How do I make Eclipse clean specific files when autogenerating make files - eclipse

I use Eclipse CDT to auto generate make files. Now I've added some make flags to create coverage information which results in *.gcno files being created when building. When cleaning my project only *.d and *.o files are removed. What I wonder is how to extend clean to also remove *.gcno files while still letting Eclipse auto generate my make files.

I had the same problem, and you gave me an idea that works much better:
In Makefile.targets:
clean: clean-gcov
-$(RM) $(foreach subdir,$(SUBDIRS),$(wildcard $(subdir)/*.gcda) $(wildcard $(subdir)/*.gcno))
Running it:
$ make clean
rm -rf src/Hello.gcda src/Hello.gcno
rm -rf ./src/test/HelloTest.o ./src/Hello.o ./src/test/HelloTest.d ./src/Hello.d test


No lintable files found at paths SwiftLint

I tried to install SwiftLint using CocoaPods and I add in Build phases the following script :
SwiftLint is installed correctly and I get many errors and warnings in the project.
Then, I create the swiftLint.yml file in which I modify some rules but they are not token into consideration and the same number of errors and warnings persist in Xcode project.
When I run this command to confirm the application of the rules :
./swiftlint lint --config .swiftlint.yml
I get the error :
No lintable files found at paths : ''
How can I solve this issue please?
It happens also if you rename the directory of your app, make sure you report the change in the .swiftlint.yml too at first lines :
included: # paths to include during linting
- My_App_Directory
For those of you who used 0.42.0 before and updated to 0.43.0 (or higher?).
They made a change and now interpret included and excluded as relative paths.
Configuration files now consistently have their included/excluded
relative file paths applied relative to their location in the file
system. Previously the root configuration file applied these relative
to the current working directory, but nested configurations applied
these to their location in the file system.
From the release notes of 0.43.0: Clothes Line Interface.
if you are using swiftLint with CocoaPods : try "${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" --config .swiflint.yml in your SwiftLint Run Script in your project build phases.
make sure your .swiflint.yml config file is in the root of your project directory ( beside .xcodeproj file ).
make sure the paths included on your .swiflint.yml (in included: and excluded: sections ) is valid paths
make sure your .swiflint.yml file is valid yaml
don't escape the directory paths in your config file
dont do : - some\ Directorybut do - some Directory without escape character.
If you installed it using Cocoapods this can help you.
I will just merely improve the above answers, to put clarity on how to resolve the issue of SwiftLint not finding the path.
Things to lookout for.
Make sure your swiftlint.yml file is valid.
Make sure the swiftlint.yml is in the same level as your .xcodeproj
Don't specify --path and also add an entry under included: inside your yml file, choose one, either specify the --path or add an entry don't use both otherwise SwiftLint will ignore the --path param, and if the entry specified inside included: is wrong you will get the "no lintable file found" error
In your script.
The gihub page of SwiftLint recommends just using "${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" but that didn't work for me, I had to specify the --path see below for the full script.
"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" --path "${SRCROOT}/Classes" --config "directory-of-your-config"
The --path param should be your own --path "${SRCROOT}/Classes"
Finally inside the yml file.
Make sure your included and excluded file specification is correct, see how I did mine below.
- Your-Project-Name
- Pods
One Important thing to note is if you add directories under included: the --path param will be ignored, and you might possibly get the "no lintable files found" error if the directory is wrong.
First of all, you do not need to add explicitly the--config file if the yml file is in the running directory (from where you are running the command) and name is .swiftlint.yml.
Secondly, you need to specify the path for your source with --path. Below command will work fine in your case,
swiftlint lint --path SourcePath
For swiftlint from version 0.41 the following code worked for me in the build phase (workspace with several projects. Depending on the project configuration, it may be that "../" has to be removed from the path information):
cd ${PROJECT_DIR}/../
"${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" --config "${PROJECT_DIR}/../.swiftlint.yml"
Here is a screenshot of the build phase entry:
Replace autocorrect with --fix
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin" //This line is only for Apple Silicon chips
if which swiftlint > /dev/null; then
swiftlint --fix && swiftlint
echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed, download from"
For M1, don't go for swift lint installation VIA PODS instead use Brew.
For installation run below command in Terminal
brew install swiftlint
and add below scripts into RunScript into build phase of your target.
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin"
if which swiftlint > /dev/null; then
echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed, download from"
If you using pod file then follow this steps:
Run Script: "${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint"
This worked for me
if which "${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint" >/dev/null; then
${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint --fix && ${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftLint/swiftlint
echo "warning: SwiftLint not installed, download from"

How do I link a static lib to a yocto autotools project in Eclipse

I have created a Yocto autotools project in Eclipse (based on a Hello World project).
I wanted to separate my code into a number of libs and then link them in a form of static libs (.a) to my project.
Now I have one app and a number of static libs. However, no matter what I try I can't get my code to compile. Each separate lib compiles and produces a .a file, but my app doesn't.
After searching the web I have a possible solution - add a direct link to my static libs:
This is my file, where libEncoding2.a exist in that path.
The error I get is:
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `"/home/xxx/workspace/MyApp/Encoding2/Debug/libEncoding2.a"', needed by `MyApp'. Stop.
I already built the lib so I am not sure why a make try is even needed.
Any help will be appreciated.
Because you use static library in your recipes, you can make a soft link to the library in your project source folder, i.e., hello-world-0.1, using following command to link to your static library
ln -s /home/xxx/workspace/MyApp/Encoding2/Debug/libEncoding2.a
and then edit your bb file,, adding the source path to your URL
SRC_URI = " \
file://libEncoding2.a \
file://hello-world.c \
and in the do_compile block, using follow command to compile your project
do_compile() {
${CC} hello-world.c libEncoding.a -o hello-world
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${bindir}/Hello
install -m 0755 enet ${D}${bindir}/Hello
After you bitbake your project
bitbake hello-world
and run, you can find the hello-world in /usr/bin/Hello/hello-world. Hope this hint can help you.
BTW, I am not familiar with autotools, I just use make to bitbake the recipes. And your static library should also be created in Yocto not in Eclipse I think. So I think your path for the static library maybe not correct, it should locate in ~/yocto/build/tmp/... or some where like this. In my case, it was located in ln -s ~/yocto/build/tmp/sysroots/intel-corei7-64/usr/lib/libEncoding.a depends on your target environment.
Depending on whether you're using libtool or not, you should have either a noinst_LTLIBRARIES or noinst_LIBRARIES list of targets, respectively. This should only include the name of your library ( or libEncoding2.a.)
You should never use a full path for this, and you should not quote Make variables, so what you were looking for is
MyApp_LDADD = # or .a
And that would work.
But on the other hand it seems like you should take some time to understand how autotools work, as it might not be what you're looking for. With a grain of salt you can take my Autotools Mythbuster as a starting point.

Compile rygel for yocto with plugins

I'm using bitbake to compile rygel for yocto from the meta-openembedded layer, with the plugins mpris and gst-launch.
As per the PACKAGECONFIG docs, I created a bbappend file and added the following:
EXTRA_OECONF = "--disable-introspection \
--disable-tracker-plugin \
--with-media-engine=gstreamer \
--enable-mpris-plugin \
PR = "r1"
It compiles and installs, but has no plugins.
The append shows up when I run bitbake-layers show-appends, so at least bitbake is finding it. After running bitbake the directory tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/rygel/0.26.1-r1/image/usr/lib/rygel-2.6/plugins/ is populated. Then when I run the image /usr/lib/rygel-2.6/ contains an engines dir and nothing else.
Any idea where I'm going wrong?
I don't think your read all the way down to "If you want to change an existing PACKAGECONFIG block, you can do so one of two ways:".
From a bbappend, just do
PACKAGECONFIG_append = " mpris gst-launch"
In the recipe do_install, they remove some of the engines and plugins files. This might be the reason you do not see them in your image.
do_install_append() {
# Remove .la files for loadable modules
rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/rygel-${LIBV}/engines/*.la
rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/rygel-${LIBV}/plugins/*.la
your compiling plugins successfully and not able to see in board(rootfs)? if yes please add below line in your .bbappend file. '
FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/*"
this will add all your compiled plugins to your rootfs image.

How to watch and recompile coffee scripts as they change?

Some time ago I used to do
coffee --bare --output . --watch --compile .
This watches the .coffee files in the current dir and recompiles them as they change.
Now, using 1.2.0 of coffeescript this does not seem to work any more. I'm presented with an error:
File not found:
and the usage documentation for coffee seems rather light.
I'd skip the --output ., as it seems to be unnecessary if you're already in the same directory, and go straight with
coffee -bcw *.coffee
Otherwise, this is a duplicate of Compile CoffeeScript on Save?
BTW, you can also go:
coffee -bcw .
which will not only save a few keystrokes, but also scan subdirectories to compile .coffee files.

Eclipse, QT and "C++ project": is it possible?

Need your help:
I want to use Eclipse CDT and QT without creating a "Qt gui project". Is it possible? How to include QT libraries to my C++ project, and how to call qmake/make to compile the program? This Similar question didn't help me(
I want to use 'C++ project' instead of 'QT Gui project' because there is an issue with external libraries indexing in the QT project (this problem)
Thank you a lot!
We've done something similar using Qt with a vendor customized version of Eclipse (Momentics) and CDT. To get it to work, we ended up creating a generic makefile project in Eclipse with our own, hand generated Makefile.
The hand generated Makefile basically contained enough information to invoke QMake on the appropriate .pro file ("") and then invoke the resulting Makefile ("").
$(MAKE) -f
qmake -r -o
$(MAKE) -f clean
$(MAKE) -f install
Doing this is quite bothering, I suggest you don't do it. I've tried it only on small projects.
As far as I know you'll have to write a correct Makefile yourself (or setup CDT to create it) by including all the include paths you need for Qt headers. Then you'll have to link to all the Qt libraries your project is using.
If you make use of the Qt meta-object system you'll have to run the moc before compiling and linking. The moc generates C++ sources that you'll have to link to the other sources. If you're using GNU make, and I guess you are, it seems to be possible to automate the moc writing the correct instructions in the Makefile CDT will create. For detailed information read this:
By the way, isn't it possible for you to use Qt Creator?
This is very easy making use of Netbeans, since qt is integrated in the c++ projects.
But if you use Eclipse, as is my case, you could follow these two steps (for linux users):
Include the directories with the Qt headers, for example /usr/include/qt4/Qt.
Generate the moc files from the headers that contain Qt macros, such as Q_OBJECT. This can be done using the following command in the project directory before the build process:
find . -name ".h" | sed 's/(.)(/)(.*)(.h)/moc-qt4 -D & -o \1\2moc_\3.cpp/' | sh
where you have to define the you want. Just run it once, or use the following command before from the project directory:
find . -name "moc_*.cpp" -exec -rm -f {} \;
Build your project.
By the way, have you tried the qt plugging?
Here is an improved variant of the jwernerny's makefile:
first: all
all clean distclean install uninstall:
$(MAKE) -f $# *.pro
qmake -r -o $<
.PHONY: first all clean distclean install uninstall
It should not to be edited when will be copied to another project, and actually the same rules was merged into one.