Downloading "mobileconfig" file from an App - iphone

My org is creating an app, that will have certain wifi hotspots listed in a mobile config file, so that the user does not have to write the password for these wifi when he is in range.
I know this can be done using .mobileconfig file. But I have serious doubts.
Here are few questions regarding the app:
Can .mobileconfig file be created programatically. I cannot find a link to how to cretae this programatically (not using iPCU).
Will Apple allow an app that creates .mobileconfig file and asks the user to download it and install it, so as to change the wifi settings?
Is making the user download this .mobileconfig file only possible via Safari or Mail? Is there any way that this file be opened directly from the app to the settings screen?
Thanks in advance. :)

1) Yes it can. It can be created as an XML file. In fact, you can open and edit an unsigned .mobileconfig file in a text editor and edit the fields. Keep in mind that if it's signed then any edits to the file will require you to re-sign it.
2) Apple will allow an app that downloads and installs a .mobileconfig via Safari, I've seen one on the App Store that does this.
3) Safari + Mail are the only ways to open them(on iOS).


iOS - How to locate all files on my IPad/IPhone through Objective-C

I am writing an App that will allow users to browse through all files of a certain extension (say PDF, XLS) on my IPhone/IPad. The App will then upload the file to a server.
The App should be able to locate files which are not located in its sandbox directories.
How can this be done in Objective-C?
Thanks a lot.
This is not possible. Your app cannot access files or directories outside of its sandbox.
You can enable users to open documents from other applications into your application and then send them to the server. In the application, you must specify what type of documents you want to open (UTI).
You can't do this. Your app can only access files inside its sandbox directory unless the device is jailbroken. If your app even attempts to read files outside of the sandbox, it will be rejected from the App Store.

Transfer file from Mac/PC to iPhone App Document folder

I want to transfer file from system (mac/Pc), which is present on my iPhone wifi network, to the document folder of my iPhone App.The scenario of my App is this, it will browse the system which are present in it's network. select any file(such as .pdf or ,docx) from that system(mac/Pc), copy it into the document folder of the APP and than use it with in the APP.During my search i come across the link iPhone : Transfer of files from Mac/Pc to app i have not found the detail instruction document, how to use it. Is Apple support any API or farm work to do this ? Please guide me
This is called iTunes file sharing. In the most simple way, you simply set the UIFileSharingEnabled key in your Info.plist file to YES. See for example this tutorial.
Rewriting itunes is not a simple task but I recommend you a clever and easier solution:
Implement a simple webserver on your iOS app. Write a windows application which will connect to your iOS app through wifi network. Then transfer the necessary files this way: you will send a file to you app, then your app should save it in documents directory.

Downloading files for UIWebView to specific folder on IPhone

I have made an app that displays my website from a UIWebView and it takes you to a store that you can download files. My question is that I need to download a '.zip'file from my website using the app to the IPhone. Heres is my problem. I don't want the file to goto the App's Document folder, I want it to goto a folder that is outside of my applications folder. Here is an example path I might want my file to goto EX:'var/mobile/Library/Downloads'. If there is not a way to download the files to a path outside of the app's folder, is there a way to transfer the specific file that I have downloaded from my website using the my app to another folder that is not located in my app's folders? I know this can be done because I have used apps that have done this, of course they were apps only available on Cydia. This is also an app that will be used for Jail-broken users just for your information!
Thanks for any help!
Any "regular" iphone app runs in a sandbox that prevents access to system wide directories. Practically, you only have access to the app Home Directory.
Unless you go for a jailbroken app, you have no other options than storing to the App docs folder.
Read "The Application Sandbox" and "The File System" [here] for more details1.
I am not an expert on cydia, but the general idea is gaining access as root and then write to where you need to. This can be done by replacing your app with a suid shell script that will in turn exec your app (which will have root privileges now and then be able to go out of the sandbox).
For more info look at this.

Sharing files between iPhones and PC

Im looking to see how I can share / export content from my app to allow the content to be imported in the app running on another device.
Something like if you get emailed a pdf file or word file it opens in the correct app when tapped.
I tried using the iTunes sharing approach but that allowed full access to the apps documents folder which allowed the user to mess around with content they should not be allowed to!
The content in the app will be a bundled group of images, text and audio so could be large in size so was thinking of how to transfer easily from within the app to a PC of some file sharing service that would allow the target user to then select this content from within there app and have it imported available to use.
Is this a big ask?
The 1Password app uses DropBox and it seems to work quiet well.

mobileconfig file and safari

I've created a mobileconfig file and deployed it to webstore. To install mobileconfig file on iPhone i need to either send it in a mail or user can type webstore URL on iphone safari to install it. But my question here is: Will it be possible to create a webview interface or something else and install mobileconfig file silently on the phone? I am asking this because i already have an app where i would like to integrate this rather ask user to go to a URL and install the file. Will it be possible?
I'd be concerned if there was no user consent when installing a mobileconfig file - sounds like a very bad idea incase someone where to implant some rogue settings.
Its good that a user can inspect what the mobileconfig file does before they accept it.