Moving first item with nested regions using Semantic Merge - semantic-diff

In the rearrange file tool moving an item that is the first item within a region also moves the #region line.
These moves are generally intended to rearrange items within the region.
There also seems to be odd things happening intermittently when using nested regions (such as the regions becoming out of line or opening region tags being removed.)
How can I avoid those problems? Do I need to change some configuration?

I'm afraid that this is the behavior of the tool at the moment, due to the regions are considered as comments by the parser.
For example, the #region member is considered as comment of the Method1. So, if you move Method1, the comment, as part of Method1, is moved with it.
#region Members
public void Method1()
public void Method2()
We have already noticed this behavior and it is included in the known issues list. We will work on it.


Is it a good practice to create a class between my own scripts and mono behavior?

So, I have bound the CombatController to an object called "godObject". In the Start() method, I call init() functions on other classes. I did this so I can control the order in which objects are initialized since, for example, the character controller relies on the grid controller being initialized.
Quick diagram:
-------------------- calls
| CombatController | ----------> CameraController.init();
-------------------- |
| ---> GridController.init();
| ---> CharacterController.init();
So, now I have a slight problem. I have multiple properties that I need in every controller. At the moment, I have bound everything to the combat controller itself. That means that, in every controller, I have to get an instance of the CombatController via GameObject.Find("godObject).GetComponent<CombatController>(). To be honest, I don't think this is good design.
My idea now was to create a BaseCombatController that extends MonoBehavior, and then have all other classes like GridController, CharacterController etc. extend the BaseCombatController. It might look like this:
public class BaseCombatController : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject activePlayer;
public void setActivePlayer(GameObject player) {
this.activePlayer = player;
... more stuff to come ...
This way, I could access activePlayer everywhere without the need to create a new instance of the CombatController. However, I'm not sure if this doesn't have possible side effects.
So, lots of text for a simple question, is that safe to do?
I use inheritance in Unity all the time. The trick, like you have in the question, is to allow your base class to inherit from monobehavior. For Example:
public class Base Item : Monobehavior
public string ItemName;
public int Price;
public virtual void PickUp(){//pickup logic}
//Additional functions. Update etc. Make them virtual.
This class sets up what an item should do. Then in a derived class you can change and extend this behavior.
public class Coin : BaseItem
//properties set in the inspector
public override void PickUp(){//override pickup logic}
I have used this design pattern a lot over the past year, and am currently using it in a retail product. I would say go for it! Unity seems to favor components over inheritance, but you could easily use them in conjunction with each other.
Hope this helps!
As far as I can see this should be safe. If you look into Unity intern or even Microsoft scripts they all extend/inhert (from) each other.
Another thing you could try would be the use of interfaces, here is the Unity Documentation to them: if you want to check it out.
You are right that GameObject.Find is pure code smell.
You can do it via the inheritance tree (as discussed earlier) or even better via interfaces (as mentioned by Assasin Bot), or (I am surprised no one mentioned it earlier) via static fields (aka the Singleton pattern).
One thing to add from experience - having to have Inits() called in a specific order is a yellow flag for your design - I've been there myself and found myself drowned by init order management.
As a general advice: Unity gives you two usefull callbacks - Awake() and Start(). If you find yourself needing Init() you are probably not using those two as they were designed.
All the Awakes() are guaranteed (for acvie objects) to run before first Start(), so do all the internal object initialisation in Awake(), and binding to external objects on Start(). If you find yourself needing finer control - you should probably simplify the design a bit.
As a rule of thumb: all objects should have their internal state (getcomponents<>, list inits etc) in order by the end of Awake(), but they shold not make any calls depending on other objects being ready before Start(). Splitting it this way usually helps a lot

how to clone several game objects in a way that clone properties of one can be adjusted to match all others in scene view

I asked How can I adjust shape/dimensions of one clone to affect all other clones in the scene view and the accepted answer was spot on. It could only clone one game object. I tried making some adjustments but the only solution I came up with was adding duplicate methods for additional objects. This doesn't work well when dealing with several game objects to be cloned.
How can I clone several unique game objects so that adjusting the components/properties of one clone would affect all other clones of that object in the scene view?
Please note that I don't want to achieve this at runtime and I don’t want to use prefabs. I am using this to help with creation of complex levels so the live update of clones being adjusted is very important.
Additionally, I also need a way to turn off the this repeated property/component replication on each clone, preferably with a button.
I don’t want to use prefabs
The new prefab system in Unity is exactly what you need. It fits all of your requirements:
Clone several unique game objects
The prefab system is made for cloning unique gameobjects. It even supports prefab nesting.
I don't want to achieve this at runtime
Great, prefabs only update globally when you click the override button in the editor.
I need a way to turn off the this repeated property/component replication on each clone
That's equivalent to unpacking the object (breaking the connection).
If you have a good reason to avoid using prefabs, you can always write a custom script that tracks changes in the properties you want to share, and updates all other objects immediately. You can make that script run in edit mode by adding the [ExecuteInEditMode] attribute to the class it's in, just don't forget to disable it when running the project. Again, I highly recommend using prefabs instead.
You should use a ScriptableObject as data container and attach that to the gameobject, all clones will use the same synchronized ScriptableObject.
You should use events. Unity3d tutorials has a good, simple explanation:
Is this only for editing the objects in the editor? If so, then it sounds like prefabs are the way to go; you can directly edit the prefab and all of its 'clones' in the scene will have all changes, including all monobehaviours, transforms, and whatnot replicated to that of the prefab.
If you need this to work at runtime, then you will likely need some code to do this for you. You haven't quite provided enough clarification as to what exactly you want to do, so for the below example I'll assume that you have a gameobject with a mesh or sprite component, and want its size/scale modified alongside all of its "clones";
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ShapeClone : MonoBehaviour
//This will hold references to the other "clone" gameobjects.
public List<GameObject> otherClones = new List<GameObject>();
//All the "clones" in the list otherClones will have their scale matched to this gameobject's scale
public bool leader;
private void Update()
if (leader) //Only change other clones' scales if marked as leader, to avoid every single clone
//overriding each other's scale every single frame, which could be rather chaotic
for (int i = 0; i < otherClones.Count; i++)
//setting each of the other clones' scale to that of this object.
otherClones[i].transform.localScale = this.transform.localScale;
The above is a brief example to give you an idea and is by no means extensive, but you should be able to apply it to what you're trying to do; for example, if you wanted to replicate the colour of sprites across gameobjects instead, you can modify otherClones to be a list of Sprite references instead, and instead of setting the scale in update, you can set the colour of each of the Sprite components to that of this object.
If you're only needing this functionality in the editor and not during runtime, though - I highly recommend going with the first option using prefabs, as it will give you far more functionality at a fraction of the cost, performance wise.
It sounds like you have an object that has several clones. You want changing the shape or dimensions of any of those objects to affect the other ones?
For this to happen, each object needs to know about the other ones. You can do this decentralized (each object contains a reference to each other) or centralized (one object governs the rest).
The centralized approach is more simple so I'll give a simple example.
public class Shape
public int length;
public class ShapeCentral
public List<Shape> shapes = new List<Shape>();
public void CloneShape()
//instantiate new shape
shapes.Add(new Shape());
public void SetCloneLength(int l)
shapes.ForEach(x => x.length = l);
As you can see, one object can control all the clones at once. The trick is to not create clones using other methods or you will run into trouble.
If you want to tighten up your variable access (which I recommend, its a good exercise) you could use a publisher/subscriber pattern. In this, when a new clone is instantiated, it subscribes to the SetCloneLength method. When you want to change the length, the central class publishes that message and it is sent to all the subscribers.
The difference here is that in my example, the central class needs to keep track of all the clones, in publisher/subscriber, you don't.
Create script CopycatManager that will hold a leader and then use dedicated setters for copying the other object properties that have the same type. If a property is a default one may need to set up either a proxy of such property within' the script or play with triggers. I would recommend proxy. Like this:
class CopycatManager {
public GameObject leader;
SomeAttributeType attributeToCopyFromLeader {get; private set}
void Start () {
// The first CopycatManager to start is the leader
List<CopycatManager> allCMs = parent.GetComponentsInChildren();
CopycatManager foundLeader = allCMs.Find(o => o.leader == o);
if (foundLeader == null) {
// There's no leader yet, set yourself a leader
leader = this;
} else {
// Found a leader, accept
leader = foundLeader;
public void SetAttribute (SomeAttributeType newVal) {
// If we're setting the attribute of the leader - we should set this attribute for all children
if (leader == gameObject) {
// Find all copycat manager scripts attached to children of current parent
// Meaning siblings
// WARNING: It will include children of siblings and the leader itself
// WARNING: It will not include parents of the Copycat Manager type, add if required
List<CopycatManager> allCMs = parent.GetComponentsInChildren();
foreach (CopycatManager manager in allCMs) {
SetAttributeFromLeader (newVal);
} else {
// Non-leader is attempting to change attribute - call leader
// Called by leader to each child
public void SetAttributeFromLeader (SomeAttributeType newVal) {
attributeToCopyFromLeader = newVal;
Make sure to assign a new leader if the old one destroyed. Only destroy objects with CopycatManager through dedicated function.
make all items that need scaling children of an empty called WorldObjects then scale the world object, it will scale all its children accordingly. you can then either manually or through script remove the parent to make objects independent. best way without prefabs...
use a singleton class. add that script to all the objects, then you can make a call to one and it will adjust all of them.
you can also do this with a static class, but the singleton approach is cleaner, and gives you more options.
public class MySingleton
private static MySingleton fetch; // keep the static reference private
public bool myBool = false;
// and expose static members through properties
// this way, you have a lot more control over what is actually being sent out.
public static bool MyBool { get { return fetch ? fetch.myBool : false; } }
void Awake()
fetch = this;
read here for some great information on both options!

best practice to show possible positions and put object on one of them Unity

I have a lot of Game Objects I need to Instantiate and put on scene on possible positions.
I have a list of rules where GameObject can be put by player (e.g. small box only at big box, sphere only on small box etc.)
I know I can put every rule into an "if", but I think it's not the most efficienty way. How should I keep a list of rules where can user put GameObjects? How my scripts should check and show possible positions? I will be thankful for any ideas how to start, to make it elegant and efficient.
There are many ways to do this.
What i would prefer is to keep everything organized and configurable per object (looking at the object oriënted programming structure).
I suggest defining per object where it can be placed. Here an example.
public yourClass
public GameObject ObjectToPlace;
public List<GameObject> ObjectToPlaceOnList;
public bool CanObjectBePlaced(GameObject targetObjectToPlaceUpon)
if (ObjectToPlaceOnList.Contains(targetObjectToPlaceUpon))
return true;
return false;
Your script may look different ofcourse, based on your current scripts.

Talking to GameObject and components, what is the logic?

I am trying to attain the legendary skill of mastering how to make my scripts talk with any GameObject and their components wherever they are. To do that, i watched a couple of tutorials like, but my brain still seem to resist to smartness :(.
So far, i have understood than in order to do that i first need my
script to find the right gameobject in my scene (if the script is not
attached directly to it), and assign it to a variable, with for
myVariable = GameObject.Find ("MyGameObjectName");
Then, when i have found this gameobject (and eventually summoned it if it was not in my scene), i find myself at loss to figure out how to call the right component (and inherently, how to call the right sub-element.
For example, i have at the moment a game object for my UI with :
RectTransform, CanvasRenderer,UI Controller (Script),Grid Layout Group (Script)
In order to modify the RectTransform 's Pivot X for example, my logic tells me to add to my script:
myVariable.GetComponent<RectTransform> ();
myVariable.RectTransform.Pivot.x = 0.75;
...Which get all red and bad, and i don't understand why. I am also not knowing how i am supposed to call the component GridLayoutGroup. I suppose there is a even dirtier trick in the sense that it is written (script)...
To give you another example that i find confusing, if i would type myVariable.transform.position.x , is it changing the RectTransform, or another hidden transform that i don't know of ?
It is confusing because i would think that logically, this should be called instead myVariable.RectTransform.position.x or something.
So the point of all that is: What's the big idea ? What is the core concept that i am missing ?
I am confused ! :D
Because having public fields is bad practice (accessible from everywhere) you should use serialized fields.
I'll just use the example Vancete made up, but with a serialized field instead of a public field.
[SerializeField] GameObject myGo; // a space to drop a GameObject will appear in the inspector too,
// with the benefit of not having a public field
// (not specifying public, private, protected etc. makes the field private in C#)
void Start() {
Image myImg = myGo.GetComponent<Image>();
myImg.sprite = // WHATEVER
At the bottom of this page, you'll find a nice table, comparing these modifiers.
These people here are all proving my concept. As the user, who wrote the last answer on the linked page, points out, even Unity is using [SerializeField] in their example project.
You'll find another proof in this article.
The fastest and best way to access a GameObject is declaring it as public and drag&dropping in the inspector.
GameObject.Find is slow (since it requires a tree search) and impractical (you will have problems if you rename the GameObject or change its hierarchy), things that can be avoided linking it in the mentioned way above.
For example, using GameObject.Find inside the Update is a real performance killer.
Also, if you are going to access to a GameObject component more than once, it's recommended to reference it before using it.
public GameObject myGo; // a space to drop a GameObject will appear in the inspector
void Start(){
Image myImg = myGo.GetComponent<Image>();
myImg.sprite = // WHATEVER

Entity Framework Inheritance and Logic

I've been creating a prototype for a modern MUD engine. A MUD is a simple form of simulation and provide a good method in which to test a concept I'm working on. This has led me to a couple of places in my code where things, are a bit unclear, and the design is coming into question (probably due to its being flawed). I'm using model first (I may need to change this) and I've designed a top down architecture of game objects. I may be doing this completely wrong.
What I've done is create a MUDObject entity. This entity is effectively a base for all of my other logical constructs, such as characters, their items, race, etc. I've also created a set of three meta classes which are used for logical purposes as well Attributes, Events, and Flags. They are fairly straightforward, and are all inherited from MUDObject.
The MUDObject class is designed to provide default data behavior for all of the objects, this includes deletion of dead objects. The automatically clearing of floors. etc. This is also designed to facilitate this logic virtually if needed. For example, checking a room to see if an effect has ended and deleting the the effect (remove the flag).
public partial class MUDObject
public virtual void Update()
if (this.LifeTime.Value.CompareTo(DateTime.Now) > 0)
using (var context = new ReduxDataContext())
public virtual void Pause()
public virtual void Resume()
public virtual void Stop()
I've also got a class World, it is derived from MUDObject and contains the areas and room (which in turn contain the games objects) and handles the timer for the operation to run the updates. (probably going to be moved, put here as if it works would limit it to only the objects in-world at the time.)
public partial class World
private Timer ticker;
public void Start()
this.ticker = new Timer(3000.0);
this.ticker.Elapsed += ticker_Elapsed;
private void ticker_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
public override void Update()
this.CurrentTime += 3;
// update contents
public override void Pause()
this.ticker.Enabled = false;
// update contents
public override void Resume()
this.ticker.Enabled = true;
// update contents
public override void Stop()
// update contents
I'm curious of two things.
Is there a way to recode the context so that it has separate
ObjectSets for each type derived from MUDObject?
i.e. context.MUDObjects.Flags or context.Flags
If not how can I query a child type specifically?
Does the Update/Pause/Resume/Stop architecture I'm using work
properly when placed into the EF entities directly? given than it's for
data purposes only?
Will locking be an issue?
Does the partial class automatically commit changes when they are made?
Would I be better off using a flat repository and doing this in the game engine directly?
1) Is there a way to recode the context so that it has separate ObjectSets for each type derived from MUDObject?
Yes, there is. If you decide that you want to define a base class for all your entities it is common to have an abstract base class that is not part of the entity framework model. The model only contains the derived types and the context contains DbSets of derived types (if it is a DbContext) like
public DbSet<Flag> Flags { get; set; }
If appropriate you can implement inheritance between classes, but that would be to express polymorphism, not to implement common persistence-related behaviour.
2) Does the Update/Pause/Resume/Stop architecture I'm using work properly when placed into the EF entities directly?
No. Entities are not supposed to know anything about persistence. The context is responsible for creating them, tracking their changes and updating/deleting them. I think that also answers your question about automatically committing changes: no.
I think here it's good to bring up the single responsibility principle. A general pattern would be to
let a context populate objects from a store
let the object act according to their responsibilities (the simulation)
let a context store their state whenever necessary
I think Pause/Resume/Stop could be responsibilities of MUD objects. Update is an altogether different kind of action and responsibility.
Now I have to speculate, but take your World class. You should be able to express its responsibility in a short phrase, maybe something like "harbour other objects" or "define boundaries". I don't think it should do the timing. I think the timing should be the responsibility of some core utility which signals that a time interval has elapsed. Other objects know how to respond to that (e.g. do some state change, or, the context or repository, save changes).
Well, this is only an example of how to think about it, probably far from correct.
One other thing is that I think saving changes should be done not nearly as often as state changes of the objects that carry out the simulation. It would probably slow down the process dramatically. Maybe it should be done in longer intervals or by a user action.
First thing to say, if you are using EF 4.1 (as it is tagged) you should really consider going to version 5.0 (you will need to make a .NET 4.5 project for this)
With several improvements on performance, you can benefit from other features also. The code i will show you will work for 5.0 (i dont know if it will work for 4.1 version)
Now, let's go to you several questions:
Is there a way to recode the context so that it has separate
ObjectSets for each type derived from MUDObject? If not how can I
query a child type specifically?
i.e. context.MUDObjects.Flags or context.Flags
Yes, you can. But to call is a little different, you will not have Context.Worlds you will only have the base class to be called this way, if you want to get the set of Worlds (that inherit from MUDObject, you will call:
var worlds = context.MUDObjects.OfType<World>();
Or you can do in direct way by using generics:
var worlds = context.Set<World>();
If you define you inheritance the right way, you should have an abstract class called MUDObjects and all others should iherit from that class. EF can work perfectly with this, you just need to make it right.
Does the Update/Pause/Resume/Stop architecture I'm using work properly
when placed into the EF entities directly? given than it's for data
purposes only?
In this case i think you should consider using a Design Pattern called Strategy Pattern, do some research, it will fit your objects.
Will locking be an issue?
Depends on how you develop the system....
Does the partial class automatically commit changes when they are
Did not understand that question.... Partial classes are just like regular classes, thay are just in different files, but when compiled (or event at Design-Time, because of the vshost.exe) they are in fact just one.
Would I be better off using a flat repository and doing this in the
game engine directly?
Hard to answer, it all depends on the requirements of the game, deploy strategy....