Plotting symbolic functions Matlab parameters - matlab

I would like to know how to plot functions with parameters in matlab.
For example, the electric potential is described as V(d)=1/(4pi*eps0*d^2)
I would like to plot the electric potential as a symbolic function but to choose which variable to plot as the independent variable.
For example, V(d) or V(eps)... How to tell matlab that d is the variable and eps id the parameter?
Thanks very much

I would go this way:
syms d;
syms eps;
V = 1./(4.*pi.*eps.*d.^2);
You may think of using ezplot capabilities; for instance, you could call
In the previous two lines you are saying:
1) plot V depending on d and eps = 0.1;
2) plot V depending on eps and d = 0.1.
I hope this helps.


How to set up solving of multiple ODEs in Matlab propperly?

I have a task of writing an M script that would set up (and finally solve) a set of 19 differential equations and all of the equation coefficients. I am not sure what is the best way to input those equations.
Example of some equations:
Example of coefficients:
I don't think that this would be suited for Simulink. Other examples use a function in the form of #(t,x) where t is time and x the vector of all variables.
There are loads of "examples" online, but they don't seem to be appropriate for such a large set of large equations.
For example this exmple of solving 3 equatons
Even for 3 simple equations as they have solved, the functions are getting messy:
f = #(t,x) [-x(1)+3*x(3);-x(2)+2*x(3);x(1)^2-2*x(3)];
Using this notation and getting to the x(19) and cross-referencing all instances of x would be a mess.
I would like your help, and a simple example of how could I write these equations line by line, maybe using the symbolic toolbox, and then put them in an array that I can then forward to the solver.
As I said, I know there are examples online, but they tackle only the most basic system, and really they don't scale well if you want a clean and easily readable code.
I would like to have a similar to Wolfram alpha, where you type variable names as they are (instead od x(1), x(2), ... m x(19)) and if it's possible to get all solution vectors with their variable names.
You don't have to use an anonymous function handle as an ode function, you can create a separate function file (as shown in the odefun section of ode45.
For example, your odefun can look like:
function dy = myode(t,y)
% first unpack state variables
i_d2 = y(1);
i_q2 = y(2);
gamma2 = y(end-1);
omega2 = y(end);
% determine all constants
c34 = expression_for_c34;
c61 = expression_for_61;
% determine state derivative
i_d2_dot = expression;
omega2_dot = expression;
% pack state derivative based on order in state vector
dy(1) = i_d2_dot;
dy(end) = omega2_dot;
From this myode function you can also call other functions to e.g. determine the value for some coefficients based on the current state. Next, integrate the system using a suitable ode solver:
[t,y] = ode45(#myode,tspan,y0);

Integration with Probability Density Function

I need to plot the probability density function {p(z,phi)}and need to integrate it,as shown in the attached eq.#1
enter image description here
where Af and Vf are constants,
phi is angle,
z is distance(numerical value, can be in decimals)
The P(z,phi) will be the force values along with respective different values of z and phi.
Could someone guide me, on MATLAB, how can I write these set of equations?
To intregate your function, you should either create an m-file or anonymous function
f = #(z,phi) P(z,phi) * p(z,phi)
where you construct P and p similarly. Then you will need to use one of the numerical integrators, such as ode45 to integrate f twice... once over f and once over phi.
If I understand you correctly you multiply a uniform probability distribution between -lf/2 and lf/2 with another probability distribution that looks like the first quarter of a sine wave. You want to know the resulting probability distribution.
Basically if lf/2 > pi/2 you end up with the same distribution. The sine-distribution is entirely inside the uniform distribution. If (lf/2)<(pi/2) the uniform-distribution chops of part of your sine-distribution. You then want to divide your probability distribution by the part you choped off so the integral stays one. It must remain a probability distribution.
The integral of sin(x) is cos(x). So in that case you devide by (1-cos(lf/2))
Below is a script that makes it more visible:
xx = linspace(-lf,lf,1E4);
p1 = (xx>-lf/2&xx<lf/2)*(1/lf);
p2 = zeros(size(xx));
p2(xx>0&xx<pi/2) = sin(xx(xx>0&xx<pi/2));
p3 = p2.*p1.*lf;
if lf<pi
p3 = p3./(1-cos(lf/2));
legend({'uniform distribution','sine','result'})
%integrals (actually Riemann sums):

calculating bessel function of zero order on matlab

J(x)= 1/π integral cos(xsintheta). limits are from 0 to π.
Plot J(2pid/λ) as a function of d/λ in MATLAB for d/λ ranging between
0 and 2. At what distance of separation (in wavelengths) is the
correlation between the antennas 0.7, 0 ?
I do not understand how to integrate it in matlab, when i define syms theta and use
J_=integral(J,0,pi); there appears an error. secondly, when i integrate it manually, the answer appears 0. Kindly help me with it.
Unless you really need to calculate this manually, you should use Matlab's built-in besselj function to calculate the zeroth order Bessel function of the first kind:
dlam = 0:0.01:2;
x = 2*pi*dlam;
y = besselj(0,x)
This will be faster and more accurate the performing quadrature.
If you wish to determine the to a high degree of accuracy the points at which y is 0.7 or 0, as opposed to reading them from a plot, you can use symbolic math in conjunction with solve and sym/besselj. Assuming that this is what that part of the question is about (I know nothing about antennas), you can use something like:
syms x;
double(solve(besselj(0,x) == 0.7,x))
The integral command does not work on syms, it works on functions. For symbolic integration, the command is int.
I don’t have MATLAB at hand right now to check for typos etc., but something like this should work:
x = 0.1;
integral(#(theta) cos(x.*sin(theta)), 0, pi)/pi
Or even
bessel = #(x) integral(#(theta) cos(x.*sin(theta)), 0, pi)/pi;

Matlab: Is it possible to numerically solve a system of ode's with a mixture of initial and terminal conditions?

I'm trying to use ode45 to solve a system of ODE's:
[X,Y]= ode45(#sys,[0, T],y0);
function dy = sys(t,y)
dy(1) = f_1(y)
dy(2) = f_2(y)
dy(3) = f_3(y)
The problem is that the function ode45 requires that y0 be initial values [y_1(0), y_2(0), y_3(0)], while in my system, I only have the values [y_2(0), y_3(0), y_3(T)] available.
Mathematically, this set of initial/terminal conditions should be enough to pin down the system, but is there any way I can work with that by ode45 or any other functions in MATLAB?
After digging in the Matlab documentation for a little bit, I think the more elegant way is to use the bvp4c function. bvp4c is a function specifically designed to handle boundary value problems like this, as opposed to ode**, which are really for initial value problems only. In fact, there's a whole set of other functions such as deval and bvpinit in Matlab that really facilitate the use of bvp4c. Here's the link to the Matlab documentation.
I'll post a brief (and perhaps a bit contrived) example here:
function [y1, y2, y3] = test(start,T)
solinit = bvpinit(linspace(0,3,10), [1,1,0]);
sol = bvp4c(#odefun,#bvpbc,solinit);
tspan = linspace(start,T,100);
S = deval(sol, tspan);
y1 = S(1,:);
y2 = S(2,:);
y3 = S(3,:);
plot (tspan,y1)
plot (tspan,y2)
plot (tspan,y3)
%% system definition & BVCs
function dydx = odefun(t,y)
dydx(1) = y(1) + y(2) + t;
dydx(2) = 2*y(1) + y(2);
dydx(3) = 3 * y(1) - y(2);
function res = bvpbc(y0,yT)
res= [y0(3) yT(2) yT(3)];
The test function outputs 3 vectors of solutions points for y1, y2 and y3 respectively, and also plots them.
Here are the variable paths plotted by Matlab:
Also, I found this video by professor Jake Blanchard from WMU to be very helpful.
One approach is to use the shooting method to iteratively solve for the unknown initial state y_1(0) such that the desired final state y_3(T) is satisfied.
The iteration proceeds by solving a nonlinear equation F = 0:
F(y_1(0)) = Y_3(T) - y_3(T)
where the uppercase function Y is the solution obtained by integrating the ODE's forward in time from a set of initial conditions. The task is to guess the value of y_1(0) to obtain F = 0.
Since we're now solving a nonlinear equation, all of the usual approaches apply. Specifically you could use either bisection or Newton's method to update your guess for the unknown initial state y_1(0). Note a couple of things:
The ODE's are integrated on [0,T] at each iteration of the nonlinear solve.
There may be multiple solutions for F = 0, depending on the structure of your ODE's.
Newton's method may converge faster than bisection, but may also be numerically unstable unless you can provide a good starting guess for y_1(0).
Using existing MATLAB functions, the bounded scalar nonlinear solver FMINBND might be a good choice as a nonlinear solver.
Hope this helps.

Plot Integral with variable limits in Matlab

I'm having some trouble trying to solve and plot an integral in matlab. In fact, I know that if a solve one, I'll solve all the integrals that I need now.
I have plot in x axis a value of a variable "d" and in y axis the value of a integral of a normalized gaussian function from -inf to ((40*log10(d)-112)/36) and I'm not finding out a way to do it correctly. D is between 0 and 1600
Can anybody here please help me?
In Matlab you can use the integral-function to evaluate integrals:
q = integral(fun,xmin,xmax)
fun needs to be a function handle, also called function functions, like these two examples:
square = #(x) x.^2;
plusone = #(x) x+1;