Are there any alternatives to getting a Verisign or similar cert for running Powershell scripts on any server? - powershell

I've been working on a Powershell script for a little while, which is designed to be used both by me personally (on my local machine) and by other people both in my domain and outside of it.
The problem is, when someone other than me tries to run the script, they're greeted with the following error:
The file C:\my_script.ps1 cannot be loaded. The execution of scripts is disabled on this system. Please see "Get-Help about_signing" for more details.
I thought I had taken care of this by changing the policy on the other employee's workstation to allow remotesigned within the script itself, but according to this link, I'll need something a bit more robust.
Since the idea is to allow this to run, self-contained, on both internal and external machines, I'd rather not force the script to change things to unrestricted. Are there other options? Could I wrap this up in some other way (one person recommended a .NET container) project or something to allow it to run cleaner and be more self-contained?

I'm not sure I understand your problem. You can use makecert on the machine where you wan't to execute the script:
#echo off
makecert -n "CN=PowerShell Local Certificate Root" -a sha1 -eku -r -sv root.pvk root.cer -ss Root -sr LocalMachine
makecert -pe -n "CN=PowerShell User" -ss MY -a sha1 -eku -iv root.pvk -ic root.cer
then, sign your script:
$cert = #(Get-ChildItem cert:CurrentUser\My -codesigning)[0]
Set-AuthenticodeSignature <your script path> $cert | Out-Null
The "self containing" part shouldn't be a problem.


SDK is installed and still get 'The term 'makecert' is not recognized' error

Running win8.1 rtm (MSDN). I've downloaded the sdk to
'C:\Users\foo\Downloads\Windows Kits\8.1\StandaloneSDK'.
No errors the first time I ran it ... attempting to re-run tells me all features are uptodate. I've re-booted.
Attempting to execute the makecert tool:
makecert -sky exchange -r -n "CN=myDevLaptop" -pe -a sha1 -len 2048
-ss My "myDevLap.cer"
and get:
makecert : The term 'makecert' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path
is correct and try again.
Suspect that the path's length is preventing further appendage.
I believe I'm going to need to cull my path a bit. The following explicitly entered path solved the original problem.
set-location 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\bin\x64\'
makecert -sky exchange -r -n "CN=myDevLaptop" -pe -a sha1 -len 2048 -ss My "myDevLap.cer"

CertUtil silent mode. Unable to install Certificate silently

Does anyone know how could I installed the following silently ?
C:\> certutil -importpfx -user -f -p [Password] "O:\Certificates\test2.pfx"
I tried using the -silent option but it says it does not exist.
Any other recommendations ?
The certificate install is causing issues with our users, since they are unable to say yes to install it. A Citrix security box appears behind the certificate window which needs to be 'allowed' before they can install the certificate. Some users are able to drag the security warning from the back to the front, but the majority are unable to do so.
If anyone could help that would be great!
This is by design, if you could silently install user certificates it would be a hefty security breach.
You could use a vbs script such as below to call your bat file during logon, this will install silently..
Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell") Dim strArgs strArgs = "cmd /c %LOGONSERVER%\netlogon\import-certificate.bat" oShell.Run strArgs, 0, false
certutil -f -user -p "PASSWORD" -importpfx "%LOGONSERVER%\netlogon\CERTIFICATE.pfx" NoRoot

Why do I keep getting a failed when trying to make a .cer for testing?

I'm trying to make a certificate for testing and I am using this site How to: Create Your Own Test Certificate as a tutorial on how to but when it comes time to enter in the password after you create the password it says failed in the command prompt why is that?
What I've done:
First, I open a command prompt and type in:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin
Second, I type in
makecert -sv myPrivateKeyFile.pvk -n "TestCert" myCertFile.cer -b 01/01/2011 -e 01/01/2015 -r
Then I create the password then enter the password on the sencond pop up box and then it says failed in command prompt
When I enter in this again, the popup is asking for the password pops up first this time, and I enter it in and it says:
Error: CryptCertStrToNameW failed => 0x80092023 (-2146885597)
makecert -sv myPrivateKeyFile.pvk -n "TestCert" myCertFile.cer -b 01/01/2011 -e 01/01/2015 -r
I solved the problem by running the program as an administrator, but I had to change also the name of certificate in a LDAP style like this (CN=...):
makecert -sv myPrivateKeyFile.pvk -n "CN=TestCert" myCertFile.cer -b 01/01/2011 -e 01/01/2015 -r
This was a bit of a shotgun-debug for me. I started with this after reading the makecert guide:
makecert.exe /b 01/01/2014 /e 01/01/2114 /len 256 /m 1200 /n "CN=In-House-Software" /pe /r /sr localMachine Test_Cert.cer
There's two error-causing flaws here:
/e and /m likely are not supposed to overlap; seems kind of obvious, but they didn't document it or create an expressive error message for it.
/len 256 was an invalid value -- too low. This also didn't seem too obvious/documented/expressed in a good error message. 512 did work. I didn't bother finding the floor-value, but by default 1024 is used.
I ended up using this with success:
makecert.exe /b 01/01/2014 /e 01/01/2114 /len 512 /pe /r /n "CN=In-House-Software" /sr localMachine Test_Cert.cer
The reason why I was getting this error is, because I didn't right click on cmd when I ran it. So when you have this problem you need to right click on cmd and then run as administrator and see if that fixes your problem as it did mine.
I also received this error when I specified the CA name for a self-signed cert, in other words, if you specify the '-cy authority' and the '-r' options, then DON'T specify the CA name explicitly in the name via the -n option.
The issue was by the publisher name not starting with "CN=".
This fixed the issue, I didn't need to run as administrator.
For some reason I couldn't run makecert properly from Dropbox folders. So try moving it to a solid disk like C:\ and try again.

How can use a X.509 certificate created on another computer?

I need to encrypt an XML file with a x509 certificate on one computer and be able to decrypt it with the same certificate on another computer. It doesn't seem to work for me like Microsoft suggests:
The decryption process always fails on another computer!
I create a certificate by using the following command:
makecert -r -pe -n "CN=DEEP_201X" -b 01/01/2011 -e 01/01/2014 -sky exchange -ss my deep.cer
Then I install it by using:
certmgr /add deep.cer /s root
And try to get its private key with the FindPrivateKey.exe utility:
FindPrivateKey My CurrentUser -n "CN=DEEP_201X"
Works great. However, when I perform all the same actions to install the certificate on another computer FindPrivateKey will fail with
No certificates with key 'CN=DEEP_201X' found in the store.
when I use
certmgr /add deep.cer /s my
the error message will be like this:
Unable to obtain private key file name
Could someone please give me a piece of advice on how to make it work?
I suspect that you only need the private key on the decrypting computer.
If you really need the private key on both computers, be aware that The .cer file does not include the private key.
(I think) makecert adds it to the local machine when it generates the cert. You can write it out using the -sv option. Then build a pfx container for the certificate that contains it.
makecert -r -pe -sv myprivatekey.pvk -n "CN=DEEP_201X" -b 01/01/2011 -e 01/01/2014 -sky exchange -ss my deep.cer
pvk2pfx -pvk myprivatekey.pvk -spc -pfx deep_private.pfx
I haven't been able to convince certmgr to import private keys from the commandline. Use it in gui mode or use the certmgr.msc snap-in.

Syntax error for makecert.exe tool

Did I missed anything during this?
I am running a this command from command prompt in Windows 7 to create a certificate but it is showing a syntax error.
Command I ran:
makecert.exe "c:\1\Test.cer" -a sha1 -n "CN=AppGuid" -sr LocalMachine -ss My -sky signature -pe -len 2048
Output I got:
Usage: MakeCert [ basic|extended options] [outputCertificateFile]
Basic Options
Did I missed anything during this?
Well, as you can see from the format it says MakeCert [basic] [output file].
The last item in your command is not the output file, so theres one thing wrong. As for the rest, I would assume that "C:\1\test.cer" is not an option, so that is probably wrong too.