Android SQLite database schema from xml file - ormlite

Is it possible to create SQLite database schema using XML db definition. Does OrmLite provide such functionality?


Is there a way to setup code generation in JOOQ for multiple schemas with the same table structure?

We have a multi-tenant database, where each tenant has their own dedicated schema. The schemas always have identical table structures. What I'm trying to figure out is if there's a way to pass the schema to JOOQ at query time when using code generation to track the schema. Something like:
It seems like the schema is always tied to the table object and the only option for mapping at runtime is statically via an input schema and an output schema.
Environmental info: Java/Kotlin, Maven, Spring Boot, Postgres, Flyway
The features you are looking for are:
Code generation time schema mapping
Runtime schema mapping
See also the FAQ
The simplest solution here is to just turn off the generation of schema information in the code generator:
Or at runtime
new Settings().withRenderSchema(false);

Is it is possible to convert query on postgresql database to geopackage file

I am working on postgresql database with postgis.
I was generate csv file from the database which includes geo information but I need now to generate geopackage file instead.
I searched on this but I did not found any tools making something like that directly.
I know I can use gdal to convert from csv to geopackage file but I do not need to make that. I need to generate the geopackage file direct from the database.
Can anyone help me in that?
gdal support also generate geopackage file from the table/view direct using command like the following:
ogr2ogr -f "GPKG" mynewfilename.gpkg \
PG:"host=localhost user=postgres dbname=postgres password=mypassword" "mytablename"
In theory: yes, it could be done. But in reality: it's almost impossible.
The geopackage file format is based on the SQLite one's. In PostgreSQL you can connect to different databases (in case of SQLite: to files) through foreign data wrappers. There is an SQLite foreign data wrapper, but it's only read-only. There is also a JDBC wrapper, which can support SQLite. But even if you can manage to write a new SQLite database file from PostgreSQL, you will need to study geopackage's internal format -- with just a "Coming soon" Implementation Guide (as of writing).

DB2-clob data to PostgreSQL

We are planning to move data in DB2(28) to PostgreSQL(9.2).
We have already created database schema and tables in PostgreSQL. I am able to do data export from DB2 to csv format.
For importing data in PostgreSQL, the docs say "Copy command" which copies data from a file to the table.
In DB2, if data is of CLOB type, then separate file is created where CLOB data is kept. The main (data.csv) file contains references to CLOBs. How to import CLOB data in such cases?
I searched on net but could not find any opensource tool from PostgreSQL.
This is not a ready-to-use solution but may be a starting point. As far as I remember, DB2 is offering a ODBC interface. On the other hand on PostgreSQL you are able to "import" ODBC databases via Foreign data wrapper.The first step can be found at documentation. May be worth a try.

How to convert sqlite data into xml file and xml file into sql data?

I am developing an application. In that I want to create an XML file with sqlite data and place another XML data into sqlite field. So please tell me how to do this.
Well hope you used Core Data to interact with your DB.
If you did so, just loop your Entities and use a NSMutableString to build your XML document.

Transact SQL - Information Schema

Is there a way to query an Information Schema from DB2 and dump the contents(tables - structure only),into another database? I'm looking for a way to create a shell model of a database schema from DB2 into a SQL Server database?
You can use db2look to get the table structure (DDL) out of db2.
Once you've got it, however, I'm afraid you'll have to manually replace any db2-specific syntax (datatypes, storage parameters, etc.) with it's corresponding SQL Server syntax.
It doesn't look like Microsoft's Migration Tool works for db2 yet. :(