What is default timeout for MongoDB operation (CRUD and aggregate)? - mongodb

I didn't find information about what is default value for executing operation in MongoDB. Some of my aggregate commands takes minutes (very large reports). It is OK for me to waiting this time, but I'm afraid to get error.
I know, that I can set it. But a lots of my software users use their own servers. Of course with default settings.

Until this feature is implemented, this will essentially be a driver/client level setting. The query will run until completion on the server, though eventually it might timeout a cursor - see the cursorinfo command for more there.
To figure out what your settings are you will need to consult your relevant driver documentation. There may be multiple settings that apply based on what you are looking for, like the various options in the Java driver, for example.


Calculate WiredTiger cache miss from db.serverStatus output

Been reading the following https://medium.com/dbkoda/the-notorious-database-cache-hit-ratio-c7d432381229 article which seems to calculate WiredTiger cache miss rate from data taken in db.serverStatus() output.
However, after performing the command (and also checking that the Java API doesn't have such method, don't really know how he is using the API?), just by checking what the method shows I can't really see the properties from the Document he is trying to retrieve, which are basically 'pages requested from the cache' and 'pages read into cache'.
The only metrics I can see related to that are a couple included within extra_fields, which are page_faults and page_reclaims, and if I'm correct those are both cache misses and cache hits respectively, right?
I'm trying to obtain cache performance (if it's hitting the cache or not after performing certain aggregations) when using certain queries.
Is there any way to obtain this metric straight away via MongoDB commands?
The code given is intended to be run in mongo shell.
The driver equivalent is the https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/ command.
You would execute it using your driver's facility to run admin commands or arbitrary commands or database commands. For Ruby driver, this is https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/current/tutorials/ruby-driver-database-tasks/#arbitrary-comands.

Is it possible to see the incoming queries in mongodb to debug/trace issues?

I have mongo running on my macbook (OSX).
Is it possible to run some kind of a 'monitor' that will display any income requests to my mongodb?
I need to trace if I have the correct query formatting from my application.
You will find these tools (or utilities) useful for monitoring as well as diagnosing purposes. All the tools except mtools are packaged with MongoDB server (sometimes they are installed separately).
1. Database Profiler
The profiler stores every CRUD operation coming into the database; it is off, by default. Having it on is quite expensive; it turns every read into a read+insert, and every write into a write+insert. CAUTION: Keeping it on can quickly overpower the server with incoming operations - saturating the IO.
But, it is a very useful tool when used for a short time to find what is going on with database operations. It is recommended to be used in development environments.
The profiler setting can be accessed by using the command db.getProfilingLevel(). To activate the profilre use the db.setProfilingLevel(level) command. Verify what is captured by the profiler in the db.system.profile collection; you can query it like any other collection using the find or aggregate methods. The db.system.profile document field op specifies the type of database operation; e.g., for queries it is "query".
The profiler has three levels:
0is not capturing any info (or is turned off and default). 1 captures every query that takes over 100ms. 2 captures every query;this can be used to find the actual load that is coming in.
2. mongoreplay
mongoreplay is a traffic capture and replay tool for MongoDB that you can use to inspect and record commands sent to a MongoDB instance, and then replay those commands back onto another host at a later time. NOTE: Available for Linux and macOS.
3. mongostat
mongostat commad-line utility provides a quick overview of the status of a currently running mongod instance.
You can view the incoming operations in real-time. The statistics are displated, by default every second. There are various options to customize the output, the time interval, etc.
4. mtools
mtools is a collection of helper scripts to parse, filter, and visualize (thru graphs) MongoDB log files.
You will find the mlogfilter script useful; it reduces the amount of information from MongoDB log files using various command options. For example, mlogfilter mongod.log --operation query filters the log by query operations only.

Is it possible to default all MongoDB writes to safe? What is the performance hit from doing this?

For MongoDB 2.2.2, is it possible to default all writes to safe, or do you have to include the right flags for each write operation individually?
If you use safe writes, what is the performance hit?
We're using MongoMapper on Rails.
If you are using the latest version of 10gen official drivers, then the default actually is safe, not fire-and-forget (which used to be the default).
You can read this blog post by 10gen co-founder and CTO which explains some history and announces that all MongoDB drivers as of late November use "safe" mode by default rather than "fire-and-forget".
MongoMapper is built on top of 10gen supported Ruby Driver, they also updated their code to be consistent with the new defaults. You can see the check-in and comments here for the master branch. Since I'm not certain what their release schedule is, I would recommend you ask on MongoMapper mailing list.
Even prior to this change you could set "safe" value on connection level in MongoMapper which is as good as global. Starting with 0.11, you can do it in mongo.yml file. You can see how in the release notes.
The bottom line is that you don't have to specify safe mode for each write, but you can still specify higher or lower than default durability for each individual write operation if you wish, but when you switch to the latest versions of everything, then you will be using "safe writes" globally by default.
I do not use mongomapper so I can only answer a little.
In terms of the database, depends. A safe write is basically (basically being the keyword) waiting for the database to do what it would normally do after you got a default "I am done" response from a fire and forget.
There is more work depending on how safe you want the write to be. A good example is a write to a single node and one to many nodes. If you write to that single node you will get a quicker response from the database than if you wish to replicate the command (safely) to other nodes in the network.
Any amount of safe write does, of course, cause a performance hit in the amount of writes you can send to the server since there is more work required before a response is given which means less writes able to be thrown at the database. The key thing is getting the balance just right for your application, between speed and durability of your data.
Many drivers now (including MongoDB PHP 1.3, using a write concern of 1: http://php.net/manual/en/mongo.writeconcerns.php ) are starting to use normal safe writes by default and normal fire and forget queries are starting to abolished by default.
By looking at the mongomapper documentation: http://mongomapper.com/documentation/plugins/safe.html it seems you must still add the flags everywhere.

How to track how long some Mongo queries take

I have a few Mongo queries in the JS format, such as:
How do I run them in such a way that I can see exactly how long they've taken to run later?
There are a couple of options:
Do your updates with safe=true, which will cause the update call to block until mongod has written the data (the exact syntax for this depends on the driver you're using). You can add timing code around your updates in your application code, and log as appropriate.
Enable verbose (or more-verbose) logging, and use the log files to determine the time spent during your updates. See the mongo docs on logging for more information.
Enable the profiler, which stores information about queries and updates in a capped collection, db.system.profile, including the time spent servicing the query or update. Note that enabling the profiler affects performance, though not severely. See the mongo docs on profiling for more information.

SQL Server & ADO NET : how to automatically cancel long running user query?

I have a .NET Core 2.1 application that allows users to search a large database, with the possibility of using lots of parameters. The data access is done through ADO.NET. Some of the queries generated result in long running queries (several hours). Obviously, the user gives up on waiting, but the query chugs along in SQL Server.
I realize that the root cause is the design of the app, but I would like a quick solution for now, if possible.
I have tried many solutions, but none seem to work as expected.
What I have tried:
CommandTimeout works as expected with ExecuteNonQuery but does not work with ExecuteReader, as discussed in this forum
When you execute command.ExecuteReader(), you don't get this exception because the server responds on time. The application doesn't respond because it reads data to the memory, and the ExecuteReader() method doesn't return control until all the data is read.
I have also tried using SqlDataAdapter, but this does not work either.
SQL Server query governor
SQL Server's query governor works off of the estimated execution plan, and while it does work sometimes, it does not always catch inefficient queries.
SQL Server execution time-out
Tools > Options > Query Execution > SQL Server > General
I'm not sure what this does, but after entering a value of 1, SQL Server still allows queries to run as long as they need. I tried restarting the server instance, but that did not make any difference.
Again, I realize that the cause of this problem is the way that the queries are generated, but with so many parameters and so much data, fine tuning a solution in the design of the application may take some time. As of now, we are manually killing any spid associated with this app that has run over 10 or so minutes.
I abandoned the hope of finding a simple solution. If you're having a similar issue, here is what we did to address it:
We created a .net core console app that polls the database for queries running over a certain allotted time. The app looks at the login name and the amount of time it's been running and determines whether to kill the process.
Looking through the documentation on SqlCommand.Cancel, I think it might solve your issue.
If you were to create and start a Timer before you call ExecuteReader(), you could then keep track of how long the query is running, and eventually call the Cancel method yourself.
(Note: I wanted to add this as a comment but I don't have the reputation to be allowed to yet)