Perl - Pattern contains new line - perl

I am trying to grab all functions from a C file in a perl script.
Pattern example :
function return type
function name (function parameters)
So far I have: m/^(.*)\((.*)\)/
But this grabs functions inside as well, such as if statements, so I was hoping to match for the { as well since that would eliminate all internal functions but m/^(.*)\((.*)\)/\n\{/
doesn't work.
How do I match for the \n{ i.e the { in the next line, so that I can catch
add(int a, int b)
... but avoid, say
if(a = b)

Have a look at C::Scan over at CPAN

There are no asterisks you want to match in the C source. Therefore, remove the backslashes before asterisks in the pattern.
The following might be closer to what you want:


Is there any way to simplify this method that takes the first letter from first, middle, and last names and joins them together?

def to_initials(name):
initials = [x[0] for x in name.split()]
return ''.join(initials)
print(to_initials("Kelvin Bridges")) # => "KB"
print(to_initials("Michaela Yamamoto")) # => "MY"
print(to_initials("Mary La Grange")) # => "MLG"
I'm trying to create a method that takes the first letter from each name and prints the initials. Is there a simpler way to write this?
I don't think you can do more than leave out the intermediate variable and using a generator expression instead of the list comprehension (i.e. leaving out the square brackets). Other than that, it seems like a perfectly fine simple function!
def to_initials(name):
return ''.join(x[0] for x in name.split())

Does pattern match in Raku have guard clause?

In scala, pattern match has guard pattern:
val ch = 23
val sign = ch match {
case _: Int if 10 < ch => 65
case '+' => 1
case '-' => -1
case _ => 0
Is the Raku version like this?
my $ch = 23;
given $ch {
when Int and * > 10 { say 65}
when '+' { say 1 }
when '-' { say -1 }
default { say 0 }
Is this right?
Update: as jjmerelo suggested, i post my result as follows, the signature version is also interesting.
multi washing_machine(Int \x where * > 10 ) { 65 }
multi washing_machine(Str \x where '+' ) { 1 }
multi washing_machine(Str \x where '-' ) { -1 }
multi washing_machine(\x) { 0 }
say washing_machine(12); # 65
say washing_machine(-12); # 0
say washing_machine('+'); # 1
say washing_machine('-'); # -1
say washing_machine('12'); # 0
say washing_machine('洗衣机'); # 0
TL;DR I've written another answer that focuses on using when. This answer focuses on using an alternative to that which combines Signatures, Raku's powerful pattern matching construct, with a where clause.
"Does pattern match in Raku have guard clause?"
Based on what little I know about Scala, some/most Scala pattern matching actually corresponds to using Raku signatures. (And guard clauses in that context are typically where clauses.)
Quoting Martin Odersky, Scala's creator, from The Point of Pattern Matching in Scala:
instead of just matching numbers, which is what switch statements do, you match what are essentially the creation forms of objects
Raku signatures cover several use cases (yay, puns). These include the Raku equivalent of the functional programming paradigmatic use in which one matches values' or functions' type signatures (cf Haskell) and the object oriented programming paradigmatic use in which one matches against nested data/objects and pulls out desired bits (cf Scala).
Consider this Raku code:
class body { has ( $.head, #.arms, #.legs ) } # Declare a class (object structure).
class person { has ( $.mom, $.body, $.age ) } # And another that includes first.
multi person's-age-and-legs # Declare a function that matches ...
( person # ... a person ...
( :$age where * > 40, # ... whose age is over 40 ...
:$body ( :#legs, *% ), # ... noting their body's legs ...
*% ) ) # ... and ignoring other attributes.
{ say "$age {+#legs}" } # Display age and number of legs.
my $age = 42; # Let's demo handy :$var syntax below.
person's-age-and-legs # Call function declared above ...
person # ... passing a person.
.new: # Explicitly construct ...
:$age, # ... a middle aged ...
body =>
legs => <left middle right> # ... three legged person.
# Displays "42 3"
Notice where there's a close equivalent to a Scala pattern matching guard clause in the above -- where * > 40. (This can be nicely bundled up into a subset type.)
We could define other multis that correspond to different cases, perhaps pulling out the "names" of the person's legs ('left', 'middle', etc.) if their mom's name matches a particular regex or whatever -- you hopefully get the picture.
A default case (multi) that doesn't bother to deconstruct the person could be:
multi person's-age-and-legs (|otherwise)
{ say "let's not deconstruct this person" }
(In the above we've prefixed a parameter in a signature with | to slurp up all remaining structure/arguments passed to a multi. Given that we do nothing with that slurped structure/data, we could have written just (|).)
Unfortunately, I don't think signature deconstruction is mentioned in the official docs. Someone could write a book about Raku signatures. (Literally. Which of course is a great way -- the only way, even -- to write stuff. My favorite article that unpacks a bit of the power of Raku signatures is Pattern Matching and Unpacking from 2013 by Moritz. Who has authored Raku books. Here's hoping.)
Scala's match/case and Raku's given/when seem simpler
As #jjmerelo points out in the comments, using signatures means there's a multi foo (...) { ...} for each and every case, which is much heavier syntactically than case ... => ....
In mitigation:
Simpler cases can just use given/when, just like you wrote in the body of your question;
Raku will presumably one day get non-experimental macros that can be used to implement a construct that looks much closer to Scala's match/case construct, eliding the repeated multi foo (...)s.
From what I see in this answer, that's not really an implementation of a guard pattern in the same sense Haskell has them. However, Perl 6 does have guards in the same sense Scala has: using default patterns combined with ifs.
The Haskell to Perl 6 guide does have a section on guards. It hints at the use of where as guards; so that might answer your question.
TL;DR You've encountered what I'd call a WTF?!?: when Type and ... fails to check the and clause. This answer talks about what's wrong with the when and how to fix it. I've written another answer that focuses on using where with a signature.
If you want to stick with when, I suggest this:
when (condition when Type) { ... } # General form
when (* > 10 when Int) { ... } # For your specific example
This is (imo) unsatisfactory, but it does first check the Type as a guard, and then the condition if the guard passes, and works as expected.
"Is this right?"
given $ch {
when Int and * > 10 { say 65}
This code says 65 for any given integer, not just one over 10!
WTF?!? Imo we should mention this on Raku's trap page.
We should also consider filing an issue to make Rakudo warn or fail to compile if a when construct starts with a compile-time constant value that's a type object, and continues with and (or &&, andthen, etc), which . It could either fail at compile-time or display a warning.
Here's the best option I've been able to come up with:
when (* > 10 when Int) { say 65 }
This takes advantage of the statement modifier (aka postfix) form of when inside the parens. The Int is checked before the * > 10.
This was inspired by Brad++'s new answer which looks nice if you're writing multiple conditions against a single guard clause.
I think my variant is nicer than the other options I've come up with in previous versions of this answer, but still unsatisfactory inasmuch as I don't like the Int coming after the condition.
Ultimately, especially if/when RakuAST lands, I think we will experiment with new pattern matching forms. Hopefully we'll come up with something nice that provides a nice elimination of this wart.
Really? What's going on?
We can begin to see the underlying problem with this code:
.say for ('TrueA' and 'TrueB'),
('TrueB' and 'TrueA'),
(Int and 42),
(42 and Int)
The and construct boolean evaluates its left hand argument. If that evaluates to False, it returns it, otherwise it returns its right hand argument.
In the first line, 'TrueA' boolean evaluates to True so the first line returns the right hand argument 'TrueB'.
In the second line 'TrueB' evaluates to True so the and returns its right hand argument, in this case 'TrueA'.
But what happens in the third line? Well, Int is a type object. Type objects boolean evaluate to False! So the and duly returns its left hand argument which is Int (which the .say then displays as (Int)).
This is the root of the problem.
(To continue to the bitter end, the compiler evaluates the expression Int and * > 10; immediately returns the left hand side argument to and which is Int; then successfully matches that Int against whatever integer is given -- completely ignoring the code that looks like a guard clause (the and ... bit).)
If you were using such an expression as the condition of, say, an if statement, the Int would boolean evaluate to False and you'd get a false negative. Here you're using a when which uses .ACCEPTS which leads to a false positive (it is an integer but it's any integer, disregarding the supposed guard clause). This problem quite plausibly belongs on the traps page.
Years ago I wrote a comment mentioning that you had to be more explicit about matching against $_ like this:
my $ch = 23;
given $ch {
when $_ ~~ Int and $_ > 10 { say 65}
when '+' { say 1 }
when '-' { say -1 }
default { say 0 }
After coming back to this question, I realized there was another way.
when can safely be inside of another when construct.
my $ch = 23;
given $ch {
when Int:D {
when $_ > 10 { say 65}
when '+' { say 1 }
when '-' { say -1 }
default { say 0 }
Note that the inner when will succeed out of the outer one, which will succeed out of the given block.
If the inner when doesn't match we want to proceed on to the outer when checks and default, so we call proceed.
This means that we can also group multiple when statements inside of the Int case, saving having to do repeated type checks. It also means that those inner when checks don't happen at all if we aren't testing an Int value.
when Int:D {
when $_ < 10 { say 5 }
when 10 { say 10}
when $_ > 10 { say 65}

Specman: Why DAC macro interprets the type <some_name'exp> as 'string'?

I'm trying to write a DAC macro that gets as input the name of list of bits and its size, and the name of integer variable. Every element in the list should be constrained to be equal to every bit in the variable (both of the same length), i.e. (for list name list_of_bits and variable name foo and their length is 4) the macro's output should be:
keep list_of_bits[0] == foo[0:0];
keep list_of_bits[1] == foo[1:1];
keep list_of_bits[2] == foo[2:2];
keep list_of_bits[3] == foo[3:3];
My macro's code is:
define <keep_all_bits'exp> "keep_all_bits <list_size'exp> <num'name> <list_name'name>" as computed {
for i from 0 to (<list_size'exp> - 1) do {
result = appendf("%s keep %s[%d] == %s[%d:%d];",result, <list_name'name>, index, <num'name>, index, index);
The error I get:
*** Error: The type of '<list_size'exp>' is 'string', while expecting a
numeric type
for i from 0 to (<list_size'exp> - 1) do {
Why it interprets the <list_size'exp> as string?
Thank you for your help
All macro arguments in DAC macros are considered strings (except repetitions, which are considered lists of strings).
The point is that a macro treats its input purely syntactically, and it has no semantic information about the arguments. For example, in case of an expression (<exp>) the macro is unable to actually evaluate the expression and compute its value at compilation time, or even to figure out its type. This information is figured out at later compilation phases.
In your case, I would assume that the size is always a constant. So, first of all, you can use <num> instead of <exp> for that macro argument, and use as_a() to convert it to the actual number. The difference between <exp> and <num> is that <num> allows only constant numbers and not any expressions; but it's still treated as a string inside the macro.
Another important point: your macro itself should be a <struct_member> macro rather than an <exp> macro, because this construct itself is a struct member (namely, a constraint) and not an expression.
And one more thing: to ensure that the list size will be exactly as needed, add another constraint for the list size.
So, the improved macro can look like this:
define <keep_all_bits'struct_member> "keep_all_bits <list_size'num> <num'name> <list_name'name>" as computed {
result = appendf("keep %s.size() == %s;", <list_name'name>, <list_size'num>);
for i from 0 to (<list_size'num>.as_a(int) - 1) do {
result = appendf("%s keep %s[%d] == %s[%d:%d];",result, <list_name'name>, i, <num'name>, i, i);
Why not write is without macro?
keep for each in list_of_bits {
it == foo[index:index];
This should do the same, but look more readable and easier to debug; also the generation engine might take some advantage of more concise constraint.

Algorithm to evaluate value of Boolean expression

I had programming interview which consisted of 3 interviewers, 45 min each.
While first two interviewers gave me 2-3 short coding questions (i.e reverse linked list, implement rand(7) using rand(5) etc ) third interviewer used whole timeslot for single question:
You are given string representing correctly formed and parenthesized
boolean expression consisting of characters T, F, &, |, !, (, ) an
spaces. T stands for True, F for False, & for logical AND, | for
logical OR, ! for negate. & has greater priority than |. Any of these
chars is followed by a space in input string. I was to evaluate value
of expression and print it (output should be T or F). Example: Input:
! ( T | F & F ) Output: F
I tried to implement variation of Shunting Yard algorithm to solve the problem (to turn input in postfix form, and then to evaluate postfix expression), but failed to code it properly in given timeframe, so I ended up explaining in pseudocode and words what I wanted.
My recruiter said that first two interviewers gave me "HIRE", while third interviewer gave me "NO HIRE", and since the final decision is "logical AND", he thanked me for my time.
My questions:
Do you think that this question is appropriate to code on whiteboard in approx. 40 mins? To me it seems to much code for such a short timeslot and dimensions of whiteboard.
Is there shorter approach than to use Shunting yard algorithm for this problem?
Well, once you have some experience with parsers postfix algorithm is quite simple.
1. From left to right evaluate for each char:
if its operand, push on the stack.
if its operator, pop A, then pop B then push B operand A onto the stack. Last item on the stack will be the result. If there's none or more than one means you're doing it wrong (assuming the postfix notation is valid).
Infix to postfix is quite simple as well. That being said I don't think it's an appropriate task for 40 minutes if You don't know the algorithms. Here is a boolean postfix evaluation method I wrote at some stage (uses Lambda as well):
public static boolean evaluateBool(String s)
Stack<Object> stack = new Stack<>();
StringBuilder expression =new StringBuilder(s);
if(ch=='0') stack.push(false);
else if(ch=='1') stack.push(true);
else if(ch=='A'||ch=='R'||ch=='X')
boolean op1 = (boolean) stack.pop();
boolean op2 = (boolean) stack.pop();
case 'A' : stack.push(op2&&op1); break;
case 'R' : stack.push(op2||op1); break;
case 'X' : stack.push(op2^op1); break;
boolean op1 = (boolean) stack.pop();
return (boolean) stack.pop();
In your case to make it working (with that snippet) you would first have to parse the expression and replace special characters like "!","|","^" etc with something plain like letters or just use integer char value in your if cases.

Why does Scala's semicolon inference fail here?

On compiling the following code with Scala 2.7.3,
package spoj
object Prime1 {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
def isPrime(n: Int) = (n != 1) && (2 to n/2 forall (n % _ != 0))
val read = new java.util.Scanner(
var nTests = read nextInt // [*]
while(nTests > 0) {
val (start, end) = (read nextInt, read nextInt)
start to end filter(isPrime(_)) foreach println
nTests -= 1
I get the following compile time error :
PRIME1.scala:8: error: illegal start of simple expression
while(nTests > 0) {
PRIME1.scala:14: error: block must end in result expression, not in definition
two errors found
When I add a semicolon at the end of the line commented as [*], the program compiles fine. Can anyone please explain why does Scala's semicolon inference fail to work on that particular line?
Is it because scala is assuming that you are using the syntax a foo b (equivalent to in your call to readInt. That is, it assumes that the while loop is the argument to readInt (recall that every expression has a type) and hence the last statement is a declaration:
var ntests = read nextInt x
wherex is your while block.
I must say that, as a point of preference, I've now returned to using the usual syntax over a foo b unless specifically working with a DSL which was designed with that use in mind (like actors' a ! b). It makes things much clearer in general and you don't get bitten by weird stuff like this!
Additional comment to the answer by oxbow_lakes...
var ntests = read nextInt()
Should fix things for you as an alternative to the semicolon
To add a little more about the semicolon inference, Scala actually does this in two stages. First it infers a special token called nl by the language spec. The parser allows nl to be used as a statement separator, as well as semicolons. However, nl is also permitted in a few other places by the grammar. In particular, a single nl is allowed after infix operators when the first token on the next line can start an expression -- and while can start an expression, which is why it interprets it that way. Unfortunately, although while can start a expression, a while statement cannot be used in an infix expression, hence the error. Personally, it seems a rather quirky way for the parser to work, but there's quite plausibly a sane rationale behind it for all I know!
As yet another option to the others suggested, putting a blank newline between your [*] line and the while line will also fix the problem, because only a single nl is permitted after infix operators, so multiple nls forces a different interpretation by the parser.