Eclipse debug can't find fields - eclipse

I'm using the Eclipse debugger and can't inspect/watch field values or results of field.method() calls. I've encountered the problem in both Juno and now in Indigo. At first I could resolve the issue by wiping out my .metadata and rebuilding, but now the problem occurs even with a fresh build.
A specific error: I create a Deflater object deflater = new Deflater();,
set some input deflater.setInput(buffer, 0, bufferPosition);,
then try to inspect functionality by highlighting a section of code deflater.needsInput()
and doing a right-click->Inspect. The error reads: "Cannot find the field deflater for the object apps.TestCore$Tests (id=27)".
The error only occurs when the field belongs to an inner class (In this case "Tests"); when the variable is local or the class is not an inner class, everything seems to be working. Hovering over the variable "deflater" shows the contents drill-down just like it should. Highlighting "deflater" and doing an Inspect gives the error, and using the Expressions view to inspect the variable/call methods on the variable gives the same error.
Please help; this is making my debugging life very difficult, as I have to use println() for anything more complex than a hover inspection can provide.
This is not remote debugging - just local to my system.


VS Code / Dart - Variable inspector shows error string

When trying to inspect variables for a Flutter project in VSCode, it is often the case the inspector shows nothing of use. For instance, below we have a variable x of some type. There are no runtime errors but when setting a breakpoint, the inspector simply shows the following for the value of x.
<function errorString(error) {>
The meaning of this is elusory since there is no related output in the debugging console. The breakpoints are being set within calls to Futures returning functions but it's hit and miss as to why most, but not all, variables cannot be inspected.
What do these error strings mean?
How can the root cause be determined (think stack traces in VS Pro)?
Why do they only show in break points but don't seem to affect runtime output?
How can the actual resolved state of the variable be inspected?
This was a bug in the Dart VS Code extension that has now been resolved:
Now the proper error message should be shown instead of the implementation of a function.

Unity Can't Find C# Script

I can't seem to compile on Unity because all of my scripts have errors. The error messages keep on repeating, "The associated script cannot be loaded. Please fix any compile errors and assign a valid script." I have checked all of my scripts on Visual Studio 2017 and have not found any errors.
The image below shows the error showing on the inspector view of the unity engine:
If there are really no compiler errors as you say the reason might be incorrect file names or class types.
Make sure that the file names and the class names match!
If your class is called
public class Player_Collision1 : MonoBehaviour
the script/file must exactly be called
and the other way round.
Attention: The Unity project view (Assets) strips of the file endings so there it should only display as
Another reason for a script to be not valid is e.g. if your class doesn't inherit from MonoBehaviour at all.
Unity would usually prevent you from adding those "invalid" scripts to an object but it might happen that you renamed them or changed their type afterwards. In this case you will see the error you currently have.
Check you log and see if any compiler error has happened.If no have a look at your class name and file name are same.
I see that you are (relatively) new here. welcome to Stack Overflow! ^^
what unity is trying to say is that it can't compile your scripts because there is one or more another script(s) that have errors in them.
in the Console, you will find your errors and by double left clicking on one of then, you will be taken to the script and the location of its error.
by selecting (left click) an error you will be able to read more a more detailed description of the error.

Eclipse giving error when compiler does not

I've come up against an odd issue in Eclipse while using the Stanford CoreNLP API. I've written a custom implementation of the Annotator interface, which amongst other things specifies two methods with the type signature Set<Class<? extends CoreAnnotation>>.
I've implemented those methods, but Eclipse is showing an error telling me that the type signature is incorrect. Specifically, it reports, The return type is incompatible with Annotator.requires(). The recommended fix suggests changing the return type to exactly the same type I already have written, but still leaves the error:
As you can see, the supposed `incorrect' type is exactly the same as the type given in the interface.
The project compiles correctly using mvn compile, so this isn't an actual compiler problem. Has anyone seen this before, and can you advise as to how to make those errors go away?
Edit: added screenshot showing the error
Edit2: added details of the error message in Eclipse

How to compare files programmatically in eclipse?

I am developing an eclipse plugin that runs code violation checker on the difference of two versions of a file. Right now I am using diff.exe to get the difference between the two files. But as diff.exe is an extrenal app, I realized that its better to use eclipse built-in compare tool to get the file difference.
So I used and reached up to this point:
public static List<Patch> compare(String old, String recent) {
IRangeComparator left = new TokenComparator(old); //what exactly to be passed in this constructor, a file path, a literal value or something else?
IRangeComparator right = new TokenComparator(recent);
RangeDifference[] diffs = RangeDifferencer.findDifferences(left, right); // This line is throwing NPE
// Process RangeDifferences into Collection of Patch collection
}catch(Exception e){}
//Returns a collection of file differences.
return null;
Now the problem is I am not sure what exactly to be passed in the constructor TokenComparator(String). The document says this constructor Creates a TokenComparator for the given string. But it is not written what exactly to be passed in this constructor, a file path, a literal value or something else? When I'm passing a file path or a string literal I am getting NullPointerException on the next line of finding differences.
at com.dassault_systemes.eclipseplugin.codemonview.util.CodeMonDiff.main(
Someone please tell what is right way to proceed.
If the question is What value the token comparators constructor takes then the answer is it takes the input string to compare. Specified in javadoc here
TokenComparator(String text)
Creates a TokenComparator for the given string.
And the null pointer yo are getting is because in function isCappingDisabled it tries to open the compare plugin which seems to be null. You seem to be missing a direct dependency to the plugin ""
The plugin was never meant to be used in standalone : many of its functionalities require a running instance of Eclipse. Furthermore, it mixes core and UI code within the same plugin, which will lead to unexpected behavior if you are not very careful about what you use and what dependencies are actually available in your environment.
You mentionned that you were developping an Eclipse plugin. However, the NPE you get indicates that you are not running your code as an Eclipse plugin, but rather as a standard Java program. In an Eclipse environment, ComparePlugin.getDefault() cannot return null : the plugin needs to be started for that call to return anything but null.... and the mere loading of the ComparePlugin class within Eclipse is enough to start it.
The answer will be a choice :
You need your code to run as a standalone Java program out of Eclipse. In such an event, you cannot use and diff.exe is probably your best choice (or you could switch to an implementation of diff that was implemented in Java in order to be independent of the platform).
You do not need your program to work in a standalone environment, only as an Eclipse plugin. In this case, you can keep the code you're using. However, when you run your code, you have to launch it as a new "Eclipse application" instead of "Java Application". You might want to look at a tutorial on how to develop Eclipse plugins for this, This simple tutorial from Lars Vogel shows how to run a new Eclipse Application to test an Hello World plugin. You will need a similar code, with a menu entry to launch your plugin somewhere (right-click on a file then select "check violations" in your case?).

Why am I getting NullPointerException in the CompilationUnit instances returned from ASTParser.createASTs()

I am working on an Eclipse JDT plugin that requires parsing large numbers of source files,
so I am hoping to use the batch method ASTParser.createASTs(). The parsing executes without errors, but within the CompilationUnit instances it produces, many of the org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding instances have had their scope field set to null. This setting to null is occurring in the CompilationUnitDeclaration.cleanUp() methods, which are invoked on a worker thread that is unrelated to my plugin's code (i.e., my plugin's classes do not appear on the cleanUp() method call stack).
My parsing code looks like this (all rawSources are within the same project):
ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
parser.createASTs(rawSources.values().toArray(new ICompilationUnit[0]), new String[0], this, deltaAnalyzer.progressMonitor);
Alternatively, I can execute the parsing this way, and no such problems occur:
for (ICompilationUnit source : rawSources.values())
CompilationUnit ast = (CompilationUnit)parser.createAST(deltaAnalyzer.progressMonitor);
parsedSources.add(deltaAnalyzer.createParsedSource(source, ast));
This issue occurs in both Helios and Indigo (the very latest release build). I filed a bug in Eclipse Bugzilla, but if anyone knows of a way to work around this--or if I am using the API wrong--I would greatly appreciate your help.
Without knowing exactly what your exception is, I can still offer 2 suggestions:
Have a look at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.SharedASTProvider. If you are not making any changes to ASTs, this class may provide a more robust way of getting the ASTs.
Play around with some of the settings that you are using. Do you really need bindingsRecovery set to true? What about statementRecovery? Setting these to false may help you.