WINBugs: array index is greater than array upper bound - winbugs
I need help to find the error in my WINBUGS code (v. 1.4.3).
While in the "Model Specification" step, the model looks syntatically correct. However, in my attempt to load the data, I got this error:
array index is greater than array upper bound for phi3
Could someone please help me? My model is provided below:
model {
for(w in 1: W){
m[w] <- n[w]-y1[w]
h[w] <- n[w]-y1[w]-y2[w]
y1[w] ~ dbin(delta[w],n[w])
y2[w] ~ dbin(theta[w],m[w])
y3[w] ~ dbin(eta[w],h[w])
y4[w] <- n[w]-y1[w]-y2[w]-y3[w]
logit(delta[w]) <- mu1+theta1[a[w]]+phi1[p[w]]+psi1[c[w]]
logit(theta[w]) <- mu2+theta2[a[w]]+phi2[p[w]]+psi2[c[w]]
logit(eta[w]) <- mu3+theta3[a[w]]+phi3[p[w]]+psi3[c[w]]
## Autoregressive prior model for p effects
phi1mean[1] <- 0.0
phi1prec[1] <- tauphi1*1.0E-6
phi1mean[2] <- 0.0
phi1prec[2] <- tauphi1*1.0E-6
phi2mean[1] <- 0.0
phi2prec[1] <- tauphi2*1.0E-6
phi2mean[2] <- 0.0
phi2prec[2] <- tauphi2*1.0E-6
phi3mean[1] <- 0.0
phi3prec[1] <- tauphi3*1.0E-6
phi3mean[2] <- 0.0
phi3prec[2] <- tauphi3*1.0E-6
phi4mean[1] <- 0.0
phi4prec[1] <- tauphi4*1.0E-6
phi4mean[2] <- 0.0
phi4prec[2] <- tauphi4*1.0E-6
for (j in 3:JJ) {
phi1mean[j] <- 2*phi1[j-1]-phi1[j-2]
phi1prec[j] <- tauphi1
phi2mean[j] <- 2*phi2[j-1]-phi2[j-2]
phi2prec[j] <- tauphi2
phi3mean[j] <- 2*phi3[j-1]-phi3[j-2]
phi3prec[j] <- tauphi3
phi4mean[j] <- 2*phi4[j-1]-phi4[j-2]
phi4prec[j] <- tauphi4
# Sampling p effects and subtracting mean for observed p
for (j in 1:JJ) {
phi1[j] ~ dnorm(phi1mean[j],phi1prec[j])
phi2[j] ~ dnorm(phi2mean[j],phi2prec[j])
phi3[j] ~ dnorm(phi3mean[j],phi3prec[j])
phi4[j] ~ dnorm(phi4mean[j],phi4prec[j])
phi1c[j] <- phi1[j]-mean(phi1[1:J])
phi2c[j] <- phi2[j]-mean(phi2[1:J])
phi3c[j] <- phi3[j]-mean(phi3[1:J])
phi4c[j] <- phi4[j]-mean(phi4[1:J])
# Hyppriors for the precision parameters
tauphi1 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
tauphi2 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
tauphi3 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
tauphi4 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
sigmaphi1 <- 1/sqrt(tauphi1)
sigmaphi2 <- 1/sqrt(tauphi2)
sigmaphi3 <- 1/sqrt(tauphi3)
sigmaphi4 <- 1/sqrt(tauphi4)
## Autoregressive prior model for c effects
psi1mean[1] <- 0.0
psi1prec[1] <- taupsi1*1.0E-6
psi1mean[2] <- 0.0
psi1prec[2] <- taupsi1*1.0E-6
psi2mean[1] <- 0.0
psi2prec[1] <- taupsi2*1.0E-6
psi2mean[2] <- 0.0
psi2prec[2] <- taupsi2*1.0E-6
psi3mean[1] <- 0.0
psi3prec[1] <- taupsi3*1.0E-6
psi3mean[2] <- 0.0
psi3prec[2] <- taupsi3*1.0E-6
psi4mean[1] <- 0.0
psi4prec[1] <- taupsi4*1.0E-6
psi4mean[2] <- 0.0
psi4prec[2] <- taupsi4*1.0E-6
for (l in 3:LL) {
psi1mean[l] <- 2*psi1[l-1]-psi1[l-2]
psi1prec[l] <- taupsi1
psi2mean[l] <- 2*psi2[l-1]-psi2[l-2]
psi2prec[l] <- taupsi2
psi3mean[l] <- 2*psi3[l-1]-psi3[l-2]
psi3prec[l] <- taupsi3
psi4mean[l] <- 2*psi4[l-1]-psi4[l-2]
psi4prec[l] <- taupsi4
# Sampling c effects and subtracting mean for observed c
for (l in 1:LL) {
psi1[l] ~ dnorm(psi1mean[l],psi1prec[l])
psi2[l] ~ dnorm(psi2mean[l],psi2prec[l])
psi3[l] ~ dnorm(psi3mean[l],psi3prec[l])
psi4[l] ~ dnorm(psi4mean[l],psi4prec[l])
psi1c[l] <- psi1[l]-mean(psi1[1:L])
psi2c[l] <- psi2[l]-mean(psi2[1:L])
psi3c[l] <- psi3[l]-mean(psi3[1:L])
psi4c[l] <- psi4[l]-mean(psi4[1:L])
# Hyppriors for the precision parameters
taupsi1 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
taupsi2 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
taupsi3 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
taupsi4 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
sigmapsi1 <- 1/sqrt(taupsi1)
sigmapsi2 <- 1/sqrt(taupsi2)
sigmapsi3 <- 1/sqrt(taupsi3)
sigmapsi4 <- 1/sqrt(taupsi4)
## Autoregressive prior model for a effects
theta1mean[1] <- 0.0
theta1prec[1] <- tautheta1*1.0E-6
theta1mean[2] <- 0.0
theta1prec[2] <- tautheta1*1.0E-6
theta2mean[1] <- 0.0
theta2prec[1] <- tautheta2*1.0E-6
theta2mean[2] <- 0.0
theta2prec[2] <- tautheta2*1.0E-6
theta3mean[1] <- 0.0
theta3prec[1] <- tautheta3*1.0E-6
theta3mean[2] <- 0.0
theta3prec[2] <- tautheta3*1.0E-6
theta4mean[1] <- 0.0
theta4prec[1] <- tautheta4*1.0E-6
theta4mean[2] <- 0.0
theta4prec[2] <- tautheta4*1.0E-6
for (i in 3:I) {
theta1mean[i] <- 2*theta1[i-1]-theta1[i-2]
theta1prec[i] <- tautheta1
theta2mean[i] <- 2*theta2[i-1]-theta2[i-2]
theta2prec[i] <- tautheta2
theta3mean[i] <- 2*theta3[i-1]-theta3[i-2]
theta3prec[i] <- tautheta3
theta4mean[i] <- 2*theta4[i-1]-theta4[i-2]
theta4prec[i] <- tautheta4
# Sampling a effects
for (i in 1:I) {
theta1[i] ~ dnorm(theta1mean[i],theta1prec[i])
theta2[i] ~ dnorm(theta2mean[i],theta2prec[i])
theta3[i] ~ dnorm(theta3mean[i],theta3prec[i])
theta4[i] ~ dnorm(theta4mean[i],theta4prec[i])
# Hyppriors for the precision parameters
tautheta1 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
tautheta2 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
tautheta3 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
tautheta4 ~ dgamma(1.0E-1,1.0E-1)
sigmatheta1 <- 1/sqrt(tautheta1)
sigmatheta2 <- 1/sqrt(tautheta2)
sigmatheta3 <- 1/sqrt(tautheta3)
sigmatheta4 <- 1/sqrt(tautheta4)
# Removing linear trends from a
for (i in 1:I) {
ivec1[i] <- i-(I+1)/2
aivec1[i] <- ivec1[i]*theta1[i]
theta1c[i] <- theta1[i]-ivec1[i]*sum(aivec1[])/(I*(I+1)*(I-1)/12)
ivec2[i] <- i-(I+1)/2
aivec2[i] <- ivec2[i]*theta2[i]
theta2c[i] <- theta2[i]-ivec2[i]*sum(aivec2[])/(I*(I+1)*(I-1)/12)
ivec3[i] <- i-(I+1)/2
aivec3[i] <- ivec3[i]*theta3[i]
theta3c[i] <- theta3[i]-ivec3[i]*sum(aivec3[])/(I*(I+1)*(I-1)/12)
ivec4[i] <- i-(I+1)/2
aivec4[i] <- ivec4[i]*theta4[i]
theta4c[i] <- theta4[i]-ivec4[i]*sum(aivec4[])/(I*(I+1)*(I-1)/12)
## Computing fitted and projected probabilities
for (i in 1:I) {
for (j in 1:JJ) {
deltapred[i,j] <- exp(mu1+theta1[i]+phi1[j]+psi1[I+j-i])
thetapred[i,j] <- exp(mu2+theta2[i]+phi2[j]+psi2[I+j-i])
etapred[i,j] <- exp(mu3+theta3[i]+phi3[j]+psi3[I+j-i])
p1[i,j] <- deltapred[i,j]
p2[i,j] <- thetapred[i,j]*(1-deltapred[i,j])
p3[i,j] <- etapred[i,j]*(1-deltapred[i,j])*(1-thetapred[i,j])
p4[i,j] <- (1-deltapred[i,j])*(1-thetapred[i,j]-etapred[i,j]+(etapred[i,j]*thetapred[i,j]))
### Data
# Inits
In the definition of logit(eta[w]) you have used phi3[p[w]], and p[w] takes values from 9 to 14. But definitions of phi3[j] are only given for j = 1 to JJ=8. Hence "the array index (9 to 14) is greater than the array upper bound (8)"
Random intercept and slope model with correlation and complex within individual variability in Winbugs
I am trying to implement a random intercept and slope with complex within error variability in WinBUGS. I was getting "expected multivariate node". Here is a sample code with the error message. Any help would be much appreciated. Please let me know if there is need for further clarification. model { for (i in 1:N) { y[i,1:2] ~ dnorm(mu[i,1:2],prec[i,1:2]) mu[i,1] <- alpha[1] + beta[1]*(wave[i]-1) + b[id[i],1] + u[id[i],1]*(wave[i]-1) mu[i,2] <- alpha[2] + beta[2]*(wave[i]-1) + b[id[i],2] + u[id[i],2]*(wave[i]-1) prec[i,1] <- 1 / exp(delta1[1] + delta2[1] * (wave[i]-1) + b[id[i], 3]) prec[i,2] <- 1 / exp(delta1[2] + delta2[2] * (wave[i]-1) + b[id[i], 4]) } alpha[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) alpha[2] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) beta[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) beta[2] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) delta1[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) delta1[2] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) delta2[1] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) delta2[2] ~ dnorm(0,0.000001) for (i in 1:Nid) { b[i,1:4] ~ dmnorm(m1[1:4], prec1[1:4,1:4]) u[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(m2[1:2], prec2[1:2,1:2]) } # Priors for random terms prec1[1:4,1:4] ~ dwish(R1[1:4,1:4], 4) sigma1[1:4,1:4] <- inverse(prec1[1:4,1:4]) R1[1,1] <- 0.00001 R1[2,2] <- 0.00001 R1[3,3] <- 0.00001 R1[4,4] <- 0.00001 R1[1,2] <- 0 R1[1,3] <- 0 R1[1,4] <- 0 R1[2,3] <- 0 R1[2,4] <- 0 R1[3,4] <- 0 S1[1:4,1:4] <- inverse(prec1[1:4,1:4]) prec2[1:2,1:2] ~ dwish(R1[1:2,1:2], 2) sigma2[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(prec2[1:2,1:2]) R2[1,1] <- 0.0001 R2[2,2] <- 0.0001 R2[1,2] <- 0 R2[2,1] <- 0 S2[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(prec2[1:2,1:2]) } }}
I think the problem is actually in the first line of the first for() loop: y[i,1:2] ~ dnorm(mu[i,1:2],prec[i,1:2]) You're saying here that the first two columns of the ith row of y have a distribution. The distribution would have to have as many dimensions as there are values, so WinBUGS is looking for a bivariate node here (~dmnorm(mu[i,1:2], prec[1:2,1:2])). Alternatively, you could separate them: y[i,1] ~ dnorm(mu[i,1], prec[i,1]) y[i,2] ~ dnorm(mu[i,2], prec[i,2])
What type of expression is this in scala?
Considering x,p,r are evaluated from the previous expressions , what is happening underneath , <- and then after = val a = for{ x <- y p = q (x) r <- s (p) } yield (something(p.something, r.something))
The <- is equivalent (syntactic sugar) to .flatMap call, while = is equivalent to val x = (and yield kind of final .map). So the code is equivalent to: val a = y.flatMap { x => // first <- val p = q (x) s(p).map { r => // 2nd <- + yield something(p.something, r.something) } }
R2WinBUGS error (no prior specified for this initial value)
The original WinBUGS code is as follows: model { for (i in 1:n) {for (j in 1:J) {y[i,j] <- equals(D[i],j) D[i] ~ dcat(p[i,]) p[i,j] <- phi[i,j] / sum(phi[i,]) LL[i,j] <- y[i,j]*log(p[i,j])} for (j in 2:J) { S.ed[i,j] <- c1[j]*ed.c[i]+equals(degree,2)*c2[j]*ed.c[i]*ed.c[i]+inprod(delta.c[j,],Spline[i,]) log(phi[i,j]) <- beta0[j] + beta1[j]*white[i] + beta2[j]*exp.c[i] + S.ed[i,j]} LLt[i] <- sum(LL[i,]) phi[i,1] <- 1 H[i] <- 1/exp(LLt[i]) exp.c[i] <- exp[i]-mean(exp[]) ed.c[i] <- ed[i]-mean(ed[])} # Priors beta0[1] <- 0; beta1[1] <- 0; beta2[1] <- 0; c1[1] <- 0; c2[1] <- 0 for (j in 2:J) {beta1[j] ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) beta2[j] ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) c1[j] ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) c2[j] ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) beta0[j] ~ dnorm(0,0.0001)} Dv <- -2*sum(LLt[]) for (k in 1:K) {knot.c[k] <- knot[k]-mean(ed[]) # degree =1 for linear spline, =2 for quadratic spline for (i in 1:337) { S[i,k] <- (ed.c[i]-knot.c[k])*step(ed[i]-knot[k]) Spline[i,k] <- pow(S[i,k],degree)}} # Random spline coefficients for (j in 2:J) {for (k in 1:K) {delta[j,k] ~ dnorm(0,tau[j]); delta.c[j,k] <- delta[j,k]-mean(delta[j,])} # full conditionals for spline precision tau[j] ~ dgamma(As[j],Bs[j]); As[j] <- 0.1 + K/2; Bs[j] <- 0.1 + inprod(delta.c[j,],delta.c[j,])/2}} *INITIS* list(beta1=c(NA,0,0,0,0),beta2=c(NA,0,0,0,0),c1=c(NA,0,0,0,0), c2=c(NA,0,0,0,0),tau=c(NA,1,1,1,1), beta0=c(NA,0,0,0,0),delta=structure(.Data=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),.Dim=c(5,6))) list(beta1=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),beta2=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0), c1=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),c2=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),tau=c(NA,1,1,1,1), beta0=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),delta=structure(.Data=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA, -0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5, 0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,0,0),.Dim=c(5,6))) *DATA* my own R2WinBUGS code is like this. rm(list=ls()) setwd("C:/Users/~~/BMCD") Data <- read.table("model604data.txt") D<-Data[,1]; exp<-Data[,2]; ed<-Data[,3]; white<-Data[,4]; J=5; K=6; n=337; knot=c(9.6,12,13.6,14,16,16.4); degree=2; data <- list(D=D, exp=exp, ed=ed, white=white, J=J, K=K, n=n, knot=knot, degree=degree) parameters <- c("beta0","beta1","beta2") inits =list(list(beta1=c(NA,0,0,0,0),beta2=c(NA,0,0,0,0),c1=c(NA,0,0,0,0),c2=c(NA,0,0,0,0),tau=c(NA,1,1,1,1),beta0=c(NA,0,0,0,0),delta=structure(.Data=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),.Dim=c(5,6))), list(beta1=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),beta2=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),c1=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),c2=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),tau=c(NA,1,1,1,1),beta0=c(NA,-0.5,0.5,0,0),delta=structure(.Data=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA, -0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5,0,0),.Dim=c(5,6))) ) model604 <- bugs(data, inits, parameters,model.file="C:/Users/~~/model604.odc", debug=TRUE,n.chains=2, n.iter=2000, n.burnin=500,"C:/Program Files/WinBUGS14/" )' How can I fix this error? I tried to change NA in inits to 0, but it didn't work and give me another error message. The data follows rectangular format but it's alright the syntax translation for model and data will be okay, I guess. Should I add the prior condition?
How does yield expand to in multiple dimension loop in Scala?
From Here we get to know that an expression like: for( i <- 1 to 10 ) yield i + 1 will expand into ( 1 to 10 ).map( _+1 ) But what does the following expression expand to? for( i <- 1 to 50 j <- i to 50 ) yield List(1,i,j) Is this correct? ( 1 to 50 ).map( x => (1 to 50 ).map(List(1,x,_)) I'm interested in this problem because I'd like to make a function which performs multiple Xi <- Xi-1 to 50 operations, as shown below: for( X1 <- 1 to 50 X2 <- X1 to 50 X3 <- X2 to 50 ..... Xn <- Xn-1 to 50 ) yield List(1,X1,X2,X3,.....,Xn) The function has one parameter: dimension which denotes the n in the above expression. Its return type is IndexSeq[List[Int]] How can I achieve that? Thank you for answering (:
It's well explained in a relevant doc. In particular: for(x <- c1; y <- c2; z <- c3) yield {...} will be translated into c1.flatMap(x => c2.flatMap(y => => {...}))) I don't think there is a way to abstract over arbitrary nested comprehension (unless you're using voodoo magic, like macros)
See om-nom-nom's answer for an explanation of what the for loops expand to. I'd like to answer the second part of the opening question, how to implement a function that can do: for( X1 <- 1 to 50 X2 <- X1 to 50 X3 <- X2 to 50 ..... Xn <- Xn to 50 ) yield List(1,X1,X2,X3,.....,Xn) You can use: def upto50(dimension: Int) = { def loop(n: Int, start: Int): IndexedSeq[List[Int]] = { if (n > dimension) IndexedSeq(List()) else { (n to 50).flatMap(x => loop(n + 1, x).map(x :: _)) } } loop(1, 1) } We compute each of the loops recursively, working inside-out, starting with Xn to 50 and building up the solution. Solutions for the more general case of: for( X1 <- S1 X2 <- S2 X3 <- S3 ..... Xn <- Sn ) yield List(1,X1,X2,X3,.....,Xn) Where S1..Sn are arbitraray sequences or monads are also possible. See this gist for the necessary wall of code.
Nested iteration in Scala
What is the difference (if any) between two code fragments below? Example from Ch7 of Programming i Scala def grep(pattern: String) = for ( file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala"); line <- fileLines(file) if line.trim.matches(pattern) ) println(file + ": " + line.trim) and this one def grep2(pattern: String) = for ( file <- filesHere if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") ) for ( line <- fileLines(file) if line.trim.matches(pattern) ) println(file + ": " + line.trim) Or for (i <- 1 to 2) for (j <- 1 to 2) println(i, j) and for ( i <- 1 to 2; j <- 1 to 2 ) println(i, j)
In this case there is no difference. However when using yield there is: for ( i <- 1 to 2; j <- 1 to 2 ) yield (i, j) Will give you a sequence containing (1,1), (1,2), (2,1) and (2,2). for (i <- 1 to 2) for (j <- 1 to 2) yield (i, j) Will give you nothing, because it generates the sequence (i,1), (i,2) on each iteration and then throws it away.
Sometimes it is also useful to output a multi dimensional collection (for example a matrix of table): for (i <- 1 to 2) yield for (j <- 1 to 2) yield (i, j) Will return: Vector(Vector((1,1), (1,2)), Vector((2,1), (2,2)))