Calling stored procedure which does not return a list using Entity Framework - entity-framework

I understand if my stored procedure returns a data set I can do this
_context.Database.SqlQuery<Product>(query, parameters).ToList<Product>()
But, If I have a stored procedure which does not return anything, how can I call that from entity framework? What goes in place of the "?" below?
_context.Database.SqlQuery<?>(query, parameters).ToList<?>()

Have you mapped the stored procedure to a function in the model browser yet?
If you go to your edmx file and right click, you can add->function import and then specify the details of the stored procedure you want to import.
This will map it to a function, you can then efffectively call your stored procedure using


How to save Data factory stored procedure output

Whenever I execute a stored procedure in the ADFv2, it gives me an output as
"effectiveIntegrationRuntime": "DefaultIntegrationRuntime (Australia Southeast)",
"executionDuration": 34
even though I have set 2 variables as output in the procedure. Is there any way to map the output of the stored procedure in the ADFv2? Till now I can map the output of all the other activities but not of Stored procedures.
You could use a lookup activity to get the result.
Please reference this post.
Update by Gagan:
Instead of getting the output of SP (which is not possible in ADFv2 right now), I stored the output in the table and then apply lookup-foreach to the table to get the value.
Stored procedure call in Data factory (v2) does not capture the result data set. So you cannot use the stored procedure activity to get the result data set and refer it in next activities.
Workaround is to use lookup activity to call exact same stored procedure as lookup will get you the result data set from stored procedure. Replace your Stored procedure activity with lookup and it will work.

Entity framework for execute string stored procedure

New to EF... using 6.0. I've have a Stored Proc which has the dynamic build select query inside a string variable that outputs using Execute(#StringQuery). This select has around 20 columns.
After adding this SP in EF, the return type is INT (not sure why). But I think I've to add all the columns manually in Complex types in EDMX. Wanted to know whether there is any better way to handle this as the columns are in huge number.
Please suggest.
Procedure Text:
Open your model
Go to View->Other Windows->Entity Data Model Browser
In browser expand your Model->Function Imports and double click on Stored Proc
In Returns a Collections off choose Complex and press Get Column Information
Click Create New Complex Type
OK, Save

JPA: How to call a stored procedure

I have a stored procedure in my project under sql/my_prod.sql
there I have my function delete_entity
In my entity
#NamedNativeQuery(name = "delete_entity_prod",
query = "{call /sql/delete_entity(:lineId)}",
and I call it
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("delete_entity_prod")
I followed this example:
but it does not execute the delete and it does not send any error.
I haven't found clear information about this, am I missing something? Maybe I need to load the my_prod.sql first? But how?
JPA 2.1 standardized stored procedure support if you are able to use it, with examples here
This is actually they way you create a query.
Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("delete_entity_prod")
To call it you must execute:
Of course, the DB must already contain the procedure. So if you have it defined in your SQL file, have a look at Executing SQL Statements from a Text File(this is for MySQL but other database systems use a similar approach to execute scripts)
There is no error shown because query is not executed at any point - just instance of Query is created. Query can be executed by calling executeUpdate:
Then next problem will arise: Writing some stored procedures to file is not enough - procedures live in database, not in files. So next thing to do is to check that there is correct script to create stored procedure in hands (maybe that is currently content of sql/my_prod.sql) and then use that to create procedure via database client.
All JPA implementations do not support calling stored procedures, but I assume Hibernate is used under the hood, because that is also used in linked tutorial.
It can be the case that current
{call /sql/delete_entity(:lineId)}
is right syntax for calling stored procedure in your database. It looks rather suspicious because of /sql/. If it turns out that this is incorrect syntax, then:
Consult manual for correct syntax
Test via client
Use that as a value of query attribute in NamedNativeQuery annotation.
All that with combination MySQL+Hibernate is explained for example here.

Retrieving output values from stored procedure - GetColumn

I need to invoke a stored procedure and it has no OUT parameters instead it writes to the buffer manager by calling putcolumn.How can I retrieve the data set using put column from a JAVA application.
My stored procedure is an oracle on.Can someone provide your inputs to sort my issue?

A stored procedure which returns a collection of a custom complex type

I have to create some sub complex types from the stored procedure's returning columns.
I mean some columns are result of some operation (like addition or subtraction) which I want to compute them i application (because it makes large sub queries if I make them in stored procedure).
thank you.
Create stored procedure returning columns you want to get from the database.
Import the stored procedure in Update from database wizard
Go to model browser and create function import for that stored procedure
Select complex type as return value (it can create complex type for you)
Create your partial part of class generated for the complex type and create all properties you want to compute in your application
Steps 1-4: How to import stored procedure
Btw. this is possible only with EFv4.x with EDMX.