I'm starting out with itextsharp and I've managed to answer all my questions but one:
How are bookmarks set to open to the fitpage zoom/view?
I apologize if this has already been answered elsewhere.
Here's my code if it helps.
//edit: Below is my working code. It has been modified using Bruno's example.
Public Sub MergePDFFiles(FileList As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of ModifiedItemForList), pdfName As String, pageCount As Integer)
Dim reader As PdfReader
Dim mergedPdf As Byte() = Nothing
Dim n As Integer
Dim page As Integer
Dim par As Paragraph
Dim pageMode As Integer
Dim pageLayout As Integer
Dim pageZoom As PdfDestination
Dim outlineZoom As PdfDestination
Dim pdfAction As PdfAction
Dim root As PdfOutline
Dim pdfOutline As PdfOutline
Using ms As New MemoryStream()
Using document As New Document()
Using copy As New PdfCopy(document, ms)
'Dim copy As New PdfCopy(document, ms)
root = copy.RootOutline
pageMode = copy.PageModeUseOutlines
pageLayout = copy.PageLayoutSinglePage
pageZoom = New PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT)
copy.ViewerPreferences = pageMode
pdfAction = pdfAction.GotoLocalPage(1, pageZoom, copy)
' For Each FilePath As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In FileList ' .Count - 1
For i As Integer = 0 To pageCount - 1
' FilePath As KeyValuePair(Of String, String)
If File.Exists(FileList.Item(i).Value) Then
reader = New PdfReader(FileList.Item(i).Value)
' loop over the pages in that document
n = reader.NumberOfPages
page = 0
par = New Paragraph(FileList.Item(i).Key)
Debug.Print("FileList.Item(i).Key = " & FileList.Item(i).Key)
outlineZoom = New PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT)
pdfOutline = New PdfOutline(root, outlineZoom, par)
While page < n
copy.AddPage(copy.GetImportedPage(reader, System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(page)))
End While
End If
End Using
End Using
mergedPdf = ms.ToArray()
End Using
File.WriteAllBytes(pdfName, mergedPdf)
End Sub
Your input will be greatly appreciated,
Corbin de Bruin
If you want custom bookmarks, please don't use Chapter and Section, use PdfOutline instead. This is (of course) documented in chapter 7 of my book. If you need the C# port of the examples, take a look at the code examples for chapter 7, specifically CreateOutlineTree.cs, where instead of using PdfDestination.FITH (for Fit Horizontally) and a Y position, you just create a destination with PdfDestination.FIT (and no extra parameter):
new PdfOutline(root, new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT), title, true);
I have to save a lot of dxf files from Solidworks to use for a CNC machine.
I'm looking for help to create a macro to save each configuration of the part as the top view of a part as a .dxf in the same location as the Solidworks file is saved.
I have found two macros which I kind of need to be combined together.
The first one saves all configurations separately as part files
The second one saves a part as a dxf of the top view.
It would be much appreciated if anyone could help me
first macro:
' Macro created by Jeff Parker CSWP/MCP 12/30/02
' Rev.1 = Added completion message box. Also verified SolidWorks 2005 compatabliity.
' Rev.2 = Fixed macro for x64 bits machines (changed folder browse codes). Also verified SolidWorks 2014 compatabliity.
' (BY: Deepak Gupta www.gupta9665.com 07/26/14)
' Folder Browse Codes: http://www.cpearson.com/excel/browsefolder.aspx
' Rev.3 = Fixed macro for Weldment part configuration names having <As Machined> and <As Welded>. Also verified SolidWorks 2016 compatabliity.
' (BY: Deepak Gupta www.gupta9665.com 01/14/16)
' * These macros are provided free of charge for personal use and/or reference.
' * These macros may be freely distributed, provided the original copyright
' notices remain unchanged and intact.
' * All macros were written to work with SolidWorks 2005.
' * These macros, and corresponding files, are provided as is.
' * There are no warranties, expressed or implied, that these macros will perform
' as indicated, perform to users expectations, or complete a specific task.
' * These macros will change the current SolidWorks document. Use these macros at
' your own risk. Back up your data before using this macro on any SolidWorks
' document.
' ******************************************************************************
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim longstatus As Long
Dim Annotation As Object
Dim Gtol As Object
Dim DatumTag As Object
Dim FeatureData As Object
Dim Feature As Object
Dim Component As Object
Dim ConfigNamesArray As Variant
Dim ConfigNameMain As Variant
Dim ConfigName As Variant
Dim NewName As String
Dim PartName As String
Dim OpenName As String
Dim CurrentConfigName As Variant
Dim fileerror As Long
Dim filewarning As Long
Dim OrigConfigName As Variant
Dim Location As Variant
Dim ModLoc As String
Dim MassProps As Variant
Dim Mass As Variant
Dim MassError As Long
Dim ConfigCount As Long
Dim MassPropArrayTest As Long
Dim CustomPropNamesArray As Variant
Dim CustomPropName As Variant
Dim PartSourceName As String
Dim PartSourcePath As String
Dim status As Boolean
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks 'Connect to SolidWorks session
Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc 'Set Part variable to active doc
If Part Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
ConfigCount = Part.GetConfigurationCount 'Get number of configurations
PartSourceName = Part.GetTitle 'Get name of original part file that contains configurations
If Part.GetType <> swDocPART Then 'Check to see if current document is a part
MsgBox "Only Allowed on Parts, Please open a part and try again.", vbOKOnly, "Error" ' Display error message"
Exit Sub ' Exit this program
ElseIf ConfigCount = 1 Then
MsgBox "Must have at least two configurations before starting macro.", vbOKOnly, "Error" ' Display error message"
Exit Sub ' Exit this program
GoTo Rip
End If
Rip: 'RIP sub section
frmLocation.Show 'Show form
Location = frmLocation.txtPath.Text 'Get user selected location
'---Check to see if location has last backslash---
ModLoc = Right(Location, 1)
If ModLoc <> "\" Then
Location = Location & "\"
End If
ConfigNamesArray = Part.GetConfigurationNames 'Populate the array with all config names
OrigConfigName = ConfigNamesArray(0) 'Get current configuration
For i = 0 To UBound(ConfigNamesArray)
ConfigName = ConfigNamesArray(i) 'Assign next config name to ConfigName variable
Part.ShowConfiguration2 (ConfigName) 'Set next config as current
ConfigName = Replace((Replace(ConfigName, "<As Machined>", "")), "<As Welded>", "")
NewName = Location & ConfigName & ".sldprt" 'Create path
Part.SaveAsSilent NewName, True 'Save as current config name
Next i
PartSourcePath = Part.GetPathName
swApp.CloseDoc PartSourceName 'Close the source file to conserve memory for program
Set Part = Nothing 'Clear part variable
For j = 0 To UBound(ConfigNamesArray)
ConfigNameMain = ConfigNamesArray(j) 'Populate ConfigNameMain with current name
ConfigNameMain = Replace((Replace(ConfigNameMain, "<As Machined>", "")), "<As Welded>", "")
OpenName = Location & ConfigNameMain & ".sldprt" 'Set location of file to open
fileerror = swFileNotFoundError 'Default system error message
filewarning = swFileSaveWarning_NeedsRebuild 'Default warning message
swApp.OpenDoc6 OpenName, 1, 0, "", fileerror, filewarning 'Open saved configuration file
Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc 'Set newly opened file as current
Part.DeleteDesignTable 'Delete design table if present
For k = 0 To UBound(ConfigNamesArray) 'Delete all configurations from new file
ConfigName = ConfigNamesArray(k)
Part.DeleteConfiguration2 (ConfigName)
Next k
Part.EditConfiguration3 ConfigNameMain, "Default", "", "", 0 'Rename leftover config to default
Part.ViewZoomtofit2 'Make part zoom to fit so icon looks good
Part.Save2 (True) 'Save newly modified part
Set Part = Nothing 'Clear Part variable
swApp.CloseDoc ConfigNameMain & ".sldprt" 'Close current part
Next j
swApp.OpenDoc6 PartSourcePath, 1, 0, "", fileerror, filewarning 'Open original source file
Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc 'Set original part as current
Part.ShowConfiguration2 (OrigConfigName) 'Set original part to original status
MsgBox "Here is where you can find your files: " & Chr(13) & Location, vbInformation, "Configuration Rip Success!"
Location = "" 'Clear location variable
End Sub 'Close program
second macro:
Option Explicit
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swPart As SldWorks.PartDoc
Dim sModelName As String
Dim sPathName As String
Dim varAlignment As Variant
Dim dataAlignment(11) As Double
Dim varViews As Variant
Dim dataViews(0) As String
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swPart = swModel
sModelName = swModel.GetPathName
sPathName = Left(sModelName, Len(sModelName) - 6) & "dxf"
dataAlignment(0) = 0#
dataAlignment(1) = 0#
dataAlignment(2) = 0#
dataAlignment(3) = 1#
dataAlignment(4) = 0#
dataAlignment(5) = 0#
dataAlignment(6) = 0#
dataAlignment(7) = 0#
dataAlignment(8) = -1#
dataAlignment(9) = 0#
dataAlignment(10) = 1#
dataAlignment(11) = 0#
varAlignment = dataAlignment
dataViews(0) = "*Top"
varViews = dataViews
swPart.ExportToDWG2 sPathName, sModelName, swExportToDWG_e.swExportToDWG_ExportAnnotationViews, True, varAlignment, False, False, 0, varViews
End Sub
Try the following codes which exports each configuration of the active part as DXF.
Option Explicit
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim sModelName As String
Dim sPathName As String
Dim vConfNameArr As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim sConfigName As String
Dim bRebuild As Boolean
Dim swPart As SldWorks.PartDoc
Dim nFileName As String
Dim varAlignment As Variant
Dim dataAlignment(11) As Double
Dim varViews As Variant
Dim dataViews(0) As String
Sub Main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
' Is document active?
If swModel Is Nothing Then
swApp.SendMsgToUser2 "A Sheet Metal Part must be open.", swMbWarning, swMbOk
Exit Sub
End If
' Is it a part document?
If swModel.GetType <> SwConst.swDocPART Then
swApp.SendMsgToUser2 "A Sheet Metal Part must be open.", swMbWarning, swMbOk
Exit Sub
End If
sModelName = swModel.GetPathName
sPathName = Left(sModelName, InStrRev(sModelName, "\"))
vConfNameArr = swModel.GetConfigurationNames
For i = 0 To UBound(vConfNameArr)
sConfigName = vConfNameArr(i)
If Not UCase(sConfigName) Like "*FLAT*" Then
swModel.ShowConfiguration2 (sConfigName)
bRebuild = swModel.ForceRebuild3(False)
nFileName = sPathName & sConfigName & ".DXF"
Set swPart = swModel
dataAlignment(0) = 0#
dataAlignment(1) = 0#
dataAlignment(2) = 0#
dataAlignment(3) = 0#
dataAlignment(4) = 0#
dataAlignment(5) = 0#
dataAlignment(6) = 0#
dataAlignment(7) = 0#
dataAlignment(8) = 0#
dataAlignment(9) = 0#
dataAlignment(10) = 0#
dataAlignment(11) = 0#
varAlignment = dataAlignment
dataViews(0) = "*Top"
varViews = dataViews
'Export Top View
swPart.ExportToDWG2 nFileName, sModelName, 3, True, varAlignment, False, False, 0, varViews
End If
Next i
End Sub
I'm trying to export one of my queries to email using VBA in a table format. Similar to when you go to external data and click and E-Mail and it adds an attachment to outlook. Except I want it in the body. I put the following code in a button.
I found and made some changes to some code. This is what I have.
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Variant
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strQry As String
Dim aHead(1 To 4) As String
Dim aRow(1 To 4) As String
Dim aBody() As String
Dim lCnt As Long
'Create the header row
aHead(1) = "Part"
aHead(2) = "Description"
aHead(3) = "Qty"
aHead(4) = "Price"
lCnt = 1
ReDim aBody(1 To lCnt)
aBody(lCnt) = "<HTML><body><table border='2'><tr><th>" & Join(aHead, "</th> <th>") & "</th></tr>"
'Create each body row
strQry = "SELECT * From qry_email"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQry)
If Not (rec.BOF And rec.EOF) Then
Do While Not rec.EOF
lCnt = lCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve aBody(1 To lCnt)
aRow(1) = rec("Part")
aRow(2) = rec("Description")
aRow(3) = rec("Qty")
aRow(4) = rec("Price")
aBody(lCnt) = "<tr><td>" & Join(aRow, "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
End If
aBody(lCnt) = aBody(lCnt) & "</table></body></html>"
'create the email
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(0)
olItem.To = "email#email.com"
olItem.Subject = "Test E-mail"
olItem.HTMLBody = Join(aBody, vbNewLine)
End Sub
When I run the code, I get a "Run-time error '3061' too few parameters. Expected 1."
If i click debug i get this highlighted in yellow. Anybody help would be greatly appreciated!
I tried a different approach which actually gave me the list in the body of the email. But it does it for the whole table instead of just the one record I want. This is what the SQL looks like of the query.
SELECT tblePMParts.[Part#], tblePMParts.PartDescription, tblePMParts.Qty, tblePMParts.Price
FROM tblePMParts
WHERE (((tblePMParts.WOID)=[Forms]![fmremail]![Text1]));
How would I go about adding the WHERE to the code below.
Private Sub Command4_Click()
'On Error GoTo Errorhandler
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Variant
Dim olatt As String
Dim olMailTem As Variant
Dim strSendTo As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strTo As String
Dim strcc As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qry As DAO.QueryDef
Dim fld As Field
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strtable As String
Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strQry As String
strQry = "SELECT tblePMParts.[Part#], tblePMParts.PartDescription, tblePMParts.Qty, tblePMParts.Price " & _
"FROM tblePMParts; "
strSendTo = "test#email.com"
strTo = ""
strcc = ""
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(olMailTem)
olItem.To = strTo
olItem.CC = strcc
olItem.Body = ""
olItem.Subject = "Please Quote the Following!"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQry)
If Not (rec.BOF And rec.EOF) Then
intCount = rec.RecordCount
For intLoop = 1 To intCount
olItem.Body = olItem.Body & rec("[Part#]") & " - " & rec("PartDescription") & " - " & rec("Qty") & " - " & rec("Price")
Next intLoop
End If
MsgBox "Completed Export"
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olItem = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , Err.Number
Resume Exit_Command21_Click
End Sub
I got it working. Here is the code in case anybody needs it.
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Variant
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strQry As String
Dim aHead(1 To 3) As String
Dim aRow(1 To 3) As String
Dim aBody() As String
Dim lCnt As Long
'Create the header row
aHead(1) = "Part#"
aHead(2) = "Description"
aHead(3) = "Qty"
lCnt = 1
ReDim aBody(1 To lCnt)
aBody(lCnt) = "<HTML><body><table border='2'><tr><th>" & Join(aHead, "</th><th>") & "</th></tr>"
'Create each body row
strQry = "SELECT tblePMParts.[Part#], tblePMParts.PartDescription, tblePMParts.Qty, tblePMParts.Price " & _
"FROM tblePMParts " & _
"WHERE (((tblePMParts.WOID)=" & [Forms]![fmremail]![Text1] & "));"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQry)
If Not (rec.BOF And rec.EOF) Then
Do While Not rec.EOF
lCnt = lCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve aBody(1 To lCnt)
aRow(1) = rec("[Part#]")
aRow(2) = rec("PartDescription")
aRow(3) = rec("Qty")
aBody(lCnt) = "<tr><td>" & Join(aRow, "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
End If
aBody(lCnt) = aBody(lCnt) & "</table></body></html>"
'create the email
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(0)
olItem.To = "Email"
olItem.Subject = "Test E-mail"
olItem.HTMLBody = Join(aBody, vbNewLine)
End Sub
Somewhere in your code, put a line that says
X = [Forms]![fmremail]![Text1]
Put a breakpoint in your code (hopefully you know how to do that?) on that line. When the code breaks, press F8 to step to the next line, and then type ?X in the Immediate Window. Or you can just hover your mouse over the line with the break point. The point is, you need to see what your code thinks [Forms]![fmremail]![Text1] is equal to. If it's null, you have a problem with your reference. In that case, you may need to add ".Value" or ".Text" to the end of it.
Another thing to check is your datatype for WOID. if it's text, you need to surround it with single quotes.
strQry = "SELECT tblePMParts.[Part#], tblePMParts.PartDescription, tblePMParts.Qty, tblePMParts.Price " & _
"FROM tblePMParts " & _
"WHERE (((tblePMParts.WOID)='" & [Forms]![fmremail]![Text1] & "'));"
In LibreOffice Basic sub I use a bunch of uno properties in an array. Which is the simplest Unostructure or UnoService that I must "embed" them, in order to use the getByName "function"?
dim props(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
props(0).Name = "blahblah1"
props(0).Value = "blahblah1Value"
props(1).Name = "blahblah2"
props(1).Name = 3000
I want to be able to use something like:
b = props.getByName("blahblah2").Value
or something like (assuming I "assigned" them in a structure-like-object called "somestruct") :
b = somestruct.getprops.getByName("blahblah2").Value
As I understand that this can be done by creating a "UnoService" which supports the getByName and then, somehow, assigning these props to this service
Which is the "lightest" such service?
(I mean the service that uses less resources)
Thanks in advance.
Really supporting the interface XNameAccess is not as easy. The services which implement this interface are supposed using this interface for existing named properties, not for own created ones.
But you can use the service EnumerableMap to achieve what you probably want.
sub testEnumerableMap
serviceEnumerableMap = com.sun.star.container.EnumerableMap
oEnumerableMap = serviceEnumerableMap.create("string", "any")
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah1", "blahblah1Value")
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah2", 3000)
oEnumerableMap.put("blahblah3", 1234.67)
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah1")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah2")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah3")
'msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah4") 'will throw error
msgbox oEnumerableMap.containsKey("blahblah2")
msgbox oEnumerableMap.containsValue(3000)
if oEnumerableMap.containsKey("blahblah4") then
msgbox oEnumerableMap.get("blahblah4")
end if
end sub
But starbasic with option Compatible is also able supporting Class programming like VBA does.
Create a module named myPropertySet. Therein put the following code:
option Compatible
option ClassModule
private aPropertyValues() as com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
public sub setProperty(oProp as com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue)
bUpdated = false
for each oPropPresent in aPropertyValues
if oPropPresent.Name = oProp.Name then
oPropPresent.Value = oProp.Value
bUpdated = true
exit for
end if
if not bUpdated then
iIndex = ubound(aPropertyValues) + 1
redim preserve aPropertyValues(iIndex)
aPropertyValues(iIndex) = oProp
end if
end sub
public function getPropertyValue(sName as string) as variant
getPropertyValue = "N/A"
for each oProp in aPropertyValues
if oProp.Name = sName then
getPropertyValue = oProp.Value
exit for
end if
end function
Then within a standard module:
sub testClass
oPropertySet = new myPropertySet
dim prop as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
prop.Name = "blahblah1"
prop.Value = "blahblah1Value"
prop.Name = "blahblah2"
prop.Value = 3000
prop.Name = "blahblah3"
prop.Value = 1234.56
prop.Name = "blahblah2"
prop.Value = 8888
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah1")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah2")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah3")
msgbox oPropertySet.getPropertyValue("blahblah4")
end sub
LibreOffice Basic supports the vb6 Collection type.
Dim coll As New Collection
coll.Add("blahblah1Value", "blahblah1")
coll.Add(3000, "blahblah2")
Arrays of property values are the only thing that will work for certain UNO interfaces such as dispatcher calls. If you simply need a better way to deal with arrays of property values, then use a helper function.
Sub DisplayMyPropertyValue
Dim props(0 To 1) As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
props(0).Name = "blahblah1"
props(0).Value = "blahblah1Value"
props(1).Name = "blahblah2"
props(1).Name = 3000
MsgBox(GetPropertyByName(props, "blahblah1"))
End Sub
Function GetPropertyByName(props As Array, propname As String)
For Each prop In props
If prop.Name = propname Then
GetPropertyByName = prop.Value
Exit Function
End If
GetPropertyByName = ""
End Function
XNameAccess is used for UNO containers such as Calc sheets. Normally these containers are obtained from the UNO interface, not created.
oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1")
May UNO objects support the XPropertySet interface. Normally these are also obtained from the UNO interface, not created.
paraStyleName = cellcursor.getPropertyValue("ParaStyleName")
It may be possible to create a new class in Java that implements XPropertySet. However, Basic uses helper functions instead of class methods.
I think the serviceEnumerableMap is the answer (so far). Creating the values and searching them was much faster then creating props in a dynamic array and searching them with a for loop in basic.
(I do not "dare" to use "option Compatible", although I was a big fun of VB6 and VBA, because of the problems in code that maybe arise).
I used this code to test time in a form:
SUB testlala(Event)
DIM xcounter AS LONG
'b = now()
serviceEnumerableMap = com.sun.star.container.EnumerableMap
oEnumerableMap = serviceEnumerableMap.create("string", "any")
FOR xcounter= 0 TO 10000
oEnumerableMap.put("pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"), xcounter -10000)
b = now()
FOR xcounter = 1 TO 5000
lala = Int((9000 * Rnd) +1)
g =oEnumerableMap.get("pr" & FORMAT(lala,"0000"))
'MSGBOX GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"))
MSGBOX b*100000
DIM props()
DIM xcounter AS LONG
'b = now()
FOR xcounter= 0 TO 10000
AppendProperty(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"), xcounter -10000)
b = now()
FOR xcounter = 1 TO 5000
lala = Int((9000 * Rnd) +1)
g = GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(lala,"0000"))
'MSGBOX GetValueFromName(props,"pr" & FORMAT(xcounter,"0000"))
MSGBOX b*100000
REM FROM Andrew Pitonyak's OpenOffice Macro Information ------------------
Sub AppendToArray(oData(), ByVal x)
Dim iUB As Integer 'The upper bound of the array.
Dim iLB As Integer 'The lower bound of the array.
iUB = UBound(oData()) + 1
iLB = LBound(oData())
ReDim Preserve oData(iLB To iUB)
oData(iUB) = x
End Sub
Function CreateProperty(sName$, oValue) As com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
Dim oProperty As New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
oProperty.Name = sName
oProperty.Value = oValue
CreateProperty() = oProperty
End Function
Sub AppendProperty(oProperties(), sName As String, ByVal oValue)
AppendToArray(oProperties(), CreateProperty(sName, oValue))
End Sub
I'm trying to create a macro that would change and replace the current selected text in OpenOffice Writer.
So far my macro looks like this:
sub myReplaceSelection
Dim oDoc
Dim oVC
Dim R As String
oDoc = ThisComponent
oVC = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor
If Len(oVC.String) > 0 Then
R = processSelection(oVC.String)
'replace the selection:
'which function should I call here ? <------------------
End sub
Function processSelection( s As String) As String
'... ok , this part works fine
End Function
How can I replace the current selected text with my String 'R' ?
OK got it:
If Len(oVC.String) > 0 Then
oVC = oDoc.CurrentController.getViewCursor
If Len(oVC.String) > 0 Then
Dim document as object
dim args1(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
args1(0).Name = "Text"
args1(0).Value = processSelection(oVC.String)
document = oDoc.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertText", "", 0, args1())
I am trying to export a Word document's review comments. I want to export the sentence selection that was commented on followed by the comment.
Screen shot of the image: http://jspeaks.com/mswordcomment.png
I have found code to loop through the document comments, but I cannot figure out how to reference the sentence selection that the comment was related to.
The current logic is:
Sub ExportComments()
Dim s As String
Dim cmt As Word.Comment
Dim doc As Word.Document
For Each cmt In ActiveDocument.Comments
s = s & cmt.Initial & cmt.Index & "," & cmt.Range.Text & vbCr
Set doc = Documents.Add
doc.Range.Text = s
End Sub
I tinkered with Selection.Range, however I cannot determine the proper object or property that contains the referenced sentence.
I would like to produce output like the following (if we use the example in picture above):
Sentence: Here are more sentences that contain interesting facts - Comment: This is an interesting fact.
Sentence: Here are more sentences that contain interesting facts. Here are more sentences that contain interesting facts. - Comment: This is a very interesting fact
I found someone on another site to solve this question.
The key to the solution is: cmt.Scope.FormattedText
Here is the function revised:
Sub ExportComments()
Dim s As String
Dim cmt As Word.Comment
Dim doc As Word.Document
For Each cmt In ActiveDocument.Comments
s = s & "Text: " & cmt.Scope.FormattedText & " -> "
s = s & "Comments: " & cmt.Initial & cmt.Index & ":" & cmt.Range.Text & vbCr
Set doc = Documents.Add
doc.Range.Text = s
End Sub
I have gathered several pieces of code and came to this solution:
Sub CopyCommentsToExcel()
'Create in Word vba
'TODO: set a reference to the Excel object library (Tools --> Reference --> Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object library)
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim HeadingRow As Integer
HeadingRow = 3
Dim cmtRef As Range
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add ' create a new workbook
With xlWB.Worksheets(1)
' Create report info
.Cells(1, 1).Formula = "Reviewed document:"
' Create Heading
.Cells(HeadingRow, 1).Formula = "Index"
.Cells(HeadingRow, 2).Formula = "Page"
.Cells(HeadingRow, 3).Formula = "Line"
.Cells(HeadingRow, 4).Formula = "Comment"
.Cells(HeadingRow, 5).Formula = "Reviewer"
.Cells(HeadingRow, 6).Formula = "Date"
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Comments.Count
.Cells(2, 1).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Parent
.Cells(i + HeadingRow, 1).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Index
.Cells(i + HeadingRow, 2).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Reference.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
.Cells(i + HeadingRow, 3).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Reference.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber)
.Cells(i + HeadingRow, 4).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Range
.Cells(i + HeadingRow, 5).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Initial
.Cells(i + HeadingRow, 6).Formula = Format(ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Date, "dd/MM/yyyy")
' .Cells(i + 1, 3).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Parent
' .Cells(i + 1, 3).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Application
' .Cells(i + 1, 7).Formula = ActiveDocument.Comments(i).Author
Next i
End With
Set xlWB = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
End Sub
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