Custom tab is unclickable - unity3d

I have some Unity .asset files which contains 3D models. I want to be able to convert / export these 3D models into a more common format which will be accepted by 3D Max.
I read that I need to use a custom script since Unity doesn't support this out of the box, so I tried to set up this plugin script:
I created a new project called Test, copied the two CS scripts into the "My Project Name/Editor" folder, and although the custom tab in Unity shows up, it is not click-able.
Also, I had to change line 79 to:
objMaterial.textureName = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mats[material].mainTexture);
objMaterial.textureName = EditorUtility.GetAssetPath(mats[material].mainTexture);
As it was giving me an error.

Which version of Unity? In 3.5.7 you should see the following:
The Custom menu item should be in the main tool bar. Also included for reference is the project hierarchy, to show that the scripts are in the correct folder. I copied the scripts verbatim from the OP's link.


Unity inspector unable to save text script

I am trying to edit existing project in unity version 2017.1.3f1 my goal is to change the value of a text script using direct edit from the inspector. However everytime i save the project and run the application the change i have made is not reflecting. Can any one advice me on how to deal with this.
The methods that i have tried
Click the gear icon to load the csharp script but always showing error code
"Unable to open C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/UnityExtensions/Unity/GUISystem/Standalone/UnityEngine.UI.dll: Check external application preferences.
I have change editor from MONO and Visual Studio but still no luck.
i have attached here some images that can help understand my concern.
RED circle is for the text wanted to change and the gear icon is suppose to leas the code but showing error as mention above
You are using Unity, and therefore the component system. The text is part of the old (deprecated) set of GUI components.
The editor window only allows you to cache the text that will be displayed. In order to load/change text, you need to create a C# script. C# script is added by pressing the AddComponent button, for example. Next, you need to use the Using UnityEngine.UI directive for your component, or TMPro for the Text Mesh Pro component.
If your changes don't show up, it's likely that the project has a system that loads certain texts into your text field. In this case, you need to find out which script is responsible for this.

Issue viewing source files in doxygen

I'm using Doxyfile 1.8.17, and decompiling an Android app, with apktool, and also unzipping the APK to view some files in there too with Doxygen. I've managed to pull only what I need using EXCLUDE_PATHS. SOURCE_BROWSER is set to YES. My problem is whenever I go to click on the file in File List, I just get a link to go to the source code of the file. When I click it, it opens the source code in the right plane. I would like to just click the left plane and view the source code instantly in the right plane, however, there doesn't seem to be an option to change the behaviour. In the html output folder there is two types of files. foo.html and foo_source.html. This is the same for every file that you pull from INPUT sources. I just want it to show me foo_source.html and nothing else. Is this possible?

Creating activitybar Icons for VS Code

I have been trying numerous editors, from Inkscape, to online converters, to MS store apps, etc.
All I'm trying to do is find an easy way to create either transparent PNG files or SVG files for the activitybar icon inside of VS Code for an extension I'm working on.
Everything I've tried either totally warps the dimensions of what I create and seems to blow the image way up inside the activity bar, even though the files I'm saving as PNG are all 128px x 128px with 32 bit depth, same as another that ships with examples from
What I see in VS Code after specifying the path in the extension package.json:
What I am trying to get it to look like:
I've tried using SVG viewer plugins for VS Code as well, and sometimes the SVG's I've used don't even show up, even though an item does exist in the activity bar when I hover over the position it should be in.
Any modicum of help would be appreciated.

How to Share new SteamVR ActionSets and Bindings between Unity Projects

I'm developing a VR module in Unity that I hope to be able to import into any of my unity projects as an asset package. This package requires defining input from a Vive controller button to turn it on during gameplay. I would like to somehow share this actionset and button binding between projects so I don't have to manually create the actions and bindings each time I would like to use it.
Is there any way to share SteamVR input settings between projects? Specifically one whole input actionset, and its associated controller bindings.
I've tried exporting the SteamVR_Input folder as a package, also tried with including SteamVR folder, neither worked. After reimport, I can see the imported actionset in the project folder in the SteamVR_Input folder, but it isn't showing up in the input window (Window Menu -> SteamVr Input). However, the live input view shows the actions in the list, but doesn't register any button presses.
Update Unity 2019.2:
This seems to be fixed now.
In the source project, go to SteamVR Input window, click advanced.
Create a partial bindings folder. Rename it to what you want. Note that it will automatically add a SteamVR_ prefix. So my default name had SteamVR_SteamVR_ at the start. I needed to delete the suggested name and just name it my project's name.
It creates it in the base folder for your project, NOT the assets folder for some reason.
In Windows Explorer, drag it into Assets folder of source project.
In Unity editor (source project) it should now prompt you to import settings, but it detects that these actions already exist. Click Merge.
Make sure your actionset is still there in SteamVR input window.
Now you can export a unitypackage from this folder.
Now you can import the unitypackage in the destination project, and it should prompt you after import to load the actions! Yay.
Note: I ran into an issue if I renamed the partial bindings folder after creation. It would not recognize it as actions anymore and not prompt to import. To rename the partial bindings folder, you need to recreate it and follow the above steps again.
OLD ANSWER (outdated) :
Note: this answer is working based on a Beta version of the SteamVR plugin 2.2b4. It may change in a future release
Ok I got this working. It's still not quite possible as far as I can tell to create a unitypackage with the bindings and actions inside, but it's much better than before.
To move an ActionSet and bindings from project 1 to project 2:
In the first project: Create a new action set with your desired actions and bindings.
Go to Window Menu > SteamVR input
click Advanced settings, then click Create. This will create a folder in your project somewhere.
This is where the problem is. This folder can't seem to be packaged. BUT:
Important: In your 2nd project delete the SteamVR_Input folder (you may want to back it up just in case)
Drag this created folder from the 1st project (from windows explorer) into the Assets folder in the project view of the 2nd project (open in Unity). If you do this outside of unity it will not work.
It will prompt you to import the "partial bindings" and will add your custom ActionSet to this other project. Open Window Menu > SteamVR_Input in the 2nd project and then you should see your imported ActionSet at the top. Click "Save and Generate" to recreate a new SteamVR_Input Folder for this project.
Voila! It should work.
I haven't got it to be able to be packaged in an asset package yet.
After spending a lot of frustrating hours I discovered the following simple procedure.
(In Unity 2019.1.14f1 and I suspect it will work in higher versions as well).
In project 1:
It is crucial after editing your bindings in the SteamVR graphical interface to choose
Replace Default Binding
The result of this is that your bindings are completely saved in
(by default, but this is a perfectly good location)
This by the way, is also required if you want to use your bindings in a standalone build.
In project 2:
Copy, via the file system or via export and import custom package, the StreamingAssets/SteamVR folder from project 1 to the corresponding location in project 2.
As of that moment your bindings are available in project2!

Set Application Icon Using Canonical Quickly

Is there a simple way to set an application's icon using canoncial-quickly? I have tried setting the icon file of the main window within Glade, but the application still uses one of the stock GTK icons as its main icon in Unity on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Navigate to the directory with your Quickly Ubuntu application in it. Let's say it's called myproj. Inside myproj is a directory named data. Inside data is a directory named media. And in there you should see a graphic file named myproj.svg. Replace myproj.svg with a scalable vector graphics image of your choice. You can either download an svg off the web, or create one for yourself in Inkscape. The next time you run your application, it will pick up myproj.svg as its icon.