Sphero: How to make it move a given length - distance

I want to make the sphero move a given amount of centimeters ahead but so far i have not managed to get anything to work properly
This is the code i have now:
EditText distanceText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.distanceText);
int inputMSec = Integer.parseInt(distanceText.getText().toString());
int time = (inputMSec - inputMSec/2);
// The ball is given the RollCommand at half speed.
RollCommand.sendCommand(mRobot, heading,0.5f);
// A handler is created to delay the Stop command.
final Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
// Makes the ball stop
// The variable 'time' defines how long the ball rolls until it is told to stop.
}, time);
Is there any other command i can send to the ball instead of RollCommand?
Or can anyone find out what to do to the input from the EditText so that the distance turns out correct?

There's no API command that directly provides the ability to drive a given distance. The only way I now how is with an iterative strategy using the locator, which provides position information about the ball.
Here's an overview of the strategy. Let me know if you need more details.
Turn on data streaming and request locator position data. You should now have some callback giving you Sphero position ~20x a sec. The positions are (x, y) coordinates on the floor in centimeters.
Record the starting position of the ball (x0, y0).
At each point in time, compute the distance the ball has traveled so far using the Pythagorean theorem/distance formula.
Use this to figure out how far the ball has left to go. Call this distance D.
Give a roll command where the speed is computed from D.
The big question is: how do you decide what speed to command based on D? I had some success with a strategy something like this: (undoubtedly you can tune it up a lot better).
If the remaining distance D > 100cm, command full speed.
Between D = 10cm and D = 100cm, command power ranging from 30% to 100% (linearly).
If D < 10cm, command zero speed to make Sphero stop.
This worked pretty well. It would drive, slow down, and coast the last few inches to a stop. Problems with this algorithm include:
You have to tune it to prevent overshoot/undershoot.
When you want to command the ball to move only very short distance it doesn't work well, so you might have to tweak it to cover those cases.
Good luck!


Constrained knockback

I have a playing field which is divided in 4 zones (as seen on the image below)
The player (blue) is on the second zone while there are 2 enemies (red) on the third zone. When the player throws an object and hits the enemy, the enemy is knockbacked in the next zone (4) but should stay within that zone.
If the enemy was being hit on the edge of the zone, I want him to still be in the zone 4 and not outside of it (if he got knocked back). I'm not sure if the direction of the hit matters in the calculation. The horizontal position (x) between the zone can be random, but should be constrained by the edges of the zone.
Question: When the enemy is hit, I want to calculate the knockback position while being constrained to the zone he will be knockbacked to.
Note that it can be on any shape of playing field (triangular, hexagonal, circular, ...)
New components
You can use the NavMesh systems to compute the next position of the enemy.
You can find those classes (Components) on github. They are official component, but still in development if I remember well, that's why they are on github.
Now, you can find many tutos over the internet showing you how to use those classes. Here is one good example, thanks to Brackeys.
How it will work
Once you have downloaded thoses classes, you will be able to do as the following
I created a very basic scene in which a wolf needs to go to the cross position (on right part of the image) but is not allowed to go on the lightest blue on the map (right part of the image, you can see a line in the middle). So the navs components will compute the closest point, as shown as the middle of a circle (left part). You can manually add an offset not to be exactly on the edge if you want.
You can find more informations here.
This method computes the closest point of a given position.
Compute the knockback position
Regarding your comments, to compute the knockback position, there is differents ways :
Axis-based position
If your scene is as simple as those rules :
Left to right is X axis
Top to bottom is Y axis
(or the opposite)
Then you can do as the following :
public Vector3 GetKnockbackPosition(Vector3 startPosition, float force)
Vector3 res = startPosition;
res.x -= force; // Could be Z axis, depends on orientation
return res;
Not axis-based position
You can do as the following :
public Vector3 GetKnockbackPosition(Transform transformToKnockback, float force)
Vector3 res = transformToKnockback.position;
res -= transformToKnockback.forward * force;
return res;
Here you have the forward which will help you. You can substract this value and add a force factor to control the knockback force.
So once you have computed the position, you can use SamplePosition to adjust it, whether or not it is inside a zone.
Tell me if something is not properly explained.

Unity3D forcing object to a given orientation with minimum artificial effect

In my board game, the points are given by throwing 7 sea-shells cowry shell. These shells are dropped onto a sphere in Unity so they get rolled over randomly to different places. Once the rigidbody.isSleeping() returns true, I do a Raycast(from the belly side downwards) to figure out the orientation of the shell. If it is NOT a hit we know the shells belly is turned upside which means a point.
All is good and very realistic when in single player mode. Reason is I just activate the gravity of the shells and they dropped on to sphere, gets rolled randomly and when stopped i get the marks as stated above.
Now the problem is I am making the game multiplayer. In this case, I sent the randomly generated marks from the server and client will have to animate the shells to represent the marks. For example, if server send 3, out of 7 shells, 3 should have it's belly turned upside.
Trying to do this has been a major problem for me. I tried to transform.Rotate() when the velocity is reduced but it was not very reliable and sometimes acts crazy. Rotating afterrigidbody.isSleeping() works but very unrealistic.
I know I am trying to defy physics here, but there may be some ways to achieve what I want with minimum artificial effect.
I actually need some ideas.
Update - 1
After infor I receive below, I did found some information here, some advanced stuff here. Since the latter link had some advanced stuff, I wanted to start small. So I followed the first link and did below test.
I recorded the position, rotation & velocity of the sea shell with autosimulation enabled and logged them to a file. Then i used the Physics.Simulate() for the same scenario and logged the same.
Comparing the two tells me that data in both cases are kind of similar. So seems like for my requirements I need to simulate the sea-shell drop and then apply that sequence to the actual object.
Now my problem is how can I apply the results of physics.simulate() results (position, rotation, velocity etc..) to the actual sea-shell so the animation can be seen. If I set the positions to my gameobject within the simulation loop nothing happens.
public void Simulate()
rbdy = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rbdy.AddForce(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 10f));
rbdy.useGravity = true;
rbdy.mass = 1f;
//Simulate where it will be in 5 seconds
int i = 0;
while (simulateTime >= Time.fixedDeltaTime)
simulateTime -= Time.fixedDeltaTime;
Debug.Log($"position: {rbdy.position.ToString()} rotation: {rbdy.rotation.ToString()} Velocity {rbdy.velocity.magnitude}");
gameObject.transform.position = rbdy.position;
So, how can I get this simulated data applied to actual gameobject in the scene?
Assume Physics are deterministic, just set the velocity and position and let it simulate on each client. Output should be the same. If the output differs slighly, you could adjust it and it may be only barely noticable.
Physics.simulate may be interesting to read, even if it's kind of the opposite of what you want.
You can throw in the client, record the steps in realtime or using physics.simulate (see point 2) and transmit the animation data as binary - then use it in the other clients to play the animation.

Lerp with Time.deltaTime

I have a question about Lerp. So I know that lerp helps you to move your object like:
void update(){
transform.position = vector3.lerp(start.position,end.position, (Time.time / 1000));
this will get your object to your endposition.
But if you have this code:
void Update(){
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position,
speed * 3.0f * Time.deltaTime);
How is it possible that your object arrives at your destination, the 3th parameter of lerp has to reaches slowly 1 so your objects arrives at your destination. But "speed" , "3.0" , "Time.deltaTime" will always be the same, so how is it possible that your object arrives at your destination?
So the big question: Is it possible to do the lerp with some variables, which have always the same value and with Time.deltaTime?
Now, because of the different comments etc. I don't know exactly how lerp works, i have to possibilities:
1.) First i thought it works like this:
The c value has to change every frame to move the object. If the c value is 0.2 your object will moved 20% of the way and if the c value doesn't change the object will always be on 20% of the way. So the get the object moved fluently your c value have to change every frame a little so you c value will go from 0 to 1 and so is your object going from start to destination.
Or is it like this
2.) Because of several comments i thought lerp works like this
Like the comments say, the c value doesn't have to change the value, becaue if you have c = 0.2 you will pass 20% of the way and the next frame, if c is still 0.2 you will pass 20% of the remaining way and so on.
So is it lerp working like 1(you have to change c) or is it working like 2(you don't have to change c)
The distance between your transform position and the destination is an exponential decay. The distance shrinks by (1 - speed) every frame (given that speed is less than 1). Say your game is supposed to run at 60FPS. If for whatever reason the frame rate drops to 30FPS, the deltaTime is gonna be twice as big and you’re supposed to execute the Lerp 2 times. In such case, the distance will shrink by (1 - speed) then (1 - speed) again yielding a result of (1 - speed)^2 shrinkage. From this, you can generalize that the shrink amount of the distance is (1 - speed) ^ (deltaTime / baseDeltaTime) with baseDeltaTime being the deltaTime the game is supposed to run at i.e. 1/60 (for 60FPS).
To put in code:
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, destination.position, 1 - Mathf.Pow(1 - speed * 3.0f, Time.deltaTime * 60));
The object reaches the goal because your start position is the current position, and after lerping, you set the position of the object to the resulting position of Lerp. If you change your starting position to a normal Vector3 it would Lerp to "speed * Time.deltaTime * 3f"
I guess you didn't understand that how lerp works in unity. I will recommend you this Article of Robbert How to Lerp like a pro.
I see this sort of thing far too often:
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, Time.deltaTime);
The person posting it is usually convinced that Vector3.Lerp is
“broken”, but the real problem is that they’re not using it correctly.
Lerp, short for “linear interpolation” does one very simple thing:
given two values, x and y, it returns a value that is t percent
between them. If you expect the output to change, the arguments you
pass in need to reflect that!
In the example above, it doesn’t make sense to just pass in
Time.deltaTime, because that’s only the time that passed during the
most recent frame. If your game is running at a constant 50fps, that’s
always going to be 0.02.
myLocation = Mathf.Lerp(myLocation, myDestination, 0.02)
If you are storing the return of the Lerp function into a variable and then also using that same variable as the minimum value in that same Lerp function, then the min value is getting bigger and bigger everytime the function is called.
So, even though you're not changing T, you're changing the starting value and thus, the stored value gets closer and closer to the max value.
It will accelerate very quickly initially and then slow down the closer it gets to the max value. Also, the max value will either never be reached or take an extremely long time.
(See https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/149103/why-use-time-deltatime-in-lerping-functions)
There are two common ways to use Lerp:
1. Linear blending between a start and an end
progress = Mathf.Clamp01(progress + speedPerTick);
current = Mathf.Lerp(start, end, progress);
2. Exponential ease toward a target
current = Mathf.Lerp(current, target, sharpnessPerTick);
Note that in this version the current value appears as both the output and an input. It displaces the start variable, so we're always starting from wherever we moved to on the last update. This is what gives this version of Lerp a memory from one frame to the next. From this moving starting point, we then then move a fraction of the distance toward the target dictated by a sharpness parameter.
This parameter isn't quite a "speed" anymore, because we approach the target in a Zeno-like fashion. If sharpnessPerTick were 0.5, then on the first update we'd move halfway to our goal. Then on the next update we'd move half the remaining distance (so a quarter of our initial distance). Then on the next we'd move half again...
This gives an "exponential ease-out" where the movement is fast when far from the target and gradually slows down as it approaches asymptotically (though with infinite-precision numbers it will never reach it in any finite number of updates - for our purposes it gets close enough). It's great for chasing a moving target value, or smoothing a noisy input using an "exponential moving average," usually using a very small sharpnessPerTick parameter like 0.1 or smaller.

Camera: "Linear" zoom

I want to move a camera closer to an object in Unity, so that the zooming is linear. Take a look at the zooming in the Scene window in the Unity Editor. The camera isn't moving with a constant speed. The more zoomed in you are, the slower the camera moves. And I do want to move the camera, I don't want to change the FOV.
First off, yes do not use the FOV to do that, it would be a massive pain to control the movement. Being in low FOV, would mean you are focus on a tiny part and movement would be hard to control since one unit would be a large movement in small FOV. Also, a large FOV creates fish eye effect. So nope.
One way you could achieve this fast to slow effect is to use a distance to define the amount of movement
Let's consider you use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, you listens to the value and create a movement based on that.
float movement = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
if(movement == 0)
Transform camTr = Camera.main.transform;
float distance = Vector3.Distance(camTr.position, origin.position) + 1;
camTr.Translate(camTr.forward * distance * movement * Time.deltaTime * speed);
speed variable is meant to control how fast regardless of the distance. Distance gets a plus 1 so you can still move while real close to the origin.
The origin position needs to be defined, it could be based on a raycast going forward from the camera and hitting at y = 0. Just an idea. It could also be a focused object, that all depends on what you are doing.
The whole point here is that your camera will move faster if you are far from the focus point. Also, you may want to clamp the movement so that begin far away does not result in gigantic movement.
i propose you to use FOV (because player feel good)
1- use Transform.localPosition to change distance of camera to near or far - you should change z axis to changing distance of camera
2- use camera rendertotexture and in GUI change scale of it ( isn't good because need pro unity license and get allot of memory);
but can't know whats reason for you want forget changing FOV
One step of perspective projection of a point is the division by distance of that point. This means that the projected size of any object does not change linearly with its distance.
projectedSize = originalSize / distance
So if you want to approach an object in a way that its projected size grows linearly, you'll have to change your distance non-linearly.
We do this by also dividing the distance by some value f. The exact value of f depends on the stepSize and (I think) the FoV of your camera.
By using FixedUpdate() instead of Update() we make sure we have a constant stepSize which allows us to assume f as being constant as well.
void FixedUpdate()
newDistance = oldDistance / f;
For the definition of f you can use any value bigger than, but close to 1. For example f = 1.01f. This will approximate the desired behaviour quite well. If you want it to be perfectly linear, you'll have to dig deeper into the calculations behind perspective projection and calculate the exact value of f yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_projection#Perspective_projection

Calculate fall time in SpriteKit

I am using SpriteKit and I need to calculate the fall time of an object (since it changes depending on the screen size). The problem is that the gravity of the scene is given in m/s^2, but all distances are measured in points.
I have tried to find the conversion between points and meters, but it was not very successful.
Any suggestions in how to deal with it?
You may be able to use something like this (A distance calculator written by another on StackOverflow) to calculate the distance between your node and the point directly below it near the ground or another empty node, then plug that distance into an equation to calculate the time.
Unfortunately, I can't give you any code because I've never tried this myself.