Output '{{$NEXT}}' with Text::Template - perl

The NextRelease plugin for Dist::Zilla looks for {{$NEXT}} in the Changes file to put the release datetime information. However, I can't get this to be generated using my profile.ini. Here's what I have:
[GenerateFile / Generate-Changes ]
filename = Changes
is_template = 1
content = Revision history for {{$dist->name}}
content =
;todo: how can we get this to print correctly with a template?
content = {{$NEXT}}
content = initial release
{{$dist->name}} is correctly replaced with my distribution name, but {{$NEXT}} is, as-is, replaced with nothing (since it's not escaped and there is no $NEXT variable in). I've tried different combinations of slashes to escape the braces, but it either results in nothing or an error during generation with dzil new. How can I properly escape this string so that after dzil processes it with Text::Template it outputs {{$NEXT}}?

In the content, {{$NEXT}} is being interpreted as a template block and, as you say, wants to fill itself in as the contents of the missing $NEXT.
Instead, try:
content = {{'{{$NEXT}}'}}
Example program:
use 5.14.0;
use Text::Template 'fill_in_string';
my $result = fill_in_string(
DELIMITERS => [ '{{', '}}' ],
BROKEN => sub { die },
say $result;


How would I match the correct hash pair based on a specific string?

I have a simple page hit tracking script that allows for the output to display friendly names instead of urls by using a hash.
UPDATE: I used php to generate the hash below, but used the wrong dynamic page name of item.html. When changed to the correct name, the script returns the desired results. Sorry for wasting anyone's time.
my %LocalAddressTitlePairs = (
'https://www.mywebsite.com/index.html' => 'HOME',
'https://www.mywebsite.com/art_gallery.html' => 'GALLERY',
'https://www.mywebsite.com/cart/item.html?itemID=83&cat=26' => 'Island Life',
'https://www.mywebsite.com/cart/item.html?itemID=11&cat=22' => 'Castaways',
'https://www.mywebsite.com/cart/item.html?itemID=13&cat=29' => 'Pelicans',
and so on..
The code for returning the page hits:
sub url_format {
local $_ = $_[0] || '';
if ((m!$PREF{'My_Web_Address'}!i) and (m!^https://(.*)!i) ) {
if ($UseLocalAddressTitlePairs == 1) {
foreach my $Address (keys %LocalAddressTitlePairs) {
return "<a title=\"$Address\" href=\"$_\">$LocalAddressTitlePairs{$Address}</A>" if (m!$_$! eq m!$Address$!);
my $stub =$1;
return $stub;
Displaying the log hits will show
HOME with the correct link, GALLERY with the correct url link, but https://www.mywebsite.com/cart/item.html?itemID=83&cat=26
will display a random name instead of what it should be, Island Life for this page.. it has the correct link,-- a different name displays every time the page is loaded.
And, the output for all pages with query strings will display the exact same name. I know the links are correct by clicking thru site pages and checking the log script for my own page visits.
I tried -
while (my($mykey, $Value) = each %LocalAddressTitlePairs) {
return "<a title=\"$mykey\" href=\"$_\">$Value</a>" if(m!$_$! eq m!$mykey$!);
but again, the link is correct but the mykey/Value associated is random too. Way too new to perl to figure this out but I'm doing a lot of online research.
m!$Address$! does not work as expected, because the expression contains special characters such as ?
You need to add escape sequences \Q and \E
it’s even better to add a check at the beginning of the line, otherwise
my $url = "https://www.mywebsite.com/?foo=bar"
my $bad_url = "https://bad.com?u=https://www.mywebsite.com/?foo=bar"
$bad_url =~ m!\Q$url\E$! ? 1 : 0 # 1, pass
$bad_url =~ m!^\Q$url\E$! ? 1 : 0 # 0, fail

How can I separate a image, HTTP URL and email from a Perl string of code

This is a chat program. I managed to separate the Images from most of the text, but it leaves it embedded in a string. There is no telling where the URL will be located in the string, and if typing is before it or after it, it appears in the string! I need it to separate and place only the image regex URL into the s/$image//.
I have tried while loops, foreach loops and crashed the whole system with a for loop! I do get the image in place but only if I leave a whole blank line for it. Same thing with the webpage....
if (($searchhttp = m/^http/sig)
&& ($search_image = m/(.jpg|.jpeg|.gif|.png)/ig)) {
#jpgimage = #_;
$jpgimage = $jpgimage[0];
$jpgimage =~ grep(/(^https?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6}) ([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?(?:.jpg|.jpeg|.gif|png)$/sig);
$image = substr($jpgimage, 0);
($image) = split(/\s+/, $jpgimage);
$filter =~ s/$image/<img src ='$image' align ='left'>/;
print $image.'<BR>';
#print $jpgimage.'<BR>';
If I leave it on just one line, it works... If I type before it or after it it does not. it includes the whole string in the a href, or the img src.
I need to find a way to take it out of the string
It takes the whole text from that line and places it in the right brackets, just one long string...
"testing if this works"
"https://www.perltutorial.org lets try this"
I have spent a month on this... and the out come with this code is the best I've gotten!
There could be and most likely be more then one image.
This is the out comes after I paste 5 pictures, one with the word Test in front, and these 4 are placed in the img src...
URL parsing and handling is not trivial. It's very easy to get it wrong, thus it should be left to a battle tested module if possible. Consider this code.
use URI;
use URL::Search qw(extract_urls);
my $webpage = join "", <DATA>; # wherever your data comes from
for my $url (extract_urls $webpage)
my $url_object = URI->new( $url );
my $host_ok = $url_object->host =~ /\.(com|net|jp|org|uk)$/i;
my $is_image = $url_object->path =~ /\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i;
my $save_url = $url_object->canonical;
my $regex_for_url = quotemeta( $url );
$webpage =~ s/$regex_for_url/<img src="$save_url">/g
if $host_ok && $is_image;
print $webpage;
<img src="https://docs.perl6.org/camelia.png">
<img src="https://docs.perl6.org/camelia.gif">

Extracting Single from huge Archive using Perl

I'm trying a single from a large ".tgz" file. I'm using Archive::Tar::Streamed module.
Here is the sample code.
my $tar2 = Archive::Tar::Streamed->new($filename);
$fil = $tar2->next;
while($fil) {
$_ = $fil->name;
if(m/abc\.txt/g) {
$fil = $tar2->next;
But the iterator is not working. It is looping the first file in the archive not moving to the next file.
Can someone tell me what mistake i've done here???
You put the call to next inside your if, so it's only executed if you extracted the file. There's nothing that modifies $fil inside the loop if the file is not extracted.
You can simplify your code quite a bit by just calling the iterator in the condition of the while loop. Also, you can use the =~ binding operator instead of storing the name in $_. And you do not want the /g regex modifier here. In scalar context, you use /g to loop through multiple matches in a string. Here, all you want is to know whether the string contains a match.
my $tar2 = Archive::Tar::Streamed->new($filename);
while(my $fil = $tar2->next) {
if($fil->name =~ m/abc\.txt/) {

PDF::API2: set PDF tags

Does anybody know how can one set PDF tags using PDF::API2 perl module?
Is it related to the following subroutine:
#attributes = $pdf->infoMetaAttributes('CustomField1');
print "Supported Attributes: #attributes\n";
Any reference how to do this with this Perl module?
If you're using PDF::API2 (I think that's what you meant to type), the info method allows you to obtain and modify the PDF tags. The infoMetaAttributes is used to obtain or modify the list of possible tags themselves, not to provide values for one or more of them.
So, to set the author to "Fred":
$pdf->info ('Author' => 'Fred');
To find the current author:
my $author = $pdf->info ('Author');
To show 'em all:
my %tags = $pdf->info;
for my $tag (keys %tags) {
print $tag, " has value ", $tags{$tag}

How should I redirect users in a formmail script?

So I'm using a basic formmail script. Within the script I'm using a redirect variable. The value of the redirect is something like:
When the redirect action happens however, the URL appears in the browser as:
You can see the & characters are replaced with &
Is there any way to fix this?
Maybe you can edit the script with a string substitution:
$myRedirectURL =~ s/\&/\&/g;
Or perhaps look in the script where the opposite substitution is taking place, and comment out that step.
HTML::Entities's decode_entities could decode this for you:
$redirect_target = decode_entities($redirect_target);
But passing the destination URL as HTTP argument (e.g. hidden form field) is dangerous (as #Sinan Ünür already said in the comments). Better store the target URL within your script and pass a selector from the form:
if ($selector eq 'home') { $target_url = 'http://www.foo.bar/'; }
elsif ($selector eq 'bling') { $target_url = 'http://www.foo.bar/NewOLS_GCUK_EN/bling.aspx'; }
else {
$target_url = 'http://www.foo.bar/default.html'; # Fallback/default value
Using a Hash would be shorter:
my %targets = {
home => 'http://www.foo.bar/',
bling => '/NewOLS_GCUK_EN/bling.aspx',
$target_url = $targets{$selector} || '/default_feedback_thanks.html';