How to attach a flat file into informatica Email? - email

I want to send a mail to some users after workflow is done. This email should contain 3 xls file or 1 xls file with 3 sheets. The xls file contains a query result -less than 50 rows- which is loaded by a task dynamically on each run of the workflow.
So in Informatica I couldn't see an option inside the "Email" task to attach anything. Can you help me please?

You cannot send emails with attachments using the Email task (don't ask me why, I cannot imagine any reason for that and this is how it is).
However, sessions can send emails and these emails may contain attachments - the appropriate options are on the Components tab, the variable you need is %a<>.
More information: How to attach new files to email task?

cat filename | mailx -s "subject"
use mutt command to send files as attachments

At session level, in components tab we have option to send mail along with attachments.we have to provide path of the file as well using %a<> built in command.


How to delete all mail attachments of a set of mails

In order to save diskspace, I would like to remove all file attachments of a set of mails (let's say 100) in one folder.
I think this must be possible with Mutt and some scripting. For instance using the program altermime.
Ideally, a note is left in the mail specifying that an attachment of a given name has been deleted.
How could this be done?

How to publish a (csv, xlsx, etc) file from SAS DIS via email

So I have some SAS DIS jobs which create "kickout" data when run - by this I mean that if things run smoothly, none of the "kickout" data is generated, but it is known that there will be exceptions and I would like to have those exceptions put into a table and automatically emailed to me so that I am notified when something is behaving in a non-ideal manner.
I can create a transformation which will send an email containing the data I'm looking for, but the data is formatted as html and thus not in a form conducive to analysis. I'd like the transformation to email a .csv file which is more easily manipulated.
There is the option to send a .spk file but I'm having issues getting that to work and in any case am not sure it really suits my needs.
Is what I want possible, with or without the standard Publish to Email transformation provided by SAS DIS? Looking at the SAS DIS user guide I'm guessing that there is no pre-built transformation which does what I want, but can the base SAS code accomdate this requirement?
Thanks much!
The "Publish to Email transformation" uses ODS HTML to generate the output so you'll get a HTML output. If you want an XLS output then there is a way. You could change the extension of the output file to xls to generate xls file from the ODS HTML. This is an old way of generating xls from ODS HTML.
Now coming to the SPK file. This is something you should look into. Since you are looking into getting an xls/csv attachement which you can open and do some manipulation etc. SPK file is like a ZIP file. You can right click and unzip spk file. Basically you can put in all your files within a archive/spk file and get that emailed as attachement using the "Publish to Email Transformation"
To get this done, go to the properties of the "Publish to Email Transformation" and Under Publishing option=>
select Send report in an archive (.spk) file as an email attachment in the Select viewer file/attachment option field
provide folder/path where the spk file would be stored under Select path of where to store archive file containing report
provide the name of the spk file under Specify filename of archive file containing report
provide name=value pair of the package under Specify one or more desired package name/value pairs for package. For example this transformation is generating a PROC PRINT of an INPUT data set and the output file is c:\sushil\test.html then enter myname=(test.html) . The myname is for labeling purpose when you unzip the spk you should get test.html
Now Under REPORT SPECIFICATION option in the "Publish to Email Transformation" transformation select "Generate PROC PRINT from input table" and then enter the path and filename of generated report which based on our previous entry should be c:\sushil\test.html
Also, to select "Generate PROC PRINT from input table" you would need to right click the "Publish to Email Transformation" and select Ports -> Add Input Port. This how you can connect a table with the transformation. Now this is the minimum settings required to generate spk package from the transformation. Let me know if it helps!!
Note: This information is as per SAS DI Studio 4.6. I don't know if the transformation is updated in the newer version of DI Studio.

Splitting Emails with MIME::Parser

I got handed 4GB of emails concatenated into a single file and the suggestion that MIME::Parser could split the individual emails back out again. All my attempts to date end up with the parser just copying the original file without extracting any of the emails. So: Is this even something that MIME::Parser can handle? My code is very basic:
my $file = IO::File->new("somefile", O_RDONLY);
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
my $entity = $parser->parse($file);
Below is a link to sample date that some have requested. This is all SPAM and phishing emails. DO NOT CLICK ANY OF THE LINKS. Enjoy: Pastbin of 4KB of emails.
MIME::Parser is for reading a single Mail to get the attachments etc. It can be used to extract mails which are attached inside another mail as message/rfc822, but is is not intended to extract mails from some kind of archive with lots of mails in it concatenated.
It is not clear what format your single file with mails has. But if it comes from a UNIX system or from a Thunderbird installation it might simply be in the classical Mbox format and there are several tools to split Mbox files into separate messages. Apart from several perl modules there are also other tools like git-mailsplit which help you extract the mails from Mbox-format.

How can I open multiple attachments of the same name in an email, then move the sender of the attachment to a spreadsheet?

I have an internship and was recently assigned the tedious task of cleaning the email lists. My employer has sent me a series of email with email bounces as attachments, many at a time, all with the same name. I have considered ways of doing this most efficiently, I'm looking to avoid just clicking through like a slave. My thoughts were to create a macro using autohotkey's language, but I feel like maybe a batch file or some sort of Perl might do the same thing. Could anybody give me an idea as to how to do this, specifically with a batch file? Thanks in advance!
Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser parses bouncing email addresses out of delivery report messages.
If you don't know any perl, then I recommend that you first convert the mailbox into some format that stores each email in separate text files, like MH or similar.
At that point, you can trivially use the command grep _pattern_ | sed -e 's/:.*//' | sort | uniq > _list_ to obtain lists of all files matching _pattern_. You may inspect/edit this file _list_ to verify that the desired results were obtained.
You may then create another director junk or whatever and move all the files listed in _list_ into junk with a command like perl -e 'chomp; rename($_,"junk");' < _list_.
If you'll need this regularly, then you could automate this further, likely using perl alone, but a one off task will probably involve more messing about with getting the right message list.
Alternatively, you could load all the emails into a single folder in an sane mail reader, like Mac OS X's, and do simply search, select all, move/delete commands.

Powershell - MS Exchange E-mail Autoresponder

We've currently got an issue where we're receiving a lot of bounced e-mails (from an auto generated e-mail) back from people where a specified e-mail address is not valid (failure notice). I need to identify certain messages in the mailbox and respond automatically to them - as a newbie to Powershell I'm struggling a bit! I think I understand how to check for the occurrence of a string but I don't know how to iterate through an inbox to look at/get a handle on each message in turn and I don't know how to extract the subject or body text in order to analyse the contents and perform a string comparison. I fear this should be easy - but I can't find anything on the web that might do the job - can anyone help?
So just to clarify what you're looking for.
Mailbox A receives a large number of failure notice/bounce messages.
You'ld like your powershell script to search Mailbox A for every instance where the Subject line (or message body) contains "String X" and if there is a match, take some action?
Also, what version of Exchange are you using? You need to be at least on 2007 to use Exchange Command Shell. You'll then want to look over the Command Shell commands that can be run.
Look at the Exchange Message Tracking Log, and Pipe the results from one command you run to the next. Think of it like this...
(Run a command) | (Run another command on the results of the first command) | (Run a last command on the results of the second).
You can view an example on my website at:
While not exactly the same, it might get you moving in the right direction.