Assiging the maximum value of a column to the row - matlab

Say we have the following matrix
1 3 6
5 4 7
5 3 9
What I'm trying to do is for each row, I assign it the maximum value of the column. So, for instance, I'm expecting the following output:
x(1) = 6
x(2) = 7
x(3) = 9
I tried doing that using by writing the code below, but didn't get the expected putput:
x=[1 3 6;5 4 7; 5 3 9]
[rows, columns] = size(x);
for i=1:columns
for j=1:rows
[maximum, position] = max(x(j,:));
What should I do to get the expected output?

You can use the built-in max function with a dimension specifier: max(x,[],dim).
In your case, assuming your matrix is called A:
>> x=max(A,[],2)
ans =

If I understood correctly your question, you can just use the max function. It naturally operates on columns, therfore, some transposition is necessary.
x=[1 3 6;5 4 7; 5 3 9]
y = max(x')'
y =
You can even reassing the values on the fly
x = max(x')'.


How to align vectors with asynchronous time stamp in matlab?

I would like to align and count vectors with different time stamps to count the corresponding bins.
Let's assume I have 3 matrix from [N,edges] = histcounts in the following structure. The first row represents the edges, so the bins. The second row represents the values. I would like to sum all values with the same bin.
A = [0 1 2 3 4 5;
5 5 6 7 8 5]
B = [1 2 3 4 5 6;
2 5 7 8 5 4]
C = [2 3 4 5 6 7 8;
1 2 6 7 4 3 2]
Now I want to sum all the same bins. My final result should be:
result = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8;
5 7 12 16 ...]
I could loop over all numbers, but I would like to have it fast.
You can use accumarray:
H = [A B C].'; %//' Concatenate the histograms and make them column vectors
V = [unique(H(:,1)) accumarray(H(:,1)+1, H(:,2))].'; %//' Find unique values and accumulate
V =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 7 12 16 22 17 8 3 2
Note: The H(:,1)+1 is to force the bin values to be positive, otherwise MATLAB will complain. We still use the actual bins in the output V. To avoid this, as #Daniel says in the comments, use the third output of unique (See:
H = [A B C].'; %//' stupid syntax highlighting :/
[U, ~, IU] = unique(H(:,1));
V = [U accumarray(IU, H(:,2))].';
If you're only doing it with 3 variables as you've shown then there likely aren't going to be any performance hits with looping it.
But if you are really averse to the looping idea, then you can do it using arrayfun.
rng = 0:8;
output = arrayfun(#(x)sum([A(2,A(1,:) == x), B(2,B(1,:) == x), C(2,C(1,:) == x)]), rng);
output = cat(1, rng, output);
output =
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5 7 12 16 22 17 8 3 2
This can be beneficial for particularly large A, B, and C variables as there is no copying of data.

maximum value column with the condition of another column [duplicate]

I need to find the maximum among values with same labels, in matlab, and I am trying to avoid using for loops.
Specifically, I have an array L of labels and an array V of values, same size. I need to produce an array S which contains, for each value of L, the maximum value of V. An example will explain better:
L = [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,1,2,3,4]
V = [5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,8,7,6]
Then, the values of the output array S will be:
s(1) = 9 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 1 are: 5,4,3,9 -> max = 9)
s(2) = 8 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 2 are: 2,1,2,8 -> max = 8)
s(3) = 7 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 3 are: 3,4,5,7 -> max = 7)
s(4) = 8 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 4 are: 6,7,8,6 -> max = 8)
this can be trivially implemented by traversing the arrays L and V with a for loop, but in Matlab for loops are slow, so I was looking for a faster solution. Any idea?
This is a standard job for accumarray.
Three cases need to be considered, with increasing generality:
Integer labels.
Integer labels, specify fill value.
Remove gaps; or non-integer labels. General case.
Integer labels
You can just use
S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max).';
In your example, this gives
>> L = [1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 7];
>> V = [5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6];
>> S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max).'
S =
9 8 7 8
Integer labels, specify fill value
If there are gaps between integers in L, the above will give a 0 result for the non-existing labels. If you want to change that fill value (for example to NaN), use a fifth input argument in acccumarray:
S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).';
>> L = [1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 7]; %// last element changed
>> V = [5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6]; %// same as in your example
>> S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).'
S =
9 8 7 8 NaN NaN 6
Remove gaps; or non-integer labels. General case
When the gaps between integer labels are large, using a fill value may be inefficient. In that case you may want to get only the meaningful values in S, without fill values, i.e.skip non-existing labels. Also, it may be the case that L doesn't necessarily contain integers.
These two issues are solved by applying unique to the labels before using accumarray:
[~, ~, Li] = unique(L); %// transform L into consecutive integers
S = accumarray(Li(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).';
>> L = [1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 7.8]; %// note: non-integer values
>> V = [5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 ]; %// same as in your example
>> [~, ~, Li] = unique(L); %// transform L into consecutive integers
>> S = accumarray(Li(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).'
S =
9 5 8 7 8 6
helper=[L.', V.'];
What I do is: I join the two arrays as columns. Then I sort them regarding second column with biggest element first. Then I get the idx of the unique Values in L before I return the corresponding Values from V.
The solution from Luis Mendo is faster. But as far as I see his solution doesn't work if there is a zero,negative value or a noninteger inside L:
Luis solution: Elapsed time is 0.722189 seconds.
My solution: Elapsed time is 2.575943 seconds.
I used:
L= ceil(rand(1,500)*10);
V= ceil(rand(1,500)*250);
and ran the code 10000 times.

vec2mat w/ different number of columns

Referring to Reshape row wise w/ different starting/ending elements number #Divakar came with a nice solution but, what if the number of columns is not always the same?
Sample run -
>> A'
ans =
4 9 8 9 6 1 8 9 7 7 7 4 6 2 7 1
>> out
out =
4 9 8 9 0 0
6 1 8 9 7 7
7 4 6 2 7 1
I took only the first 4 terms of A and put them in out, then fill the rest 2 empty cell with 0's. So the ncols = [4 6 6]. Unfortunately vet2mat doesn't allow vector as columns number.
Any suggestions?
You can employ bsxfun's masking capability here -
%// Random inputs
A = randi(9,1,15)
ncols = [4 6 5]
%// Initialize output arary of transposed size as compared to the desired
%// output arary size, as we need to insert values into it row-wise and MATLAB
%// follows column-major indexing
out = zeros(max(ncols),numel(ncols));
mask = bsxfun(#le,[1:max(ncols)]',ncols); %//'# valid positions mask for output
out(mask) = A; %// insert input array elements
out = out.' %//'# transpose output back to the desired output array size
Code run -
A =
5 3 7 2 7 2 4 6 8 1 9 7 5 4 5
ncols =
4 6 5
out =
5 3 7 2 0 0
7 2 4 6 8 1
9 7 5 4 5 0
You could use accumarray for that:
A = [4 9 8 9 6 1 8 9 7 7 7 4 6 2 7 1].'; %'// data
ncols = [4 6 6]; %// columns
n = max(ncols);
cs = cumsum(ncols);
ind = 1;
ind(cs+1) = 1;
ind = cumsum(ind(1:end-1)); %// `ind` tells the row for each element of A
result = accumarray(ind(:), A(:), [], #(x) {[x; zeros(n-numel(x),1)]}); %// split `A` as
%// dictated by `ind`, and fill with zeros. Each group is put into a cell.
result = [result{:}].'; %'// concatenate all cells

Matlab: avoid for loops to find the maximum among values with same labels

I need to find the maximum among values with same labels, in matlab, and I am trying to avoid using for loops.
Specifically, I have an array L of labels and an array V of values, same size. I need to produce an array S which contains, for each value of L, the maximum value of V. An example will explain better:
L = [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,1,2,3,4]
V = [5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,8,7,6]
Then, the values of the output array S will be:
s(1) = 9 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 1 are: 5,4,3,9 -> max = 9)
s(2) = 8 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 2 are: 2,1,2,8 -> max = 8)
s(3) = 7 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 3 are: 3,4,5,7 -> max = 7)
s(4) = 8 (the values V(i) such that L(i) == 4 are: 6,7,8,6 -> max = 8)
this can be trivially implemented by traversing the arrays L and V with a for loop, but in Matlab for loops are slow, so I was looking for a faster solution. Any idea?
This is a standard job for accumarray.
Three cases need to be considered, with increasing generality:
Integer labels.
Integer labels, specify fill value.
Remove gaps; or non-integer labels. General case.
Integer labels
You can just use
S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max).';
In your example, this gives
>> L = [1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 7];
>> V = [5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6];
>> S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max).'
S =
9 8 7 8
Integer labels, specify fill value
If there are gaps between integers in L, the above will give a 0 result for the non-existing labels. If you want to change that fill value (for example to NaN), use a fifth input argument in acccumarray:
S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).';
>> L = [1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 7]; %// last element changed
>> V = [5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6]; %// same as in your example
>> S = accumarray(L(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).'
S =
9 8 7 8 NaN NaN 6
Remove gaps; or non-integer labels. General case
When the gaps between integer labels are large, using a fill value may be inefficient. In that case you may want to get only the meaningful values in S, without fill values, i.e.skip non-existing labels. Also, it may be the case that L doesn't necessarily contain integers.
These two issues are solved by applying unique to the labels before using accumarray:
[~, ~, Li] = unique(L); %// transform L into consecutive integers
S = accumarray(Li(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).';
>> L = [1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 7.8]; %// note: non-integer values
>> V = [5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 7 6 ]; %// same as in your example
>> [~, ~, Li] = unique(L); %// transform L into consecutive integers
>> S = accumarray(Li(:), V(:), [], #max, NaN).'
S =
9 5 8 7 8 6
helper=[L.', V.'];
What I do is: I join the two arrays as columns. Then I sort them regarding second column with biggest element first. Then I get the idx of the unique Values in L before I return the corresponding Values from V.
The solution from Luis Mendo is faster. But as far as I see his solution doesn't work if there is a zero,negative value or a noninteger inside L:
Luis solution: Elapsed time is 0.722189 seconds.
My solution: Elapsed time is 2.575943 seconds.
I used:
L= ceil(rand(1,500)*10);
V= ceil(rand(1,500)*250);
and ran the code 10000 times.

What is the simplest way to create a weight matrix bases on how frequent each element appear in the matrix?

This is the input matrix
7 9 6
8 7 9
7 6 7
Based on the frequency their appearance in the matrix (Note. these values are for explanation purpose. I didn't pre-calculate them in advance. That why I ask this question)
number frequency
6 2
7 4
8 1
9 2
and the output I expect is
4 2 2
1 4 2
4 2 4
Is there a simple way to do this?
Here's a three-line solution. First prepare the input:
X = [7 9 6;8 7 9;7 6 7];
Now do:
[a m n] = unique(X);
b = hist(X(:),a);
c = reshape(b(n),size(X));
Which gives this value for c:
4 2 2
1 4 2
4 2 4
If you also wanted the frequency matrix, you can get it with this code:
[a b']
Here is a code with for-loop (a is input matrix, freq - frequency matrix with 2 columns):
weight = zeros(size(a));
for k = 1:size(freq,1)
weight(a==freq(k,1)) = freq(k,2);
Maybe it can be solved without loops, but my code looks like:
M = [7 9 6 ;
8 7 9 ;
7 6 7 ;];
number = unique(M(:));
frequency = hist(M(:), number)';
map = containers.Map(number, frequency);
[height width] = size(M);
result = zeros(height, width); %allocate place
for i=1:height
for j=1:width
result(i,j) = map(M(i,j));