laravel and mongodb - how about migrations - mongodb

I'm using Laravel 3 and MongoHQ database.
In some tutorials (example: I need to create Schemas and Migrations, but how to do this with NoSQL database? Or should I keep this step?

Laravel (Version 4&3) uses the Eloquent ORM for database work. (including Migrations and Schemas)
Currently Eloquent only supports four database systems: MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server.
With MongoHQ you can not create Migrations or Schemas.


How to use database replication in prisma and nestjs

Currently, I am working on a Nestjs project where I am using Prisma as ORM and MySql as database.
But I am stuck now when I tried to use database replication in this project.
Any help will be appreciated.

convert mongodb to postgres in rails

I have 2 projects, 1 is rails project containing apis for Mobile application which database is in MongoDB and on opposite side other project is in spree which database is in postgres, So how might I synchronize both the databases? I want to make entries in both databases but at the same time. If rails api project get any entry in postgres database so, it would also make same entry into mongodb database.

Connect ADO.NET Entity Data Model to Postgresql database

I'm creating an ASP MVC 3 website. I have a Postgresql database - I'm using Entity Framework 6 - I have referenced Npgsql and Npgsql.EntityFramework and installed dotConnect for PostgreSQL. The connection with the Postgresql database works fine - when I want to add a database connection I have PostgreSQL server in the data source list:
But when I want to add an ADO.NET Entity Data Model to the project there isn't PostgreSQL server in the data source list :

How to create a graphical schema for Postgres database?

I have got a sql file where is configured a database in PostgreSQL technology. I created a database from sql file but from code it is hard to understand action/connecting between the tables. Is it some tool which show all the connections between tables for PostgreSQL?
Data Architect
DbDesigner fork
DeZign for Database
Please take a look to this list of tools.

Why is Nhibernate SchemaExport unable to create a PostgreSQL database?

I have the following code to generate the schema for a database in Nhibernate
new SchemaExport(configuration).Execute(true, true, false);
but when run against a PostgreSQL database, I end up getting the following error
[NpgsqlException (0x80004005): FATAL: 3D000: database "dbname" does not exist]
If I however create the database manually, the schema is exported without errors. An so the question: Why is Nhibernate SchemaExport unable to create a PostgreSQL database and yet this works against other databases like SQLite, MsSqlCe and MsSql Server.
I have searched for online literature but have been unable to locate any highlighting on this issue.
I am using Nhibernate 3.3.1 with PostgreSQL 9.2.
You must create the database before you can create the tables and other objects within the database.
Do this with a CREATE DATABASE statement on a PostgreSQL connection - either in your app, or via psql or PgAdmin-III.
PostgreSQL doesn't support creating databases on demand / first access. Perhaps that's what your tool is expecting?
If you think the DB does exist and you can see it in other tools, maybe you're not connecting to the same database server? Check the server address and port.