integration of function in modelica - modelica

I would like to perform integration of a function of a variable other than time in Modelica, but I don't know how to do it.
For example, how can I evaluate the integral of x dx with upper limit 5 and lower limit 2?
∫x dx=x^2/2

Modelica was not designed to be a CAS (computer algebra system) as Maple, Mathematica or Matlab, but with a little coding you can do it anyway. The thing is that your problem can not be solved automatically symbolically with Modelica tools, but numerically yes.
In order to solve it numerically you have to do the trick to substitute the x with the time variable since in Modelica you can perform derivatives and therefore integrals only with respect to time. Therefore you can create a signal source with the function you want to integrate and then use it as input of the Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Integrator block, that implements this simple equation:
model Integrator
input Real u;
output Real y;
der(y) = u;
end Integrator;
Finally if you send as input to this block zero for t<2 and t<5, then you should get in output the correct value of your integral between 2 and 5:
I hope this helps,


time derivative of a variable as a signal and not as a function

In Modelica, I have a variable x which is dependent on (a, b,c). For a given simulation time, its plot (x,time) looks smooth and continuous. I would like to have the slope of this curve without having to explicitly differentiate der(x) because I get errors regarding the partial derivatives with respect to a, b or c. Is this possible? In other words I want the slope of the final output, without having to differentiate what it is behind it.
You cannot do something like this in Modelica itself because you do not have any access to the integrator, previous time, or similar. You can get an approximation in Modelica code by using sampling, but this slightly changes simulation results and may be a performance bottleneck:
model M
Real signal = time;
Real approx_der(start=0);
discrete Real x(start=0);
discrete Real t(start=0);
when sample(0.1,0.1) then
x = signal;
t = time;
approx_der = (x-pre(x)) / (t-pre(t));
end when;
end M;
It is easier to simply use post-processing. Load up the result-file in octave, matlab or similar and plot the approximate derivative:
plot(time(2:length(time)),diff(y) ./ diff(time))
Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.Derivative x_dot(start=1) This provides an approximation of the derivative. I gave the x as an input and got x_dot.y as the derivative with no problems.

Forcing matlab ODE solvers to use dy/dx = 0 IF dy/dx is negative

I need to numerically integrate the following system of ODEs:
dA/dR = f(R,A,B)
dB/dR = g(R,A,B)
I'm solving the ODEs for a Initial-value stability problem. In this problem, the system is initially stable but goes unstable at some radius. However, whilst stable, I don't want the amplitude to decay away from the starting value (to O(10^-5) for example) as this is non-physical since the system's stability is limited to the background noise amplitude. The amplitude should remain at the starting value of 1 until the system destabilises. Hence, I want to overwrite the derivative estimate to zero whenever it is negative.
I've written some 4th order Runge-Kutta code that achieves this, but I'd much prefer to simply pass ODE45 (or any of the built in solvers) a parameter to make it overwrite the derivative whenever it is negative. Is this possible?
A simple, fast, efficient way to implement this is via the max function. For example, if you want to make sure all of your derivatives remain non-negative, in your integration function:
function ydot = f(x,y)
ydot(1) = ...
ydot(2) = ...
ydot = max(ydot,0);
Note that this is not the same thing as the output states returned by ode45 remaining non-negative. The above should ensure that your state variables never decay.
Note, however, that that this effectively makes your integration function stiff. You might consider using a solver like ode15s instead, or at least confirming that the results are consistent with those from ode45. Alternatively, you could use a continuous sigmoid function, instead of the discontinuous, step-like max. This is partly a modeling decision.

how to solve first order of system of PDEs in Matlab

I have a set of 4 PDEs:
du/dt + A(u) * du/dx = Q(u)
where,u is a matrix and contains:
and A is a 4*4 matrix. Q is 4*1. A and Q are function of u=[u1;u2;u3;u4].
But my questions are:
How can I solve above equation in MATLAB?
If I solved it by PDE functions of Matlab,can I convert it to a
simple function that is not used from ready functions of Matlab?
Is there any way that I calculate A and Q explicitly. I mean that in
every time step, I calculate A and Q from data of previous time step
and put new value in the equation that causes faster run of program?
PDEs require finite differences, finite elements, boundary elements, etc. You can also turn them into ODEs using transforms like Laplace, Fourier, etc. Solve those using ODE functions and then transform back. Neither one is trivial.
Your equation is a non-linear transient diffusion equation. It's a parabolic PDE.
The equation you posted has the additional difficulty of being non-linear, because both the A matrix and Q vector are functions of the independent variable q. You'll have to start by linearizing your equations. Solve for increments in u rather than u itself.
Once you've done that, discretize the du/dx term using finite differences, finite elements, or boundary elements. You should start with a weighted residual integral formulation.
You're almost done: Next to integrate w.r.t. time using the method of your choice.
It's not trivial.
Google found this: maybe it will help you.

Solving a state-space (2nd order equation) with ode45 in MATLAB

I'm trying to teach myself how to use MATLAB for solving state-space systems, I have what seems to be a pretty straight-forward system but have been unable to find any decent straight-forward examples for a novice thus far.
I'd like a simple walk-through of how to translate the system into MATLAB, what variables to set, and how to solve for about 50(?) seconds (from t=0 to 50 or any value really).
I'd like to use ode45 since it's a 4th order method using a Runge-Kutta variant.
Here's the 2nd-order equation:
The state-space:
x_1 = θ, x_2 = θ'
θ(0)=pi/9 rad, θ'(0)=0, h(step)=1
You need a derivative function function, which, given the current state of the system and the current time, returns the derivative of all of the state variables. Generally this function is of the form
function xDash=derivative(t,x)
and xDash is a vector with the derivative of each element, and x is a vector of the state variables. If your variables are called x_1, x_2 etc. it's a good idea to put x_1 in x(1), etc. Then you need a formula for the derivative of each state variable in terms of the other state variables, for example you could have xDash_1=x_1-x_2 and you would code this as xDash(1)=x(1)-x(2). Hopefully that clears something up.
For your example, the derivative function will look like
function xDash=derivative(t,x)
and you would solve the system using
[T,X]=ode45(#derivative,0:50,[pi/9 0]);
This gives output at t=0,1,2,...,50.

how to use Partial derivative in modelica?

If i have to use a partial derivative in modelica, how can that be used. I am not sure if partial derivative can be solved in modelica but i would like to know, if it can be used then, how should it be implemented.
There are two different potential "partial derivatives" you might want. One is the partial derivative with respect to spatial variables (if you are interested in solving PDEs) or you might want the partial derivative of an expression with respect to a simulation variable.
But it doesn't matter, because you cannot express either of these in Modelica.
If your motivation is to solve PDEs, then I'm afraid you will simply have to process the spatial aspects in your models (using some kind of discretization, weak formulation, etc) so that the resulting equations are simple ODEs.
If you want to compute the derivative of expressions with respect to variables other than time, the question would be ... why? I'm hard pressed to think of an application where this is really necessary. But if you can explain your use case, I could comment further on how to handle it.
I've discretized PDE systems for solution in Modelica: heat equation, wave equation, PDEs from double-pipe heat exchangers, PDEs from water hammer to model pressure surges in pipelines etc
At a simple level, you can replace the spatial derivative with a central difference approximation, and then generate the entire set of ODEs with a for loop. For example. here's a Modelica code snippet for a simple discretization of the heat equation.
parameter Real L = 1 "Length";
parameter Integer n = 50 "Number of sections";
parameter Real alpha = 1;
Real dL = L/n "Section length";
Real[n] u(each start = 0);
u[1] = 273; //boundary condition
u[n] =0; //boundary condition
for i in 2:n-1 loop
der(u[i]) = alpha * (u[i+1] - 2 * u[i] + u[i-1]) / dL^2;
end for;
This is just a simple example entered from the top of my head, so excuse any mistakes.
Do you have a specific example or application?