Ways to create a PKCS7 signature file using perl - perl

I have been working on an application that create apples new ios pass.I am new to perl modules and i need some answers about how can we create signature files that uses PKCS7 encryption from a json file. any help would be appreciated.I have certificates and teamid for creating passes.
more simply how to create a signature for a json file using PKCS7 encryption.
and have certificates of format p12 , pem cer.

To handle PKCS7 you can use OpenCA-PKCS7 module. To deal with JSON you can use JSON module. CPAN documentation gives all the needed info to work with those modules. Enjoy.


How would i make a cat script that sanitises it's input?

I am experimenting with load balancers on my infrastructure which is protected by letsencrypt.
I followed a blog article https://blog.bigdinosaur.org/finally-moving-to-letsencrypt-with-haproxy-varnish-and-nginx/
which has worked very well the problem I am having is letsencrypt support SAN (Subject Access Names) the script generates the certificates properly but the cat command it uses to automate combining the certificate and the private key does not support having commas in it.
for example the script to run would be le-renew.sh domain.tld,www.domain.tld
This issues the certificate using the normal certbot procedure.
it then attempts to run cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld,www.domain.tld/fullchain.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld,www.domain.tld/privkey.pem
This is where it fails with the error of No Such File or directory which is understandable seen as certbot creates the file /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.tld/fullchain.pem
Is there a way to make the cat script ignore whats between the comma and the slash so it matches certbot's way of doing things?
Sorry if that was a bit of a ramble.

Multiple Certficiation Authority certificates (?)

I have created a kubernetes cluster on aws using kops.
Unless I am wrong, the ca.crt and ca.key files are in the following locations as indicated by this very helpful answer:
- s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<CLUSTER_NAME>/pki/private/ca/*.key
- s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/<CLUSTER_NAME>/pki/issued/ca/*.crt
However, I coulnd't help noticing that in my ~/.kube/config file (which was created automatically by kops), I have an entry named:
whose contents are different than both of the above files.
What is in any case the CA key/crt pairs we should use when issuing client certificates?
Why there are (seemingly) more than one CAs ?
Ok this is weird ... (perhaps for an inexperienced on such issues like me ...)
When I perform:
echo -n <contents_of_the_certificate-authority-data_entry_of_my_kubeconfig_file> | base64 --decode
...I get my ca.crt file ...
Isn't the ca.crt already base64 encoded?
The certificate-authority-data present on your Kubernetes config file is nothing else that your certificate encoded in base64 (It's a lot more practical to have a continuous text string for a configuration file than without the base64 encoding).
Your .crt file is encoded in RSA, not base64. RSA is a secure cryptosystem based on public and private keys (your .crt and .key respectively). Base64, is, at best, useful for formatting or transmitting already encrypted data.

How get X509 certificate's full cert chain programatically?

Imagine I have p12 container of private key and public certificate. When I export p12 public cert to separate .cer file with Java keytool I may click to .cer file and see full cert chain. How may I get that full path programatically?
I made little investigation. I used keytool's print cert -v command and saw property AuthorityInfoAccess with subproperty
accessMethod: caIssuers
accessLocation: URIName: http://.../some.crt
I downloaded that some.crt (it was PEM cert), and again used print cert -v and again saw
accessLocation: URIName: http://.../some2.crt and repeated downloading .crt files and geting parent until reaching root .crt which hasn't such property.
I think, that I should programatically download chain as I described above and provide it to CertPathValidator as shown here.
If I really need to get chain as I described above, is there any libraries already doing this? Is there any way to do it with std lib? I didn't find bouncycastle examples and java's standart library code like
java.security.cert.Certificate[] cchain = keystore.getCertificateChain(alias);
returns one entry for certificate actually having 2 "parents".
Nitpick: you surely mean keytool -printcert (with hyphen, without space, -v not needed here).
A privatekey entry created by Java in JKS or PKCS12 usually contains the full chain, but keytool -exportcert extracts only the leaf cert.
A PKCS12 created by something else may contain the full chain or not, possibly depending on what you clicked when creating it.
If the chain is there, KeyStore.getCertificateChain returns it, and keytool -list -v (here -v matters) shows it.
If a certificate was imported, or reimported, as a trustedcert entry -- usually in JKS, PKCS12 isn't designed for lone certs -- that never contains the chain, so getCertificateChain on that entry won't work, but IIRC CertPathBuilder can build a chain combining multiple trustedcert entries in one store.
If you do need a parent (chain) cert
you don't already have, and the child specifies AIA.caIssuers, then yes using that to fetch is sensible.
I'm pretty sure there is nothing in standard Java (JRE) library that does this for you, at least so far; I don't know about BouncyCastle or anybody else.

CouchDB SSL CRT to PEM files

I have tried several ways to get some PEM files to be used by CouchDB. I have generated a cert with powershell, exported it with key to a pfx and then used openssl to convert to 2 pem files and installed them in Couch. With this approach it seems to work in IE11, but it doesn't work with firefox or other browsers. Firefox produces this error:
The key does not support the requested operation. (Error code:
I've also gotten a free ssl cert from ssl.com, (they gave me three CRT files) and tried converting it using openssl, but to no avail.
I've also followed the instructions on the page from CouchDB to generate a self signed cert specifically for this purpose, but it will not load the page. (http://docs.couchdb.com/en/latest/config/http.html#config-ssl about half way down)
Has anybody had success with this? How do I get my certs into a format that will play nice with Couch and will all browsers?
Now I'm getting this error
A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_DEVICE_ERROR, indicating that a problem has occurred with the token or slot.
Not sure if this is a step forward or backwards...
It seems like CouchDB versions predating 1.7 or 1.6 are not able to have intermediate certificates specified for certificate verification. Since you are writing about having received three .crt files, (s)ome of those might be required as intermediate certificate(s). CouchDB not knowing about them can be the cause of your problem.
Apparently, one way to work around this is to concatenate your certificate file along with the intermediate certificate file(s). Simply cat them together like
$ cat yours.crt theirs.crt > couchdb.crt
...and use CouchDB's certfile configuration option to point to couchdb.crt's location.
If you prefer to convert .crt to .pem first, use sth like
$ openssl openssl x509 -in yours.crt -inform der -outform pem -out yours.pem
In a new enough version, you can probably use an intermediate certificate by setting CouchDB's cacertfile option. Have a look at this for further information.

Erlang cryptography module - ECDSA, RSA, SHA256 and so on

I need a module that can generate keypairs, compute secure hashes and crypt and sign data. Is there any that module? Or maybe there is interface for OpenSSL crypto functions ?
sha2 modile for sha256
Read crypto module first. Now it's NIF since R14A so you can find out what sort of OpenSSL C functions are used.