swt widget (pallet widget) for group selection - swt

I am looking to have a widget like below screen in my rcp application. I tried to find an existing one however I could not find one. Anyone can please help. Do you think I will have to create my own (by having two list and arrows and then writing arrow event code).
Please help.

You should take a look at Opal
The have a widget called DualList, see Screenshot


How to create dropdown widget in flutter

I am trying to make a dropdown widget that appears from the location of the clicked widget. I know there are a lot of solutions on the internet already regarding this, however, none of the ones I found serve my specific needs.
Using dropdown packages: This does not work, as these widgets do not provide any way of customization. They are always just lists of items. What I want is a dropdown Container that I can fully customize.
Using dialogs: It is tough to customize the location of these dialogs. I want it to appear right at the location of the clicked button/widget.
The white circle here is the widget that is supposed to be clicked on
This is what is supposed to appear after clicking the circle. As you can see here it is not placed correctly. The circle in the widget and the circle we click should be on top of each other. And the dropdown itself should be a container not a list of widgets like here as opposed to a dropdown list.
I believe this question should provide you with an answer.
If not, feel free to say so.
(The answer points to this package: flutter_portal)

How can I create a permanent drawer like interface in Scaffold without using the widget Drawer? Is it even possible?

I want a drawer that does not closes, it needs to stay there permanently. I could do it with the help of a container, but I am confused in the process. Also how can I create the interface inside the drawer like (Featured,Bags and Shoes etc). Can anybody help me?
You can use Column widget and generate your desired UI elements , and through GestureDetector you can navigate your pages on those respective elements.

Is there a flutter widget for this type of choice bar?

This is taken from the ESPN website where you can select one of the 3 options within the choice bar and it shows the information related to your choice. Is there any flutter widget for this? Choice chips are the closest one I've found but they are not connected together. Just wondering if there is a widget for this before spend the time to build one myself.
You can try something like this. https://pub.dev/packages/toggle_bar
But, IMHO, your own implementation will be more flexible.
You can use the built-in TabBar widget.
Take a look at this article:

TabLayoutPanel finish loading event

I use a GWT TabLayoutPanel which contains several Google Charts Widgets.
I want to know if there's a handler/method that can be called once all the widgets in the tab have finished loading.(after I click the tab)
I need this because I refresh/reload the Charts once I click the tab, but the charts MUST be loaded first or the height/width won't apply on the charts.
Any help?
You can get UI widgets by Iterating or something like widget.getElementBytagName(). You should try gwt.Document.DOMHandler. widget.addDomHandler can get to iterate its sub widget or everythings under this widget. Really you don't need to invoke handlers to each widget. Try with DOMHandler. This can be OK. I don't know clearly what you really want to do. Please describe with your codes as you can.

Clone a panel of widgets

is it possible in GWT to clone a panel? If so, are all the handler settings copied as well?
Basically I have a Panel full of controls, all laid out, I want to copy it and pop it up in a PopupPanel without having to go through the code that created the controls in the first place.
I got as far as DOM.clone(), and this message post. But there is no wrap() in Widget, UIObject etc. setElement() is protected.
Quick way to build a Widget from a DOM element:
Widget widget = new Widget () {{
But no, AFAIK DOM.clone() isn't going to copy attached handlers as well. I suspect this won't work as well as you're hoping.
Have you considered creating a new GWT widget, consisting of all of those controls? That way you can host the widget panel in both places without resorting to cloning it. (And possibly saving you subtle bugs in the process.)
Create a new class with all the controls and other features that you have in your panel and treat this as a new widget... Now you don't have to worry about cloning them, you can use this as a regular widget in your program (you can initialize it the same way you do rest of the widgets)... This is how i started off for one of my projects, where i was trying to clone a panel...