Populate form textBox with a string from another application - forms

I thought I could simplify my specific question telling I wanted to populate a text field on a form with the output of a bar code reader. Searching on the net I learnt the bar code reader can act like the keyboard and put the text on the field which has focus.
Unfortunately my needs are slightly different. I need to put inside a form textbox the code of a specific rfid which is in the range of the rfid reader connected to the host. I don't have a button to trigger the rfid detection but only an application which shows a list of them.
Is there a better method than cut&paste for moving the text string associated to a Rfid from the application to the web form ? I wrote the application which connects to the reader, so I suppose I can put a button which writes the chosen string to standard input, like the trigger of the bar code reader, but this way the input field has not the focus, so it is worthless.
How can I achieve my goal ?
Update for clarify and simplify my question.
I don' want any direct interaction with the rfid reader and the form or the web server.
I have an application which shows a list of string (in my case they are rfid related, but it is not important). I would like to push a button on the application or on the web form and populate an input field on the form with one of those strings. Don't know nothing about browser plug-ins, perhaps I could do one which mimic what the application does...That way the web form should interact with the plug-in to retrieve the data...


GWT Textfield with content assist kind of functionality

I am working on a project and I have a requirement to create one GWT Textfield. User should be able to put query in the text field. But this text field should have content assist (like Ecliplse) kind of functionality.
Example: "path" is one of the predefined object in the application with having certain attribute like "name","address". So now when user type "path.", it should show available attribute. This should work almost same way as in eclipse we get while put objectname it will give all available methods to call.
Example: User writes text "From path.name, path.attribute for object.attribute"
When user writes "from","for" it will not show any assistance but when user types "path." or "object." in above statement, it should show assist.
This is an interesting idea. You could try this with a suggest box widget.
GWT Suggest Box - http://gwt.googleusercontent.com/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html#!CwSuggestBox
GWTChosen Suggest Box - http://jdramaix.github.com/gwtchosen/
The above widget demos work with simple "contains" check on string. You would need to spend some serious logic on the regex matching if you want to pull of your idea.

Making Input fields like Mail app on OSX

How can I make input fields like that in the Mail App on OSX.
Here is a screenshot -
What I want is the ability to group text like it is shown in the image above. So, instead of having several input field (eg. in the case of the mail app - from, to, subject etc), I can do with a single one.
I do not completely understand the question here, but I'm guessing some clever use of CSS where you place a drop-down menu and an input form within a div styled to look like an input form would work?

How to add an autocomplete field in forms Symfony2?

Actually, I can assign a task to a user in the edition task. I display a dropdown list of all user in the system when I edit a task. Now, I would to be able to display a text input with autocomplete for user, and be able to add user if is not exist.
How to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Two things you need to do:
1) Create a Data Transformer
hich will let you use an input field instead of the default dropdown to the linked entity.
The Data Transformer basically transforms your input (in your case a username string) to actual user object that you can store with your entity. It will let you define an input field instead of the default dropdown to the linked entity. Have a look at the documentation, it's pretty straight forward.
2) Create the Ajax autocomplete
This can be done using any library you want (jQuery, Prototype etc.) on the client side, and server side you handle this in your Controller action and replies with either JSON or a rendered template. There are plenty of tutorials for this out there. The Ajax result could include a link to create a new user, if none is found.
The Data Transformer is what you need to focus on, and I would get that working before working on the UI.

Using multiple forms or multiple submit buttons, what's the difference?

Basically, what pros/cons are there to using multiple forms in the same web page vs one form with multiple submit buttons? Any difference at?
Ah? Multiple submit buttons on a single form will all submit the entire form when pressed... there's really no advantage to having multiples, unless you're overriding how the submit process works so each button only submits it's own area. In this case they'd probably not even by submit buttons, but just buttons with sum JS code to handle submission.
Multiple forms are discrete spaces of data collection, each can have it's own submit button... but only one of them can be sent at a time (and depending on the browser you may loose what's in the other forms).
Neither approach is particularly good from a user interface perspective since it'll be confusing.
The real question is, what are you trying to do that prompts you to ask this?
The two behave differently and there are good reasons to choose one over the other.
Multiple Forms on a page allow you to send data to two different locations. A common example is to have an input form as the main focus of a page going to one location, and a search form that appears as part of the generic header/footer. These both go to separate locations and submit only the HTML form elements within their appropriate <form/>
Multiple submit buttons offer you the ability to give different purpose to a submitted set of form elements. E.g. One form may have a bunch of submit buttons all with name attributes, meaning you can add conditional logic on the server side to say: "Continue", go " Back" or even "Save for later". All reference only the form elements within it's parent tag.
Two side notes are: 1) You can't nest forms. 2) JavaScript can change this default behaviour if you wanted it to. :)
Edit: with reference to a comment you made, if you wanted to do without JavaScript (a wise choice while it's not needed), you could do some careful thinking and keep POSTing the form to itself. Each time checking which form button has been clicked (top tip, give them all the same name and you can just switch case through it) and do whatever you need to do, including performing validation. E.g: When they hit "add media", you'd save the media uploaded and return a reference of it to the screen as a hidden input. The user can then continue to add things to the other boxes and when complete, hit your save button, at which point you do all the main saving work and make sure you tie the uploaded file to it as well.
You effectively keep adding stuff to their screen until they hit the save and then you perform a save method and redirect to a thank you page (or whatever logic suits your scenario). :)
All fields in a form are sent when one of their submit button is clicked. It's for you to see if you need all fields or not.

Intercepting form submission and displaying results in cakephp without JS

In my Manager controller's add action I want to intercept the form submission, perform a search using the submitted data, and (if the query returns any results) display a list of results to the user.
My question is: what is the best way to display the results to the user? Should I just redirect to a different action (say search), or is there a nice way to display the data while remaining in the add action (session flash maybe)?
I know this can easily be done with the ajaxHelper and I am approaching this from that angle too, but I also need this functionality for my non-javascript users.
Any ideas appreciated!
you could just have a look at one of the generated (by cake bake controller ..., resp. cake bake view) controller methods named edit and look at the dataflow there.
It should be easy to adept it to your needs from there, as you can compare the dataflow and its outcome visually.