I am using Eclipse Ganymede 3.4.2 as my primary IDE and I am facing a really frustrating problem from time to time.
Eclipse is getting really slow (I mean, REALLY slow, almost unusable) while validating the JSP code I am working on. I am using Struts 1 as my Web App Framework and jQuery as my JS library.
Is there a real way to disable/turn off Eclipse validations for JSP files only?
I went in Window > Preferences > Validation and unchecked JSP Content Validator and JSP Syntax Validator. Even if I uncheck everything related to HTML, JavaScript, JSP.... name it... Eclipse is still displaying some syntax errors (X marks, red underlines, that are in fact false positives as I am generating dynamic portion of code using Struts logic:equals tags.
I get the problem while working on complex JSPs files, and I got a decent laptop, so it is really an Eclipse problem. Restarting Eclipse usually fixes the problem for a while.
Thank you
1.I am unable to integrate primeface components in palette tool in eclipse Luna.Can you suggest me fine solution for that?
2.when I was trying to drag and drop the primefaces components into xhtml webpage editor or jsp web page editor,its not happening.If at all the primeface components are added to JSP page webpage editor.The component that is dropped in webpage editor its not visible but its effecting the code .
this is the issue
The 'visual' jsf designer in eclipse (or any ide) is of limited use. It can only show basic jsf components and some older RichFaces ones if you install the jboss extensions. Since it is fairly easy to run an embedded container, displaying it in a real browser is the better solution. Automagically reloading a page in the browser when saving in the IDE is possible (search the internet for this)
Exists some way to do hot redeploy when developing with gwt 2.4 in eclipse so i can make some change in the view like the text of a label and then press refresh or something like that and the modification appear? that problem is because the project i'm running takes at least 50 minutes to compile and wait 50 minutes just for one text of a label for example is hard...
Well ok, you're question is somewhat vague, but here's some points that hopefuly will help:
Yep, GWT compilation is slow. If you have a big GWT project, it might take good minutes for it to compile. This is sort of a known issue. What you can do to solve this is split your project into multiple GWT libraries and just compile the library you're currently working with.
Regarding hot deploy: your gwt project has two types of code: client code and server side code. The client side code (which is translated to Javascript by the GWT compiler) is hot-deployable. If you follow the instructions here:
you'll have a "magic button" that lets you hot deploy your project into any of the more popular browsers. This means that you can modify your client-side code, refresh your browser and it's updated.
For the server-side code that doesn't work. AFAIK, you need to re-compile your project for those modification to be taken into account.
Have you tried GWT Designer?
Read more : https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/tools/gwtdesigner/
This is very frustrating. I'm editing GSP (or JSP) file and each time i open html brackets <> eclipse becomes extremely slow (1 sec per character).
I searched all over the place, disabled all validation, disabled content assist, removed auto-close tags. No effect on slowness.
Any help is much appreciated.
Might be because of your processor or the useless plugins activated.
I would recommend you to use Netbeans 7.3. (For me)is the best IDE for Web Projects.
Netbeans has almost the same Plugins as Eclipse such HTML5 projects, Java Web and also autocomplete mode.
I've been using netbeans for a couple of years now, mainly on PHP / CakePHP projects.
Recently I've started using Coldfusion, which isn't directly supported. I've found, however, that if I use PHP as a project type, I can load the files and the HTML Renderer does an admirable job with the Coldfusion tags.
I want to make it better and help the renderer to understand some of the tags and, hopefully, thereby improve code indentation and syntax highlighting.
My question, then, is how can I access the HTML dictionary to extend the vocabulary?
NB: This isn't a 'which IDE' question so don't recommend them. I want to know if and how I can achieve this in NetBeans and only Netbeans.
Here are a few ideas. If you render it in HTML, you could probably add a custom name space to the HTML. If setup correctly it can help NetBeans realize that the tags are valid and shouldn't show as an error. It might not give you all the preview and WYSIWYG functionality, but it may be better than what you are getting now. I have only done this on other platforms, but I'm pretty sure NetBeans supports it.
Also I think that NetBeans will let you add CustomTags doing something like this:
Just to note, in terms of ColdFusion the other alternatives are NotePad++ with the CF plugin and IntelliJ now supports CF.
I really like Eclipse - the number of plugins available (SVN, Javascript, CSS, CodCollab, Flashbuilder etc.) is what makes it indispensable IMHO.
I am, however, looking forward to the new version of CFBuilder.
This answer on the same/similar question suggests that there is nothing out there for ColdFusion on netbeans : NetBeans as an editor for ColdFusion scripts?
If you want to build your own ColdFusion plugin for netbeans you need to look at plugin development; http://platform.netbeans.org/tutorials/60/nbm-google.html You could use the Dictionary project from cfeclipse as a basis for your plugin. See this Google Group thread for a bit more information
While evaluating ICEfaces I have used Eclipse and its Web Page Editor to visually create a webpage using ICEfaces components. I have heard that Netbeans 6.5 provided a similar capability, but Netbeans 6.7 does not support a visual drag and drop. I was wondering if there is a plugin for Netbeans to enable this? Also to those who have experience with ICEfaces, what IDE do you prefer and why?
I was wondering if there is a plugin for Netbeans to enable this?
Netbeans used to ship previously with the Woodstock component library (which died January 2009 due to serious problems in the newer standards-compliant webbrowsers) and the corresponding visual editor with a "component palette". After it died, the users were recommended to migrate to ICEFaces. Tools were provided to convert existing Woodstock projects to ICEFaces projects (although I've read here and there that you can better convert/code it by hand yourself).
I was wondering if there is a plugin for Netbeans to enable this?
At their Tools Support section I see plugins/tools for both Eclipse and Netbeans.
Also to those who have experience with ICEfaces, what IDE do you prefer and why?
I don't have hands on experience with ICEFaces, but I have hands on experience with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. Both are excellent IDE's to program in. I've tried Netbeans for web development some years ago. But it bugged and didn't do what I asked/expected it to do, so I threw it away. Since then I've never touched it, but it may be have been improved lately. Just try some different IDEs yourself and conclude yourself. Own experience is always the best answer on those kind of subjective matters.
Note that I do not recommend drag'n'dropping code. It may initially speed up development, but you will end up swimming around disoriented in code soup when you're about to maintain/bugfix/enhance/reuse the code.