Eclipse - Different syntax highlighting for different file extensions - eclipse

I am using the Eclipse Color Theme plugin and would like to know if there is a way to associate specific color themes to groups of file extensions.
This is different than the default behavior which applies the current theme to all file extensions.


How do I enable file colors in VSCode?

"IntelliJ IDEA" has a feature that allows the user to customize the colors that project files, system files & library files are highlighted as. It even allows conditional coloring according to custom "scopes". Is there a way to do that in VS Code?

Adding color theme only for a specific language

I am in that lucky case where I am writing both the language syntax (tmLanguage file) and I'd like to write a custom coloring for that as well in my extension.
Is it possible to create a theme which does not interfere with the user's theme, just adds some extra to it? I only need some extra colors, because the common themes aren't colorful enough for my needs.
If I create a new theme I observed that it completely overwrites the previous one and loads specifically mine.
VSCode's builtin Dark+ theme does something like that: it extends / includes the regular Dark theme.
"include": "./dark_vs.json"
However, I guess this relies on relative file paths and the fact that they are both in the same directory, so you might have to ship copies of the themes with your extension for this to work.

Eclipse basic syntax font change

I use a company specific plugin to Eclipse IDE, to be able to view and modify our ERP system's script files.
When I change the syntax coloring, it is not affecting the base font color in the code editor.
Does anyone know which .jar file in Eclipse IDE folder I should modify to change the code's main/basic font color in Eclipse ?
I tried various context of syntax coloring in Eclipse's preferences ... and none of it works.
Any help much appreciated

How to combine multiple VS Code themes?

I come from Atom, where I had a way to define a UI theme, and a syntax theme.
Now with VS Code I'm using One Dark Pro theme, because I like how it styles the UI, but I would like to use a different syntax for the editors text.
Is there a way to combine multiple themes to obtain what I want?
As of VSCode 1.13, you cannot do this without creating your own theme. We are tracking Atom-style support for separate syntax and UI themes here:
You can manually combine themes however. See our built-in red theme for an example of using different files for the syntax theme definition (red.tmTheme) and the UI theme (Red-color-theme.json).

How to edit the text color in .txt files in Eclipse

I am using the Eclipse dark theme. A lot of my projects, however, require the use of text files for various reasons. Because the text is black, and the editor is black, I cannot read the text in these files if I view them in eclipse. I found where to change colors for things like .c .java etc (preferences->general->appearance->colors and fonts) but I don't see where I can change the text color for .txt files.
Is it possible to make .txt files readable in Eclipse's dark theme? Or do I need to switch back to the white theme?
I found an answer online which said to follow the path (General>Appearance>Editors>TextEditors) but I don't have this path. I assume the options hierarchy must have been updated in the last major release of Eclipse.
I was using Eclipse Luna. Upgrading to Eclipse Mars fixed my issue.