what the "--login -i" does, but someone stated in a comment that you should have that so "ls" would work. If you have your cygwin bin path in your PATH environment variable, bash will find ls anyway. No need to escape the path variable either, this is handled by bash (do an echo $PATH in bash when you get it working and you'll see).

Open shell in emacs with a given working directory

I want to have a make-shells command in emacs that will open a number of emacs-shell buffers, each with its own working directory. The idea is that for each project I'm working on, I have a shell that starts out in that project's directory, so I can easily switch between them.
Currently I have this code:
(defun shell-dir (name dir)
(interactive "sShell name: \nDDirectory: ")
(shell name)
(switch-to-buffer name)
(comint-send-string (current-buffer) (concat "cd " dir "\r"))
(sleep-for 0 10)
(defun make-shells ()
(shell-dir "project1" "~/proj/project1")
(shell-dir "project2" "~/proj/project2")
(shell-dir "project3" "~/proj/project3")
This is pretty ugly, though, and half the time (dirs) doesn't pick up the correct path, so tab completion breaks until I re-run it manually. Is there a built-in way to set the current working directory of the emacs shell? Or would something like CEDET (plus less reliance on the shell vs. emacs modes) be a much better solution to this?
I experienced similar problems with the current directory tracking provided by Emacs, so I wrote one which solves the problem once and forever.
Check it out here.
The short version of what it does is that you modify your shell prompt to include a full path to the current directory (only when running inside Emacs), and the Emacs shell buffer will use that.
This means you never have to do M-x dirs again.
There's also the package dirtrack (shipped with Emacs) which does the same thing.
I like my version better because it removes the path from the prompt. I don't want to see the entire path in my prompt as my current directory is often very long.
Once you use one of the above two solutions, you can simplify your shell-dir routine to be:
(defun shell-dir (name dir)
(interactive "sShell name: \nDDirectory: ")
(let ((default-directory dir))
(shell name)))
One more answer... I found there was a way (on Linux) to make Emacs figure out the current directory properly, by using the /proc filesystem.
That way, you just have to start up the shell in whatever directory and Emacs will automatically figure it out and get the tab-completion etc. right.

Can I use ediff if I have a file and a diff, rather than two versions of the same file?

With tf.exe diff , I can get a diff.
Can I use this with ediff to visualize the diff in emacs?
I'm under the impression that ediff normally takes 2 or 3 files. I just have the one file, and a diff.
An option you might get to work is to use
M-x ediff-patch-buffer
It will prompt you for the patch file (or buffer if you have it open already), and the buffer to be patched. It then will march you through the differences.
Because the diff shows changes from the repository version to the current version, the patch is wrong direction. I'd write a command that generated the proper diff and use that - if you really want to use a diff.
Personally, I'd probably try to plug some code in to get 'ediff-revision (which I have bound to C-x v -) to get it to work.
Or just write some lisp which follows this pseudo code (since I don't have tf to do actual testing):
(defun ediff-tf-file-with-previous-version (file &optional version)
"DTRT and call ediff with the previous version of this file"
(ediff-files (progn
(unless version
(setq version (<parse-to-get-version> (shell-command (concat "tf.exe properties " file)))))
(shell-command (concat "tf.exe view " file (<munge-itemspec-version> version) " > " file ".older")))
thanks R Berg for the fix
It looks as though someone has written a rudimentary Team Foundation mode, which you can grab from the wiki page here. It doesn't look like it has plugged anything into ediff though.
Here's a script I wrote that does it (I think!):
# quit on error
set -e
# create a temporary file for the patched output
# note that the mkfifo command is optional - it will save disc space
mkfifo $patched_file
patch -o $patched_file "$1" "$2" &
vimdiff "$1" $patched_file
rm $patched_file