Email technology that allows users to respond by clicking yes or no or other actions [closed] - email

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there any email technology that allows users to respond by clicking yes or no or other actions?
Must preferably work with Microsoft Outlook and Novell Groupwise.
So basically a manager would get an email for say an approval of an employee's bonus. The manager can then just click Approve or Decline; and a return email will be sent with action that the manager clicked on.

In the email body you can send two links:
Something like this:
There can be two images linked to these links.
This would be the method I am thinking.


To Send Email to Multiple Recipients in Liferay [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I wanted to know how to send email to multiple recipients n liferay 6.2 when a new content has been added.
Easiest way without need writing any line of code is using Web Content notifications, which are broader described here
Another way of achieving email notifications is custom definition of workflow in kaleo workflow which is described a bit here
Last option is some custom development based on
I hope any of these option is useful for you.

How do i track on email? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How to i know whether the Email sent to my customers is read or not? Is there is any software which does that?
I would like to do some tracking of email, like how many times it is hit, opened etc.
You wont be able to track his email status directly , at best you could request read notifications.
But you could add some html content that is linked back to your site and count from there.
But the other user must enable remote content.

Opencart can’t send the Mail (Notification) to subscribers on admin Panel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've set the Mail Protoco as "MAIL"
I can receive the all email etc. New order, New Member
I try to sent email on admin Panel
I've type few words in the message box but it's keep on alarm me "E-MAIL MESSAGE REQUIRED!".
This is a known (and fixed bug). You can find all bugs on the bug tracker on the github project site. Here's the actual bug and fix (scroll down a little)

How to find whether image is blocked in Outlook recipients [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there a way to check whether the Outlook recipients are receiving emails with block image security settings? (Perhaps using Google Analytics?)
I need to track how many of them are blocking and whom they are so I can send appropriate emails.
No, it is not possible to track this sort of thing. The only way to track ANYTHING in emails is from pixel requests and if images are blocked, you never get them.

Gmail new via feature causes automatic email from my server to go to the SPAM folder [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I used to send automatic email to users of my website for various reasons like
activating new user accounts
when their question on a forum gets an answer
However, now with the new gmail via feature, my emails go to their spam folder as it has ( via
I removed the email content to make sure the problem is not because of the content of the activation email, it still goes to the spam folder.