I am using project server2010.
I have list of Resource Name and their GUID in hand. I want to display each Resourcename as a link in my webpage.
When we click on a resourcename , it will take you to resource availability page. There I want to display datas for the particular resource.
Is there any way to pass the resource name or GUID as query parameter and display resource availability for that particular GUID?
the parameter name is "ResourceUIDS" .
if we pass resavailability.aspx?ResourceUIDS={GUID} it wil show only the particular user's res availability
I've my context in Orion within multiple attributes;
how can I also get the attributes' timestamp ("modDate") via GET query?
Thank you so much
According with Builtin Attributes documentation (to which dateModified belongs):
Builtin attributes are not rendered by default. In order to render a specific attribute, add its name to the attrs parameter in URLs (or payload field in POST /v2/op/query operation) or subscription (attrs sub-field within notification).
So, in the case of GET, you have to use something like this:
GET /v2/entities?attrs=*,dateModified
The * is needed to include all the regular attributes. If you ommit it and use just ?attrs=dateModified you will get only dateModified and no other attribute.
EDIT: in the case you want to get not the entity dateModified attribute but the attribute dateModified metadata is similar. In this case, from Builtin Metadata documentation
Builtin metadata are not rendered by default. In order to render a specific metadata, add its name to the metadata URL parameter (or payload field in POST /v2/op/query operation) or subscription (metadata sub-field within notification).
GET /v2/entities?metadata=*,dateModified
I am attempting to get the key of a document using the Firestore resource property id derived from using get(), like so:
I don't think id is available. I have tried a simulation using exists() without the id property at the end and it worked, so I know the resource is there and the path is correct.
Here is the piece of Firestore security rule doc I referenced: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rules/rules.firestore.Resource
Not sure if the way I try to get the id is incorrect or it's just not available?
I want to implement Schema.org for bid announcements and I'm a bit confused since there is no available type for it.
I have the following fields associated with it:
date of announced
closing date and time
body (announcement content)
organization name
organization address
categories in which the announcement belongs
For call for bids, you can use Schema.org’s Demand type.
There is no property for the full text (if it’s not too complex/long, you could use the description property) or for the categories.
You can use the seeks property (with the Organization as domain) and/or the seller property (with the Demand as domain) to point to the Organization that has the demand.
Creating a product set requires associating a product_catalog_id:
POST https://graph.facebook.com/<API_VERSION>/<PRODUCT_CATALOG_ID>/product_sets
Reading an product set having the Facebook id is easy:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/<API_VERSION>/<PRODUCT_SET_ID>
Unfortunately, the response for that request contains 3 fields (id, name and filter).
How can I get the product_catalog_id associated to a product set (if I know the product_set_id)?
PS: The documentation does not help with that: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/dynamic-product-ads/product-catalog#productset
The catalog ID is not a field of the product set, so you therefore cannot traverse the graph in this way.
The only way to gather this associated is to read read the catalogues in a business, and their product sets to find the correct association unfortunately.
When I query the metadata using RetrieveMetadataChangesRequest, the RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse returns EntityMetadata and DeletedMetadata. The DeletedMetadata only returns the MetadataId.
Is there a way to get the metadata for the attribute without knowing the entity? Even just the attribute name would be fine.
RetrieveAttributeRequest I think only works if the attribute exists and if you have the entitylogicalname.
No, the only infomration available is the MetadataId.
Quoting from the SDK:
This collection is a dictionary of GUID values using a
DeletedMetadataFilters as a key. The GUID values represent MetadataId
values of the metadata items.
Looking at another part of the SDK specifically addresses this question:
You will also use DeletedMetadataFilters enumeration as a key to the
RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse.DeletedMetadata to filter the GUID
values found in the RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse.DeletedMetadata
property. When you design a metadata cache you will want to use the
MetadataId for each item so that you can identify deleted metadata
items and remove them.
So as a developer you are expected to populate a cache of metadata of interest to your application. You can query the CRM Metadata to find changes and deletes - but in the case of a delete you are responsible for having collected the metadata in your cache.