Solution to Bulk FindAndModify in MongoDB - mongodb

My use case is as follows -
I have a collection of documents in mongoDB which I have to send for analysis.
The format of the documents are as follows -
{ _id:ObjectId("517e769164702dacea7c40d8") ,
other_fields... }
I have a reader process which picks first 100 documents with status:available sorted by date and modifies them with status:processing.
ReaderProcess sends the documents for analysis. Once the analysis is complete the status is changed to processed.
Currently reader process first fetch 100 documents sorted by date and then update the status to processing for each document in a loop. Is there any better/efficient solution for this case?
Also, in future for scalability, we might go with more than one reader process.
In this case, I want that 100 documents picked by one reader process should not get picked by another reader process. But fetching and updating are seperate queries right now, so it is very much possible that multiple reader processes pick same documents.
Bulk findAndModify (with limit) would have solved all these problems. But unfortunately it is not provided in MongoDB yet. Is there any solution to this problem?

As you mention there is currently no clean way to do what you want. The best approach at this time for operations like the one you need is this :
Reader selects X documents with appropriate limit and sorting
Reader marks the documents returned by 1) with it's own unique reader ID (e.g. update({_id:{$in:[<result set ids>]}, state:"available", $isolated:1}, {$set:{readerId:<your reader's ID>, state:"processing"}}, false, true))
Reader selects all documents marked as processing and with it's own reader ID. At this point it is guaranteed that you have exclusive access to the resulting set of documents.
Offer the resultset from 3) for your processing.
Note that this even works in highly concurrent situations as a reader can never reserve documents not already reserved by another reader (note that step 2 can only reserve currently available documents, and writes are atomic). I would add a timestamp with reservation time as well if you want to be able to time out reservations (for example for scenarios where readers might crash/fail).
EDIT: More details :
All write operations can occasionally yield for pending operations if the write takes a relatively long time. This means that step 2) might not see all documents marked by step 1) unless you take the following steps :
Use an appropriate "w" (write concern) value, meaning 1 or higher. This will ensure that the connection on which the write operation is invoked will wait for it to complete regardless of it yielding.
Make sure you do the read in step 2 on the same connection (only relevant for replicasets with slaveOk enabled reads) or thread so that they are guaranteed to be sequential. The former can be done in most drivers with the "requestStart" and "requestDone" methods or similar (Java documentation here).
Add the $isolated flag to your multi-updates to ensure it cannot be interleaved with other write operations.
Also see comments for discussion regarding atomicity/isolation. I incorrectly assumed multi-updates were isolated. They are not, or at least not by default.


How to solve concurrent read + write update to the document in MongoDB?

I have an application that runs multiple instances and that needs to perform this:
Read the document
Check a value of the timestamp field
If an incoming document is newer, then update (including the timestamp field).
Even if I use transactions, two parallel operations would be able to perform 1 and 2 simultaneously and then both will write to the database, potentially writing the "older" document last (since it will check the timestamp of the original document, rather than a "new" one)
So what I am looking for is some kind of a read lock on the document or some other mechanism that will be able to solve this.

MongoDB sequence number based on count in one operation

I'm working on creating an immutable append only event log for MongoDB, in this I need a sequence number genereated and can base it off of the count of documents, since there will be no removals from the event log. However, I'm trying to avoid having to do two operations on MongoDB and would rather it happen in one "transaction" within the database itself.
If I were to do this from the Mongo shell, it would be something like below:
db['event-log'].insertOne({SequenceNumber: db['event-log'].count() +1 })
Is this doable in any way with the regular API?
Prior to v4, there was the possibility of doing eval - which would have made this much easier.
The reason for my need of a sequence number is to be able to guarantee the order in which they were inserted when reading them back. Default behavior of Mongo is to retrieve them in the $natural order and one can explicitly define that on .find() as well (read more here). Although documentation is clear on not relying on it, it seems that as long as there are no modifications / removal of documents already there, it should be fine from what I can gather.
I realized also that I might get around this in another way as well, I'm going to introduce an Actor framework and I could make my committer a stateful actor with the sequence number in it if I need it.

Create lock on a Mongoose object

I have two callbacks that are often modifying the same mongo object with mongoose. The modification is complex such that I can't easily do it in one update(). As a result, a lot of the times only one of the two updates is applied, and I get a [VersionError: No matching document found.] error.
Is there any way to explicitly lock the document so that each update can wait for the other to finish, and can happen without worrying about a race condition?
Mongodb does not support object locking, you could however implement it yourself.
You have to choices
Optimistic concurrency control (when there is low contention for the resource) - This can be easily implemented using versionNumber or timeStamp field. On read you retrieve versionNo/timeStamp and supply it to all updates where it is checked and if matches incremented.
Pessimistic concurrency control (when single document is updated frequently) - this is bit more problematic technique since you have to cover recovering from the various failure scenarios when your operations do not complete successfully. (i.e. process dies)
if you decide to follow 2nd option here is interesting read it covers situations when you update number objects in "single" operation though

Document DB and simulating ACID

See results at the end
I want to use a document DB (for various reasons) - probably CouchDB or MongoDB. However, I also need ACID on my multiple-document transactions.
However, I do plan on working with "add-only" model - changes are added as new documents (add is add, update is add a copy+transform data, delete is add empty document with the same ID + delete flag). Periodically, I'll run compaction on the database to remove non-current documents.
With that in mind, are there any holes in the following idea:
Maintain a collection for current transactions in progress. This collection will hold documents with transaction IDs (GUIDs + timestamp) of transactions in progress.
On a transaction:
Add a document to the transactions in progress collection.
Add the new documents (add is add, update is copy+add, delete is add with ID and “deleted” flag).
Each added document will have the following management fields:
Transaction ID.
Previous document ID (linked list).
Remove the document added to the transactions in progress collection.
On transaction fail:
Remove all added documents
Remove the document from the transactions in progress collection.
Go over all transaction in progress, get ones that have been abandoned (>10 minutes?), remove the associated documents in the DB (index on transaction ID) and then remove the transaction in progress.
Read transaction consistency (read only committed transactions):
On data retrieval:
Load transactions in progress set.
Load needed documents.
For all documents, if the document transaction ID is in “transactions in progress” or later (using timestamp), load the previous document in the linked list (recursive).
It’s a bit like MVCC, a bit like Git. I set the retrieval context by the transactions I know that managed to finish before I started. I avoid single sequence (hence single execution) by keeping a list of “ongoing transactions” and not a “transaction revision”. And, of course, I avoid reading non-comitted transactions and provide rollback on conflict.
So - are there any holes in this? Will my performance suffer horribly?
Edit1: Please please please - don't hammer the "don't use document database if you need multi-document transactions". I know, I need a document database anyway for other reasons.
Edit2: added timestamp to avoid data from transactions that start after retrieval transaction has started. Possibly could change timestamp to sequence ID.
Edit3: Here's another algorithm I thought about - it may be better than the one above:
New algorithm - easier to understand (and possible correct this time :) )
Support structures:
transaction_support_tempalte {
_created-by-transaction: <txid>
_made-obsolete-by-transaction: <txid>
transaction_record { //
transaction_id: <txid>
timestamp: <tx timestamp>
updated_documents: {
[doc1_id, doc2_id...]
transaction_numer { //atomic counter - used for ordering transactions.
_id: "transaction_number"
next_transaction_id: 0 //initial.
Note: all IDs are model object IDs, not DB ids (don't confuse with logical IDs which are different).
DB ID - different for each document - but multiple DB documents are revisions of one model object.
Model object ID - same for all revisions of the model object.
Logical ID - client-facing ID.
First time setup:
1. Create the transaction_number document:
Commit process:
1. Get new transaction ID by atomic increment on the transaction number counter.
2. Insert a new transaction record with the transaction id, the timestamp and the updated documents.
3. Create the new version for each document. Make sure the _created-by-transaction is set.
4. Update the old version of each updated or deleted document as
"_made-obsolete-by-transaction" with the transaction id.
This is the time to detect conflicts! if seen a conflict, rollback.
Note - this can be done as find-and-modify rather then by serializing the entire document again.
5. Remove the transaction record.
Cleanup process:
1. Go over transaction record, sorted by id, ascending (oldest transaction first).
2. For each transaction, if it expired (by timestamp), do rollback(txid).
Rollback(txid) process:
1. Get the transaction record for the given transaction id.
2. For each document id in the "updated documents":
2.1 If the document exists and has "_made-obsolete-by-transaction" with
the correct transaction id, remove the _made-obsolete-by-transaction data.
3. For each document with the _created-by-transaction-id:
3.1 remove the document.
4. Remove the transaction record document.
Retrieval process:
1. Top-transaction-id = transaction ID counter.
2. Read all transactions from the transactions collection.
Current-transaction-ids[] = Get all transaction IDs.
3. Retrieve documents as needed. Always use "sort by transaction_id, desc" as last sort clause.
3.1 If a document "_created-by-transaction-id" is in the Current-transaction-ids[]
or is >= Top-transaction-id - ignore it (not yet committed).
3.2 If a document "_made-obsolete-by-transaction" is not in the Current-transaction-ids[]
and is < Top-transaction-id - ignore it (a newer version was committed).
4. We may have to retrieve more chunks to satisfy original requests if documents were ignored.
Was the document committed when we started?
If we see a document with transaction ID in the current executing transactions - it's a transaction that
started before we started the retrieval but was not yet committed at that time - so we don't want it.
If we see a document with transaction ID >= top transaction ID - it's a transaction that started after
we started the retrieval - so we don't want it.
Is the document up-to-date (latest version)?
If we see a document with made-obsolete that is not in the current transaction IDs (transactions started
before we started) and is < top transaction ID (transactions started after we started) - then
there was a transaction that finished commit in our past that made this document obsolete - so we don't want it.
Why is sorting not harmed?
Because we add the sort as a last clause, we'll always see the real sorting work first. For each real
sorting "bucket" we might get multiple documents that represent the model object at different versions.
However, the sort order between model objects remains.
Why doesn't the counter makes the transaction execute serially (one at ta time)?
Because this is not RDBMS - we don't really have transactions so we don't wait for the transaction
to commit as we do with "select for update".
Another transaction can make the atomic change as soon as we're done with it.
One in a while a compaction will have to take place - get all really old documents and remove them to another data store.
This shouldn't affect any running retrieval or transaction.
Put the conditions into the query itself.
Add transaction ID to all indexes.
Make sure documents with the same model object ID don't get sharded into different nodes.
What's the cost?
Assuming we want multiple document versions for history and audit anyway, the extra cost is
atomically updating the counter, creating the transaction record, "sealing" the previous version of each model object
(mark obsolete) and removing the transaction document. This shouldn't be too big.
Note that if the above assumption is not valid, the extra cost is quite high, especially for retrieval.
I've implemented the above algorithm (the revised one with minor changes). Functionally, it's working. However, the performance (at least over MongoDB with 3 nodes in master-slave replication topology, no fsync but replication required before "commit" ends) is atrocious. I'm constantly reading things I've just written to from different threads. I'm getting constant collection locks on the transactions collection and my indexes can't keep up with the constant rollover. Performance is capped at 20 TPS for tiny tiny transactions with 10 feeder threads.
In short - not a good general purpose solution.
without going into the specifics of your plan, I thought it might first be useful to go over mongoDB's support of ACID requirements.
Atomicity: Mongo supports atomic changes for individual documents. Typically, the most significant atomic operations are "$set" and findAndModify Some documentation on these operations and atomicity in mongoDB in general:
Consistency: Difficult to achieve and quite complex. I won't try to summarize in this post, but there is a great series of posts on the subject:
Isolation: Isolation in mongoDB does exist for documents, but not for any higher levels. Again, this is a complicated subject; besides the Atomic Operations link above, the best resource I have found is the following stack overflow thread:
Why doesn't MongoDB use fsync()? (the top answer is a bit of a goldmine for this subject in general, though some of the information regarding durability is out of date)
Durability: The main way that users ensure data durability is by using the getLastError command (see link below for more info) to confirm that a majority of nodes in a replica set have written the data before the call returns. (linked to in the above document)
Knowing all this about ACID in mongo, it would be very useful to look over some examples similar problems that have already been worked out in mongo. The two following links I expect will be really useful to you as they are very complete and right on subject.
Two-Phase Commits:
Transactions for e-commerce work:
Finally, I have to ask: Why do you want to have transactions? It is rare that users of mongoDB find they truly need ACID to achieve their goals. It might be worthwhile stepping back and trying to approach the problem from another perspective before you go ahead and implement a whole layer on top of mongo just to get transactions.

Is moving documents between collections a good way to represent state changes in MongoDB?

I have two collections, one (A) containing items to be processed (relatively small) and one (B) with those already processed (fairly large, with extra result fields).
Items are read from A, get processed and save()'d to B, then remove()'d from A.
The rationale is that indices can be different across these, and that the "incoming" collection can be kept very small and fast this way.
I've run into two issues with this:
if either remove() or save() time out or otherwise fail under load, I lose the item completely, or process it twice
if both fail, the side effects happen but there is no record of that
I can sidestep the double-failure case with findAndModify locks (not needed otherwise, we have a process-level lock) but then we have stale lock issues and partial failures can still happen. There's no way to atomically remove+save to different collections, as far as I can tell (maybe by design?)
Is there a Best Practice for this situation?
There's no way to atomically remove+save to different collections, as far as I can tell (maybe by design?)
Yes this is by design. MongoDB explicitly does not provides joins or transactions. Remove + Save is a form of transaction.
Is there a Best Practice for this situation?
You really have two low-complexity options here, both involve findAndModify.
Option #1: a single collection
Based on your description, you are basically building a queue with some extra features. If you leverage a single collection then you use findAndModify to update the status of each item as it is processing.
Unfortunately, that means you will lose this: ...that the "incoming" collection can be kept very small and fast this way.
Option #2: two collections
The other option is basically a two phase commit, leveraging findAndModify.
Take a look at the docs for this here.
Once an item is processed in A you set a field to flag it for deletion. You then copy that item over to B. Once copied to B you can then remove the item from A.
I've not tried this myself yet but the new book 50 Tips and Tricks for MongoDB Developers mentions a few times about using cron jobs (or services/scheduler) to clean up data like this. You could leave the documents in Collection A flagged for deletion and run daily job to clear them out, reducing the overall scope of the original transaction.
From what I've learned so far, I'd never leave the database in a state where I rely on the next database action succeeding unless it is the last action (journalling will resend the last db action upon recovery). For example, I have a three phase account registration process where I create a user in CollectionA and then add another related document to CollectionB. When I create the user I embed the details of the CollectionB document in CollectionA in case the second write fails. Later I will write a process that removes the embedded data from CollectionA if the document in CollectionB exists
Not having transactions does cause pain points like this, but I think in some cases there are new ways of thinking about it. In my case, time will tell as I progress with my app