Issues installing Spring STS in Eclipse Juno - eclipse

I'm on Windows 7 professional 64b and have just downloaded and installed Eclipse Juno 64b:
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Juno Service Release 2
Build id: 20130225-0426
I go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace then search for Spring STS and choose STS for Eclipse Juno (3.8 + 4.2) at this point I get into a deadly loop of not found dependencies and it doesn't matter how many packages I deselect, it will always complain (see below).
I have also tried installing Eclipse for Java Developers instead of Java EE. I have also tried the 32b versions. Finally I have also tried installing from the Spring STS update site and still no luck.
Can anyone advice what's the solution to this problem? maybe I should switch back to Indigo?
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Spring IDE Spring Data Support
Missing requirement: Spring IDE Live Beans Graph
(org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph requires 'bundle org.eclipse.zest.core [1.0.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring IDE Spring Data Support
To: 0.0.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Spring IDE Core (required) (
To: org.springframework.ide.eclipse.beans.ui.livegraph []

Actually avoid the Eclipse download site altogether and get the Spring Tool Suite IDE directly from here: Everything I needed worked smoothly and out of the box: importing Maven projects and running the applications using AspectJ/Spring. It also comes with the critically needed plugins e.g. EGit, m2e, AJDT and everything works perfectly.
I needed this for a new GUI project on top of Spring/Valkyrie RCP.


Spring Starter Project in Eclipse -- Can not use Maven: M2E

Eclipse Luna 4.4.2 with Java JDK 1.7
I installed
Spring IDE plugin version 3.7.3
Pivotal Software Spring Tool Suite(STS 3.7.3)
plugins successfully, have no problem with switching to the Spring perspective and my File->new->projects has several spring related selections.
I have been building using maven with no problems. My maven version is 3.3.3. Checking the Help->Installation Details dialog shows eclipse m2e-workspace 0.3.1
When accessing the Eclipse Marketplace, the dialog shows Maven Integration for Eclipse(Luna and newer) 1.5 and the update button is greyed out and there is an uninstall button, so I have that installed.
When selecting Spring Starter Project, I get the creation dialog box with an error message at the top reading --
Can not import using Maven because Can not use Maven: M2E (Eclipse
Maven Tooling) is not installed
I have also lost my maven sub-menu when I right click on pom.xml. Its no longer there.
Any ideas on a solution before I start removing things/changing things and possibly making things worse? Explanations also welcome.
When installing the Spring IDE plugin into Eclipse that already has the maven plugin installed results in a serious conflict as Spring IDE also installs maven. It may be resolvable, but I was unable to find a solution.
I did uninstall the Spring IDE, but the problem was not cleared on Eclipse restart. I deleted the corrupted eclipse installation, while keep its workspace intact.
I finally installed STS w/eclipse and pointed it at my previous workspace.
I had the same issue and I have no idea of how to fix that.
To turnaround the this problem, I downloaded the Spring Tool Suiteā„¢ by the url:
This Suite have all the tools to build any Spring project that you'll want.
Hope this work for you.

Error: m2e Install In Eclipse

I've been attempting to install Maven Integration for Eclipse and I've received these errors.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: m2e - slf4j over logback logging (Optional) (
Missing requirement: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui requires 'bundle org.slf4j.api 1.6.2' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: m2e logback appender (org.eclipse.m2e.logback.appender
To: bundle org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui [1.4.0,1.5.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: m2e - slf4j over logback logging (Optional) (
To: org.eclipse.m2e.logback.appender []
My process has been Help >> EclipseMarketplace >> Search "Maven Integration for Eclipse" >> Install (m2e)
Please help.
After running into a plethora of issues, the decision was made to uninstall Eclipse Indigo 3.6.2 and install Indigo 3.7 (as per the standards of the company I currently work at). After taking this course of action, all issues with installations (maven and otherwise) were resolved.
I ran into a similar issue today and found that this question also has recently been asked and answered at the atlassian forum as well. My solution was to install slf4j based on guidelines from this blog post about "SLF4J Logging in Eclipse Plugins".
To extract, here is what I did:
Eclipse -> Help -> Install New Software
Add a new software site:
Name: slf4j
Expand "Maven osgi-bundles" and select "slf4j-api"
Click "Next" and follow the installation.
After the installation has completed (and Eclipse has been restarted) I was then able to install the maven plugin.
Some of the other answers in this thread now contain links to offical package repositories. I haven't tested if they are working, but if you would prefer to use an official repository, now you know where to find them :)
Use the software update site as
That worked for me and got away with the exact same error message.
Plugin team has created a fix for m2e 1.4 & Eclipse Indigo (with this precision : Indigo is no longer officially supported for m2e) :
P2 repository :
Reference : m2e-users mailing list
Using Helios, and I used this repository to download Maven Integration For Eclipse with no problems.
That mean the folder eclipse/plugins missing "org.slf4j.api_1.6.4.v20120130-2120.jar", so you need copy the file to eclipse/plugins!
Ubuntu 13.04, Eclipse 3.8.1. For Step 3 all I had to do was add the main juno download site: and m2e can be installed from there.
This is because maven 1.5 is not compatible with current eclipse version.
So we need to use maven 1.4 or 1.3
Steps to install maven 1.4 is below
1)Click Help in eclipse
2)Install New Software
3)Url for the location of site is ""
4)Uncheck the checkbox "Show only the latest versions of available software"
if do not uncheck the checkbox it will only latest version and do not show maven 1.4.
5)Select m2e and slf4j of 1.4 version and click next.
If you're using eclipse Indigo -- It seems to be missing many files. If you download eclipse Kepler it seems to have the files that are lacking in Indigo. May suggest to switch.
I had this problem with the latest version of eclipse Indigo 64bit. I solved installing the latest version of eclipse Juno 64bit.
You can find the org.slf4j.api 1.6.4/1.7.2 on the Orbit repository, which is more reliable than other third party repositories.
The reason Maven can't resolve slf4j is because Maven can't find it in available software site. That is why the suggestion of #Lasse to use another software site works. I would like to point out that the basic root cause is because the atlassian documentation is out-of-date now. So we can just use the latest version of Maven.
Reference: Maven for Eclipse (M2E) Installation error

Use groovy plugin and jboss tool simultaneously in eclipse

I have a project that uses groovy and java code. The project is deployed as a war file in jboss and it works fine (at least it deploys and I get some output through my browser). I now want to debug the code and I thought eclipse should do the trick. However it seems like I cannot use both groovy plugin and jboss plugin simultaneously in eclipse. Is this the case? Is there a workaround?
Ubuntu Precise Pangolin
Eclipse Juno
Jboss tools for Indigo (Juno is unstable)
Groovy-eclipse for juno
I have groovy-eclipse installed and when I try to install Jboss tools (from marked place) I get:
Software being installed: JBoss Central Community 1.0.1.v20120715-0355-H112-Final ( 1.0.1.v20120715-0355-H112-Final)
Software currently installed: VMware vFabric tc Server Integration for Eclipse (
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
Mylyn Commons UI 3.6.1.v20110720-0100 (org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui 3.6.1.v20110720-0100)
Mylyn Commons UI 3.8.2.v20120916-1200 (org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui 3.8.2.v20120916-1200)
Mylyn Commons UI 3.8.0.v20120612-0600 (org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui 3.8.0.v20120612-0600)
Mylyn Commons UI 3.4.0.v20100608-0100-e3x (org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.ui 3.4.0.v20100608-0100-e3x)
I found a solution my self. I was installing a package consisting of groovy and grails tools and
Grails IDE
VMware vFabric
caused the conflicts with jboss tools. Since I only needed the groovy compiler I could untick those. I guess I could also have chosen a different package.

Eclipse classic problems to update Java EE tools

I have Eclipse classic 4.2 installed in my PC and I wanted to work on the webservices project with eclipse. I have followed the following method to update the eclipse classic to support Java EE.
I have used the install new software section and added the following URL
Then i have selected Web tools platform and click next.
Then I'm getting the following error messages and i'm unable to install the web tools.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could
not be found. Software being installed: Eclipse Java EE Developer
Tools 3.2.0.v201005241530-7b7GHTYFSK2W9kPaFClvz0O_NQmN
3.2.0.v201005241530-7b7GHTYFSK2W9kPaFClvz0O_NQmN) Missing requirement: WTP EJB UI Plug-in 1.1.500.v201004280901
(org.eclipse.jst.ejb.ui 1.1.500.v201004280901) requires 'bundle
org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui [2.2.0,3.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools 3.2.0.v201005241530-7b7GHTYFSK2W9kPaFClvz0O_NQmN (
To: org.eclipse.jst.ejb.ui [1.1.500.v201004280901]
Can anyone guide me how to install and get started with the current version I have?
Thanks in advance.
Use juno, to install webtools on top of Eclipse 4.2.
The webtools repo you showed above doesn't have EMF in it, so you need to add an EMF repo as well or pull it from the juno update site.

Spring Eclipse Plugin update site

Can anyone point me to spring-eclipse plug-in update location so I can use spring from my Eclipse IDE?
None of the ones I found online are working!
Spring works fine without any special eclipse plugins. Spring have there own version of eclipse called STS (SpringSource Tool Suite) and you could use that. The installation instructions (pdf) for STS include instructions for installing the STS components into an existing Eclipse 3.5 installation.