Which portlet_2_0.tld is best to use? - portlet

We have many vendor specific "portlet_2_0.tld" files for portlet development. I am developing portlets with JSR 286 standard. I want my portlet to be deployed into all the portal servers. In case if i use vendor specific tld files, then my portlet will be deviated from standard.
Here, I looking for information like which tld file is best for standard portlet development.
Some of the TLD files below,
sun-portlet_2_0.tld - from Sun,
liferay-portlet.tld - from liferay, XXX - may be from some other vendor.

The definition of tag library is a part of JSR 286 (http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=286). The Portal vendor impliments the specification, so if you use only the
<%# taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %> you can deploy this portlet on each portal implementation that support JSR 286


Where do I place my templates for Blog-related mail notifications in Liferay 7.0?

The documentation states that I can configure the liferay server to use my own templates for the email messages. Specifically, if I add these properties to a portal-ext-env.properties in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/liferay:
Liferay will supposedly use the templates in the specified paths (com/liferay/portlet/blogs/dependencies/email_entry_added_subject.tmpl and com/liferay/portlet/blogs/dependencies/email_entry_added_body.tmpl). The thing is, it's not very clear what these paths are relative to. Are these files relative to $CATALINA_BASE? For example, would the above configuration result in Liferay looking up $CATALINA_BASE/com/liferay/portlet/blogs/dependencies/email_entry_added_body.tmpl for creating the body of an email message? If this is not the case, where does Liferay lookup templates for Blog-related email messages?
After some digging, I've found that you place the templates in the $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes folder. Paths that you reference in the properties (e.g. blogs.email.entry.added.body=${resource:com/liferay/portlet/blogs/dependencies/email_entry_added_body.tmpl}) are relative to the aforementioned classes folder.
So, if I wanted Liferay to use a template file in the ff. relative path: org/foo/my_email_entry_added_body.tmpl, I would do two things:
Place the file in $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/org/foo/my_email_entry_added_body.tmpl.
Add the following line to $CATALINA_BASE/portal-ext-env.properties: blogs.email.entry.added.body=${resource:org/foo/my_email_entry_added_body.tmpl}.
I consulted my co-worker and got a better understanding of why this is. The architecture of a Liferay application is such that it comes bundled with a Tomcat server. According to the documentation, WEB-INF/classes is a directory that a web app deployed to a Tomcat server looks up for classes and resources:
A class loader is created for each web application that is deployed in a single Tomcat instance. All unpacked classes and resources in the /WEB-INF/classes directory of your web application, plus classes and resources in JAR files under the /WEB-INF/lib directory of your web application, are made visible to this web application, but not to other ones.
Specifically, this folder is high in priorty in the web app's classpath.
When you see Liferay code similar to ${resource:path/to/foo}, it's looking up resources in its classpath. One of the paths in that classpath is WEB-INF/classes. Hence, if path/to/foo is placed in WEB-INF/classes, Liferay will find path/to/foo there.

The content of the input field is not being rendered in the myresponse.xhtml file [duplicate]

I have some Facelets files like below.
|-- index.xhtml
|-- register.xhtml
|-- templates
| |--userForm.xhtml
| `--banner.xhtml
Both pages are using templates from /templates directory. My /index.xhtml opens fine in browser. I get the generated HTML output. I have a link in /index.xhtml file to /register.xhtml file.
However, my /register.xhtml is not getting parsed and returns as plain XHTML / raw XML instead of its generated HTML output. All EL expressions in form of #{...} are displayed as-is instead of that their results are being printed. When I rightclick page in browser and do View page source, then I still see the original XHTML source code instead of the generated HTML output. For example, the <h:body> did not become a <body>. It looks like that the template is not being executed.
However, when I open the /register.xhtml like /faces/register.xhtml in browser's address bar, then it displays correctly. How is this caused and how can I solve it?
There are three main causes.
FacesServlet is not invoked.
XML namespace URIs are missing or wrong.
Multiple JSF implemenations have been loaded.
1. Make sure that URL matches FacesServlet mapping
The URL of the link (the URL as you see in browser's address bar) has to match the <url-pattern> of the FacesServlet as definied in web.xml in order to get all the JSF works to run. The FacesServlet is the one responsible for parsing the XHTML file, collecting submitted form values, performing conversion/validation, updating models, invoking actions and generating HTML output. If you don't invoke the FacesServlet by URL, then all you would get (and see via rightclick, View Source in browser) is indeed the raw XHTML source code.
If the <url-pattern> is for example *.jsf, then the link should point to /register.jsf and not /register.xhtml. If it's for example /faces/*, like you have, then the link should point to /faces/register.xhtml and not /register.xhtml. One way to avoid this confusion is to just change the <url-pattern> from /faces/* to *.xhtml. The below is thus the ideal mapping:
If you can't change the <url-pattern> to *.xhtml for some reason, then you probably would also like to prevent endusers from directly accessing XHTML source code files by URL. In that case you can add a <security-constraint> on the <url-pattern> of *.xhtml with an empty <auth-constraint> in web.xml which prevents that:
<display-name>Restrict direct access to XHTML files</display-name>
<web-resource-name>XHTML files</web-resource-name>
<auth-constraint />
JSF 2.3 which was introduced April 2017 has already solved all of above by automatically registering the FacesServlet on an URL pattern of *.xhtml during webapp's startup. The alternative is thus to simply upgrade to latest available JSF version which should be JSF 2.3 or higher. But ideally you should still explicitly register the FacesServlet on only one URL pattern of *.xhtml because having multiple possible URLs for exactly the same resource like /register.xhtml, /register.jsf, /register.faces and /faces/register.xhtml is bad for SEO.
See also:
Set default home page via <welcome-file> in JSF project
Opening JSF Facelets page shows "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it."
Sometimes I see JSF URL is *.jsf, sometimes *.xhtml and sometimes /faces/*. Why?
JavaServer Faces 2.2 and HTML5 support, why is XHTML still being used
Which XHTML files do I need to put in /WEB-INF and which not?
Our servlets wiki - to learn the mandatory basics about servlets
2. Make sure that XML namespaces match JSF version
Since introduction of JSF 2.2, another probable cause is that XML namespaces don't match the JSF version. The xmlns.jcp.org like below is new since JSF 2.2 and does not work in older JSF versions. The symptoms are almost the same as if the FacesServlet is not invoked.
<html lang="en"
If you can't upgrade to JSF 2.2 or higher, then you need to use the old java.sun.com XML namespaces instead:
<html lang="en"
But ideally you should always use the latest version where available.
See also:
Which XML namespace to use with JSF 2.2 and up
JSF tags not executed
Warning: This page calls for XML namespace http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/XXX declared with prefix XXX but no taglibrary exists for that namespace
3. Multiple JSF implementations have been loaded
One more probable cause is that multiple JSF implementations have been loaded by your webapp, conflicting and corrupting each other. For example, when your webapp's runtime classpath is polluted with multiple different versioned JSF libraries, or in the specific Mojarra 2.x + Tomcat 8.x combination, when there's an unnecessary ConfigureListener entry in webapp's web.xml causing it to be loaded twice.
<!-- You MUST remove this one from web.xml! -->
<!-- This is actually a workaround for buggy GlassFish3 and Jetty servers. -->
<!-- When leaving this in and you're targeting Tomcat, you'll run into trouble. -->
When using Maven, make absolutely sure that you declare the dependencies the right way and that you understand dependency scopes. Importantingly, do not bundle dependencies in webapp when those are already provided by the target server.
See also:
Configuration of com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
How to properly install and configure JSF libraries via Maven?
Make sure that you learn JSF the right way
JSF has a very steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with basic HTTP, HTML and Servlets. There are a lot of low quality resources on the Internet. Please ignore code snippet scraping sites maintained by amateurs with primary focus on advertisement income instead of on teaching, such as roseindia, tutorialspoint, javabeat, baeldung, etc. They are easily recognizable by disturbing advertising links/banners. Also please ignore resources dealing with jurassic JSF 1.x. They are easily recognizable by using JSP files instead of XHTML files. JSP as view technology was deprecated since JSF 2.0 at 2009 already.
To get started the right way, start at our JSF wiki page and order an authoritative book.
See also:
Java / Jakarta EE web development, where do I start and what skills do I need?
What is the need of JSF, when UI can be achieved with JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and AngularJS

WildFly returns just "not found" no 404 [duplicate]

I have some Facelets files like below.
|-- index.xhtml
|-- register.xhtml
|-- templates
| |--userForm.xhtml
| `--banner.xhtml
Both pages are using templates from /templates directory. My /index.xhtml opens fine in browser. I get the generated HTML output. I have a link in /index.xhtml file to /register.xhtml file.
However, my /register.xhtml is not getting parsed and returns as plain XHTML / raw XML instead of its generated HTML output. All EL expressions in form of #{...} are displayed as-is instead of that their results are being printed. When I rightclick page in browser and do View page source, then I still see the original XHTML source code instead of the generated HTML output. For example, the <h:body> did not become a <body>. It looks like that the template is not being executed.
However, when I open the /register.xhtml like /faces/register.xhtml in browser's address bar, then it displays correctly. How is this caused and how can I solve it?
There are three main causes.
FacesServlet is not invoked.
XML namespace URIs are missing or wrong.
Multiple JSF implemenations have been loaded.
1. Make sure that URL matches FacesServlet mapping
The URL of the link (the URL as you see in browser's address bar) has to match the <url-pattern> of the FacesServlet as definied in web.xml in order to get all the JSF works to run. The FacesServlet is the one responsible for parsing the XHTML file, collecting submitted form values, performing conversion/validation, updating models, invoking actions and generating HTML output. If you don't invoke the FacesServlet by URL, then all you would get (and see via rightclick, View Source in browser) is indeed the raw XHTML source code.
If the <url-pattern> is for example *.jsf, then the link should point to /register.jsf and not /register.xhtml. If it's for example /faces/*, like you have, then the link should point to /faces/register.xhtml and not /register.xhtml. One way to avoid this confusion is to just change the <url-pattern> from /faces/* to *.xhtml. The below is thus the ideal mapping:
If you can't change the <url-pattern> to *.xhtml for some reason, then you probably would also like to prevent endusers from directly accessing XHTML source code files by URL. In that case you can add a <security-constraint> on the <url-pattern> of *.xhtml with an empty <auth-constraint> in web.xml which prevents that:
<display-name>Restrict direct access to XHTML files</display-name>
<web-resource-name>XHTML files</web-resource-name>
<auth-constraint />
JSF 2.3 which was introduced April 2017 has already solved all of above by automatically registering the FacesServlet on an URL pattern of *.xhtml during webapp's startup. The alternative is thus to simply upgrade to latest available JSF version which should be JSF 2.3 or higher. But ideally you should still explicitly register the FacesServlet on only one URL pattern of *.xhtml because having multiple possible URLs for exactly the same resource like /register.xhtml, /register.jsf, /register.faces and /faces/register.xhtml is bad for SEO.
See also:
Set default home page via <welcome-file> in JSF project
Opening JSF Facelets page shows "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it."
Sometimes I see JSF URL is *.jsf, sometimes *.xhtml and sometimes /faces/*. Why?
JavaServer Faces 2.2 and HTML5 support, why is XHTML still being used
Which XHTML files do I need to put in /WEB-INF and which not?
Our servlets wiki - to learn the mandatory basics about servlets
2. Make sure that XML namespaces match JSF version
Since introduction of JSF 2.2, another probable cause is that XML namespaces don't match the JSF version. The xmlns.jcp.org like below is new since JSF 2.2 and does not work in older JSF versions. The symptoms are almost the same as if the FacesServlet is not invoked.
<html lang="en"
If you can't upgrade to JSF 2.2 or higher, then you need to use the old java.sun.com XML namespaces instead:
<html lang="en"
But ideally you should always use the latest version where available.
See also:
Which XML namespace to use with JSF 2.2 and up
JSF tags not executed
Warning: This page calls for XML namespace http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/XXX declared with prefix XXX but no taglibrary exists for that namespace
3. Multiple JSF implementations have been loaded
One more probable cause is that multiple JSF implementations have been loaded by your webapp, conflicting and corrupting each other. For example, when your webapp's runtime classpath is polluted with multiple different versioned JSF libraries, or in the specific Mojarra 2.x + Tomcat 8.x combination, when there's an unnecessary ConfigureListener entry in webapp's web.xml causing it to be loaded twice.
<!-- You MUST remove this one from web.xml! -->
<!-- This is actually a workaround for buggy GlassFish3 and Jetty servers. -->
<!-- When leaving this in and you're targeting Tomcat, you'll run into trouble. -->
When using Maven, make absolutely sure that you declare the dependencies the right way and that you understand dependency scopes. Importantingly, do not bundle dependencies in webapp when those are already provided by the target server.
See also:
Configuration of com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
How to properly install and configure JSF libraries via Maven?
Make sure that you learn JSF the right way
JSF has a very steep learning curve for those unfamiliar with basic HTTP, HTML and Servlets. There are a lot of low quality resources on the Internet. Please ignore code snippet scraping sites maintained by amateurs with primary focus on advertisement income instead of on teaching, such as roseindia, tutorialspoint, javabeat, baeldung, etc. They are easily recognizable by disturbing advertising links/banners. Also please ignore resources dealing with jurassic JSF 1.x. They are easily recognizable by using JSP files instead of XHTML files. JSP as view technology was deprecated since JSF 2.0 at 2009 already.
To get started the right way, start at our JSF wiki page and order an authoritative book.
See also:
Java / Jakarta EE web development, where do I start and what skills do I need?
What is the need of JSF, when UI can be achieved with JavaScript libraries such as jQuery and AngularJS

CQ5 - Separate out a servlet's business logic into a standalone bundle

I am new to java, osgi, bundles, cq5 console etc..
Can someone please point me to a tutorial or a starting point from where I can learn how to do what I am trying to achieve.
Basically we have common search functionality in 3-4 CQ5 websites, all of which reside on a single cq instance. This same functionality is implemented in all websites as a servlet and is called from client side using javascript. Redundant code....
We would like to:
a) take this servlet's code out from all the websiteName-core bundles where it resides repeatedly as of now.
b) create a single separate standalone installable OSGI bundle which only contains a servlet.
Then we would like to call this single separated out bundle from all our CQ5 websites's client side.
Aprt from code redundancy, we wish to make this common search bundle shippable so that other development teams can use it in their projects by just installing it in their console and calling the servlet.
Long story short. I want to create an OSGI bundle that has a servlet.
I wish to have an understanding of the whole game here and would prefer to get a tutorial link that explains it from start to end.
You can start by turning the search code into a separate maven multi module project.The archetype and instructions for creating one can be found on adobe's documentation site (link)
The maven multimodule project will have two module's Bundle and content. Bundle will hold all the servlets, OSGI services and back-end stuff. The content module will have all the UI and authoring related stuff like templates and components. It maps to the repository on the CQ server. The UI nodes are serialized and stored on flat file systems as XML documents.
Since it is a maven project on it's own, it's dependencies will be self contained. In the bundle module add the search servlet and all the required classes. The compiled package of this project will be shippable.
As long as the package is installed in the server, any other website will be able to make calls to it.
Servlets in sling are implemented as OSGI services of javax.servlet.Servlet class. Any exported service of the Servlet class will be recognized by the sling servlet resolver, You can get more details of it at this link
Sharath Madappa's answer is correct if you want to create a set of related bundles and distribute them as a CQ content package.
If you just want to create a single bundle to package some OSGi services (including servlets) you just need to build the bundle jar with the required metadata. The Apache Sling GET servlets bundle is a good example of that.

what is the best way to implement multiple log location in portlet factory project?

I have to implement log4j for 7 modules(each module includes several models)in my IBM Web Experience Factory (formerly known as portlet factory) project. for each module I should implement the separate log location. How can I configure the log locations?
IBM Web Experience Factory (WEF) (formerly named WebSphere Portlet Factory and sometimes formerly referred to as wpf, but MS and most developers use that acronym to mean something else) shouldn't be tagged as wpf on SO, since that tag is specific to the MS wpf. If you could update your posting, I suggest removing that wpf tag (there is a WebSphere Portal tag that you could use, but not yet a tag specific to Web Experience Factory).
I'm not sure what you mean by "modules" (portlets? portlet WAR?), but each Portlet WAR will have it's own WEF log location (by default located under WEB-INF/logs in the deployed WAR) configured by WEB-INF/config/log4j.properties (in the project and then in the deployed WAR). I suggest searching for logging and log4j in the WEF documentation and WEF Wiki (URL in my signature below) and also on the Web Experience Factory forum (URL also below) for more info on customizing the logging.
IBM Web Experience Factory (WEF - formerly WebSphere Portlet Factory and sometimes also formerly called WPF) Forum: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/forums/html/forum?id=11111111-0000-0000-0000-000000000889
I hope that info helps,
..Mike Burati
The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies, or opinions of IBM.