Common Lisp fuzzy-searchable function reference? - lisp

Is there a nice and friendly set of searchable documentation for ANSI Common Lisp anywhere? Preferably one that can be downloaded for use offline. I've Google but can only find static HTML pages that basically mean you need to know exactly what you're looking for.
I'm after something like, where I can type something like "string" or "list" and all the matching functions come up instantly, for me to click on and browse easily.
Man pages are no use, since you need to know the exact function you need, while the searchable style allows you to discover functions without knowing them beforehand.

CLHS: Symbol Index
In Slime, type C-cC-dh, a few chars of your search term, and then Tab to get a completion list.
Just type (apropos "term") in repl.

A downloadable version of the CLHS is available in info format:
Here's a handy emacs function to lookup the symbol under the point in the using F1:
(defun clhs-info ()
(info (concatenate 'string "(gcl) " (thing-at-point 'symbol)))))
(add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key lisp-mode-map [f1] 'clhs-info)))
You can do partial matching using Info-index rather than concatenation as well.


How to extend Neotree to open a file using hexl?

I'm trying to extend Neotree to open a file using hexl-mode with the shortcut C-c C-x. How would one do this?
I've tried to evaluate a key definition after the Neotree load where it uses my/neotree-hex to open a file path using neo-buffer--get-filename-current-line.
(defun my/neotree-hex
(hexl-find-file neo-buffer--get-filename-current-line))
(with-eval-after-load 'neotree
(define-key neotree-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x")
At the very least, you are missing the (empty) argument list in the function:
(defun my/neotree-hex ()
(hexl-find-file neo-buffer--get-filename-current-line))
I don't know what neo-buffer--get-filename-current-line is: if it is a function, then you are not calling it correctly - in lisp, you call a function by enclosing the (name of the) function and its arguments in parens: (func arg1 arg2 ...)[1]; so if it is a function and it takes no arguments, then your function should probably look like this:
(defun my/neotree-hex ()
(hexl-find-file (neo-buffer--get-filename-current-line)))
In order to be able to bind it to a key, you have to make your function a command, which means that you need to add the (interactive) form.
Disclaimer: I know nothing about neotree.
[1] You might want to read an introduction to lisp. One (specifically tailored to Emasc Lisp) is included with the emacs documentation, but is also available online. Eventually, you will want to read the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual. Calling a function is covered in the Introduction and is covered in detail in the Reference.

indent-[code-]rigidly called from emacs LISP function

I'm trying to write an emacs LISP function to un-indent the region
(rigidly). I can pass prefix arguments to indent-code-rigidly or
indent-rigidly or indent-region and they all work fine, but I don't
want to always have to pass a negative prefix argument to shift things
My current code is as below but it seems to do nothing:
(defun undent ()
"un-indent rigidly."
(setq fline (line-number-at-pos (region-beginning)))
(setq lline (line-number-at-pos (region-end)))
(setq curIndent (current-indentation))
;;(indent-rigidly fline lline (- curIndent 1))
(indent-region fline lline 2)
;;(message "%d %d" curIndent (- curIndent 1))
I gather that (current-indentation) won't get me the indentation of the first line
of the region, but of the first line following the region (so a second quesiton is
how to get that!). But even when I just use a constant for the column (as shown,
I don't see this function do any change.
Though if I uncomment the (message) call, it displays reasonable numbers.
GNU Emacs 24.3.1, on Ubuntu. And in case it matters, I use
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) and (cua-mode).
I must be missing something obvious... ?
All of what Tim X said is true, but if you just need something that works, or an example to show you what direction to take your own code, I think you're looking for something like this:
(defun unindent-rigidly (start end arg &optional interactive)
"As `indent-rigidly', but reversed."
(interactive "r\np\np")
(indent-rigidly start end (- arg) interactive))
All this does is call indent-rigidly with an appropriately transformed prefix argument. If you call this with a prefix argument n, it will act as if you had called indent-rigidly with the argument -n. If you omit the prefix argument, it will behave as if you called indent-rigidly with the argument -1 (instead of going into indent-rigidly's interactive mode).
There are a number of problems with your function, including some vary
fundamental elisp requirements. Highly recommend reading the Emacs Lisp
Reference Manual (bundled with emacs). If you are new to programming and lisp,
you may also find An Introduction to Emacs Lisp useful (also bundled with
A few things to read about which will probably help
Read the section on the command loop from the elisp reference. In particular,
look at the node which describes how to define a new command and the use of
'interactive', which you will need if you want to bind your function to a key
or call it with M-x.
Read the section on variables from the lisp reference
and understand variable scope (local v global). Look at using 'let' rather
than 'setq' and what the difference is.
Read the section on 'positions' in the elisp reference. In particular, look at
'save-excursion' and 'save-restriction'. Understanding how to define and use
the region is also important.
It isn't clear if your writing this function just as a learning exercise or
not. However, just in case you are doing it because it is something you need to
do rather than just something to learn elisp, be sure to go through the Emacs
manual and index. What you appear to need is a common and fairly well supported
requirement. It can get a little complicated if programming modes are involved
(as opposed to plain text). However, with emacs, if what you need seems like
something which would be a common requirement, you can be fairly confident it is
already there - you just need to find it (which can be a challenge at first).
A common convention is for functions/commands to be defined which act 'in
reverse' when supplied with a negative or universal argument. Any command which
has this ability can also be called as a function in elisp code with the
argument necessary to get that behaviour, so understanding the inter-play
between commands, functions and calling conventions is important.

How to never expand yasnippets in comments and strings

I'd like to disable YASnippet expansion (for example, if) in comments and strings, but don't find how to do that in a generic way.
On The condition system, they say how to do it for Python, but I'd like to get it working for all prog-modes at once, and I'm not aware of any function which tests "in string/comment", independently of the language.
Is there still a way to do so?
Using lawlist's suggestion and adding it to prog-mode-hook:
(defun yas-no-expand-in-comment/string ()
(setq yas-buffer-local-condition
'(if (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) ;; non-nil if in a string or comment
'(require-snippet-condition . force-in-comment)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'yas-no-expand-in-comment/string)

CLisp: Collecting all keywords supported

I tend to use Notepad++ as editor to learn lisp and this helps me with prompting the keywords as I type them on editor. But not all the keywords are enlisted in its language plugin.
I want to add those keywords into it. Is there some command in lisp that it lists its keywords or some source that contains these keywords/function templates etc that I can just add them by pasting them in NP++ plugin.
Manually accomplishing this will be very time consuming.
Assuming, that you want the symbols of the COMMON-LISP package, you can use
(do-external-symbols (sym :common-lisp)
(print sym))
to collect all symbols exposed by the COMMON-LISP package. According to the ANSI standard,
The COMMON-LISP package has as external symbols those symbols enumerated in the figures in Section 1.9 (Symbols in the COMMON-LISP Package), and no others"
so the above should give you exactly the stuff defined by the ANSI common lisp language (and nothing else).
To get a sorted list, try
(let (result)
(do-external-symbols (sym :common-lisp)
(push sym result))
(sort result #'string<))
on the REPL.
Perhaps you can just copy-paste the symbols from CLHS:

How to accomplish equivalent of Vim's Ctrl-n in GNU Emacs?

Vim's Ctrl+N generally works like this: I type few letters, hit Ctrl+N, and Vim provides me with completions based on words in my all opened buffers.
Solution for Emacs doesn't have to be identical. I mainly use it like this: declare variable, then use it in later code. But I like the lightweight approach of not parsing the source code.
You want dabbrev-expand, bound to M-/ by default. I haven't used Vim, but from your description, it does the exact same thing.
try hippie-expand, bound to your favorite key
(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") 'hippie-expand)
Instead of presenting a completion-list, repeatedly hitting the bound-key cycles through the completions in-place.
Why "hippie"-expand? I have no idea, and I actually avoided looking at the function because the name was uninformative and off-putting, until I read the write-up at 'Life Is Too Short For Bad Code'. (The EmacsWiki entry on hippie-expand also asks "why 'hippie?'" but can't answer it, either.)
I personally use AutoComplete It gives you a nice dropdown box. You can select how many letters you want to type before it activates and customise what you want to show up, including stuff in dabbrev-expand.
;; Allow tab to autocomplete
(defun indent-or-expand (arg)
"Either indent according to mode, or expand the word preceding point."
(interactive "*P")
(if (and
(or (bobp) (= ?w (char-syntax (char-before))))
(or (eobp) (not (= ?w (char-syntax (char-after))))))
(dabbrev-expand arg)
(defun my-tab-fix ()
(local-set-key [tab] 'indent-or-expand))
(add-hook 'as-mode-hook 'my-tab-fix)
(add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'my-tab-fix)
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'my-tab-fix)
(add-hook 'sh-mode-hook 'my-tab-fix)
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my-tab-fix)
The matter, in my opinion is that emacs completion I tryed doesn't complete regarding the context.
For instance, if you write some OOP with a method foobar() and an argument foo, M-/ will suggest you both foo and foobar.
But it would be great if you are calling an object method, not to provide just "foo" completion.
Has anyone a solution?
Aif> This requires much more than what "hippie expand" has to offer. If you code C/C++ you COULD use ECB but frankly, the project is quite dead and this addon is not very reliable. If you need really good intelligent completion you should try Eclipse (CDT). But if you code python then Emacs (rope + flymake) is just as fine as Eclipse (PyDev).