PayPal Sandbox links go to live PayPal site - paypal

I can log into the site with my PayPal credentials. When I then enter the sandbox as my seller account, all of the links in the menu system takes me to the live PayPal site, instead of the sandbox. I have been able to hack the url and prepend "sandbox." and in some cases that gets me into the IPN history and Recurring Payment Profiles. I can live with that work around if I need to.
My main issue right now is that I can't access any transaction history for my seller account. It goes to the transaction history on the live PayPal site, and shows me the transaction history for the PayPal account that I initially used to log into the developer site.
This is really holding up my project.
Any one have any insights?
I've tried things like deleting cookies, but nothing has worked so far.

It is (unfortunately) common for the sandbox to be broken in the ways you describe. However, this should not be holding up your project -- the sandbox is mainly useful for checkout/API testing, and there is very little need to review transaction history in the web interface.

I too have the same very annoying problem. I need to list the transactions because sometimes I want to delete them (they are recurring payments) so I am in control of which IPNs actually go to my test website.
After playing around with the sandbox, I have found that at first, the "history" link will send you directly to the live paypal site but if you first select "Withdraw", then the nav menu will display the correct "history" link (i.e.
The screen will give you access to the 20 latest transactions; I haven't found yet how one moves to the next page without being sent to the live Paypal site.
If I delete the seller test account, will it cancel all the existing future recurring payments?


How to test a production Paypal button?

I have a simple Paypal payment button:
on production of my e-commerce website. It works. Many customers have already bought items with it.
But now I'd like to see exactly the payment workflow from a buyer's point of view, from the start, until payment successful + IPN mail + auto-redirect to payment-success page, etc.
Paypal sandboxing seems incredibly complex, one has to create a Developer account, then 2 sandbox accounts, a facilitator (?), a buyer one, etc.
It also seems that Paypal duplicates the real content, into a virtual sandbox button, etc. This is really complex.
All I want is to try my already-working production PayPal-button with a single sandbox buyer account. How to do that?
Is there a way to test a production Paypal button with a sandbox account (with, say, 10000€), and to proceed to the payment like would do a real customer?
... instead of having to create 3 accounts (Developer + Buyer SandBox account + Seller SandBox account)
PS: I've read many docs about sandboxing in Paypal docs, but they have very old docs (deprecated), some old docs, some new docs, some very new docs, + some of them in French with different content to English version, etc. I'm totally lost!
Actually you can test payment buttons I'm testing one of those right now.
At first it seems more complex that it needs to be, but all you need to know is that the sandbox system is a different enviroment, so the only way to test a sandbox payment button is a sanbox account.
Go to your developer dashboard, create 2 accounts, 1 for the seller (pick merchant account when creating this one), 1 for the buyer.
Log in to with the seller, create the button as you already did, set the ipn and all you need. Place the button in your site, now test your new button and when paying log in with the buyer (sandbox account) you previously created.
There's no way to test environment for paypal buttons. I sent a few messages to them asking the same thing. The only way to test that is get int touch with them through your account and tell your test user, then they won't charge you.
Here's a translation I received a few weeks ago:
In this case, the Sandbox environment does not allow payment on PayPal
buttons because there is no sandbox system for buttons, only for email
integration or PayPal account API.
In this case we recommend that we send a URL of the buttons or even
your site already with the buttons registered.
That way any analyst can do the actual payment test for you.
Our test balance is only R $ 50,00 reais, so the buttons can not
exceed this value with product price and freight.

Where is the 'IPN History' on the new PayPal website?

Just been trying to find the new IPN History link on the new PayPal website and I can't see it anywhere.
Are they still supporting this?
The current PayPal for Business interface only provides a way to access IPN History if you have manually configured IPN in your PayPal account settings. In this case, you'd go to [your name] > Account Settings > Notifications > Instant Payment Notifications (click Update here), then the explanatory text there will include a link to the IPN History page.
However, that link would not appear if you have not manually configured IPN -- e.g., when your ecommerce platform automatically transmits IPN parameters to PayPal for each checkout. While you could manually enable IPN with a dummy Notification URL in order to get the IPN History link, this could result in PayPal completely disabling IPN for your PayPal account if they try sending any actual notifications to that dummy URL.
In that case, you can use this link to access IPN History directly once you're already logged into PayPal:
Note that if you have not manually configured IPN in PayPal, you will see a notice in IPN History saying, "The IPN feature is turned off. You must turn on IPN in order to create history data." That notice is irrelevant if your ecommerce platform specs IPN dynamically for each checkout; in that scenario, you can still view/search your IPN History without manually turning on IPN there.
More menu -> Site map -> Transactions -> IPN History
Sitemap (Footer) -> Instant Payment Notification (IPN) history (under "Transactions")
It's still available in the same place. If you want to navigate to it
Log in
Profile link (white bar up top)
IPN settings
History link on this page
Currently it's directly at (provided you're logged in)
In the latest UI: Settings > My Selling Tools > Instant Payment Notifications click "Update". You will see a link there called "IPN History page".
As of May 2022, it's still convoluted.
For IPN History, try
For IPN Settings, try
Also, a few reminders:
PayPal IPN is a completely separate feature from PayPal Webhooks.
Even though it's the exact same concept (argh!).
PayPal IPN is associated with your normal/business PaypPal account. It is is not a part of the PayPal Developer experience.
Also, PayPal IPN is now clearly deprecated, if not effectively obsolete, so if your application code is still reliant on PayPal IPN you really should update it to use PayPal Developer APIs and the Webhook service instead.
Anyway, here's the steps I took to find it today on 1st May, 20222:
Start off on your PayPal Business Account Dashboard page:
It should look like this:
Don't confuse this with the Developer Not
Use the top-left menu to go to Account Settings:
On the Account Settings page, look for "Notifications" in the left-side menu:
Then you'll see the link to PayPal Instant Payment Notifications.
Annoyingly, they don't use the term "IPN" so Ctrl+Fing for that won't work.
Click the "Update" link (even though we aren't updating anything: we just want to see IPN History), and you'll be taken to a page belonging to Olde PayPal just with a new header:
And the link to the History page is disguised in the page's text:
And you'll be welcomed back-in-time to 2005 with a page that looks like this:

How does a non-developer test a dead simple, single-use, Paypal button?

I'm not a programmer, a developer, or a genius. I'm a semi-intelligent person who wants to build a single-serving Web site that provides a simple service for a fixed price.
So I just need to test a single "Submit & Pay" button that I've built using a Machform form. You fill in the form, press the button, and it directs you to Paypal to complete the payment.
Everything is working until I get to the Paypal part. But I don't want to start paying Paypal fees just to check if it's working okay.
There seems to have been a Sandbox option in the past on Paypal, but after creating a basic Sandbox account, it... doesn't work. Links go nowhere, and even the main site ( goes to a 404 page. The "Getting Started with Sandbox" link goes to a broken page. The "Sandbox User Guide" attempts to load a PDF on a site I don't know, and don't trust.
The "Sandbox" options on the main site -- when they don't go to the semi-broken, I-guess-abandoned "Sandbox" site -- go to, which is way too much gun for me. Even a Google search for "paypal sandbox" now leads exclusively to links.
I just need to confirm that my "pay" button will execute correctly in Paypal; I don't need to build a multi-platform API that configures my JavaScripts to execute a parallel-stream optimization option on a scaleable interface across mobile devices with integrated IPNs and a side of fries.
What's the best way to do that?
The sandbox is indeed what you need for testing, and you do need an account at in order to use it. It's not a complicated thing, though. You don't have to get all crazy with it if you don't want/need to.
Go to and login there with your PayPal account. Once logged in click on Applications and then go to Sandbox Accounts.
Use the Create Account button to create at least 1 seller account and 1 buyer account. For the seller account just make it a business account. For the buyer account you can make it personal or business.
Launch your sandbox seller account and login to that. This is your fake PayPal account that you can use just like your own. From within that account you can create buttons just like you do from your live account, and you can place those buttons on pages to test with.
Then when you launch that page in a browser and click on the button it will send you over to instead of the regular, but it will all look very similar to what a buyer would see during payment. You can use the buyer sandbox account you created to complete the purchase exactly as you would with a real account.
After that you can login to the seller or buyer account to see how things would look for each person in the transaction.

shows an empty page and says you should login first to use the sandbox

hi i am trying to integrating paypal standard in nop commerce 2.4. after i set required things in admin panel, when i don't use sandbox, the cart shows up alright. but, when i enabled "use sand box" and after proceeding to payment for paypal, the site redirect to paypal to show the paypal cart, it shows an empty page and says you should login first to use the sandbox, a message like that. but when I put the site in live mode, the redirect loads the paypal checkout page as usual. i don't understand what's the problem.
i searched the internet for past few days and i am stuck in the situation.. please help me out.
as i am not rep 10 i can't upload image:
please see the link for the screen appears for my cart
When you set your cart to the sandbox, this is used for testing. You would need to set up a developer account with PayPal at PayPal's Developer Site. Once you have your developer account set up, you need to set up a test sandbox seller and buyer account. Then you would configure your shopping cart with your sandbox acct credentials if you are going to be testing with the sandbox. Then in a separate tab, log into PayPal's Developer Account if you are not already logged in. Then in a different tab, you can go through and test your checkout with the sandbox.

PayPal Web Payment Standard: forcing PayPal account creation now?

Had a nice little custom button with a few parameters I was POSTing to PayPal (and getting POSTed back via IPN) a few years ago working fine. Payments were disabled for several years, but now my client wants to resume subscriptions with their new campaign.
I switched back to the sandbox hostname/merchant accounts, did a sandbox transaction with a test Visa card, and all was well.
Switched it to the live hostname/merchant account, went to do another test with a real Visa, but noticed that not only has the real PayPal site been completely rebranded/redesigned, they now seem to be forcing you to create a PayPal account: on the sandbox, there's a blurb with a link that says "continue" which takes you right to the credit card/billing information (this is identical to what the live PayPal site used to look like a few years ago).
NOTE: The merchant account has changed; I'm not sure if that matters or not and/or if there's any settings in there I need to change.
Question: is this the way it is now with PayPal? I can't seem to find any official information that says yes/no. Besides the Express, is there any other IPN method that'll work here or is this a policy thing at PayPal? I'd hate to rewrite my working/tested code, but this isn't going to fly with my client.
Yahel's answer is incorrect: I called PayPal, and they explained that the following conditions must be met in order to accept non-PayPal payments:
The business email address must be confirmed. You can check by going to Profile > Email.
PayPal Account Optional must be checked:
Go to and log in to your Business account.
Click 'Profile icon' near the top right of the page (next to "Log out" button)
Click "Profile & settings"
Click ‘My selling tools.’
Click ‘Update' beside 'Website preferences.’
Select 'On' under 'PayPal Account Optional' near the bottom of the page.
Click 'Save.'
Yes paypal has been forcing users to create an account for a long time now. Before that you could use a credit card up to 10 times and then it would force you to create an account anyway.
The reason you are seeing the old branding in your sandbox is probably because it is you old sandbox on an old paypal server.
Last I tried there was no way around this new policy.
But djechelon is right, they have an excellent customer service, give them a call.
PayPal does force people to create accounts, even when they want to just make a single payment. I was puzzled by this situation too: I was choosing the option to pay without a PayPal account, but still was forced to provide all the private details enough for PayPal to create an account for me against my wishes. Very sneaky of PayPal! Then I found this page and that explained a lot.
This is the message I received in my PayPal Account:
PayPal Account Optional
When this feature is turned on, your customers will go through an optimized checkout experience. This feature is available for Buy Now, Donations, and Shopping Cart buttons, but not for Subscription buttons.
So you cannot provide a regular "Subscribe" experience to non-PayPal customers. I believe you must pay the $19.99 a month "Enhanced Subscription" for this.
PayPal Has a Purchasing Limit of $3,000 for "Guests".
I ran into this issue as well and #gravyface was bang on with setting your account preferences. However, my customers were still having issues paying without a PayPal account.
I called PayPal and it turns out they have a $3,000 (cumulative) purchasing limit for "guests". My customer's invoice was for $7,000 so even though my preferences were set to make the PayPal account optional, it still would not go through.
Hope that helps others.