How to remove documents from a single collection that exceeds a certain limit - mongodb

I'm currently replacing a big MySQL join-table with a MongoDB collection. One of the queries performed on the old MySQL table was limiting the amount of records for a certain key (exclusive join on a LIMIT ORDER BY record-set). But how to do this in MongoDB?
Many thanks in advance!

You can use sort({key:1}) to do order by (use -1 instead of 1 for descending order) and limit(N) to limit the returned result to N documents.
If instead you want to get all except the top N documents you would use:
This will return all the documents except the top 1000 sorted by key.


Couchbase N1QL Query getting distinct on the basis of particular fields

I have a document structure which looks something like this:
"groupedFieldKey": "groupedFieldVal",
"otherFieldKey": "otherFieldVal",
"filterFieldKey": "filterFieldVal"
I am trying to fetch all documents which are unique with respect to groupedFieldKey. I also want to fetch otherField from ANY of these documents. This otherFieldKey has minor changes from one document to another, but I am comfortable with getting ANY of these values.
SELECT DISTINCT groupedFieldKey, otherField
FROM bucket
WHERE filterFieldKey = "filterFieldVal";
This query fetches all the documents because of the minor variations.
SELECT groupedFieldKey, maxOtherFieldKey
FROM bucket
WHERE filterFieldKey = "filterFieldVal"
GROUP BY groupFieldKey
LETTING maxOtherFieldKey= MAX(otherFieldKey);
This query works as expected, but is taking a long time due to the GROUP BY step. As this query is used to show products in UI, this is not a desired behaviour. I have tried applying indexes, but it has not given fast results.
Actual details of the records:
Number of records = 100,000
Size per record = Approx 10 KB
Time taken to load the first 10 records: 3s
Is there a better way to do this? A way of getting DISTINCT only on particular fields will be good.
You can follow this discussion thread in Couchbase forum:
GROUP must materialize all the documents. You can try covering index
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON bucket(filterFieldKey, groupFieldKey, otherFieldKey);

How does the limit() option work in mongodb?

Let say you have a collection of 10,000 documents and I make a find query with a the option limit(50). How will mongoDb choose which 50 documents to return.
Will it auto-sort them(maybe by their creation date) or not?
Will the query return the same documents every time it is called? How does the limit option work in mongodb?
Does mongoDB limit the documents after they are returned or as it queries them. Meaning will mongoDB query all documents the limit the results to 50 documents or will it query the 50 documents only?
The first 50 documents of the result set will be returned.
If you do not sort the documents (or if the order is not well-defined, such as sorting by a field with values that occur multiple times in the result set), the order may change from one execution to the next.
Will it auto-sort them(maybe by their creation date) or not?
Will the query return the same documents every time it is called?
The query may produce the same results for a while and then start producing different results if, for example, another document is inserted into the collection.
Meaning will mongoDB query all documents the limit the results to 50 documents or will it query the 50 documents only?
Depends on the query. If an index is used, only the needed documents will be read from the storage engine. If a sort stage is used in the query execution, all documents will be read from storage, sorted, then the required number will be returned and the rest discarded.

What is a default limit of Firestore query?

Let's say I have a collection mycollection that has 1,000,000 records.
How many records will this query return?
const query = firestore.collection('mycollection').get()
I couldn't find that in docs.
There is no default limit. The query you're showing is asking for all of the documents in mycollection. For large collections, you will need to impose a limit in order to avoid excessive costs and running out of memory.
From documentation:
By default, a query retrieves all documents that satisfy the query in
ascending order by document ID. You can specify the sort order for
your data using orderBy(), and you can limit the number of documents
retrieved using limit().

Remove given number of records in Mongodb

I have Too much records in my Collection, can I have only desired number of records and remove others without any condition?
I have a collection called Products with around 10,0000 of records and its slowing down my Local application, I am thinking to shrink this huge amount of records to something around 1000, How can do it?
How to copy a collection with limited number of records?
If you want to copy collection with limited number of records without any filter condition, for loop can be used . It copies 1000 document form originalCollection to copyCollection.
db.originalCollection.find().limit(1000).forEach( function(doc)
{db.copyCollection.insert(doc)} );

Mongodb store and select order

Basic question. Does mongodb find command will always return documents in the order they where added to collection? If no how is it possible to implement selection docs in the right order?
Sort? But what if docs where added simultaneously and say created date is the same, but there was an order still.
Well, yes and ... not exactly.
Documents are default sorted by natural order. Which is initially the order the documents are stored on disk, which is indeed the order in which the documents had been added to a collection.
This order however, is not deterministic, as document may be moved on disk once these documents grow after update operations, and can't be fit into current space anymore. This way the initial (insert) order may change.
The way to guarantee insert order sort is sort by {_id : 1} as long as the _id is of type ObjectId. This will return your documents sorted in ascending order.
Write operations do not take place simultaneously. Write locks are imposed in database level (V 2.4 and on). The first four bytes of _id is insert timestamp, and 3 last digits is a random counter used to distinguish (and sort) between ObjectId instances with same timestamp.
_id field is indexed by default