Paypal Discount - How does it work? - forms

Pretty new to Paypal. Been using the Buy Now button on an association website, works fine for single priced items.
However, now the client wants a discount function set up. I think the logic is simple, but for the life of me, I don't understand the docs or how to get it to work properly.
Here's the setup. A golf outing, where someone can register themselves and up to three other players (a foursome). For each golfer, price is the same $125.00. However, if all four register at the same time (using one form), they would receive a $50 discount (12.50 per person or 10% off).
I've been able to figure out how to pass a quantity to paypal using a hidden form field. But I don't understand how Paypal's discounting works. I'm able to run logic prior to handing off to paypal which will check if there are 4 golfers, and calculate the reduced price (which would be 112.50 per golfer).
When I create a Buy Now button, I've added the list price (125.00) in the item price field on Paypal's form (and I've also attempted to leave the field blank). I've also tried adding advanced variables in PP's build a button form, such as discounts and quantity, but these won't work either.
I'd be satisfied with using hidden form fields. I really don't want to resort to creating another button with a different price structure that would be conditionally called if the 4 golfer discount is reached.
Any ideas? What am I doing wrong?
TIA, Mark

Are you using the hosted buttons created through a PayPal account? You can't modify the item details with a hosted button but if you uncheck the option in "Step 2: Track inventory, profit & loss" called "Save button at PayPal" you can get the full HTML code to change as you see fit. You'll also need to click the "Remove code protection link" to remove the encryption.
What discount variable are you trying to pass? There is "discount_rate" that takes off a specific percentage of an order.
You could also try using a drop-down menu with price option through a Buy Now button. You can have four options where the first three are for the one, two, and three players at the correct price for each and then have the fourth option be for the discounted amount for four players.
With Buy Now buttons, by default, a buyer can't change the quantity so if you have option two be for two players at $250.00.


Multiple Choice Form for beer, pizza or both with dynamic price and direct Paypal Url

I want to solve an everyday problem:
My friends and I meet and they order beer and pizza and one person pays for everything. The day after, the paying person should get their money back via Paypal. My goal now is to create a form where each person can choose whether he has used pizza, beer or both and send the corresponding price via Paypal.
I am quite able to write a small web application that solves this problem, but I wanted to look for other options.
First I came across google forms with script app. But there is no possibility to edit the answer to the form.
Next I thought of a simple spreadsheet that lists the different possibilities with a Paypal button where the receiver and price is adjusted.
My question here is:
Can one create a Paypalbuttton without JS or PHP, where the price and or receiver are changed?
In general I would like to hear your ideas on this topic.
Yours sincerely,
J gallus
I have tried this and with only clinet side integration(i assume you are focusing only client side integration) you can only dynamically change the amount but not the receiver/ payee. In only client side interation its not possible and you may end paying multiple transaction fee with this approach. you may look into this PayPal Split pay
or use vemno payment option. what you really need is an peer-to-peer payment model.

What is the best solution in Kentico where only one product/service to sell with fixed price

I am trying to understand Kentico and need one help. I have one product (or service) with fixed price. This is what I want: Customer browse home page => click buy button => they will be redirected to form to fill more details (ex:personal detail like name, age, email) => redirect to payment page => Then to PayPal on click of Pay now. Once customer paid, they will be given access to browse different page.
What is best solution for Payment logic here. Do I need to consider any e-commerce feature of Kentico or ignore e-commerce and go with PayPal Buy button is the best? I am also thinking how to keep track of the payment detail if I use PayPay buy button.
PayPal is the only allowed payment type.
Please let me know if you have any inputs.
IMHO you will spend more time and effort attempting to setup that checkout process that you want vs. setting yo the e-commerce solution within Kentico. You can install the Dancing Goat e-commerce site and essentially copy all of the checkout process they have there and get what you're looking for simply by configuring the solution.
It sounds like e-commerce membership is what you're after to me; it allows you to restrict access to various pieces of content on your site to paid-up 'members' only. e-products might work, but I think from your description that membership us what you're after.
There are some fairly straightforward steps to setting this up:
Create the content on your site that will be for 'members'
Create a role that will be used to control access to your content
Create a membership group
Create a new product representing your membership
As Brenden says, you can save a lot of time using the dancing goat checkout if you're new to Kentico.
Also, check out configuring PayPal in Kentico. I've not used it for a while personally, but it is built-in.

PayPal Payments Standard - Put multiple items in one form/Sell items without quantities

Web site will be selling memberships and guest passes for a swimming pool. Two questions about PayPal Payments Standard:
1) I'm "selling" three different items, but there really is no quantity for any of them. You either pay for one membership or none. Is there a way to not allow a user to purchase (by clicking the add to cart button) multiple quantities of a given item?
2) Each of these items is in its own form tag, so I have 3 forms on my purchase page. Is there a way to condense these 3 forms into 1 to make things hypothetically simpler?
1). Refer to , there are some solutions.
2) You can combine these 3 forms into 1, but I believe you need to write some script to implement it or you can use dropdown option which buyer can choose item.
Hope these could be helpful.

Paypal one BuyNow button for entire website

I have a website with 200 items listed on a separate landing pages. I want to provide BuyNow button for all these 200 items. I do not want to create a individual "BuyNow" button. Instead, when user clicks on any of these BuyNow button it should only pass item name & item value & complete the transaction. How to do it?
Since website will grow to more than 1000 items, it will not be feasible to create separate buy now button for each item via paypal account. I need to create only One Single "BuyNow" button which I can copy on each page and depending upon item listed on the page, it should show item name & item value so that user can proceed for checkout. Its similar like Fiverr. Appreciate anyhelp in this regard.
This is possible but not practical. Buy Now button is intend for checking out only ONE individual item.
If your website will grow until 1000 items, it is recommended that you look at other kind of solutions, which involves programming knowledge. We have vast amount of options, one of the popular integration is using our PayPal Classic API.
To get started and explore, check out

PayPal Button Custom Price

I'm very soon looking to make a website with PayPal integration to handle payments. What I'm planning on doing is have two options; Option A which will cost $1 per "1" quantity and Option B which will cost $5 per "1" quantity.
So if a user picks Option B and a quantity of 20 the total cost will be $100.
How can I have a "Buy Now" button where the price "request" is whatever the total cost is (so in this case the price request will be $100).
Thank you.
That's a pretty wide open question, so this will probably be a pretty wide open answer.
You've got lots of options. Will you be working with PHP? do you JavaScript well? Both? You could build a form one page that POSTs to another page, and then dynamically output the PayPal checkout button with that form data.
If you wanna get more slick than that you could use some jQuery or any basic JavaScript to automatically update the values on the form so it doesn't have to reload any new page.
The thing is, in order to get that sort of thinking working with Payments Standard you have to build the forms with all the fields on the page, which people can then see if they view source, and you could be susceptible to people hacking your stuff to try and submit orders at cheaper prices. There are ways to resolve this within an IPN solution, but if you're familiar with PHP or some other language, and you'll be using it anyway, then I would really recommend moving to the Express Checkout API's.
Express Checkout gives you a lot more freedom and flexibility to build your applications however you need without worrying about prying eyes. There are other advantages, too, like users will always end up on your site as opposed to Payments Standard. Even with Auto-Return enabled, users might not make it back to your thank you page when using Standard, so that may or may not be a big deal for you (although, it generally becomes an issue at some point as your website grows.)
Sorry for the long answer, but hopefully that helps.