How to add a custom clear button in UITextField? - iphone

I want to resize the default clear button of UITextField. After I googled a lot, I came to know there is no way to modify it.
So I decided to go with Custom option ie, by adding UIButton to text field.I found some code from S.O, but nothing works for me. These are the links which I referred.
Custom UITextField clear button
Custom clear button for UITextField
Custom clear button in UISearchBar text field
So please suggest some solution which behaves exactly as default clear button of UITextField
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

In addition to the jake9115 response, you can emulate the clearbutton behavior by using the UITextFieldDelegate callbacks.
You can try in this way:
Show the button when -textFieldDidBeginEditing: is called
Hide the button when -textFieldDidEndEditing: is called
Hide the button if in -(BOOL)textFieldShouldClear:(UITextField*)textField the length of the textField's text is 0.

Why not just make a button that sets the TextView's value to ""?
- (IBAction)button:(id)sender {
_myTextView.text = "";


How to make a contact field entry like this on iOS?

I have an application in which when tapping a button it will show a view to the user to enter the contact number of the user, like in the image below. Can anybody help me achieve this? I need my users to chose their country within the flags and corresponding stdcodes needs to be there
What I see in the example: a UIImageView for the country flag, a UILabel for the country code and a UITextField with a placeholder for the phone number. You can set de value for placeholder in IB or programmatically.
You will have to create a custom view for that.
Steps to do it:
Derive a class from UIView.
Add UIImageView, UILabel and UITextField into it.
Layout it properly.
On button click, show this view with proper frames/bounds.
Create a view like whatever you have shown and initially make it hidden, when user click on the button make the view visible.
ON action event add this sub view into your view
In Xib file,click the label and see the right side properties,In that properties you will find the placeholder option.In that placeholder,type the text you want.That text will be appeared as a hint for the user when he taps it.Or otherwise,directly in your code where you declare the label,in that label code
label.placeholder=#"Enter Contact here";

how to open new view on touch even for uitextfield

I am just woundering if it is possible and if so how I could go about loading a new
view when the user touches a uitextfield?
What I am trying to do is load a new view where the user will use a picker to populate the UItextField instead of typing the word.
any help would be greatly appreciated
What you need here is the inputView property of UITextField. If you set this for a text field, then instead of the usual keyboard, the inputView object will pop up. I had created this example for a related problem which uses a UIPickerView as an inputView to a UITextField object. You can check it to see if it helps.

UISearchbar: Diplaying last inputs

I have a UISearchbar in my application and would like to have a popover when typing text that shows me the last search-inputs. Do I have to implement this by myself, or is this included in the UISearchbar and needs to be activated?
You will need to implement this yourself

uibutton property to avoid highlights

At the time of click a button it's highlighted. While click the button i want to avoid the highlighting of button.
In my Application background image for the button is square shape if i'm click the button it shows square outline of the button.but my button is customtype only....
Please help me out to solve this....
Thank you
Try setting button's adjustsImageWhenHighlighted property to NO
set adjustsImageWhenHighlighted property to YES...
it will avoid the highlight of UIButton
If you are creating button using Interface Builder..
Inside the button Attribute Inspector ..
On the top .. there is drop down box.. which has different states of the button
like Default, Highlighted, Selected etc.. you can set Button's behavior here..
Did you try adding :
[ homebut setHighlighted:NO ];

Changing the text in a UITextView at runtime

I have a ViewController consisting of just a textView. In its viewDidLoad method, I simply initialize the textView and add it as a subview. In my main ViewController class, when the user presses a button, I switch views and display the view that has the textView. I am trying to change the textView's text however it is not working. Can I not change the text of a UITextView at runtime?
You should keep a reference to your text view.
If you do, then make sure that the reference is correct and valid before setting the new text.
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