problems with classic asp if statment and reading form values - forms

I have been having trouble with a bit of classic asp code
pretty much what I want to do is when a hidden field has a value of 1 a message is displayed
here is the code i have:
<% if (CStr(Request.form("HiddenLog")) = CStr("1")) then %>
<br /> <p style="color:Red;">Message here</p>
<%end if %>
<input type="hidden" id="HiddenLog" value="1" />
The result is nothing appears on screen however if I add an else to the if statment like so
<% if (CStr(Request.form("HiddenLog")) = CStr("1")) then %>
<br /> <p style="color:Red;">Message here</p>
<br /> <p style="color:Red;">Message here</p>
<%end if %>
The message always appears (of course this was to prove that the if statment is working and that the problem most likly is with getting the form values), can someone please tell me what it is I have done wrong
Edit A couple of people have asked about my form so I will post that here as well
<form id="form1" method="post">
all the controls are contained inside this form

you have to give the input field a name attribute. you only have an id attribute this is not posted so just use
<input type="hidden" id="HiddenLog" name="HiddenLog" value="1" />


How to fix the faulty mailform output since TYPO3 6.2.47 ELTS?

Since the last update to TYPO3 6.2.47 ELTS forms (the old core forms; without use of sysext "form") are no longer rendered normally ...
<input type="text" name="name" id="mailformname" size="30" value="" />
... but the input fields seem to be sent through an HTML encoder. It now looks like this in the source code:
<input type="text" name="name" id="mailformname" size="30" value="" />
How can this be fixed?
I couldn't find anything related to this in the changelog.
There's a new parseFunc, which is responsible for the issue
tt_content.mailform.20.stdWrap.parseFunc =< lib.parseFunc
You can overwrite this as follows
tt_content.mailform.20.stdWrap.parseFunc >

Get all form controls in angularjs

What I would like to do is make all fields show their validation errors when:
visiting and modifying a field so that its dirty state is triggered (the default), and also
validating and triggering dirty when the submit is pressed
Take the following form
<div ng-form="MyForm">
<input type="text" name="numbers" ng-required="'true'" ng-pattern="/^[0-9]*$/" ng-model="numbers" />
<span class="error" ng-show="numbers.$error.required">Required</span>
<span class="error" ng-show="numbers.$error.pattern">Pattern</span>
<input type="text" name="characters" ng-required="'true'" ng-pattern="/^[a-z]*$/" ng-model="characters" />
<span class="error" ng-show="characters.$error.required">Required</span>
<span class="error" ng-show="characters.$error.required">Pattern</span>
<button ng-click="validateAndSubmit()">Submit</button>
Essentially, I would like to create a directive that validates (sets dirty to true) for all the controls in an arbitrary form. Is there a simple way to get the form controls from the FormController without finding the actual dom elements?

Grails cache issue with forms in show.gsp (view)

I have this very odd issue and I've picked my code apart and taken out any caching changes that I think would cause this but it still remains.
Here is whats happening:
I add an Address in my app, named "q", I save it and get id 1 for
If I add another address names "q" (q isn't restricted to unique), then save it I get id 2.
If I repeat 2 I get a new item with id 3.
Here is the weird part, if I put the mouse over the Edit button for 2 or 3 it has a link to 1. If I look at the HTML generated I get this section for the form:
<form action="/CRM/address/delete/1" method="post" ><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE" id="_method" />
<fieldset class="buttons">
<input type="submit" name="_action_delete" value="Delete" class="delete" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" />
If I look at the show.gsp it's just the basic code from the generated scaffold:
<g:form url="[resource:addressInstance, action:'delete']" method="DELETE">
<fieldset class="buttons">
<g:link class="edit" action="edit" resource="${addressInstance}"><g:message code="default.button.edit.label" default="Edit" /></g:link>
<g:actionSubmit class="delete" action="delete" value="${message(code: 'default.button.delete.label', default: 'Delete')}" onclick="return confirm('${message(code: 'default.button.delete.confirm.message', default: 'Are you sure?')}');" />
The controller has the following action:
def show(Address addressInstance) {
respond addressInstance
When i print the addressInstance it looks like the correct one.
Does anyone have any idea why I get ID 1 instead of the proper id in this form which is on the show screen of address 2 and 3???
I've tested it in H2 and PostgreSQL, Grails 2.3.3, locally and on Heroku.
Looks like a bug linkGenerator cache in Grails 2.3.0-2.3.4.
I've created a Jira:
You can disable the cache in your config file:
grails.web.linkGenerator.useCache = false

HTML form interleaves with <div> or <td> won't work

Does anybody experience the odd phenomenon: if an HTML form is divided into several parts by <div>'s or table <td>'s, then the <input type="submit" ... > button won't work -- nothing happens when clicking (no 'post' message is sent). If I take out all the <div>'s or table elements, the button works. Why is that? In my case, the form is inserted by Ajax. Could that be a cause of the problem? Thanks.
For example:
<div style="float:left">
<form action="/..." class="submitForm" method="post">
<div style="float:left">
<input type="submit" value="submit">
<form action="/..." class="submitForm" method="post">
<input ...>
<input type="submit" value="submit">
There is nothing odd about it.
The HTML is invalid. The code doesn't mean anything.
Then the browser attempts to recover from your error. The results are not what you want.
If you don't write real HTML, you shouldn't expect browsers to be able to handle it.
Elements must describe a tree. If you open an element, you must close it before you close any of its ancestors. provides a useful tool for performing basic automated QA on your HTML.

Creating html elements in zend forms

I will like to translate this full code into a zend form with all the ids, html image elements, the classes, the spans. Everything. Am finding it difficult to add the image and to group the elements accordint to the divs and spans.
I will be grateful if anyone could help me. Thank you.
<form method="get" action="/search" name="searchForm" id="searchForm">
<div class="logo">
<a href="" title="Trial" name="trialLogo">
<img width="205" height="40" alt="Trial Search" src="..image/logo.png">
<input type="hidden" value="/Listing" name="ref_uri">
<div class="inputBlock">
<span class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" class="labelMagic fieldHelpText" tabindex="3" id="what" name="what" autocomplete="off"><input type="hidden" name="listingId"></span>
<div class="inputBlock">
<span class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" autocomplete="off" value="Location" class="labelMagic" tabindex="4" id="where" name="where"><input type="hidden" name="geoId"></span>
<div class="submitWrapper"><button class="goButton" tabindex="5" name="go" type="submit">Go!</button>
You could certainly employ a collection of configured HtmlTag decorators to perform all this wrapping, including setting the attributes on all these divs and spans.
But perhaps easier would be to simply employ a ViewScript decorator for the form. A good example appears on this MWOP Dev Zone article.