iphone development: how to auto facebook login if the facebook app already logged in - iphone

In my app users can login by using facebook. I also have Facebook official app in my mobile phone and it is logged in. When I try to login from my app it asks for email and password. Is it possible to auto login if facebook app already logged in? How can I do that? because I know almost all apps use this feature

Have you considered Facebook SDK for iOS? Here is the link: https://developers.facebook.com/ios/


Login/Register with Facebook button on iOS Safari. HOw do i use Iphone Facebook app for authentication

1. My client has a simple website. They use login/register with Facebook.
The Register/Login is not smooth on iphones. The user is being redirected to www.facebook.com on Safari.
Most people are not logged into FB in Safari.
But most people have FB App installed and are logged in.
How do i redirect the auth/permissions to the Facebook App, and avoid having the user to log into Facebook on the browser.
It is not possible to use the "Single Sign On" feature in the browser afaik. I´m afraid you will have to let users login again.

How to skip the first facebook credential prompt?

I'm writing a hybrid app with Ionic and the workflow I imagine for a perfect facebook integration would be the following:
Scenario of a user logged in facebook with a native app:
Open my app
Touch login with facebook
Be prompted for facebook permissions and approve
Be directed to the desired screen of my hybrid app
Scenario of a user logged in facebook with his mobile browser:
Open my app
Touch login with facebook
Be prompted for facebook permissions and approve
Be directed to the desired screen of my hybrid app
Scenario of a user not logged in facebook (both in the native app and mobile browser):
Open my app
Touch login with facebook
Be prompted for facebook credentials
Be prompted for facebook permissions and approve
Be directed to the desired screen of my hybrid app
Is it possible to achieve as the mechanisms used to save session of a native app and a web app (facebook website) are way different?
How can I know if the native app is installed and once I know how can I use its session to prompt the user for permissions (as the android native apps do)?
Thanks in advance

iOS app does not appear to have Facebook Login integration

I want to integrate facebook with my iOS app because I want to promote my app in facebook. I want to create an ad campaign on facebook to get more users for my iOS app. I have created my facebook app as it is said in the guide but facebook doesn't approve my app, if I disable Facebook login it says that "Mobile apps built for iOS and Android must use Facebook Login."
So I enable facebook login and facebook says that "Your iOS app does not appear to have Facebook Login integration. Please either implement Facebook Login or remove this integration as a listed platform in the developer app."
I don't know what to do and I'm very upset.

Native facebook app log in status in iOS

How to check if user is logged into the native facebook app or not in my another application in iPhone programmatically?
You can't check that. The Facebook SDK will allow user to login to your app. But it does not support any way to check if the user is logged in in the facebook app.

Custom in-app login and authorisation with Facebook and iOS

I am just starting out with the Facebook SDK for iOS. Where should I start if I want to firstly:
Have a custom login screen in-app, so the user enters their email and password inside my app to login.
Authorise the application in-app without leaving to authorise through Safari or The official Facebook app?
An example is Facely HD for the iPhone, as when you first use it you enter your login details and then are asked to authorised all without leaving the application.
In facebook.m in the Facebook iOS SDK, you can call [self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:NO safariAuth:NO] and this will popup the standard UIWebView. That should cover both options as first the Facebook login screen will appear and then after that the prompt to authorize your application will appear.