Mongodb: find embedded element missing some key - mongodb

I have a document with an embedded collection, but few elements are missing a key and I have to find all those elements. Here is an example:
var foo = {name: 'foo', embedded: [{myKey: "1", value: 3}, {myKey: "2", value: 3}]}
var bar = {name: 'bar', embedded: [{value: 4}, {myKey: "3", value: 1}]}
I need a query that returns the 'bar' object because one of its embedded doesn't have the key 'myKey'.
I try to use the $exists, but it returns only if ALL embedded elements are missing the key
db.example.find({'embedded.myKey': {$exists: true}}).size()
// -> 2
db.example.find({'embedded.myKey': {$exists: false}}).size()
// -> 0
How can I find the documents that at least one embedded element is missing the key 'myKey'?

If 'value' is always present, then you can try this command
db.example.find({ embedded : { $elemMatch : { value : {$exists : true}, myKey : {$exists : false}} }})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("518bbccbc9e49428608691b0"), "name" : "bar", "embedded" : [ { "value" : 4 }, { "myKey" : "3", "value" : 1 } ] }


mongdb ensure uniqueness on two fields both ways

Say I have the fields a and b. I want to have a compound uniqueness where if a: 1, b: 2, I would not be able to do a: 2, b: 1.
The reason I want this is because I'm making a "friends list" kind of collection, where if a is connected to b, then it's automatically the reverse as well.
is this possible on a schema level or do I need to do queries to check.
If you don't need to differentiate between requester and requestee, you could sort the values before saving or querying so that your two fields a and b have a predictable order for any pair of friend IDs (and you can take advantage of the unique index constraint).
For example, using the mongo shell:
Create a helper function to return friend pairs in predictable order:
function friendpair (friend1, friend2) {
if ( friend1 < friend2) {
return ({a: friend1, b: friend2})
} else {
return ({a: friend2, b: friend1})
Add a compound unique index:
> db.friends.createIndex({a:1, b:1}, {unique: true});
"createdCollectionAutomatically" : true,
"numIndexesBefore" : 1,
"numIndexesAfter" : 2,
"ok" : 1
Insert unique pairs (should work)
> db.friends.insert(friendpair(1,2))
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
> db.friends.insert(friendpair(1,3))
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
Insert non-unique pair (should return duplicate key error):
> db.friends.insert(friendpair(2,1))
"nInserted" : 0,
"writeError" : {
"code" : 11000,
"errmsg" : "E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.friends index: a_1_b_1 dup key: { : 1.0, : 2.0 }"
Search should work in either order:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bc80ed11466009f3b56fa52"), "a" : 1, "b" : 3 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bc80ed11466009f3b56fa52"), "a" : 1, "b" : 3 }
Instead of handling duplicate key errors or insert versus update, you could also use findAndModify with an upsert since this is expected to be a unique pair:
> var pair = friendpair(2,1)
> db.friends.findAndModify({
query: pair,
update: {
$set: {
a : pair.a,
b : pair.b
$setOnInsert: { status: 'pending' },
upsert: true
"_id" : ObjectId("5bc81722ce51da0e4118c92f"),
"a" : 1,
"b" : 2,
"status" : "pending"
Doesn't seem like you can do a unique on the entire array's values so I'm doing a kind of work around. I'm using the $jsonSchema as follows:
"references two user_id",
then I will use $all to find the connected users, e.g.
db.collection.find( { users: { $all: [ ObjectId1, ObjectId2 ] } } )

Mongodb- using find() method on an Array of Objects only return first match instead of all

Unlike the other question someone asked where they wanted only one item returned. I HAVE one item returned and I need ALL of the matching objects in the array return. However the second object that matches my query is being completely ignored.
This is what one of the items in the item collection looks like:
name: "soda",
cost: .50,
inventory: [
{ flavor: "Grape",
amount: 8 },
{ flavor: "Orange",
amount: 4 },
{ flavor: "Root Beer",
amount: 15 }
Here is the query I typed in to mongo shell:
Items.find({"inventory.amount" : { $lte : 10} } , { name : 1, "inventory.$.flavor" : 1})
And here is the result:
"_id" : ObjectId("59dbe33094b70e0b5851724c"),
"name": "soda"
"inventory" : [
{ "flavor" : "Grape",
"amount" : 8,
And here is what I want it to return to me:
"_id" : ObjectId("59dbe33094b70e0b5851724c"),
"name": "soda"
"inventory" : [
{ "flavor" : "Grape",
"amount" : 8
{ "flavor" : "Orange",
"amount" : 4
I'm new to mongo and am dabbling to get familiar with it. I've read through the docs but couldn't find a solution to this though it's quite possible I overlooked it. I'd really love some help. Thanks in advance.
first u can get your result by this query
db.Items.find({"inventory.amount" : { $lte : 10} } , { name : 1, "inventory.flavor" : 1 , "inventory.amount" : 1})

MongoDB: querying for completion in documents containing an array of objects

I have the following documents inside a folders collection:
folders: [
{ _id : 1,
docs : [
{ foo : 1,
bar : undefined},
{ foo : 3,
bar : 3}
{ _id : 2,
docs : [
{ foo : 2,
bar : 2},
{ foo : 3,
bar : 3}
{ _id : 3,
docs : [
{ foo : 2},
{ foo : 3,
bar : 3}
{ _id : 4,
docs : [
{ foo : 1 }
{ _id : 5,
docs : [
{ foo : 1,
bar : null }
I need to be able to query the documents that do not have an undefined value, null value, or non-existent value for In the case above, the query should only return the document with _id: 2. I currently have a solution but I was wondering if there is a better way to query the documents.
My current solution:
db.folders.find({$nor: [{"": { $exists: false }}]})
This ...
db.folder.find({"": {$exists: true}, "": {$ne: null}})
... will return only those entries for which at least one of the sub documents in the docs array has a populated bar attribute. Note: in this query the two predicates are ANDed, I think that matches your requirements, it certainly returns the document with _id: 2 from the set you supplied.

MongoDB: Find documents with key in subdocument

The $in operator works with arrays.
Is there an equivalent for dictionaries?
The following code creates two test documents and finds the ones containing one of the listed values in the array documents, but doesn't find the ones containing the same values in the sub-documents.
> use test
> db.stuff.drop()
> db.stuff.insertMany([{lst:['a','b'],dic:{a:1,b:2}},{lst:['a','c'],dic:{a:3,c:4}}])
"acknowledged" : true,
"insertedIds" : [
> db.stuff.find({lst:{$in:['b','c']}},{_id:0})
{ "lst" : [ "a", "b" ], "dic" : { "a" : 1, "b" : 2 } }
{ "lst" : [ "a", "c" ], "dic" : { "a" : 3, "c" : 4 } }
> db.stuff.find({dic:{$in:['b','c']}},{_id:0})
EDIT (in response to the answer below)
Using the list as suggested in the answer below prevents me from finding the desired element. For example, after executing both the insertMany above in this question and below in the answer, the following can be done with a dictionary, not with a list (or am I missing something?):
> x=db.stuff.findOne({lst:{$in:['b','c']}},{_id:0})
{ "lst" : [ "a", "b" ], "dic" : { "a" : 1, "b" : 2 } }
> x
{ "lst" : [ "a", "b" ], "dic" : { "a" : 1, "b" : 2 } }
> x.dic.a
> x.dic.b
For subdocuments, there's no exact equivalent to $in. You could use the $exists query operator combined with $or:
{'dic.b': {$exists: true}},
{'dic.c': {$exists: true}}
The recommended approach, however, is to change your schema, so that the keys and values are changed into an array of {key: "key", value: 123} subdocuments:
{dic: [{key: 'a', value: 1}, {key: 'b', value: 2}]},
{dic: [{key: 'a', value: 3}, {key: 'c', value: 4}]}
Then you can use $in to find documents with certain keys:
db.stuff.find({'dic.key': {$in: ['a', 'b']}})
The especially good thing about this new schema is you can use an index for the $in query:
db.stuff.createIndex({'dic.key': 1})
A disadvantage, as you point out above, is that simple element access like x.dic.a no longer works. You need to do a bit of coding in your language. E.g. in Javascript:
> var doc = {dic: [{key: 'a', value: 3}, {key: 'c', value: 4}]}
> function getValue(doc, key) {
... return doc.dic.filter(function(elem) {
... return elem.key == key;
... })[0].value;
... }
> getValue(doc, "a")
> getValue(doc, "c")

Increment nested value

I create players the following way.
name: name,
score: 0,
items: [{'name': 0}, {'name2': 0}...]
How do I increment the score in a specific player and specific item name (upserting if necessary)?
Sorry for the terrible wording :p
Well, the answer is - as in life - to simplify the problem by breaking it up.
And to avoid arrays in mongoDB - after all, objects can have as many keys as you like. So, my structure became:
"_id": <id>,
"name": <name>,
"score": <score>,
"items": {}
And to increment the a dynamic key in items:
// create your update skeleton first
var ud = { $inc: {} };
// fill it in
ud.$inc['item.' + key] = value;
// call it
db.Players.update(player, ud, true);
Works a charm :)
Lets say you have:
"_id" : ObjectId("5465332e6c3e2eeb66ef3683"),
"name" : "Alex",
"score" : 0,
"items" : [
"food" : 0
To update you can do:
db.Players.update({name: "Alex", "": {$exists : true}},
{$inc: {score: 1, "items.$.food": 5}})
"_id" : ObjectId("5465332e6c3e2eeb66ef3683"),
"name" : "Alex",
"score" : 1,
"items" : [
"food" : 5
I am not sure you can upsert if the document doesn't exist because of the positional operator needed to update the array.