Postgres SELECT values where only some columns respect WHERE clause - postgresql

I have a table that I wish to select from. I want to select the same column twice, once with some date based filtering in the WHERE clause, and again without the filtering. How can I go about doing this?

Use a UNION query, possibly with a CTE.
You haven't provided table definitions so I can't provide real SQL. You're looking for something like this:
FROM thetable
WHERE ...datefilter ...
FROM thetable
WHERE ... otherfilter...;
You may find common table expressions ("WITH" queries) useful too.


Pivot function without manually typing values in `for in`?

Documentation provides an example of using the pivot() function.
FROM (SELECT partname, price FROM part) PIVOT (
AVG(price) FOR partname IN ('prop', 'rudder', 'wing')
I would like to use pivot() without having to manually specify each value of partname. I want all parts. I tried:
FROM (SELECT partname, price FROM part) PIVOT (
AVG(price) FOR partname);
That gave an error. Then tried:
FROM (SELECT partname, price FROM part) PIVOT (
AVG(price) FOR partname IN (select distinct partname from part)
That also threw an error.
How can I tell Redshift to include all values of partname in the pivot?
I don't think this can be done in a simple single query. This would mean that the query compiler would need to work without knowing how many output columns will be produced. I don't think it can do that.
You can do this in multiple queries - use a query to create the list of partnames and then use this to "generate" a second query that populates the IN list. So something needs issue these queries and generated the second. This can be some code external to Redshift (lots of options) or a stored procedure in Redshift. This code, no matter where it exists, should understand that Redshift has a max number of columns limit - 1,600.
The Redshift docs are fairly good on the topic of dynamic SQL for stored procedures. The EXECUTE statement will be used to fire off the second query in a stored procedure. See:

Full outer join with different WHERE clauses in Knex.js for PostgreSQL

I try to get a single row with two columns showing aggregation results: one column should show the total sum based on one WHERE-clause while the other column should show the total sum based on a different WHERE clause.
Desired output:
amount_vic amount_qld
100 70
In raw PostgreSQL I could write something like that:
sum(a.amount) as amount_vic,
sum(b.amount) as amount_qld
from mytable a
full outer join mytable b on 1=1
where a.state='vic' and b.state= 'qld'
Question: How do I write this or a similar query that returns the desired outcome in knex.js? For example: the 'on 1=1' probably needs knex.raw() and I think the table and column aliases do not work for me and it always returns some errors.
One of my not-working-attempts in knex.js:
.sum({ amount_vic: 'a.amount' })
.sum({ amount_qld: 'b.amount' })
.raw('full outer join mytable on 1=1')
a.state: 'vic',
b.state: 'qld'
Thank you for your help.
Disclaimer: this does not answer the Knex part of the question - but it is too long for a comment.
Although your current query does what you want, the way it is phrased seems suboptimal. There is not need to generate a self-cartesian product here - which is what full join ... on 1 = 1 does. You can just use conditional aggregation.
In Postgres, you would phrase this as:
sum(amount) filter(where state = 'vic') amount_vic,
sum(amount) filter(where state = 'qld') amount_qld
from mytable
where state in ('vic', 'qld')
I don't know Knex so I cannot tell how to translate the query to it. Maybe this query is easier for you to translate.

web2py select distinct values

I have a table like col1, col2, col3, col4, col5. I want to select distinct values of col3 and my query looks like below:
db().select(db.table.col1, db.table.col3, distinct=db.table.col3)
The query fails.
Except maybe when using postgresql as mentioned by #Anthony, for all other relational databases (afaik) distinct cannot be applied to individual fields part of the resultset, other then all fields. Web2py relects this in the parameter use. This can be set to True, or to all fields requested. As is in the book, from which i quoted the relevant for your convenience.
If you use sqlite use the groupby as mentioned by Anthony and apply aggregates for example: db().select(db.table.col1.max(), db.table.col3.max(), groupby=db.table.col3)
Hope this helps.
From the web2py manual, aggregates section:
With the argument distinct=True, you can specify that you only want to select distinct records. This has the same effect as grouping using all specified fields except that it does not require sorting. When using distinct it is important not to select ALL fields, and in particular not to select the "id" field, else all records will always be distinct.
Here is an example:
>>> for row in db().select(, distinct=True):
Notice that distinct can also be an expression for example:
>>> for row in db().select(,
If you set distinct to an expression (such as a Field object), it results in the DISTINCT ON SQL statement, which I believe is not supported in SQLite. It should work in PostgreSQL, though. As an alternative, you can try:
db().select(db.table.col1, db.table.col3, groupby=db.table.col3)
Either way, though, you might be missing some distinct values of col1, as you are not doing any aggregation.

Multiple attributes condition in T-SQL

I'd like to check if a "couple" of attributes is in a the result of another request.
I tried the following query but the syntax isn't good.
FROM Table1
WHERE (Col_01, Col_02) IN
SELECT Col_01, Col_02
FROM Table2
Is-it possible to do something like that in T-SQL ?
You can use EXISTS and a correlated subquery:
FROM Table1 t1
FROM Table2 t2
WHERE t2.Col_01 = t1.Col_01 AND
t2.Col_02 = t1.Col_02
You initial attempt was a good one though - some database systems do allow us to use rowset constructors to create arbitrary tuples, and the syntax is quite similar to what you showed, but they're not supported in T-SQL in this part of the syntax, so you have to go this slightly more verbose route.

Combine dynamic columns with select query

I am using a PostgreSQL database. I have one select query:
select userid, name, age from tbluser;
Now there is another table, tblcalculatedtax, which is generated on the fly and their column names are not predefined, the only mapping between that table and this table is userid. I want to get records after joining two tables. How can I get that?
FROM tbluser
JOIN tblcalculatedtax USING (userid)
Details in the fine manual about SELECT.
Your need SQL Joins. Here's a W3Schools tutorial:
To quickly answer your question, though:
SELECT * FROM tbluser
INNER JOIN tblcalculatedtax
ON tbluser.userid=tblcalculatedtext.userid
The * selects all the columns, so you don't need to know their names. Of course, I'm not sure what use a column is to you if you don't know it's name: do you know what data it contains?